Who's your favorite modern comedian?
Who's your favorite modern comedian?
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Thawts on Schaub's special?
Is it, dare I say it, the greatest comedic piece of our generation...?
I'm still pissed of "a modern day renisannce man" hasn't become a meme
This guy is the fucking worst.
Here, you can watch the hottest breakthrough comedy special in the last DECADE my bratha.
Blurtin Schwapp is on fire
Brendan Schaub for sure, B
For sure dont be a cheeto-fingered pirate b
Schaub bless, borther
Louis CK
Any pick besides bill burr doesn't know what they're talking about
Prospective NFL player
Prospective UFC Heavyweight champion
Successful Podcast Host
Successful Comedian
Successful CBD Oil Company
Is there anything Based Schaub can’t do?
Fuck this piece of shit for ruining all the good streams
Schumer is unironically funnier, which sucks because I love his podcast with Theo
he can't do any of those
Speak without a lisp
His standup was awful
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
lmao quit sipping on that hateorade my dude
Y'blockbuster b