Cast it

Cast it

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That guy



Realistically, what would happen? Would the security there just gun them all down?

>They can't stop all of us

Ah, pretty sure they can.

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kurt russel as a boomer who leads the mob

Yep I think one guy tried to storm it already and the Sherriffs officers and security lit him up

Why do people think they would keep anything super interesting at Area 51?

I'm sure they have a few in development equipment and stuff sure, but Area 51 has been know as "the alien base" for like 60 years, of course they aren't gonna keep anything actually interesting on there. It's basically a decoy at this point.

The assualt of rubber bullets or real bullets raining down on the ground would deter everyone. All they would have to do is roll up in their few hundred Jeeps and SUVs with armed men too.

Think about it yourself. Have imagination lol

This. All the real stuff is sequestered away in Dulce Base.

This. The breakaway civilization is at Antarctica. There's at least one Citadel underneath Nevada though.

Hypothetically if I were to go there to WATCH the shitshow go down from a distance. Would I still be in trouble just for being in the area

>laughs in 3,000rpm

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>they can't stop all of us
Yeah, what kind of equipment could a military base possibly have that would stop people from storming it

Mel Gibson as the patriot in modern time.

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>I'm putting together a team.

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>Entering one of the few places on United States soil where unauthorized entry means that you have legally agreed to a complete forfeiture of your right to live
Absolute geniuses.

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>run through the desert dodging bullets as all my friends die around me
>shred my hands climbing over a barbed wire fence
>finally on the base but all I see is some hangars and pickup trucks
>see a big steel door, that must be where the aliens are
>its locked

Wyatt Russel as the sergeant who kills the mob leader


Some kind of device that keeps a door from opening unless you have the means or item to do so.

He could be kicked over the fence.

Try all 340 million americans bruh

that's what they want you to think man
it's called reverse psychology dude

Here's what happens.
>a hundred at most fat sunburnt boomers show up in mobile trailers
>they mill about in the desert anxiously right at the edge of the threshold
>there will be some shaky footage where one fat boomer points at a black truck parked on a ridge watching them
>one of the hicks wanders up to the locked gate
>the black truck starts moving towards them
>all the fat boomers waddle to their mobile homes and drive off to the motel and diner for dinner, then go out again at midnight to film the ufos
>one shaky pitchblack video is released on YouTube where we see a blurry blob that looks suspiciously like a star with boomers drawling in the background "wow look at that!"

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No way they open (lethal) fire on those people. A lot of people in charge would be dragged into a shitstorm


Yeah they have plenty of area denial type weapons too like the microwave emitter, lasers, icky goo that prevents traction. They'll get to test it out on all the retards it'll be fun for them. The brave ones that make it past get picked off before getting within 5mi. of anything valuable.


>200k mutts storm the base in pickup trucks, busses and trucks
>trucks and busses block the runways
>every american is armed with M4 assault rifles
>soldiers on base won't shoot anyway because they are pussys

the base would fall in less than 2 hours

Why is Area 51 the only place with this authorization of deadly force? Surely other U.S. bases have this authorization.

>10,000 angry midges running full tilt across the desert
>takes them 3 hours to go 50yds.

>three small seats
>craft designed for inhabitants three feet tall at most

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>The event, titled "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us," is inviting users from around the world to join a "Naruto run" -- a Japanese manga-inspired running style featuring arms outstretched backwards and heads forward -- into the area.

I really hope this actually happens

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I want to storm it too.

It's a storm, you forecast it, not cast it.

>movie is about a midge which is secretly ayy lmao trying to get back to his spaceship

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>not naruto running into a51

One goddamn job lads.

>successfully break into Area 51
>immediately get cancer from the disposed radioactive waste buried around the base

He could be dropped in via rc plane and parachute down and the radar wouldn't pick him up.

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Pretty sure there's a bunch like that actually at pretty much any base where a civvie could get their hands on anything that could cause significant damage to a population center.

>thousands of Naratards running into gunfire
God I wish these faggots would.

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They would not legally be out of the rigth by shooting the people, but i do think the use of non-lethal would be the one.
I think they would refrain from using lethal because imagine their image after a massacre of so many people
(This assuming A LOT of people go)

Warwick cannot be allowed to leave Earth or he will alert his homeworld of his mistreatment here.

Someone better film it.
>Hundreds of costumed LARptards in bad Alien costumes run at a squad line of gunfire at full speed.
It would be like 300.
But with retards and modern military rifles.

The army has double the bullets.

it's not like they would need to shoot everyone
if they shoot one or two people, everyone else would run away
a lot of them would get trampled to death by each other

a dsi drone could easily carry him

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It would be treated as an act of subversion and they would kill as many as needed until order is restored. They military isn’t going to surrender a base because of possible bad PR, any commander who would even consider that would be shot.

>conventional drones
>getting past the tic-tacs


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Bro what would happen if we stormed a military base haha what could they do to us haha

It would be a great way to test some of our new crowd control technology.

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Who else?

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Of reindeer?

Hmm energy weapons definitely not reverse engineered from alien craft nosirree

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that thing has been around like 20 years. they've probably got way better, more compact ones.

haha, I'm not from the US, but I'm totally human, I have a question for my fellow earthlings, what's the best way to get into area 51?

Who will play his estranged wife?

This is literally why I don’t have a microwave or television in my house

It’s so accurate it hurts

Why would they keep the president in the whitehouse?

Now that i read , i do think that would be likely

Not surrendering, using non-lethal, but as said above, i think that the is more likely to happen.

I hope they film it because seeing all those twitter thots getting shot will be comedy gold

I think that’s where he lives

Because he's a public figurehead, not a military secret.

What if thats what they WANT you to think?

To stop him causing mischief

Hahaha me too fellow human, do you know a way out of there ? Just curious what would be the best way for someone to get OUT of there.

Still wouldn't make it any more secure so it would be kinda pointless.

Good one

The real question is what General would you pick to defend the base? My pick would be 6 Star General Malcom Granger. Access to Planes and bombers would rid us of the Alen tard menace.

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They would never be allowed even to congregate in the vicinity.

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Maybe not with live rounds but these people obviously get detained or shot by something
You can't just storm a fucking military base and expect to get shooed away

>a handful of boomers make it past the initial assault and down into the secret lab
>little alien just hanging out there
>to “save” it they throw it into the trunk of their jeep grand cherokee with no ac and feed it walmart brand chips and salsa and flat 7up
>alien dies three blocks away
based boomers exposing the deepstate

This fine gentleman

no climax

My dad worked for a military contracting company for the bf 2 and said they tried copying stealth techniques from captured alien spacecraft. Said most of it was unsuccessful, like if you handed a kid a circuit board and have them try to make sense of it. Been thinking about making a thread on /x/ about it.

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Well if 500k people all assembled somehow they actually could probably do it.

The US would have to use strafing runs to stop them

>laughs in Remington 700 with a Leupold VX

Good pick, he has a proven track records against the xeno scum and their enablers.

The retards put out the raid date so Area 51 workers just move the ayys and planes, raiders show up and find nothing.

Can we redefine the southern border as all a part of Area 51

My dad worked for Nintendo for the NES and said they tried copying techniques from captured sega spacecraft. Said most of it was unsuccessful, like if you handed a kid a circuit board and have them try to make sense of it. Been thinking about making a thread on /x/ about it.

>for the bf 2


DICE is a military contractor?

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I thought this was a known thing. Huh, I’ll make an /x/ thread about it later

>*sits in front of monitor

Imagine the PR nightmare it would be for the US military if they had to shoot thousands of ppl doing this

Just tell the boomers that the people who were killed were liberals trying to take away gun rights and everyone will forget about it in 20 minutes

Still living in the fantasy world of neocon boomers controlling the legacy media?

...For Frodo!

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We don’t even blink at school shooting anymore. Why the fuck would we care about a bunch of old people running around in the desert?

Well my dad works for the jews and I just asked him and he said that's not true

I love how you've eloquently described exactly what would happen.

it would a lot worse if they let some liberal trannies take over a military base

Caring about school shootings is the anomaly, not ignoring them. The hype around them only got intense when federal gun control expired in 2004 and they went full shill on every incident to try and get it all reinstituted. The 1990s still had the most frequent and deadly school shootings of any decade yet it went unreported because it made the gun control look pointless and ineffective in dealing with them, which it was and is.

One thing i do not get. Why not get a decomissioned stealth fighter part and throw it in the desert outside and tell them it is a space ship. Then open up a store selling the conspirtards mugs with silly alien faces on it. The next kebab war could be funded with boomer conspiracy tard money.

All the bloodshed getting in just to find out there hasn't been shit there since late 70s. Place is too hot for experimental craft/aliens. They moved all that shit long time ago

Well you see, I don- *jews break into my house and carry me away*

just paint the bodies black before fox news arrives

They moved it to that island off the coast of California. That's where all those recent sightings have been spotter emerging from.

Can confirm, they are using my house to store some aliens, they are very good friends.

Literally me.

Where is he now?

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Running Facebook

synthesized his organism with the Bogs