What are your favourite episodes of The X-Files and at what point did the show peak?

What are your favourite episodes of The X-Files and at what point did the show peak?

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Must suck being her kid

So its proven that she's a succubus, right?

Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose. Really hard for me to say when the show peaked, I love it too much.

>hehe he I'm sixty but still sexy right?

>Homosexual detected


That's the only dick she can make hard without pills


what is wrong with white women?

Sorry user, is must be hard be as gay as you are

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there are plenty of sexy 60 year olds, you're just a faggot.

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>that roastie neck

It peaked when Mulder and Scully went into a video game

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So it’s confirmed she’s a size queen right?


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She's the anal queen of Yea Forums and I think size and anal go together as interests.

She's a closeted dyke. Two different hookers talked about how she would hire them during her time on The X-Files. Both also happened to be black. She loves the Big Black Clit.

god damn
i really want a handjob from gillian anderson


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She’s more of a whore each year she ages. I’d still do her.

Wow what a whore

>tfw she wil never /ss/ ARA~ARA me as a young and innocent teenager.

the hurt grows with each passing day.

I bet she’d ageplay being your very naughty aunt user.

if olny she was a semon demon aunt. all my aunts look like John Madden, or Brian Dennehy as a transvestite.

women were a mistake

mein Gott i fehlt meine gam gam

Didn't she come out as bi recently?

That's based as fuck desu senpai

Ideally by 60 you've been married for 40 years and your husband loves you so much he still sees you as attractive.

I really really hope Gillian had a camcorder addiction like r Kelly did, cause I want to see footage of this. Feels like she'd do anal no questions asked, all though most redheads are like that.

Watchinf the show for the first time these past two weeks.
On episode 2 of season 3.
The circus freak town episode was hilarious, so many cameos.

Skinner is turning into a pretty based lad.
Fuck that lil Krycek fag tho

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This. People who can’t age gracefully become soulless husks of flesh.



She's not a real redhead, but otherwise I fully agree with you.

this can't be real

>Feels like she'd do anal no questions asked, all though most redheads are like that.
Well, strangely, it's true... The two redheads I've been with were anal sluts... Why is that?

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Based and pedopilled. Fuck old hags.

id straight up slap the shit out of her if this was my mom

why would you wear a cock around your neck

she's a nympho

She’s a aging whore who in her desperation to slow her aging and loss of sex appeal desperately whores her self out as much as she can in a desperate attempt to mask what she truly is. A dried up old bag and an embarrassment to the nuting nature a women of her age should display

the scene in first season where some dude shoots heavy mg and camera films ejected cases but they still have the bullets in them. pretty embarassing mistake, haven't picked up second season yet, show felt kind of just plain bad.

have sex

>that leathery skin
>white women

Count mine it, homo.

What is wrong with incels not being able to handle jokes from women?

have sex



have sex


It's hilarious seeing you guys seethe like autistic children.

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[chair clattering]

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Idk but I realized this a few years ago, a friend is like that too. Maybe redhead scotts and irish americans have more european genes, since euros have no issue with anal.
But who knows.

>white women

>Gillian will never slide her hand down your pants and lead you to the bedroom by your balls

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Kek I just went on her IG. This bitch is obsessed with dick.

lol look at all those grannfuckers

>Fuck that lil Krycek fag tho
I'm an oldfag. I was in highschool when x-files was on fox, and I had this gf that was down with doing drugs, and having nasty raunchy sex in her parent bed. she had so many daddy issues from her biological father i still jerk off to her stories about wanting to fuck him after she would watch him fucking whores in the house when her mom was at work.

she was into all kinds of shit. being choked, golden showers, being beaten, getting zapped with a cattle prod on the clit, and this was in the 90's. she also had $300 of slash fiction that was printed in a kinks and sold at conventions. mostly Mulder/Krycek Yaoi stuff.

the last time her parents let me in the house, was the night we were caught fucking. in trechcoats. as Mudler and Krycek. I was mulder, and she was Krycek. and I was railling her ass, there was sperm on the bed, sweat, the aroma of ass, her moaning OH MULDER, OH MULDER loud as fuck. it was so fucking nasty.

then her family came home from christmas shopping and saw us in there, with her wearing a turtleneck and a trenchcoat. and a glue on mustache with jizz on and dripping out of her, and poo on my dick. still gets me diamonds to this day.

All souls (s5e17). I love religious motives in X-files

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Someone post the paparazzi photo where she shows her shaved pussy
ok I’ll do it

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Redheads feel things stronger because of some genetic reason you can google I am too lazy, things like pain or pleasure. Its possible that they can somehow feel anal sex so intensely it becomes pleasurable for them or perhaps even more so than vaginal.

Gillians always been lewd and she can still get away with it imo

look at her fucking skin conditon in OP. she looks like that grandma corpse from The Shining.

The X-Files has an insane number of cameos and retroactive cameos. I can't think of any other show like it.

good lord

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I'd jerk off if she were my mom

I liked the glow in the dark bug episode.

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>Dr. Scully, I'm FBI

They knew what fear to exploit.
Only minus is that they mostly used darkness as an easy scare tactic.

I remember watching this episode as a kid, needless to say I had to sleep with the light on that night

I liked the episode with the man who could influence people by talking.
Peak was after Mulder was gone or around the movie.

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what's he searching for

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The gold at the end of the tunnel

He's the famous pusy poster.


G spot



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the carnival town episode is pure kino

along with Jose Chungs from Outer Space

Where are all the hot old folks, this thread had potential

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Was it the episode the alien imposter who got probed by real aliens themself?

Humbug is my favorite x files episode by far, the conjoined brother puppet was a little cheesy but otherwise a perfect episode

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>”you fucking bitch if that coke bag is empty I swear to god “

that was my face when her mom used the cold cream she jerked me off into. her mom had eaten my jizz no less than 15 times baked into cookies and brownies.

the girl is one of those holy roller cult church moms now that always wear those long ass dresses and has a bunch of lewd daughters that are of age now. she got that way after high school and we broke up, and she OD'd and woke up in the ambulance with the paramedic fucking her. or so her story goes.

i fucked her again in 2013 and sent her home wired up on blow, with a pussy full of jizz and ANONS PROPERTY written in sharpie on her fat ass and pussy. she still will rail powder like a fucking champion though.

she said she wanted to peg me as scully when we were teens.

>being attracted to a female that can't even reproduce

Anyone got the vid of the kid sperging out because he found his mom's blue plastic dildo sippy cup in the dishwasher?

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Absolutely fucking based, kino story, i hope it's preserved for future generations.

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Reminds me of an old french porn where a girl transported diamonds in her snatch

look at all these seething granny chasers

I would like to see if her oldest would be down for a fuck since shes 20 now. and for her to hear about the nasty fuckpuppet her mother was as a sweet innocent teenager.

stop larping and have sex

She is hot but mostly an exception to the rule

no, u