Do americans really have one on one dinner with their boss?

Do americans really have one on one dinner with their boss?

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I did, once, but I was a weird shut-in momma's boy who had been henpecked and kowtowed my whole life, beaten into a kind of awkward man-shape.

No, but that said I'm not a strange fellow. I couldn't even steam a ham if you paid me to.

you mean lunch?

I did but that's because she wanted to fuck

no he was just gay

America works on bribes. From bribing your boss with food or sex for raises, police taking bribes, to their entire political system based purely on who can bribe, or "lobby" the most.

Truely is a terrible country.


I'm going to say it



First sneedpost is 8 posts in
We're dying bros........

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You have an entire city people are too scared to live in because of niggers, you have records for the worst nigger riots in first world countries in recorded history.

You are literally apes.

dumb motherfeeder

>america is bad because niggers are bad
not very fair


I’m at the point where I associate Sneed with any cartoon

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UKs bad because of polish and muds
Americans bad because of niggers and jews

Other countries don't matter so who cares.

This. It won't be long before all threads are ripe for Sneedposting.

uk is bad because brits are cuck faggots

weird, i thought we were felines

soon enough youll associate it with any form of external stimuli, even music or eating ice cream and go mad. a fitting end for your ilk.

>brits are cuck faggots
>Voted to kick the niggers and muds out and leave the EU
>Banted May out of number 9

Sneed’s Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck’s

>brits are cuck faggots

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Are you implying Americans don't protest guns? Also
>Cowedly shooting each other from a distance
>Knife each other in the gut
Take away Americas guns and you'd not get knife crime because you cunts are a bunch of weak dicked fags.

america has this thing called the 2nd amendment, so protests don't matter. and yes, brits are pussy faggots

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my boss is my dad lol

Yes and no.
to climb the corporate ladder your talent is not good need to get the bosses to notice you.
some times it is dinner.
some times its a strip club/bar
some times its sex.
worse of all, it could be fucking golf

Only if they want to advance their career.

I went to a bar with a supervisor once

Did you ever forget such a luncheon?

>had been

Its a common way to feed

What does a superintendent do all day?

plant some seeds

kind of. you have one-on-one dinners with your bros; and some kiss-asses will try to do bro-things with their boss, if they want to buddy-up to him. the boss will give you preferential treatment if he thinks that your his bro.

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It’s the janny


We take great care of our bosses, they are the breadwinners of our society

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Sneed's feed and seed, formerly chuck's

Oh, that's just superstition.

S word

I had a calibration dinner with my supervisor a couple of months ago. I appraised him of the projects I was working on, their progress and the goals I was working toward. He said he was working toward moving me into a higher supervisory position and as long as I maintained the numbers I'd been bringing in, it should happen around November.

We ate at Benihana on the company's dime.

hibbert posting is way better than sneed posting


Based jannies

janny is having fun

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*dick sucking noises*

Okay janny, let me get this straight. You got rid of the guy spamming sneed, but the other guy complaining about black people gets a pass?

I'm gonna need a debriefing on that one.

How do I get a boss gf?

It used to be a thing in sitcoms here, I remember that Terry's boss always seemed to coming to dinner in Terry and June


Why do niggers get to be brown, but everyone else is yellow?
This is the true mystery



They’re made of CHEESE hahahahahah

I wish I could have a one on one dinner with my boss, as I want to have sex with her.

Americans have to pay their boss a tip in the form of a dinner

that sneed hams in that episode actually looked yummy

formerly gross