Gaten Matarazzo

Is he actually a good actor or what? There's something off putting about him. Every time he starts screaming at someone, I want to punch the screen.

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He's very talented.
He can sing and dance and perform.
He definitely has parents connected to the industry. I hate his goblin face too but you have to respect the drive his parents have to force him into the spotlight.

he should be off pudding lmao

he seems self conscious, socially incompetent, but kind of bright in interviews. i can see him growing into a decent john c reilly character actor type

Is he the "Stranger Thing"? nigga looks like a genetic reject.

Italians are based

His face makes me want to punch it just like Michael Cera and John Oliver. I can't fucking stand to look at them.

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you know what I never paid attention to his first name before


fuck """white"""" Americans and their stupid made up names, they're as bad as Brazil

>be Gaten
>ugly as fuck
>be in one of the most successful tv shows
>have qt gf
>have your own tv show
>makes fun of wagies for a living
>be liked by everyone
>triggers Yea Forums
Yup I think he's pretty BASED if I say so myself

He's probably the best actor out of all the children on ST.

He definitely is the most GOBLINO.

Its sad how he bullies Steve by the end.

>Is he actually a good actor or what?

I have a hard time answering that question when I've only seen him in one role. He fills his part in the show well but he could essentially be playing himself.

>There's something off putting about him.

That would be his face.

>*shrieks in mutt*

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He has some kind of disease which is why he looks so ugly. He seems like a good kid.

>He seems like a good kid.
>pranks unemployed people


Not even mixed race, hispanic, or anything.

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Stop discriminating ugly people

great actor and great kid

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What kind of mutt is he?

imagine what his mommy had to do to get him roles. IMAGINE!

mutts and niggers need to get of television

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Italian but he literally has genetic disease

Why are Americans so fucking ugly?

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This. Anyone that BTFOs Yea Forums just by existing is unquestionably based.

How's the acid attacks?

Considering you probably look like OPs picture, you tell me.

Because he's full-blooded Italian, which makes him like 85% nigger.

Seething mutt

>b-but but he's italian.
Uhm no sweety, he is 100% american

That makes sense. He's a childhood millionaire. Europeans can't into success like that.

fucking mutt piece of shit

El Abominacion del los Americas

Technically he is a mutant. He has a congenital disease that caused him to be born without collar bones or all of his teeth.

>same name as that gay Canadian who gave everyone AIDS
What did they mean by this?


If he wasn't a millionaire he'd be fucking dead. Fact. He needs all the money he can get to afford his fancy puddings.

I always assumed that this was just a photoshop and not a real thing
anyway, it's not human

lol my last name is Perazza and I'm mexican.

The face of America.

sera Pedraza indio de mierda


>t. sudaca/centrocaca

Pretty much the entire cast on this show is unwatchable. I've gone to liking it to dreading my gf asking to watch it.

The little black girl might be the worst actor to ever be put on film.

Congratulations on your new show Gabe