Why was she always so horny?

Why was she always so horny?

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because she's a female

Imagine the smell

> biceps bigger than tits

hot innit

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Just look at Sawyer

checked and nice


being stuck on an island with nothing to do?


Giv Lilly

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was she being exploited by the Director ?

No the director had to tell her they couldn't film the scene with her bare pusy out.

I want to lick every square inch of skin on that woman

misleading title.

Survival instinct, clinging on to whoever appeared to provide safety or resources. There were many power shifts on the show, so she got wet for everyone at least once.

cause show makers paid her to do that

shit show btw, go ahead and try to defend it. i dare you.

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It's good.

She was too thin in LOST. She looks better in the Antman movies.

She had a mirror


Oh yeah

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What are you implying?

Nice shop

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Imagine the smell and the warmth in those pits

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Is this real? Please no lie.

Mirin those delts

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I'd rather rewatch lost than game of thrones tbqh.

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I missed waifuposting.

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It's a fucking travesty she wasn't in more stuff when she was at her peak. She's a great actress and one of the most beautiful women to walk the earth. What a fucking waste on the part of holywood.


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Me as captain america

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>it's a Kate causes drama between Jack and Sawyer episode

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Yes it's real
I'ts from this video I believe youtube.com/watch?v=0NeMHuOT0s8

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she is so fucking useless

Thats fucking really hot.


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God I want to lick her biceps


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I want her to pick me up and carry me around. Is that odd?

Yeah. I wouldn't mind working out with her though.

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>implying she wasn't hottest in those dumb Hobbit movies

>has ass
>has no hips

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She was hottest in those sex hotline commercials.

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Don't you remember how they said that the island made women more fertile? Remember how Sun got pregnant even though she wasn't able to away from the island? Does anyone even remember how the island was a miracle or do they only remember that Locke was able to walk on the island?

Jin was the infertile

high T

Actually she's much hotter now, I think.

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High test female with lost test male is ideal. Then strong high test woman can protect you while you mind kids and be house husband.

it's funny because so many of us think this would be a cool setup, but women inherently don't like it. they'll cheat on you every time.

you sure? does the island affect male fertility too? juliet said the baby was conceived on the island

Do people not just towel dry themselves as soon as they step out the shower? Why walk around when you're dripping all over the place?

It was probably both but it didn't even matter because they were all dead the whole time.

Yeah, Juliet says sperm count gets higher in the island. Their doctor lied about Sun because he was afraid of Jin

my dick is diamonds

was this a scene in lost?

>when the pythons outgrow the kittens

no it's from my date with her

Why did you film it and why is she talking to another person off camera while naked?

>she was going to be WW
we really are in hell

>Lost is 15 years old
Damn time flies

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>she will never ballbust you