>see catalog
holy shit, is Yea Forums trying to turn me into a pedo?
See catalog
you've always been a pedo user
you just don't know it yet
haha featherless biped
lemme me hear you say it
Nonces deserve burning.
>tfw I started ironically posting in cunny threads and gradually started posting unironically
How worthless are jannies really? Those pedo threads have been up for over an hour.
the final redpill is that women are only tolerable when you marry them at a young age
holy shit where are the mods
>only cunnybot thread gets deleted
wew, time to change all the OPs, I guess :^)
It's too late for most of us, cunny has taken over.
the cunnybot will be back soon, btw
there's a whole new chan coming, brehs
new /cel/, and new /4keks/ too
based wholesomebro
I actually never visited cel, what do you do there?
You are already one
cunny is kino
this is the only pedo thread though.
hi, hi
literally just post cunnyfus/waifus
each girl has her own thread, so kinda like /hr/ here, but a bit more organized
>implying they aren't in on it
Found the dumb cuck
noice, and cute cuncun
this one's actually my veganwife
she's 18, but still rocking a perfect semi-/dfc/
kek dfc?
she's superwholesome too
despite being a model, she's like 0% thot
total keeper, desu
so what's been going on with Yea Forums?
any new memes?
>not enjoying little girls
by allah. aisha was 9 when she salivated the prophets cock with her pussy juice.
Nope. Actually pretty sad with the cunny scene so dead lately.
would be very BASED