Do movies set unrealistic body standards for men?

Do movies set unrealistic body standards for men?

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No, women do

I wish I was that fat

They're right. He's fat

Jesus. Women think Arnold looks like Mr. Olympia 24/7. Feminism was mistake.

that's unironically a good dad bod tho

Yup and REAL MEN DONT FUCKIN COMPLAIN N SHIET YA HERD? Being a real man is having the ability to chew on gravel and enjoy it.

As always this thread will just devolve into people blaming men for letting women get away with shit and women will never be held accountable for anything at all because the world has gone insane.

american ones do
italian women go crazy over this guy

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He still has an ab outline and they are calling him fat. Women are the fucking worst! Someone post the pic of the girls hitting on the fake chad pedophile tinder profile.

There is no way that this is real. I'm not gay but his body looks fantastic right there. I refuse to believe they had this reaction.

>these are the same women that say that they prefer dad bod and don’t like fit men
More evidence of women not knowing what they want

>There is no way that this is real. I'm not gay but his body looks fantastic right there. I refuse to believe they had this reaction.
it's the internet
look at all the shit that gets posted here, do you refuse to believe people are like this?

t. austistic turbo permavirgin who hates women, get fit, have sex, never complain :^)

that's not surprising since you can literally see his huge dick through the pants

>Yea Forums thread about female celebrity not looking as good as she once did
>lolololol wall lol roasties
>random girls on Instagram commenting on Aquaman gaining weight

In this case yes. You can still see his ab outlines, his chest is still huge and not fat, his frame is big, it looks like he's at a healthy body fat level right here and he wears it well. He might even look better here then when he's really cut because you know this can be maintained well. I don't understand how women could look at that and not see it as attractive, and not only go that far but say he's out of shape when he clearly isn't.

who are you quoting?

Its the females that have the unrealistic body standards. For men that is. For themselves however not so much

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Thats a great body desu


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damn Vietnam fucking shits!

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But the women gets a pass somehow aye?

This guy is not just a simple chad but a true alpha, just look at that confident stride!

That's not the point of the post, retard, he's talking about the unrealistic standarts, men in general will drool over a 5/10 girl while women will call a 7/10 man, ugly.

If he's fat then I'm fucked

more like
>actress gains weight
>listening to women
they would fuck him in a heartbeat IRL

that piggy tattoo is supposed to be a shoulder piece

>body looks amazing after it
>hour passes
>body looks like shit

I bet in films they workout in between scenes to make their bodies look more muscular.

I bet those women are fat as fuck

More like pork shoulder

the man of steel guy did pullups

Will this ever stop happening or is it the curse of being natty?

They also drink very little water to get muscles to pop for a shot.

Women do not care about weight / body fat / muscles, they care about height and the bone beneath it (wide shoulders, thickness of the bones, etc).

Yes, absolutely.

I hate how women say shit like

>"the media, advertising and hollywood set unrealistic standards for women :("

No they fucking don't. All women have to do is remain slim. As long as you have self-control when it comes to food, that isn't a problem
Maybe do some cardio once in a while, which isn't hard

Now on the other hand, ordinary men are expected to have huge biceps and six pack abs because that's what they see in movies, even though the only reason the actors look like that is because they're millionaires who can afford to take months off to get in shape and a personal trainer

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Sure bro

if you don't hate women you're not human

I wish I had that body

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>Aquachad about to get up in Kiki's guts

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They do. They're also incredibly dehydrated. Read about Brad Pitt in Fight Club. He was ridiculously dehydrated and it shows

I want to see the sex tape.

>lift like a madman for years
>get caught off dehydration/pump/cut/[/spoiler]cycle[/spoiler]
>"ew yuck, fat"

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Everyone that comments about his physique are obviously people who have never lifted. That's not even a "dad bod". Just someone who isn't flexing or hasn't worked out for a bit. He can easily get a visable 6 pack in a month because he doesn't really have much body fat