
>mfw when the higher up the hierarchy you rise in the industrial economy the less work you do but the more money (((earn)))

Is the Marvel Cinematic Universe an embodiment of this?

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In what economy it's the other way around?
If there was no financial incentive, why would anyone besides sadists or psychopaths would want to climb the hierarchy?

We should just eliminate all the hierarchical positions that translate to less actual work than the people in the positions below that person. Essentially just eliminate venture capitalists replace corporations with syndicates as the standard format for commercial enterprise.

>le rich people do nothing all day meme

how are you going eliminate this hierarchy of labor that has followed us since the dawn of agriculture, exactly? If you solution is literally "return to hunter-gatherer tribes and tough that out" then you are shit out of luck for solving this problem friend.

Go back to /leftypol/ and r/chapotraphouse

>less work you do
more skilled/difficult labour gets higher wages

capital owners have rights to their own property, and thus invest in ventures for their gain and for the gain of the entrepeneur

both of these things are natural and good and if you believe otherwise you're a complete retard

"if your solution is NOT literally" I meant to say

>haha people shouldnt be allowed to decide how much to pay their employees
>haha people shouldnt have property rights
Get a job you fucking loser

>that has followed us since the dawn of agriculture, exactly?
loling @ ur life. Capitalism has existed for two distinct periods in the west, each for roughly 500 years. Just google syndicalism if you want to know the precise organizational structure that the system could take in order to eliminate monopolistic tyranny in the market while keeping the basic principle of free enterprise in tact.