Are there any good Canadian films?

Are there any good Canadian films?

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the Elvis Gratton movies

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Everything that comes out of Canada is trash except A & W.


Helicopter Canada (1966)
And yes, it was kino.

Denis Villeneuve is as Canadian as any so yes

Strange Brew is good but probably only for canadians

I know Quebec but does the rest of Canada learn French?

We learn it in school, but it's not mandatory after Freshmen high school, at least in my school system. Plenty of adults will only know a handful of words and phrases.

who else /boncopbadcop/



Pitch (1997)

Hard Core Logo

dudley do right

Ya but we only learn enough to pass the tests. cant actually speak it

I went to one of these once. Mediocre coffee, blank breakfast sandwich, great donut.

Monsieur Lazhar is a personal favourite

I second Cube

What’s that Canadian movie about Montréal mobsters or something? I remember some goofy guy being forced to help a mob boss out who had fitted someone with cement shoes

Only good things to ever come from Canada:

1. Beast Wars
2. Stan Rogers
3. Space Moose

That is all

this faggot's entire body of work

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Don't forget Nathan Fielder and Norm Macdonald

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>Canadian Film
Got you covered

Operation avalanche

>nobody's mentioned Porky's yet.

French classes were mandatory for me from grades 4 through 9 but I can’t speak a lick of it

Turbo Kid

Mostly Cronenberg

It feels great being a Canadian on Yea Forums. We get to trigger right wing incels and left wing trannies all while being respected by everyone.

came to post this

no one respects you

I do

baited HARD


Not true, when ever I post on /pol/ or Yea Forums I get nice comments

>respected by anyone
top kek m8. Fucking Australia gets more respect than Canada.

Sure, in 2015

>respected by everyone

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That was a misunderstand, he didn't see Justin Trudeau. Speaking of Trudeau can't wait to vote for him again this fall

Why did Corner Gas, Trailer Park Boys, and Letterkenny turn into cartoons recently? Is there some kind of weird canadian actirs strike going on?


Only Cronenberg.


French Immersion is popular, where half of your schooling is in French and the other on English, and the subjects taught in French would alternate.

That's what I did but I thought I lost it all until I was in France recently and was actually able to understand shit. Turns out Quebec French is just retarded.

And The Goose

my nigga

How fucking new are you?

My Winnipeg is one of my favorite movies

This was the only one I could think of.

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We have to learn it in high school but completely forget it after that

It's a dumb system really
>you should have to learn a language only spoken by people in a province you don't even live in

Pick up the trash cuck

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Only immigrants go to Tim Hortons now.

Is it true that meat in canada is so expensive no one can afford to eat anymore?

He literally had to beg Canada to take it back because he turned it into a hot button issue in his country without realizing he doesn't actually have any way to ship it back to Canada and has to wait for a Canadian ship to come pick it up.

>visit Montreal
>try to speak English with shop keepers and cashiers
>they’re immediately offended and try to respond with French first
I hope they realize that they sound like rednecks to actual French people

why the fuck were canadian cartoons so weird? are they still like that?

Get the Iced Capp. It's the only good drink there

this is kino

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When I was in Montreal, shopkeepers would approach me and offer to help in French first, but switched to English when I spoke English to them.


Hobo with a shotgun?

Gimme some example price sof meat then, bacon, chicken etc, you know what meat is

>Gimme some example price sof meat then

nice cope justin, im sure bolsonaro has built in blinders so he can only look straight ahead. the truth is you have so crippled your image as someone to be respected that, unsurprisingly, no one respects you

>Gimme some example price sof meat then, bacon, chicken etc, you know what meat is
Here's an excellent resource for finding out that information:

Aha because it's true you can't afford meat can you fuck nugget

Depends on where you live. But on average you will be paying more, just not the pictures you see on Yea Forums.

No, Canada is really devoid of culture considering it has a population of over 30 million. Can you name one good Canadian artist? Band etc?

For the record no one in Canada actually likes JT and we won’t get re-elected.

>gets sat between the crohn's fascist and winnie the pooh

kinda cant blame him for being ignored desu

Any grocery store in Alberta will have cheaper stuff than the rest of the country. You get a pack of bacon for like 4.50 CAD at Superstore. It's only in the remote areas of the NWT and the Yukon is where all the truly expensive shit is where like half a ham is like 30 dollars

he clearly saw him

>gays lmao
Watch Mommy and you've seen everything he has to offer. Shit taste in music too.

Les colocs, Les cowboys fringants, Jean Leloup.
Denis Villeneuve, Cronenberg, Arcand.

America has the musicians, Canada has the actors/comedians. But to answer your question: Godspeed You! Black Emperor

>Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Lol thinking they’re a good band

this is based off of don's books, just told chronologically

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Post rock is a meme

Rush is good

Pontypool, Bon Cop Bad Cop, Incendies, Helicopter Canada, Strange Brew, Divine Ryans, Mon Oncle Antoine, I'm pretty sure but not 100% that Ginger Snaps is Canadian, and that's kinoas fuck.
But yeah in general we don't make great movies, but the good ones we so make are actually pretty high quality. Thanks for asking.

That band sounds like badly produced Canadian version of Tool

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Canada's culture is very regional, and does not tend to get popular outside of Canada, and very rarely even becomes popular outside its region. Newfoundland has incredible music, but it's all very culturally specific to the Irish diaspora. Quebec has some really good cultural traditions as well. Alberta and BC lack a culture, and so does most of Ontario (though some of Ontario still has a strong loyalist culture which is really interesting and is reflected in their arts). Also, we have the one uniting cultural feature of hockey and beer, which, while not unique to Canada, are expressed uniquely by Canada and Canadians.

>all while being respected by everyone

Alberta does have a culture, except they just copy whatever America does.

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Saskatchewan here, about half the elementary schools have French programs where kids take an hour of french every other day, and high schools are full french immersion programs or bust

>Just drink the cream and sugar without the coffee :^)

hi can i get a 20 honey dip timbits and an ice capp with caramel
what do you mean some fat bitch ordered the last 80 and you cant make more until the delivery truck resupplies tomorrow
let me yell at the only english speaking white person with an invisible disability standing in as manager please

in vancouver french immersion is really popular because asians don't do it so it's like a private school for whites that's free
not many spots though, parents camp out for a week to get one

damn, I could go for a cool, crisp ice cap right about now.

That's like here with the Natives. There are 3 non private french immersion schools in Saskatoon and enrollment is just fucked every year with how many kids get put in. People bus their kids across the city so they dont have to go to shitty schools

I work at one of those french immersion schools

fuck i want some timmyhos now

Ginger Snaps is great.

Also Canada is used for filming a lot of tv shows and movies. Hannibal is filmed all over Toronto and I got to meet Laurence Fisburne at UTSC.

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Did you ask him about his daughter?

What's wrong with his daughter?

she does porn

Google Montana Fishburne

weren't the final destination movies canadian?

Punished Morpheus

Wait Canada is a country? I thought it was part of America

other than Quebec, it basically is America. only with less guns, and more health care.

stop what youre doing for the next hour and watch this bum race kino then

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Black Christmas. The original slasher flick.

Eastern Canada is very different.

Not a movie, but an excellent documentary series made in Canada is Land and Sea.


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this. op is a disgrace.

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he was gesturing that someone wanted to shake, 1 more second of this clip bolsonaro and trudeau shook hands

>beneath the massacre

This guy fucks

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I'm an english Canadian, but if you drop me in french land, I can get by very easily.

Sometimes I switch the CBC to french to read news articles.

one time I went to japan and I was asking strangers for directions

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