What does Yea Forums think about this show?

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I wonder what kind of posters will be in this thread

We think it's on the list of the shows we apparently can't discuss anymore along with Simpsons and for some reason Futurama.

I never seent it but I liked that dude in Shazam!, or The Real Captain Marvel.

Did Sneed have his cameo?

Guilty pleasure at best

I watched all of it but can't remember a single scene.

Fun but forgettable.
Bonus points:
1) blonde chick was hot and often in skimpy clothing
2) scott bakula showed up
3) it has based adam baldwin

Isn't this by the same guy who made Pushing Daisies? I liked that one.

Yvone Strahovski in her prime


first two seasons are comfy, the rest is shit

Didn’t they change the name of the show half way through?

-'s fuck and suck


Often almost as cringy as BBT
Nerd shows sucks

Damn, now I want some Subway

It was okay, kind of like a shitty version of Reaper

just rewatched it 2 months ago. i liked it, its campy its fun and stupid its making fun of a lot of different movies and shows. you cant take it as a show you want to invest your emotions in, but its still entertaining even though sometimes a bit repetitive

Chuck got cucked in the end

Maybe lasted too long.
I dropped it at some point.

>1) blonde chick was hot and often in skimpy clothing

She literally landed in LA and got the role within a month after doing practically nothing in Australia(she was in one episode of "Double the Fist" which was fucking epic). And she was and is fucking hot.

Chuck was made by the same guy who made The OC.
Pushing Daisies guy made "Dead Like Me", "American Gods" and "Hannibal".

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One of my favourite series.
It's comfy as fuck (until the final season).

It glorified nerd culture before everyone started doing that in the 2010's so it was good at the time but I really can't watch it without rolling my eyes now.

X Files S5E8 3:45 - 3:53

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love the show, I even have a DVD collection. I bought it in Scotland
dude from UA


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futurely SNEED

I actually love it. My only gripe is that we never got to know what Fulcrum was or learn about their objective. Felt cheap when they were replaced by the Ring.

Fun but I stopped watching at season 4.

prime waifu strahovski

forgettable show

This show had great fan-service almost every other episode

Loved it. Watch them all once a year. They need to get that movie done that they akways talk about making

It was fun and charming but it jumped the shark and the ending was just absolutely stupid