ITT: moments that jumped the shark

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The bitch on the left got Billy and Hopper killed.

Fuck off
gay Zoomer thread

why do people keep saying this. there was no time element to their deaths, getting the keys faster would not have prevented them from dying. stop being stupid

You shut your whore mouth

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

By that logic Murray Bauman going "sure, I know Plack's constant, how could I not? You totally don't need to tell me what Plack's constant is, I'm an ex-reporter that knows Russian, I totally know Plack's constant" got Billy and Hopper killed.

They would have been able to turn the keys before the Russian guy showed up.

That literally fucked the shark so hard it became kino.

Hopper is not dead.

and he just would have gotten killed by russians on the way out by that logic

This. And exploded the device and closed the gate before the monster killed Billy.

Attached: 1558522743407.webm (1024x574, 2.53M)

They could avoid him or hide somewhere until US troops showed up.

So wait was that scene with mike saying that he doesnt like girls supposed to insinuate that Will's actually gay or that he just hasn't matured as fast as the rest of them and doesnt have any interest in girls at all yet. I feel like it could've easily been either way but i couldnt really tell, honestly assumed it is the latter and hoping thats what they meant

imagine watching a series with such a repulsive creature like that hat kid...

It’s not like the left kid looks better

it was overlong, other than that it was fine. Zoomers don't appreciate it because zoomers don't find joy in anything, just irony and quips and nihilism wrapped in tranny hormones

His name is BUH-man

He also did a slow ass 3-2-1 countdown. Hopper hurt himself too.

Will is gay and is in need of a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.