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Other urls found in this thread:

What an incel

Why didn't he just get a girlfriend? Lol

He's gay

clearly has a boy crush on mike desu

implying you'd rather be with some roastie bitch who ain't even gonna fuck you since ya'll are like 14 and shit instead of playing D&D with the boys.

I swear to fucking god if he turns out to be gay, faggots barely existed in the 80's

Daily reminder that Will Byers is gay and probably in love with Mike.

>Will Byers, twelve, is a sweet, sensitive kid with sexual identity issues.
From the original pitch for Stranger Things

>Will with the Cute Girl, dancing awkwardly. But his eyes aren't on the cute girl. They are on Mike, who is dancing with Eleven.
From the original script for the Snow Ball

>Lonnie used to say he was queer. Called him a fag.
Joyce to Hopper after Will's original disappearance

>"Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay."
Bully from season one

>"It's not my fault you don't like girls."
Mike destroying Will in season three. The expression on Will's face says it all.

Absolutely meant to be gay. But most likely it's a big tease and won't go anywhere because it would alienate the incels to make the sensitive boy gay instead of a late bloomer or loser.

>Are you sure? I mean it's not on the questline....
>Ok... sure, you try to seduce the barmaid.... roll CHA
>ahhhh.... OK, 17's pretty good.... you succeed, but her, uh, ladyparts are.... poisoned
>and you die
>Will that's the third character you've killed via STD'S
>Do you know how diseased the average women's Vagina is Michael? I came out of one once and I'm never going back. Now role the fucking dice.

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Well, that's just based and extremely redpilled right there.

he's gay in the show bible that leaked way back in season 1

Another group of male friends ruined by the presence of females.

>"Oh you brought Max and she wants to play as a female fighter? Sure but she gets a -4 to strength and a +2 to stealing friends"

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>faggots barely existed in the 80's
There's a difference between living in secret so as not to become a social pariah or a hate crime statistic and "barely existing". There were definitely gays in the 80's.

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yeah but gays even the ones in the closet were always a minority, all i'm saying is what are the chances

That there are 2 gay people in a town of thousands? Pretty good I'd say. There's probably a few more even.

>I swear to fucking god if he turns out to be gay, faggots barely existed in the 80's
Not to worry, it is very obvious that they are leaving it ambiguous intentionally. People are just projecting their own baggage into Will's character.

As says, faggots did exist in the 80s. Even it it is only 1% to 4% of males who are gay or bisexual, that's 10 to 40 people out of 1000. I'd say it is more common than that though, from personal experience.

3, barb was most likely a dyke for Nancy

I did think it was weird that he got oooh so upset about his friends not wanting to play d&d for a little while

If fags barely existed in the 80s where did all that HIV come from?
They should give this character the HIV

Yeah, but, she's not exactly "in town" anymore.

>where did all that HIV come from?
Poor understanding of the disease and how it was transmitted resulting in contracting it from several sources, including drug addicts sharing needles and tainted blood transfusions.


technically she's under it

Which actor should play Will's blonde blue-eyed bf?

>That’s cool, Will, my attack rolls will be dex-based

I don't think he is. He's just an awkward late bloomer who hasn't learned to function in that sphere. The pic in the OP is tfw you're the last in your friend group to find a girlfriend.

>faggots barely existed in the 80's
Hahahaha look at this dumbshit

He should have just hung out with Dustin.

Dustin was too busy getting Mormon radio pusy

>the troll swings his club directly at the girls in the group for some reason
>ok max and el roll constitution
>19 not bad but you needed a 24
>both characters fall unconscious
>for gameplay reasons you'll have to leave the room until you wake
>it's about time we got those fucking whores out of here hey fellas
>any of you fucks make a move to wake them and I kill your characters

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he's right though
bros before hoes

What did Raimi mean by this? I don't know if you wrote but I liked it

El was bought ready to slide that hand down to Mike's BWC

>actual weapons will? What the fuck?
>nothing big, just like a hand buzzer or something, to spice up combat when you get hit. Come on, it’ll be fun.
>alright, but I’m bringing el, she likes this kinda stuff.
>ok el, roll for dexterity. And remember, you get hit in game and you take “a hit” irl
>don’t worry el, it’ll be nothing, just one of wills shitty hand buzzers.
>aw el you rolled a 1? The troll takes a swing at you and you try to duck, but you time it badly and it’s club strikes your head and caves your skull in.
>will where did you get Steve’s spike bat from?

i forgot half of these things. guess he's supagay huh

>Now Choose your path. I'm not like that faggot Jonathan. I actually know how to use this.
>Will plea-
>[Bullet slams into wall just over El]
>Oh God we pick the right door! Just pl-please somebody help us.

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>Quit being such a fag!

Wow, it really was a different time back then.

>All women are whores Mike. You only have to look at them to see that.
I guess some of Lonnies influence did get through to him.

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Will the Redpilled

Holy shit based

>"Around Lucas, never relax Mike"
>reports Dustin to ICE
>slut-shames coalburner
>tells friends about MGTOW
Will the Wise is most most accurate depiction of gamers in television.

those who dont understand this caracter are stupid in my opinion, he was missing 1 yyear and he was under his moms supervision the second year, he never grew up he was still a child while others had adventures started to experiment with girls and so on. it was showing what those two years did to him. he never had a childhood and he didnt grow up like the rest, that is why he wanted to be with them and play D&D cuz that is the last time he remembers that he had fun. it was perfect

But does he know how to rise up?

That’s his arc for season 4 shhh dont tell anyone

He wanted a d&d campaign with his friends before he moved.

>Boy that sure was a great snowball Will. I can't believe we both actually got to dance with girls, an... Will?
How did Schnapp not get the Emmy for that 20 minute scene where Will rants bout how El was probably the "willing cum bucket for all of Hawkins Laboratory"?

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It was really accurate for the time period that the show is set in.
Bravo Duffers

>you’d trade our friendship for that- that bitch?!
>look at her mike, LOOK!
>she’s a fucking retard Mike! I mean, she can barely form sentences for Christ’s sake!
>we all knew you were just ponding that for those powers, god only knows what she’s like behind closed doors.
>but now she’s lost them, Mike. Without them she’s just a brainless hole to fuck. And with a face like that, not a good one.
>is this really the road you want to go down? Abandoning your fun DnD crew for some retarded whore? Get a grip mike.

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That kid is growing into his jew rat look

mostly vampires

Based, so very based

Hopefully he forces his family to have one when they arrive at their new place. At gunpoint, obviously.

Misogynist Will is my new favourite meme from this season.

have you ever thought "this character is literally me"

>Your character is on a quest in an unknown magical realm
>Suddenly you encounter a succubus and she tries to seduce you...
> fail, lust overwhelms you and it drags you to hell to feast upon your soul
>You see what lust can do, Michael? Do you not see how damaging and destructive women can be? Are you ready to forfeit your eternal immortal soul for eternal anguish just because of some random thot? Is it not better and safer to play D&D with your loyal friends in the basement instead?

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ahhhh its always nice to see a new meme be born

golem get ye gone

>mfw Mike finds a fucking roastie to his place and I already know how this shit is gonna end

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is Will MGTOW?

Why don’t you lol

Is there a more annoying worthless tv character? At least Bran Stark stay on his chair and keep quiet

fuck faggots


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>tfw Will's actor will reach his 20's, then start posting like a sassy black woman on Twitter and whining about things like how GamerGate was a horrible movement against women, etc.

>>Will with the Cute Girl, dancing awkwardly. But his eyes aren't on the cute girl. They are on Mike, who is dancing with Eleven.
>From the original script for the Snow Ball
didn't even know about this one. yep he's definitely gay

Thanks, I hate it.
>He is fourteen he has to want someone already!

Also why is he so useless. You make the little 40 year old black girl more important to the plot.

>bill is gonna bang El
another subverting expectations


I did not like girls until I was....14?15? I never had any chance with them anyway until now,but the mindset is different.

How can one boy be so based?

>Also why is he so useless.

He's always been useless aside from being a victim. It's his personality.

by being a fag

one thing that hirked me is that the series, given Hawkins is the "small town everyone knows everyone" place, we see a town wide reaction to certain things, like Will's search and fake death.

This one had an hospital massacre being ignored and the end mess is only briefly mentioned as part of an investigative report by some noname place.

Is it possible to learn this power?

>”shut the fuck up faggot”

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But gay males have the highest transmission rate of STDs out of any pairing.



>faggots barely existed in the 80's

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So when will Mike fuck Will in the ass?


>women act on emotion not logic
>Will immediately threw a huge bitch fit
Looks like someone took it a bit too personally

Why didn’t he just have sex?

I went to a game store they other day and they had D&D starter set specifically for Stranger Things fags
Normies ruining shit again

>tfw you were the Will of your friend group
>tfw they left you behind

Netflix just posted this
Are they seriously promoting a white heterosexual relationship? I’m cancelling my subs hope they’ll learn a lesson

was it Will's fault?

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You'd have to be the straightest boy ever to not have a crush on Mike at that age. His eyes and lips were so sexy in this season, and when you're 14 or whatever your hormones are raging and it's hard not to develop at least one gay crush.

So what have we decided?

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Noah doesn't want to call Will gay, because he himself is gay, and doesn't wanna let on

If anything, he got uglier you deluded faggot (gay)

I still got gay crushes at 25. Welp maybe I'm just a late bloomer

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I still cant believe he got so upset that his friends didn't want to play D&D to the point where he almost cried to the brink of throwing up and destroyed his Byers The Bottom's Branch Bungalow that his mom made for him

don't deny it, this is us Yea Forums

>he’s angry that the tweenagers are getting into the same game we were into at that age

He's gotten uglier in real life now, but season 3 was filmed last summer when he was at that perfect balance between boyish cuteness and teenage hotness.

god imagine them both having sex

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Those freckles hunggg

>not now Will!

I just noticed Will got an older face than Mike just with a smaller head
I can’t unseen it now it’s so weird

The point of Mike this season is that he was right about everything but nobody listened. He was right about Eleven using her power too much and he was ESPECIALLY right about Will being a fag who should grow up

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Mike should have called Will an incel and told him to "have sex"

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>Do you know how diseased the average women's Vagina is Michael? I came out of one once and I'm never going back. Now role the fucking dice.

Finn confirmed for gay

No, he was wrong about the power thing. And a pretty big hypocrite. He had no issues with her using her powers to fuck with Dustin or slam doors on Hopper. He was just jealous of her spending time with Max and admitted it.

He’s asexual.

>He had no issues with her using her powers to fuck with Dustin or slam doors on Hopper
Nothing suggest those are his ideas
And obviously the it takes way less power to do those things than in serious situations

He was happily going along with it and it's still wasting her powers.

Bottom line is he admitted his real motivation later. Deal with it, fag. The whole fucking season was about them all trying to keep things from changing and ruining things by doing so.

this. based mike. he was also right about Max being a bitch in S2 but then r*ddit started calling him a jerk when he wasn't sucking up to Max like Dustin and Lucas were

Evil will GM posting is a promising addition to our meme collection

Its kinda special isnt it?

Mike is fucking ugly but Noah is really cute. Incredible.

>make Will a sensitive broken kid who constantly gets fucked over
>lol actually he's gay


You got it the other way around

Too busy fugging his mom

Holy shit the Jewish phenotype

he was literally missing for like four days in season you sub-retard


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All meme aside he really is a younger Ezra Miller

Except not as good looking

He looks creepy, I dont know if they did something to heighten his cheekbones but it looks bad

howard stern?

they are right, he has some weird factions for a kid but thats a good thing! He looks like he's going to grown handsome. Ugly kids turn ugly adults, cute kids turn into ugly adults, he's kind is the blessed kind.

His lips are unreal

Some people are good-looking as kids and as adults
It’s called the genetic lottery

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He just have great cheekbones he can’t help it

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Even if he is gay, that doesn't make him not an incel.

This looks like a weird version of Edward Scissorhands.

That's his daughter

I'm convinced that this is the only man that can play griffith. They need to cast him before its too late.

Do you always show up out of nowhere whenever someone mentions Ezra Miller?
Holy shit

he could've the most kino girl too

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He was unironically mistaken as being his sisters’s third sister for most of his childhood and when he went to summer camp everyone thought he was a girl

I’m always browsing Yea Forums

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Imagine all the cock he sucked in summer camp


>*rubs back of neck

Guys are much more cuter as guys

>*turns you gay*

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I only find him attractive on the left, I guess it's time to accept that I'm a hebephile

At that point he was already self-admittingly jerking off classmates and putting out for older boys, the amount of debauchery that happened that summer is probably enough to fill an entire novel.

I’m glad he didn’t because androgyny is literally the pleb filter of human aesthetics.
If he plays his cards right he can be beautiful/handsome for years to come.

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are you so fucking old you don’t remember wanting to fuck everything at 14

how is he so cute??

>faggots barely existed in the 80's
You were saying?

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That’s the perfect male phenotype. Every male species should look like that

I wish I was a teenager again, if I could do it all over I’d just be sucking so much of my friends’ cocks and fooling around

Absolutely fucking spot on for Griffith.


. fucking his ass at summer camp sounds fun

He was in the closet, people only knew when he died of AIDS

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Why is it so purple?

bisexual lighting

I started fantasizing about sucking adult women's tits when I was 9, having naked sex with women by 10. When I was 12 I started liking boys and by the time I was 14 I already masturbated to the thought of sucking adult men cock and them coming all over my face and mouth.

what is wrong with white men

Wtf this is literally me. The thought of sucking cock gets me hard as diamonds.


Not white ugh

based heeb user

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It’s too late for me to fap user

no joke, i feel like Yea Forums turned me into a hebephile. i didn’t think about it at all until all the branposting and finnposting. ah well too late to turn back now

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God I wish that was me

Poor Will has a crush on Mike.
I've been there ;_;

>almost cost everyone’s lives finding him in season 1
>almost cost everyone’s lives again saving him in season 2
If anything Will is the asshole for being an ungrateful brat

>sticks by his chad friends, even as they drift away from him with their veronica gfs
>even tries to play dnd with his bros but they deny him
>shuns w*men forever
Is this the most accurate gamer representation in the history of television?

I relate to Will so much. And the worst part is I know all my normie friends are going to be out there thinking the same thing but they're the ones who went off an got girlfriends and wives and moved to foreign countries, they're not Will, they're Lucas and Mike.
Is Will a volcel

Gotta hand it to them, nobody was expecting the crossover, they handled leaks well.

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does that user still want Will to have a blond-blue eyed boyfriend


gay people can’t be incel. All will has to do is go the nearest park after midnight and there will be a dozen 40 year old guys with weird faces willing to have unprotected sex with him

based or cringe?

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I'm gay, 29 years old and haven't had sex yet.

Mike would have to transition.

I want to kick that kids teeth in irl but it looks like somebody already has

Cast Will's blond boyfriend

Not even cringe, just fucking stupid.

This entire season was like a parody of season 1. SJW ruins everything. Every. Thing.

I want Will to awkwardly kiss Mike, apologize profusely, have mike play it off as a joke and have will cry later.

based cringecore

im gonna say based. everyones reactions were fucking worth it, as was seeing the spider comically chasing them in the background as it kicked off

Going full realism - I've lived this and it'd have a good sting

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They don't take 5 minutes with that shit and Billy and Hopper both live

>t. closet homo

Good for him.

based horny byers

make a Grindr account and you’ll have sex by the end the day. Majority of ‘gay’ people aren’t so much gay as they are completely devoid of self-control

absolutely based

Why is he so horny?

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What a based Chad. He probably discarded that roastie after having used her.

but i actually am tho

lol Winona's face

Everybody's ugly around here

I don't know how you guys are extrapolating all this shit from these scenes. You're ridiculous. The scenes are obviously about how hes trying to pull the group back together after everyone is drifting apart, and he does this by promoting a common interest of theirs. Also, the "DAY FREE OF GIRLS" was more of a "stop mopeing and let's do something fun; guys' day out woohoo" attempt, but Lucas and Mike were too busy being angsty about their gfs.
The kids are struggling to deal with the relationships they find themselves in and balancing them with their friendships.

>My legs don't work anymore

Goddamn nigga

>Faggots barely existed in the 80's
>Check Mate

>so where’s this special DnD set then will? I brought el along to show her what it’s like.
>yeah max is here, you don’t know how much bugging it took!
>yeah it’s just upstairs, everyone have a drink whilst I get it.
>Will, where are we? Why are we in the lab?
>you wanted a special campaign for your fucking whores? Well you can FUCKING HAVE ONE
>will what’s that growling sound? Please will, el is scared. She doesn’t have her powers.
>*screams can be heard ringing throughout the lab. In the security room, Will the Wise kicks his feet back on the desk as he watches his former friends get brutalised by the monster over the camera displays. He takes a sip of his cool glass of new coke, and raises it in a toasting fashion*
>Ah, this one’s for you Lucas.

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I'm 28 and in a similar situation, except I have had sex it's just been a long long time. I fell into a depression soon after high school and the first year of college and stopped being social, got really fat - it also doesn't help that I grew from a cute teenager to an ugly adult.

I'm scared of gay sex. I'm afraid that I will cock-worship someone from grindr like a big slut and immediately regret it right after cumming, or that I'll get an anal fissure if I bottom, or that I'll get HIV.
>tfw no loving caring cute bf

>right after cumming
just don't cum lol
>an anal fissure if I bottom
just use good lube and practice with toys before.

27-year-old virgin. bi. kill me

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Glad I could witness the birth of a meme

That's kind of how I feel nowadays too, I have no desire to slut around or hook up, I just want to hold a cute boy in my arms and make out and eat each other's cum
As far as the anal goes you should practice more, I've only ever given but nowadays I play with my ass a lot so if I do ever meet the love of my life I'll be ready to give up my anal virginity to them

I wonder whether this will be a proper organic meme or just a “spam till it sticks” like boomerposting

>bi and still somehow a virgin at 27
Damn you really fucked up

i actually have an above average look so my situation freaks me out even more. But my dad beat me and I was bullied at school so here we are.

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>So you and El are going to be brother and sister now? You promise to look after her?
>Oh yeah Mike I'll see that she's... Taken care of

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I really hope they write off Johnathan and Nancy for next season, does anyone actually find them interesting at all

El will make Will straight.
>sister trying to make her brother straight
I would actually watch this anime

Last season I thought bringing down the evil scientist organization was gonna be like their series-long story and I became interested in it, then it got resolved in one episode when they somehow managed to sneak a voice recording inside a high security facility lmao

They’ll probably be “off to college”, hopefully anyway.

Jonathan looks old as fuck now, he shouldn't have even been in this season

He always looks like he's about to cry.

Attached: crybaby.gif (540x220, 1.65M)

Jonathan was cool in S1 when he was the beta incel rising up

Yeah I like them

The cast felt really disconnected this season, with no real dialogue between the Byers family and no real concern for people's whereabouts throughout the whole season (which seems really ludicrous considering what everyone has already been through). Everyone besides the ice cream gang was basically shortchanged for interaction for no good reason

They're this show's equivalent to James and Donna from Twin Peaks

>Jonathan was cool in S1
In season one he's actually a good brother and son with his own backstory. Post that he's just Nancy's sidekick.

This is almost as bad as that clip from that show where everyone dances for the school shooter

That's why I liked the regroup at the mall. Everybody was rapid-fire conversing as if to catch up for the last 7 episodes.

Was that Glee? I remember a bunch of articles about a very special musical school shooting episode.

I didn't feel an overall disconnection but I definitely noticed the complete absence of familial connection this season. If you didn't watch the previous seasons you'd probably have no idea Nancy was related to Mike, and aside from a couple token moments Mrs Byers and the Wheelers never gave a shit what Will/Mike were doing

He has a resting school shooter face

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

> people only knew when he died of AIDS
You are deluding yourself. We all knew. It was even in the fucking name of the band.

Noah Schnapp is insanely handsome.

also there were way gayer bands charting in the 80s

Soft Cell
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Bronski Beat

I have no idea. But its the worst thing i've seen come out of tv.. this was close.


I'm sorry but you're fucking gay dude. The way you describe that 14yo boy is creepy as fuck, I never thought anything like that of a friend of mine and I had plenty of friends who would've been considered attractive

He just wanted to play FATAL with mike

Attached: FATAL rulebook.png (640x441, 126K)

It's the OA and it's a good show. You probably saw that scene without the 8 episode lead up to it and you found it ridiculous.

There's no amount of context that can stop that scene from being ridiculous.

>Season 4 Episode 1
>Will cries while dancing alone in his room to Smalltown Boy
>”Oh god, dad was right. I am a queer”
>cue intro

Someone please make an edit of pic related but it’s Steve with the spiked bat

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They're aren't even "dancing for the school shooter" retard.

Do it yourself, retard.

They gave a pretty good rendition of the song.

What? Fuck you, they did.

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>Faggots barely existed in the 80s
>Hasn't heard of the bath houses
Lmao I don't care if this is bait or not. This shit was funny

Biggest laugh of the whole season was this entire montage. Anyone who disagrees is zoomer trash who wouldn't even have Falcor run their bullies off the road.

Stranger things 3 sucked.

terrible acting
Boring same ole plot.
too much nostalgia

He's not according to the actor but m'kay

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This is no longer dungeons and dragons.

Hopper turned into a retard as soon as Season 3 started for some reason so his death is acceptable

Billy's loss is incalculably irredeemable because he is literally the greatest television character of all time

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I just pictured the demogorgon giving a high-five to Will after that

I'm happy I saw this thread

>too much nostalgia

What they fuck show did you think you were watching. If anything, I salute them for how much they managed to cram in.

based as fuck

Wasn’t Will only stuck in the Upside Down for like a week? It wasn’t like he was trapped for months or a year.. The rest of the kids didn’t out-grow Will that much in a week

what the fuck costume was this supposed to be

Ironically Steve’s the oldest in the cast of kids.

Good job killing Hopper and Billy with that shit

>Hopper turned into a retard as soon as Season 3 started for some reason so his death
he isnt dead

At the end, did they seriously steal this boy's DnD collection to give to the nigger's sister?

I don't think being in the upside has affected his maturity that much to be honest. Will has always been a black sheep amongst his peers so it makes sense that he's falling behind in the dating scene and would rather play make believe

I want to rub his thigh

>Suzie my friends are in danger and will literally be killed if you don't give me the constant, please. I promise I will sing immediately after

Wow, look at that, problem solved, he gets the constant first.

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This would be kino.

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Give it a rest fujoshit, his apparent crush on Mike has never been acknowledged in canon. This was the perfect season to explore that and they never did anything with it and the writers are instead patting themselves on the back for making Robin gay, if anything they will give him some random crush in his new highschool.

He is trying to impress Winona

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So what happened here. She got all wet because a star messaged her and went for the big pee pee? Nice

The retard said he had to save the world instead so she thought he was playing D&D

>would rather play make believe
Not anymore tho, he gave away his D&D to the black girl and destroyed the fort he built in his backyard... S4 Will should be a brand new character, especially with a time skip and him being a new town

Who the fuck is the girl to the left of jonathan

What kind of career prospects does the black guy have with that body? I guess he could be a comedian.

i wanna faceplant in his smooth pale boy thighs

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Uh, I need this clip so I can die laughing

Was it just me or he was useless this season? None of the major plot points involved him (minus the freak out over D&D). He was kind of the barometer for the mind flayer but by the time he detected the flayer it would pretty much be on top of them anyway.

because he never got attention from girls growing up, and shut out the fact that is was even worthwhile to pursue them because "they wouldn't be interested anyways" so now when his friends who are "good with the ladies" bring up their relationships in conversation, he tries to divert it to other interests because it will always remind him of what a failure he is with women,

>the freckles on his neck match perfectly with her titty freckles
My god, I want to see him bury his face in them so badly

Last episode of season 5, in the epilogue

>just listen
>they've been expulsed 110 times
>110 countries
>if you got kicked out of 110 arcades, would you still think its a conspiracy against you?
>dude, im just saying think about it

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That honestly doesn't sound much more believable than "saving the world from even Russians bro"

>no contact for weeks
>suddenly your man contacts you
>all he wants is a code
>says his friends are "literally dying" to try to coax it out of her with some dramatic BS
>yeah okay, sure Dusty

Underrated post.

>he thinks hop is dead
Nigga you were not paying attention.

was the russians supposed to be subtitled? I got it from a torrent and it wasn't...

lucky boy

>destroyed his Byers The Bottom's Branch Bungalow


Hopefully he's less whiny and emotional next season then. He doesn't have much depth to his character other than 'muh suffering' and he was being incredibly childish this season, which is fine considering his age but it still doesn't make him all that likeable in the long run.

His lust for titties is admirable

>decide to google them
>"Sommer Ray and I try the Blindfolded Touch Challenge | Noah ..."
nope, way too based, I can't handle watching Noah being that much of a legend

Here, just ignore the unrelated clip they edited in at the end:

Maybe they'll want to subvert our expectations again.

>watch first 4 episodes when it comes out
>bored as hell
>visiting mom
>she starts season 3
>everyone is in a relationship and fucking
why does every show do this? are premises just an excuse to build up character dating drama?

Netflix subtitles give everything in englais

Why are you singling out his body, everyone there has a fucked physique besides maybe the ginger

Normies like their shipping.

thanks friendo

Do Americans actually do this?

We all know who the Russians mean when they talk about The American though

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The fact that Phyllis is the teacher makes it even funnier

yeah the head scientist from hawkins lab

Doesn't Mike hate fags?

because he's 14

>You guys, this may be one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done. I’m never going to look at butter the same way again. Thanks to Sommer Ray for stopping by.
Uses his ST fame to charm an Instaslut. Do God knows what with her off the camera. Then finally make a profit off the whole day by Youtube. His Jewishness is honestly admirable.

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I'm glad Billy is dead. Good riddance.

>You guys, this may be one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done. I’m never going to look at butter the same way again.
W-what did he use the butter for?

billys lifeguard gf

Fuck you fag

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He reenacted his favorite scene from "Last Tango in Paris" with her.

>season 4 begins
>opening sequence of mid-teen Will sucking dick in an alley
>disheveled clothes greasy hair
>camera pans up
>who's cock is he sucking on?
>Kurt fucking Cobain
>'thanks kid, you gave me the confidence boost I need to be a rock and roll star!'
>cum lands over a grinning Will's face
>I knew you had it in you Mr. Cobain!
>title sequence
>rest of the episode is a montage of Will giving blowjobs to pre-celebrity men in their time of doubt, each balst of jizz his ticket to the next jump, always hoping the next will send him home

>I swear to fucking god if he turns out to be gay, faggots barely existed in the 80's
shut the fuck up, you zoomer moron

pretty based actually

>asking this question on this website
>thats le joke!

I'm honestly not even going to try and guess

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>Will on his knees
>a washed up comedy actor holding a sweaty wad of bills unsure if he can face-fuck a kid
>don't worry, this is for the greater good
>before the cock is barely in his mouth, jizz everywhere
>oh wow, maybe I feel like I really can do a serious role
>Mnah prahblem Mr. Hanks!
>Springsteen's 'streets of philadelphia' plays in the background

You’re fucking hideous and autistic if you’re a virgin attracted to both sexes at 27 first thing to do is stop lying to yourself and aim for low scores.

get a life, you bloody pedophilic subhuman

Kill yourself faggot scum

i'd fuck the shit out of Max

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Just because his face looks like a fucking decagon doesn’t mean he’s attractive. He’s pale as a vampire and thin as a rail, as well

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It was more because they had interests outside of their own crew and Will wasn’t a part of it so he felt left out, also trying to hang onto something fun from his childhood when the others are starting to move on.

>He’s pale as a vampire and thin as a rail, as well


just because he’s in the closet doesn’t mean he isn’t s faggot. sure, tons of gays were in closet during the 80s but that still meant there were tons of gays lol

He wasn’t gone for a whole year in season 1 it was like a week

>sjws ruin everything
>t.r/thedonald poster

what would you even consider “sjws ruining everything” this season? because one character is lesbian?

>This ones to you Luke

There were girls and a couple negro children. Do I have to spell it out for you? This is jew conspiracy for white genocide!

I want him to act aloof around his friends and ask if they’re “still hanging with those women”

I'm sorry if that made your naughty parts tingle. Spend some time in the shame closet and mother will take you back into the warm embrace of her dirty pillows.

you are low t as fuck


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Billy will be missed, even as a villain he was prob the best character (maybe right behind Steve) in the show. I was sad when the monster killed him