
>mfw when the higher up the hierarchy you rise in the industrial economy the less work you do but the more money (((earn)))

Is the Marvel Cinematic Universe an embodiment of this?

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In what economy it's the other way around?
If there was no financial incentive, why would anyone besides sadists or psychopaths would want to climb the hierarchy?

We should just eliminate all the hierarchical positions that translate to less actual work than the people in the positions below that person. Essentially just eliminate venture capitalists replace corporations with syndicates as the standard format for commercial enterprise.

>le rich people do nothing all day meme

how are you going eliminate this hierarchy of labor that has followed us since the dawn of agriculture, exactly? If you solution is literally "return to hunter-gatherer tribes and tough that out" then you are shit out of luck for solving this problem friend.

Go back to /leftypol/ and r/chapotraphouse

>less work you do
more skilled/difficult labour gets higher wages

capital owners have rights to their own property, and thus invest in ventures for their gain and for the gain of the entrepeneur

both of these things are natural and good and if you believe otherwise you're a complete retard

"if your solution is NOT literally" I meant to say

>haha people shouldnt be allowed to decide how much to pay their employees
>haha people shouldnt have property rights
Get a job you fucking loser

>that has followed us since the dawn of agriculture, exactly?
loling @ ur life. Capitalism has existed for two distinct periods in the west, each for roughly 500 years. Just google syndicalism if you want to know the precise organizational structure that the system could take in order to eliminate monopolistic tyranny in the market while keeping the basic principle of free enterprise in tact.

Just a few more doxxed trailer park nazis, fascists bashed with piss and poop jugs and edgy twitter account snitched on and banned, then the capitalist system will finally fall.

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A CEO literally does nothing but talk to people.

This is what seething commies actually believe LMFAO

Same with the therapist you see sweatie but you still pay them hundreds every week :^)

What does a CEO do then

Are you arguing that therapists deserve their ludicrous 6 figure salaries?

My god you're right. A CEO's job could be done by someone with minimum wage!!! Time to start a company and take the world by storm with this excellent cost-cutting measure

But the CEO has the responsability of all of his employees' lives, and their family lives, on his shoulders. He needs to have qualities of leadership so that the people dependent on him will prosper

If he's responsible for their livelihoods maybe he should be elected by them directly since he's the people you seem to think he should be most responsible to. Unless you think the gains of whatever random investor puts money into the company is more important than its long term survival as a source of income for the people employed to staff it?

They make literally every major decision regarding a company's future, and they manage every single major employee and division of a company

it's called a reward system. you make the right decisions and you get rewarded and you don't have to work no more. you make shitty decisions and you don't get shit.

Most CEO's don't give a single shit about their employees, it's also a position with a very high amount of literal psychopaths. They treat their employees like resources, nothing more nothing less.

ITT: one (probably pretend) leftist arguing with NPC lolberts/neocons/MAGAPEDES about basic bitch MUH FREEDOM DEY DESERVE THAT MONEY. Jesus fucking Christ.

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No wonder youre failing at life, your streams of alphabet diarrhea are bordering on gibberish user jesus...

Actually that's usually done by a board of directors

so what? if thats the most effective way to run a company then thats what people select for.

What these people select for (and thats including the employees) is the success of the company and profit not your fucking feelings LOL

So what's more valuable on a grand societal scale, the well being of people or the success of a company? You fucking moron, this is why the government needs more power, to keep bootlickers like you in check.

>personal insults
Ah yes, that's all communists on Yea Forums do now. No positive arguments about what policy you actually want implemented. No defending yourself against accusations. It's LITERALLY only calling people incels. Do you think this is effective in any way?

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the success of the company you fucking ape or none of them have jobs at all.

Kill yourself

Let me guess, you believe in trickle down economics aswell

how many years Yea Forums has been little /pol/ now?

Why did you not adress what he wrote and write a tired meme instead?

>commies don't understand supply and demand
you can'ty

A company can be very succesful without treating it's employees like slaves. And with heavy government regulation, all companies will be competing on the same level in that regard.

Lol this thread is very obviously a bot pretending to be two people talking to itself. Fuck sockpuppets, fuck viral ideologueing, and FUCK glowniggers.

No I don't believe in that shit you fucking degenerate retard. There are certain market conditions which are required for wage growth like protectionism and trade unionism that have been eroded in the West that you can observe happening in China (they have rapidly rising purchasing power).

None of that changes the fact that you and all other communists are painfully stupid and have no grasp of simple economics. Hang yourself. I'm not even American btw but if I was I wouldn't have voted for Ronald fucking Reagan nor am I a libertarian.

It's simple.
Create an organization outside both your company and the government to rake the muck of anyone who does nothing more than collect a paycheck just because they were appointed by their uncle.

>more skilled/difficult labour gets higher wages
True. So why are jobs like the ones in this video which CLEARLY employ a lot of skill, not deserve higher wages? The CEO who sits behind a desk for only one hour out of the week and spends the rest of his time either on the golf course or on his yacht could never HOPE to emulate these abilities.
>capital owners have rights to their own property
True. And the right to that property is an asset to itself that can gain value based upon it's growth, as provided by every single employee that works for the company. There is no need for them to get a paycheck every month just because they own the company. Not that they shouldn't be paid at all, but that it should be based on what actual tasks they perform. Decision making is a big responsibility for them, yes, but usually it's just them giving the final approval to something that their lawyers/accoutnants have drawn up based upon what THEY have observed and researched.
>thus invest in ventures for their gain and for the gain of the entrepreneur
With the hopes of a return on that investment, true. But this money should be from their own pocket, and not them borrowing against the assets that only have that level of value due to, as already stated, the work put in by nearly every other person in their employ. This is why WinCo, a grocery store that is employee-owned, hardly ever has any troubles, both at a corporate level and at being able to satisfy their worker's abilities to earn a Thriving wage.

I think it happened about 3 years after Bane Posting became a thing, on June 16th.

Well I am not a commie either

Not videogames

Not Yea Forums.

Formerly Yea Forums

i dont care what system is in the place as long as niggers and trannies are gone

Our ancestors practiced capitalism in Africa for thousands of years

You mean Imperialism?

his nose is too small

too accurate

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Did imperialism last thousands of years? Retard

you don't know what capitalism means, retard.

Why dont you pussy americanos just kidnap your CEOs like the French?

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Free market economies have prevailed in Africa for most of known history.

The effects of it have. How the African race was swaddled so long by Europe, only for the minority of detractors - be they in Europe, Africa, or America - to call for these countries to suddenly be given their independence, and for the nations of Africa to be unable to form a civilised society without trying to emulate their opressors.
One of the reasons why no one can name any country on that god forsaken continent other than Egypt - aside from the education system for World History being a travesty in any nation it's taught - is because Egypt doesn't come to mind when you think of an African country. You know what does? Aboriginals wearing loincloths and hunting boars with spears.
The African people have fallen for the detractors of Europe and Imperialism too far, and as such have come to resent the idea of being civilized in any way. Their style of government has never been formed in an untainted environment. To look at a place like Somalia and call it a working nation is to look at an infant with a pistol and call it a policeman; they are in control of something that they are too stupid to understand.

Because these CEOs have the local police agencies in their back pocket, and they will arrest people for lesser things.
I just remembered that we're on Yea Forums, so this is a good time to recommend a documentary on the subject.
Everyone in this thread, watch "Harlan County, USA" and then come back and tell me that this country is fair to its workers. If you can do that, I can grab you by the crook of your nose from here, and slam your head into the ground so hard your yarmulke goes flying off.

No it isn’t retard. BoD elects the CEO so they fire him if he makes bad moves but the CEO very much has a high degree of autonomy over his firm.

So you fucking commie twits believe that BOTH
>Capitalism is only driven by the bottom line and greed
>Lets hire this CEO (who does NOTHING!!!) and pay him millions of dollars!!

Use your brain for a sec will ya.

The vast majority of people in the West place their entire livlihood in the success of companies (aka their jobs). There is a give and take here. It’s not just hurrr corporations or the people pick one. Commies are so dumb.

>wagie general

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>that translate to less actual work
Define work?
Does the construction worker who works 80 hours a week perform more work than the manager of the construction company who is on call 24/7 but never does physical labor?

Or are you just a bottom of the barrel loser that wants to bring down the achievements and standings of others to your own pathetic level because you have no will to grind your way upward?

>should be elected by them directly
Look at the efficiency of government to realize how stupid and susceptible tp corruption this idea is

Seems like a good crowd for this question:

>Who here thinks Landlords are evil?
Cause they arent you commie faggots.