Why did boomer actors age so bad? This guy was only 32 yet looks haggard and old. Looks mid 50s

Why did boomer actors age so bad? This guy was only 32 yet looks haggard and old. Looks mid 50s

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Smoking does age your face by 20 years

not at 30 at least

if you merely adopt the smoke, perhaps not

This man was 46 in the first season of Star Trek.

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Even if he wasn’t the best Bond he had the best films

>Smoking changes bone structure

It's genetics, you fucking dolt. The only thing smoking ages is your skin.

cause in that time puberty didn't last thirty years like today

Sean Connery looked like an adult when he was a boy and looked like a geriatric in his 30s. He was just uniquely cursed with ageing . And he's not a boomer, he's older

boomer just means old

Sean Connery is the ideal man and got more pussy in a week than you will in a lifetime. Before hormones in our food, men looked older at younger age. Look at 18 year olds from around that time period and you’ll see guys that look like they’re in their late 20’s/early 30’s.

You are balding aren't you

Everybody smoked in those days and they smoked everywhere. You were essentially bathing in smoke 20 hours of your day. Restaurants, hospitals, home bars, stores. It was a different time and yes because of it people looked older.

Smoking is cool

can't argue with that

Smoking, heavy drinking, bad diet

it's called testosterone modern manlets don't have any of it.

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Everyone looked older than. Difficult times built strong men.

>This guy was only 32 yet looks handsome & manly


I think the real question is: why does every modern male looks like a twink until they turn 40?

It's not that men "back then" looked older. It's that everyone is a hideously feminized babyfaced soft boy these days. Even your facial genetics don't matter if modern society has made you into a velvet-skinned emotionally weak femme. You aren't any healthier for this, by the way. The out of whack hormonal profiles are going to cause you more health problems in the long run.

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I don't think you understand how comparisons work lol

Smoking, drinking, the food was worse, poverty was worse, no sun screen and outdoors all the time, and so on. What are you retarded?

you are aware every performer of any kind is a product made by a whole army of stylists, wardrobe assistants, hair people etc etc, aren't you? They wanted James Bond to look like that because he's a self-insert for 40-60-year-old men (and men who will be 40-60 in the future)

>swilling the anti-smoking propaganda
Smoking kept testosterone levels high. "Lung cancer" is a meme. Japan smokes 10x more than everyone and cancer from smoking is almost unheard of here. What's different? "T-they must prepare it different, or a different leaf, or less tar..." Funny, don't you think? Imagine if the western tobacco companies could sway back MILLIONS (billions?) of customers by making few fixes to their procedure to make their smokes cancer-free. Don't you think they'd do it? You've been propagandized.

Bullshit paragraph with surface-level observations passed off as evidence. Won't matter to you anyway since everyone who disagrees is brainwashed.

Fuck off propagandist

>s-shut it down!
Funny how just posting the truth causes such recoiling.

>inhaling benzene isn't bad for you

This, tho smoking does boost test in men and reduces the risk of alzheimer

Sorry I don't buy evidence as irrefutable as 'japan smokes 10x more and has no cancer so smoking isn't bad'.

>hurr durr onions
c & b
>blah blah basedness
b + r

>ignores objective reality

Only to retards

>makes claim
>doesn't provide evidence for claim
>gets ass blasted when people don't accept the claim

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Have you actually got the source about Japan's lung cancer rates?

I smoke and I'd like to read some justification for myself.

>o-oy vey you need to respond to me like a formal debate! i demand you adhere to my rigorous constrictions on your dangerous speech! you can't let other people know the things i don't want them to unless I approve the format!
gives me the big think

why the fuck would you come here if you weren't even retarded lmfao

In the time you typed this you could've just backed up your argument, which tells me you're full of shit.

>everybody on Yea Forums is retarded
can't argue against that bro


you seem to be making the mistake that you're arguing with me
in fact you're arguing with what the public (this thread) is allowed to see
dangerous speech bad amirite rabbi?
can't let them see this!

absolute C H A D

Its not society, its the massive amount of estrogen in the water supply and modern drinks like milk. The massive estrogen runoff from whores using birth control is only 1% of the estrogen in tap water. Who fucking knows where the rest comes from.

>I'm interested in spreading the truth and convincing people, which is why I'm going to act like a moron while doing it

are you retarded

Nips are also baby faced low T cucks, so smoking isnt helping either

You're doing the convincing for me by your recoiling.
I've provided something to think that has instantly triggered you into a fit. People who see that can make up their own mind if there's something to it and if they want to look deeper into it.

Chronic lead and arsenic poisoning

Honestly, back then, and up until the time of James Dean and Montgomery Cliff, baby-faced pretty actors were rejected in favor of burly, manly dudes like Gary Cooper or John Wayne. That continued for a while until today, where the situation has almost reversed and your Bruce Willises are the exception to the rule.

>no sun screen and outdoors all the time
boomer dad said in the 50s that instead of suncreen his mom would give him oil and they didn't know how horrible it is for white people to get sunburnt repeatedly, thought it was healthy to get sun
now he gets potentially cancerous growths all over his head

You've made an objectively provable claim but have done nothing to back it up, there's nothing to "think about." Provide some and I'll concede the point.

If you're a fucking spaz sure

The facts stand for themselves.
Japan smokes massively.
Japan's lung cancer rates are miniscule.
Anti-smoking propaganda is shoved down the throat of every American, from the time they are small children in the classroom. Do you not remember the television being wheeled in and watching (((Channel One))) TV?

Connery isn't a boomer though. He's older than that generation.

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Your meme doesn't seem to fit the context. Can you explain?

Connery actually wore a toupee in every Bond movie because he was already balding by then

That’s also a toupee he’s wearing. He was already bald well before Bond.

Based retard

High testosterone to DHT conversion results in baldness, not news. Basedtoys wouldn't know.

Japs also swill down $oy in their food all day every day and wank off to cartoon children both of which are going to plummet your test levels

So don't do those things then.



>*gets lung cancer*

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If you have a point to make I'm waiting