What the fuck was the point of this?

What the fuck was the point of this?

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>dude, COMMUNISM lmoa

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The treasure that you were seeking for, was in the friends you made all along.

Get out of here, Stalker

Wait, why didn't the Soviet State Committee for Cinematography like it?

because they "said" it was in the west

so basically his daughter was a monke

*throws nut tied to handkerchief on your head*


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Truly we are all the stalkers of our personal zone.

If you're such an expert then explain it

It is about Hyperrealism

You failed to understand what point was by watching the film itself, what makes you think you'll understand it from a third party? It's time to accept that you're a brainlet and let it go.

>t. didn't understand it either

Despite what you think and tell others, you can never change what your truly feel and want in your heart.

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What part didn’t you understand? I thought it was a pretty straightforward story

>tfw there was going to be a stalker tv show
>filmed a pilot episode and everything
>gets cancelled before it airs

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>Good book
>Good movie
>Good Game
How the FUCK did they do it bros?

North Korea, best Korea. And they're practically national socialist.

>good personality description

All versions made by slavs. If any of the mediums had been made by someone from the west they would have missed the point.

The one with Matthew Goode?

tartar got a little lost with the plot lol there's nothing to "get"

Pop in sometime, it can be fun around here! :D

Strugatsky's seal of quality

Tarkovsky and Strugatsky IIRC got into an argument over the movie.
Tbh, all 3 are really good and for different reasons too.

It's about the Freudian unconscious. The room grants your wishes even if you are unaware of them.

basically tarkoman kept being like

and strugatsboy was all "if I do that then there no PARANORMAL"

and tarkobammer say "yes now I make movie"

>Genre: Sci-Fi
>movie has zero Sci-Fi elements

It's about poop and pee

The presence was brought to Earth by an asteroid and might be alien.

bait or didn't watch the film

other than that 1 second of telekinesis right at the end, what other explicit Sci-Fi elements did I miss?
this doesn't count

The same point as the point of reading well written poetry, for you to emotionally engage with it.

who gives a fuck about genre tags you absolute mental midget

>other than the sci-fi element right at the end
>other than a presence that was brought to Earth by an asteroid and might be alien
user, i...

Yeah, because the wish granter is definitely realistic

Does Yea Forums have the capacity to watch something - anything - with a critical eye? To have any thoughts at all when they view something? And not just sit there like a vegetable looking at the light flickering off the screen.

russia is bleak, cold place user.

> stares off into distance, drinks cheap vodak

It's just a setting for the videogames.

The point was that the Stalker was in it for the stalking but the lads he brought along with him were the antithesis to his worldview which puts him in a mental crisis

But mostly it was about the interesting setting of the Zone and all the great cinematigraphy

thanks fucker

>tfw too much of a brainlet to ever understand what your true feelings are desires are

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It's shit. Solaris is way better.

Le everything is shit!!!

The movie is set in the west.

The movie is about self-reflection.

I’m glad I didn’t give up on Tarkovsky after this unbearably ass movie. Watched Solaris about a month after and it’s the most profound cinematic experience I’ve ever had. Will probably do Mirror next.

Is there an actual authority who can break down for a laymen why Stalker is actually a good movie with concrete examples that directly reference scenes in the film and not pseudo-intellectual tripe? Because I watched it and got absolutely nothing from the whole plodding experience.

That's like asking someone to explain why a sunset is beautiful. Tarkovsky films aren't meant to be dissected frame by frame like kubrick fans are used to

an actual authority on a subjective experience/opinion?
if you got absolutely NOTHING from the whole thing then so be it.

Is there an "actual authority" that can tell you why is a good painting a good painting? A great composition a great composition?
Art isn't objective, even for the most praised masterpieces there are people out there that hate it. If you are actually interested you could read hundreds of papers made solely on Tarkovsky films, but none of that will change your view of it as much when you finally experience the film in every sense.

>Is there an "actual authority" that can tell you why is a good painting a good painting? A great composition a great composition?
Yes, there's lots of writing along those lines

This is why autists shouldn't get into art, their idiotic minds simply don't get it

And there are a lot of writings on Tarkovsky films, but is someone's opinion definitive fact?
Yeah there are a lot of writings about how Picasso made great paintings, but there are also a lot of writings how the entire movement of cubism is dogshit and a sin for art itself.

In other words, stop being so spineless and form your own opinion.

>I'm a special snowflake artist, guys, look at me

The book takes place in Canada, I don't remember about the film though.

you're underage or simply dumb, I hope it's the former for your sake

You don't have to be an artist to understand something so simple

evidently not

The point of the movie was that you don't want your wishes to come true.

Hey, guys, guys, if I a may, I think I can sum this all up.

You see, art is an ambiguous thing, you know, just because you make some art it doesn't mean you an artist, but also it does mean you are an artist.

Does it mean that art is good art, is art good just because the right people say its good? Yes. Yes, that's how it works, but keep in mind a lot of modern art is trash, its shitty, its not good, its terrible, yet its a fine line between Van Gogh and Van Damme, between Depp and Grieco, between Banksy and Charlie.
It makes it very difficult to determine whats good art, you know, whats high art, what has worth and what has meaning.

But if one thing has become abundantly clear to me today, and it should be to all of you as well, its that I wasn't raped.


Its Orthodox Christianity, no? The idea that the patg to Heaven is difficult and twisted? Seems like an Egyptian concept of the western lands

>All versions made by slavs
Yeah, pretty much. Slavs don't have to pander to Americans for sales, they just create and dodge the real people holding them down in their own country. Their real oppression produces actual content.

>tfw no monkey daughter


Stalker's tours and bores (formerly badger's)

For someone who sometimes struggles with symbolic, non-linear or non scridp-driven films I find reading critics about said film that point my attention where it needs to be pointed quite useful as they help me appreciate these films even more. Yeah, some of us are brainlets but like to enjoy art nonetheless.

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perfect response

>no giant robots reeeeeeeee
have sex

>Art isn't objective
Art is very much objective. Taste is what's subjective.

There's nothing brainlet about having issues with symbolysm and non-linearity. I know plenty of extremely sophisticated and knowledgeable people when it comes to art and it's harder for them to notice and understand underlying symbols than a lot of actual brainlets that I know.
It can be troublesome to figure out what an artist is saying if you're not on the same emotional wavelenght as they are, and the whole point of symbolism is to express emotions and ideas according to the artist's own interpretation of symbols.

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Stalker is better than both of those though?

user it's not about "getting it", it's about FEELING it.

I've only seen Solaris and The Mirror

Really liked the former, couldn't finish the latter

What will I think of S.T.A.L.K.E.R?

Symbolism is fucking garbage though. Tarkboi agrees with that aswell

>most men, presented with their deepest wish, would not seize it but rather continue to live in misery
Are there any other films with a similar theme?

>hurrrr where are my special effects and explosions
You don't deserve a (You)

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there's a decent album too

>Art is very much objective. Taste is what's subjective.
And what is the criteria for good/bad art if not the fact that it suits good/bad tastes?

A world without faith is a world without art is a world without meaning is a world where people seek meaning in a world where that's impossible


That is also correct.

Stalker is more similar to Solaris than to Mirror.


>What the fuck was the point of this?
None, absolutely none. It's just a pointless wankfest and most of the explanations people provide are total bullshit.
Tarkovsky is a hack and this movie is basically a horoscope for movie pseudo elitists.

based zoomer tranny