Which trooper had the best design?

Which trooper had the best design?

Attached: trooper.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

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Go away Disney

I like how the first order one is silhouetted to show the lack of SOUL.

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Gen 1 clone troopers

Send me money and i'll give you my opinion.

you'd have to be a retard to think the generic masks are form fitting

>t. mongoloid trooper

Its actors are wearing them, how is it a problem?


lmfao the Disney Wars trooper looks way too sleek for the janky Star Wars universe, specifically the OT-era style they're aiming for.
What were they thinking?

2 looked best. 3 was decent. 1 and 4 look like fucking shit

You'd have to be a retard to think that's what the image is implying
Look up pareidolia
People naturally assign faces and moods to objects
The earlier troopers with their perpetual grimace and sharp angles look harsh and unfeeling
The new troopers look like an apple product: clean, friendly, and rounded
From a designer's standpoint, which is better at conveying the image of rank-and-file troops loyal to an evil space faring empire?

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>>What were they thinking?
No George to pick and choose the greatest armor designs. Plus JJ and his cohorts don't have vision for A S T H E T I C.

Rogue 1 & Yolo have that Star Wars design and feel with the new stuff added in. The Sequels wish they had troopers as good as the Shore, Tank, Range troopers, hell even the basic Imperial Army grunts. Let alone a classic like the OG Stormtrooper or Kino-Clones and all there variation in gear.


Why are their helmets so detailed but everything else so plain?

It's the first place one would naturally look.

who fucking cares?

The Disney one looks like Donald Duck.
I do find the original the best. PT one looks too squashed it looks it is somewhat crosseyed.

you need to ask?

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How did Rogue One manage to slip so much SOUL past disney?

That makes zero sense when you actually compare it to a design that's equally distributed throughout the body.

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What is even more amazing is, how well the movie works despite the huge narrative issues it has. You can clearly see how badly the script was butchered, it is full of bits and pieces that don't work or make sense, but it still works.

The philosophy of design around halo is vastly different from star wars.

Also, here's another design that's equally spaced.

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R1 and Solo had some sexy ass troopers
I love space age tech mixed with a bit of tacticool and grit, probably why I liked the design of Halo Reach so much

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It looks retarded, not sleek. I could believe the other 3 helmets belonged in a sci fi universe, that retarded disney helmet immediately makes me think plastic toy.

Real reason is budget.

2019 Fat shaming storm troopers; I expected better.

Both are humanoid characters wearing armor carrying guns. Just how deep can you get with that notion when it comes to design philosophy?

Don't mind me just being the best trooper design over here.

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Imperial era.

Clones had better more fleshed out characters straight up to Order 66, but the original costumes are iconic.

Fuck the Apple Macintosh Army Disney shit.

Looks so fucking cheap and flimsy. Like a homemade Halloween costume

That scene where krennic walks to the jyn's house at the start had gravitas. You could feel the menace from the troopers with him.

You never get that feel in any other nu wars movie, duck faced stormtroopers are just a fucking joke.

Phase II Clone trooper.

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I personally love the Mando inspired phase 1 troopers but all of the sexy shit really comes out in the OT troopers (including R1 and Solo)

The constant changes bug me. Yes, make variants for different environments, but just constantly changing the basic design is dumb. The first ones worked for the SW aesthetic of unusual proportions. They never felt cheap.

How do you mean? There are plenty of contours and surface details on the armor.

Attached: stormtrooper.jpg (600x956, 58K)

Wow that’s somehow even more retarded. Including the deformed faces in the image detracts from that “point” even further.

ever notice that the crotch looks like a pencil dick with a massive mushroom tip penis head?

it does make sense though, the phase 1 troopers are entirely made and funded by a non republic entity so they made them look more mandolorian
phase 2 immediately starts outfitting clones in standard republic gear

Gen 2 Clone=Stormtrooper>Gen 1 Clone> Disney apple looking shit.


That helmet does not blend in with the rest of the design.

Really got to wonder what kinda funding they were given to produce all of this.

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How so?

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The New Order trooper is like a Stormtrooper designed by a lazy Blender student who couldn't be bothered with the fine detailing.

apparently the starforge is still in existence and is a sith secret, so that is a possibility

This is what happened, they hired some no talent sjw soiboy to design it.

I mean they had 10 years for this I think, and Dooku is pretty wealthy so it's really not that crazy.

CHIEF CHIRPA I'M I.R.S (Imperial Recon Scout)


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4 is retarded fanfic made by no talent hacks

>>"Troops" is filmed on location with the men of the Imperial forces. All suspects are guilty. Period. Otherwise, they wouldn't be suspects, would they?
>>Uh-huh, it's your cousin's. Is this your cousin? Is this your cousin? Are you his cousin?
>>Well, what we had here was that these, uh, Jawas had stolen some Imperial property and it unfortunately turned violent. These Jawas do this kind of stuff all the time, pickin' up, you know, stray droids and sellin' them off to the highest-paying customer.

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The inability to discern moods and expression from faces is a sign of autism, user.

Holy shit. I had completely forgotten about this.

Daily reminder of these bad ass motherfuckers

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"Go get some bacta soldier!"

2 & 3 are very easily the best designs. I don't hate 4, but of the batch it's the worst.

Nobody cares.

Daily reminder that you didn't save Sev
Also, best armor hands down.

gen 1 and 2 clone trooper


Clone Trooper II or OG. Clone Trooper I gets some points for the subtle Rocketeer/Commando Cody look blended with the Mandalorian armor, Clone II showed the evolution to OG nicely.

JJ Trooper is like if/when Apple gets its own paramilitaries

Best star wars game I've played

>Really got to wonder what kinda funding they were given to produce all of this.

The combined economies of like 1000 planets? What's onscreen there is a fraction of what one US Navy carrier group takes with it, and there are more than a dozen

4 and 1 are so readable and great

3 is like 4 except no nice connecting shape, lots of unnecesary detail niggas got fuckin ventilation shafts on his jaw, they added that fuckin stupid gogle ridge around his eyes and both him and 2 have their fuckin chins blown out

And dont get me started on 2. That fuckin stupid double sided fireaxe eye shape, the literal dick head. See that line of action on 1's head? Yeah 2 is a fuckin dick head, plus 2's mouth line isnt as strong of an expression as 1

4 is really nice minimalist and readable from a distance and 1 has those same ideas but is pushed a bit more in definition and detail, both are great and 2 and 3 suck cock

Helmet is nice, torso waist down is a disaster, always seens it as ugly as fuck and nota very mobile

Powerful bait

>for when you absolutely MUST obliterate a droid factory and the nearby command ship it's supplying all before sunset.

Clone trooper phase 2 > stormtrooper > clone trooper phase 1 >>>>>>> Disney garbage

>Princess Leia, I'm Galactic Empire



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>uh, you don't get to bring stolen data tapes.

It's a fucking classic

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Hi JJ!

The big ridge is like they are always peering into something, like those binoculars you put a quarter into on piers, cool design for a scout

>>They work for the Jedi, the one handed man

Who snowtroop here?

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Patrician’s choice

Tie Pilot

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I'm pretty sure Tie Pilots made me into a Gimp fetishit

Shut up Rian

Nice dubs.



Based and Maarek Stele pilled

I would have preferred if Clonetrooper armor had been its own thing instead of a blend of Mandalorian with Stormtrooper, although they did superb job with the design. Like an early helmet which had the gasmask and helmet separated. Something less refined.

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Commander “It’s Time For You To Leave” Appo. He was one of the only people Darth Vader respected (according to the now-uncannon comic book lore)

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I absolutely love the Mandalorian stuff with the clones, like the marks on the helmets, "vode an" and shit like that.
Too bad Disney retconned Mandalorians as peaceful faggots

bugatti is LEWD

Clonetroopers along the lines of something like this would have been kino

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For me it's these guys

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Based and All Terrain Armored Transport pilled

As much as I hate the Disney movies, I think the First Order Stormtroopers are a really cool evolution of the classic design.
Also, they actually made them for real (instead of all of them being CGI) which not only looks better but it means that it's way easier to make copies for cosplay and stuff which is important for the fans.

OG Snow

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Having all the Clone Troopers be CGI is a good idea in theory but most of the close up shots look pretty bad


If you look at a knight's armor, the helmet matches with the rest of armor. It's not overly designed to the point where it seems out of place. The original storm trooper's helmet, which is over designed, does not match with the rest of the armor.

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Absolutely based

>Tfw no critical thinking skills


Look up an image of a soldier in a gas mask and then go fuck yourself.

Excuse me?

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Military onesies always look somewhat ridiculous to me.

A solider wearing a gas mask wouldn't be equivalent to a storm trooper. A regular dressed police man wearing a gas mask is. You see how odd that looks on a design stand point?

This and other explanations are in the realm of "after the fact" explanations. The original designs worked because they fit with the weird semi-intentional odd proportions of everything in SW. The people who made the later instalments (including Lucas who we can all agree was kind of an "accidental genius") just wanted to update and make them look better. We all know Lucas couldn't help but fuck around with things after the fact, and Disney just didn't fucking care. There should have been the original design and then just environmental variants (ice/snow environments, etc.)

kek based

On that note, the design of the Sith Trooper is the best I've seen so far. The complexity of the helmet matches with the rest of the armor. THAT'S good design.

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Why the fuck would a Sith be a trooper? That's absolutely nonsensical. They are lords. Not soldiers. Idiotic.

That's not the point idiot, they're StormTroopers - they're meant to look threatening, not like Goofy's even more retarded cousin

WW1 occured in the 1910s, while WW2 the 1940s. The uniforms of all involved parties changed between and during those two wars.
Episode 2 takes place 22 years before Episode 4 and 3 19 years before. Are you saying that the storm trooper armor and clone trooper armor should look the same the entire time?

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Look how plain the armor is compared to the helmet. It's equivalent to a police office wearing a gas mask. It just doesn't look right.

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clone first phase > third phase >>>>>>imperials>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ducktroopers


So a Sith Lord us really a Sith Lord Lord?

Clone phase 1.

Always laugh when i see the little mouth

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If you're going to meme at least don't post a smurftrooper

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I unironically like it, but it should never have been all red. Maybe gray with red trim.

In old Canon, sith troopers were just troopers that served sith Lords. They weren't expected to be force sensitive.

Numbered from left to right

2 > 3 > 1 > 4

The streamline design of Boba Fett's helmet would actually be a better fit along side the original stormtrooper's armor. The flat surface of both the helmet and armor matches up pretty well.

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He said carrying a gun. Also smurfs best chapter, you just hate them because they are the poster boys.

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You mean overalls?

based retards

1st Production Clone Armour, but I'm really biased since I really like the Clone War series. OG = II, they're both great.
Best uniform is still officer in snow trooper gear though.




As much as I hate the new trilogy, gotta admit I like the new design


stupid fucks

The Trooper designs from Rogue One are underrated

Only Disney SW movie with SOUL

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death troopers are kino af

Phase 2 > Phase 1 > Stormtrooper >>> Nu-trooper, obviously.

Pretty much. I like the first three, 2 being real good, but the last one just lacks something the others have

The clone troopers.
I can't stand the duck troopers, they look like they belong in an Apple Store.

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I really love those patrol troopers's design. The movie might've been really flawed but the designs were on point.

I think that bottom is a rogue one tank commander.

Although I could have sworn they just had repainted shore trooper helmets.

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It's a flight suit, gaylord.

I feel bad for Garreth Edwards, we will never get to see his version of the movie.


Based KKK trooper

Have you seen any stormtroopers, user?

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How do the capes help them in the snow?

They keep the snow off, help them blend in and keep them warm.

They're thin capes that don't encapsulate their bodies.

OG stormtrooper. It simply looks more menacing. Out of the four, I'd be most terrified to see that face charging towards me

post pic of what you mean

Phase 2 clone trooper

so the first from the left?


Episode 2 or OT. I like the more human helmet features. Clone troop is too Boba Fett and I hate that the FO trooper is always smiling.

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Pleb homo asshole, is you.

Checked and based

who's always smiling? post pics when you talk ffs

Excuse me?

Reach had the best art style by a mile imo senpai

The decision to give Phase 2 Clones all sorts of customization outs it at #1 for me.

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post pic of the trooper smiling

My husbando

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people were saying mean things about me in another thread on another board and now im sad

>>That Tank Driver helmet
>>At George Lucas' suggestion, Glyn Dillon's concept for #RogueOne's stormtrooper tank commander incorporated a unique helmet design.

the cape is unnecessary and his dick protector doesn't go low enough.

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We'll be your frens, user. Us Star Wars folks are very accepting and tolerant.

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1. Took you long enough
2. He doesn't look like he's smiling. At all.

Shut the fuck up.

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is this a man or a bot?

How can they see with those helmets? The eyes are too far apart

>dick protector leaves him completely open to a kick from below

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>tfw he described it as "Band of Brothers in Space"
>Had the feel of a war movie
>All the members were originally trained soldiers who already knew each other
>Assassin droid
>Entire cast was going to be graphically massacred by Vader at the end
>Was gonna be a Duro and Twi'Lek member of the team
>Ben Mendelson was going to be a mad scientist-style character who was much more proactive and less whiny including a scene where you see him testing kyber crystals effects on captured Wookies

>Disney thought movie was too dark and reshot 60% of it
>Added in nearly all jokes/quips
>Made the cast misfits who suddenly meet each other
>Removed the Duro/Twi'lek and replaced them with arab TIE fighter man and big blaster guy
>Had Vader kill a bunch of random rebels instead
>Changed the assassin droid to quipbot-9000 but still kept his unnerving design for some reason
>Many of the changes were so bad that they bombed in test audiences, Disney removed stuff they initially put in like the "I Rebel" line

it was a clusterfuck. Disney can't manage star wars at all for some reason.

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>handgun with optical sights in shotgun position

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A man, you dumb ape.

are they humans or machines?


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their armour doesn't stop lasers.


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you could learn a lot from

Eat shit and kys

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I know his cut of the movie will never see the light but do you think he will release his script one day?
The stuff that didn't get cut really felt like Star Wars. I love how he got ILM to 3D scan every pieces of an old Star Destroyer kit so he could have the perfect 3D model.
>Had Vader kill a bunch of random rebels instead
I hated that scene. People keep saying that it was badass but it wasn't that great. It would've been way better if he was killing the main cast.

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Your anger is misplaced and hilarious.


Man, who even cares anymore? Star Wars is dead. I don't even have fun talking about it at this point.

So this is the power of autism

The angry underbite is forever the GOAT:

Keep the thread positive please.

Even with the reshoots it was still a good movie. Still had that SW feel. Edwards is pretty based.

Meanwhile the rest of nuwars is pure and utter garbage

>>Was gonna be a Duro and Twi'Lek member of the team
I don't get why disney hates the established alien races so much. We haven't seen 1 established alien in TFA/TLJ, only in R1 and Solo

Clones are genetically engineered to not surrender

This is unfortunately where the lore ruins this conflict for me. Why would robots take clones prisoner. Would they not be executed immediately?

I like how the whole rebel fleet was basically getting btfo against just 2 star destroyers. It even annoyed me in the OT how OP the rebel ships were

Fists have forever been best

I would've liked to see Trevorrow do a Star Wars movie. It's a shame that KK and Rian pushed him out. I've heard that everytime he would go to her office they would yell at each other and he slammed the door.

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They sent in the supers

I see it now and I want to apologize for my behavior and rudeness.

Droids do what they're programmed to, local CIS commanders could easily have told them to take prisoners for interrogation

Because all the talentless faggots in charge of SW want to do is virtue signal. They don't give a single fuck about SW, they only care about preaching their social justice. So aliens are just a distraction, if they insert aliens in there it would be to bring up some agenda like refugees or something.

They just do not care about the setting.

They can't manage it because they have an agenda and are trying to fit it to the agenda rather than just have people who love starwars make some fun starwars shit for the other people who love starwars. HEAVEN FORBID!!

You can still have SJW star wars WITH the established alien races though. You don't need bulldog faced background alien #19999

Which one has the best mask?

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Doesn't matter how you call it, when you combine it with an oversized helmet that makes the head look big, they come off like toddlers attempting to look edgy.

Same design team, different executives.
Really shows what George's strength is, doesn't it?

Again, you can force an agenda and still have the established aliens.

Like why not put a Gran in the background of a scene instead of another new generic bulldog-faced alien?

These ones

Attached: SWL077-2.jpg (700x700, 116K)

Yes but they don't care about SW at all. That's the point.

these guys were also cool. PT had so much soul to it.

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That's cause it ripped off Inglorious Basterds oppening you fucktard

For me, it's Clone Airborne

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Whats the point of armor when they die in one shot anyway?

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to sell their boypussies to Gran bulls

So they people can identify who to shoot at.

Nu-Wars looks like it was designed by Apple. It's obvious that commiefornians designed it since Macs are all they know.

the clone wars CGI series was good if only having moments where clone armor actually protects them from blasters and showing primitive aliens melee weapons being useless against it


based and tiepilled

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When Halo and old school Rainbow Six have a lovechild.

Doug Chiang

>people walking slowly
>hurr it's a rip off
stfu retard, and take your trash propaganda movies with you

>>No rebels can defeat the Quad-Laser

No one messes with the 501st.

Solo's only redeeming aspects were standard Imperial Army troopers. And they didnt look like shit!

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If Solo took the 1 minute 35 second bit of average Imperial soldiers in the field being driven on by desperation and terror of their superiors into a whole movie, it could have been a kino movie

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Phase 1 a best

But then why was Jurassic World 2 so garbage

Amthe suit allowed them to operate in hostile environments like space or gas or storms. Also someone claimed the suit has a chance to turn lethal shot into a stun.

>No one messes with the 501st.
...unless you're Disney.
I feel bad for the people who were in the 501st. Even Ray Park left last year because of the Disney bullshit.

>fan fiction
Shut up


I don't know if he's talking about the kotor books, but in that case they're written by one of the original writers, not really fanfictiom

thanks but im more of a stargate star trek guy

The second clone trooper gen


>Nu-Wars looks like it was designed by Apple.
This was my first thought when I saw the trailer for the Force Awakens.


There's too much going on there. Why is there so much going on there?

Attached: it's so dense.jpg (1280x720, 71K)


In old lore they were almost totally impervious to conventional bullets, plus they are environmentally sealed.

This would be great if it was white.

Hell yeah.

Still the worst design of the four, but at least they made it a little better in TLJ.

Attached: first order trooper redesign.jpg (1858x1438, 167K)



>n-no YOU'RE the autist
based inability to read facial expressions mongoloid

That's part of the agenda user
Forget the past
Kill it if you have too
1984 and shit

the first three from the left
the last on the right is cancer

Tulak Hord

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Clone phase II

Aren't all Clone troopers brown skins?
since they are all a clone of Jango Fett
Anyway, 1st and 2nd troopers have the best helmets

This is pure autism

pouches by Liefeld

Sexy trooper is best trooper.

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Rogue One and Solo actually had fairly solid Trooper designs

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I love the patrol troopers. Wonderful design.

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>pick up that can

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>boob armor

Nailed it, master dubsman.

This. I'd be down to watch a full on war movie from the Troopers perspective

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the absolute worst part is that it was on purpose

JJ Abrams has gone on record to say that he was specifically inspired by Apple products like the iphone and wanted the First Order troopers to look like that

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You have my vote.

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So we should resist apple products?

Shut up it looks cool!

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hasn't that always been the meme status quo anyway?

So DIsney is officially stating apple as an evil empire?

Can someone explain this "joke" to me?

nvm I missed the point

I think JJ just didn't think about it too much. He probably has an entire assortment of iPads at home. Or does Disney have something against Apple? I have no idea.

JJ has a brain?

JJ is a talentless hack that doesn't give a shit about star wars. Hence the low creativity apple inspired designs, hence the boring aliens, hence the copy pasted plotlines.

JJ only cares about:
1) $$$$$$$$$
2) SJW agendas

what’s wrong with you guys? it’s saying that the mask designs are evocative of faces, and the original designs portray more threatening facial expressions. it’s the same thing with car headlights- how sports car headlights and grills look like an angry expression and the rounder features of a minivan look more nurturing and soft

Dark Angels fo lyfe nigguh monks an sheeit.

3 > 1 > 2 > 4

How did the clone trooper's right nipple get cut?

Looks fucking retarded


What happens if you don't go away?

He attacks you.

The Gouf Chad

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That would be cool, but there's no way they're gonna stick with the Empire till the end. The squad will disobey orders to do some evil thing and then defect to the Rebellion, I can see it all happening in my head already.

And that's the part that saddens/pisses me off, Battlefront 2 did this I just want one film that plays this concept straight and doesn't end with the villains switching sides

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you can see it happening in canon easily enough since it's the main plot line for post-ROTJ.
Palpatine orders Operation Cinder in the event of his death which sends pre-determined Imperial troops to glass entire planets to spite the Rebels. A lot of the Imperials that abandon the Empire do so within the first couple months after ROTJ because they realize they're the bad guys and can't stand all the pointless death and destruction of entire planets.

4th one is the best design imo, only because the others look like they are gap-toothed.

Yeah one of the cool things about TIE Fighter (the game) is that not all of the tours of duty about crushing the rebel scum and being bad guys. Some of them are just attacking space pirates and smugglers and shit and doing non-evil law and order shit that any government would have to do just to be functional which makes it more believable that people would actually be working for these organizations.

The real bf2 didn't it ended with victory on hoth