I check

I check

Attached: Matt Damon.jpg (480x360, 13K)

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Is checking a pussy move ?

I chuck.


It's the smart move

Is this an off topic thread?

Are you an internet hall monitor?

But he has a winning hand. If he'd bet money he could earn more money.
If they leave he would still get the same amount as when he doesn't bet.

>h-he's fast

Attached: sent him to the shadow realm.webm (720x404, 249K)

Professional poker is mostly mind games, but I think you knew that already.

but if he waits someone with a worse hand might try and bluff him which would mentaly lock them into bidding and if they don't he can raise on the next hand with the exact same effect

That was a Godfather reference kiddo

so was this

Im worried that the internet hall monitors are going to ban me for replying to it



Yeah but you lied...


The fucking slight bump of the table as he leaves always gets me.


someone redpill me on slow rolling

is it bad sportsmanship or fair game?

All's fair in love and war.

>Honey, he called with T6o. These idiot actors play rounders on TV but he call with T6o. How did this kid make it this far? He checked with full house, honey.

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Fair game

On your bike!

someone send the youtube link of that bitch that didn't play her winning hand properly and all the men gave her judgemental looks

It's part if the strategy so no


>raise right after a two pair comes in the flop
>the other guys insta fold

based Yea Forums retards

Shouldn't professional actors make for the best poker players?

they're mathematical expertise should give them a leg-up

Not really.
But it's retarded if you just let everyone know you have a good hand seconds before checking.

For me it's the world famous poker star, Ronaldo

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This son of bitch, all night he check, check, check! He trapped me!

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Does someone have the hand where a 10/10 model or something bluffs a german player and he kind of knows it but she gives him fuck me eyes and bites and licks her lips and pushes her tits out and he folds? I think she sucked him for that

He should have bet strong rather than try to bait some idiot in the last bet.

>is it bad sportsmanship or fair game

Why cant it be both?

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payee det miean hies maayni

I'm a poker brainlet and have no idea what to do in this situation

If you check you look like you're bluffing
If you bet too much you'll scare everyone off

Only thing i can think of is bet small and try to reel people in but even then it could be obvious

So what's the difference between that and everyone else checking?

or just don't look like a spaz when you check

it's fair game and the only people who get upset about it are those who realize you were in their head already
get tilted poker scrubs

just raise a tiny bit

You should do whatscalled a "value bet". Bet the most you think your opponent will call.

it is fair game, but it isnt good etiquette. the reason people get upset is because you know you have the best hand and that the other person is gonna play along, so you decide to be an asshole and play with a mouse like a cat does. it slows down the game unnecessarily so you can have your little power trip.

1. They might bet
2. they might bet on the next flip
3. you can make them think your bluffing if you wait until last card flip before betting

the best poker scene in movies right here

that was just a dream you had user


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F? did something happen to Tom Dwan?

>is it bad sportsmanship or fair game?
Exceedingly bad sportsmanship. You know you won, no need to prolong it as there's nothing to gain from it. Hand is already over and you're simply torturing your opponent with false hope.

Unless it's your specific target to be thought of as a massive asshole, you will literally gain nothing from slow rolling.

I'll stay

did he lose or win i dont understand poker

>If you check you look like you're bluffing

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He lost. He had two queens vs his opponent having two 9s, giving him a 99% chance of winning the hand.

Then the dealer deals a 9. Opponent wins.

Me too thanks :^)

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he means trying to hide your hand strength

There was literally one card he could possibly lose to, and it was drew as the last communal card. Chances of that happening are miniscule and his tournament ended right there because of it.

"I thought you had pocket Kings"

dumb bitch

he's luring them in than signally out that he has a great hand

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Someone tell me how that other guy could have a 1% chance of winning the hand. I cant think of any hand that could beat Damon's full house.
1% chance Damon folds?

kek, why would she think that, what gave her that idea?

wouldn't a straight beat it?

maybe if there are still 2 kings in the deck, he could have a better full house


The next two cards would have to be kings giving him a higher full house.

this was meant for


> and it was drew

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>the virgin check vs the chad all inn

Itd have to be a straight flush, which isnt possible given the shown cards
Ah shit, cant believe I missed that

Esfandiari seems like such a sleazeball

ITT: deplorable who don't understand sportsmanship

Retarded as fuck, people pretending its a "tactic" are also retarded. Might as well start rubbing your feet over your opponent's penis to distract them or something... thats the level of thinking these retards employ, a bunch of closeted homosexuals.

Based Hellmouth.

I've had this thread on thread watcher for this video request alone, and I ain't "unsubscribing" until I gets it, dang nab it

Wasnt that the jeniffer tilly one ? Its already been posted.

She didn't get judgmental looks.

He had a 95.5% chance of winning, but didn't.

it may put them on tilt so its not a bad move. depends on who youre up against though like anything in poker.

Phil wrote the absolute best book for beginners wanting to get good at poker.

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hi Phil

More than that. 1 outer.

no 2 outer

Look harder.

Ah sorry my bad

Look at this
Look how he's playing
Look how ugly this is
Send you back to Russia

Does TV poker not come under television and film?

How did Hellmuth win so much in poker? I constantly see him getting exposed by his own ego. He plays such a textbook game that when an opponent does something unexpected he completely crumbles.
Plus it seems so fucking easy to get him off his game.

dude i love Rounders

disctractingly good looks

>you will never be a pro poker player, literally playing cards for millions
Life must be bliss, even the ugly fucks seem to get 10/10s if they're half decent players.

moneys does that and I think there other more enjoyable ways to earn money

He was actually just checking these digits

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Check-raise is the most alpha move there is.

Have you actually seen him play or just some random hand youtube compilation?

Are there any celebrities that are actually good players? I've heard Tobey isn't bad but I've never seen him play.

I'm autistic enough to have watched compilations of his wsop main events from the last 5-6 years.
Maybe he was better in his younger days or poker has changed but now he's really not that good of a player.

The guy who played Ray's brother in Everybody loves Raymond seemed to be in several occasions relatively deep in the tournaments back when.

Here, you dropped these.

>I'm autistic enough to have watched compilations of his wsop main events from the last 5-6 years.
That's the thing. They're only individual hands and take up some 5% of all the hands. They don't include it in the highlight reels unless it's a very big pot or something wonky, like Phil's tablespeak antics, ensues.


>watching random poker vids on youtube
>negreanu, dwan, hellmuth, esfandiari etc
>realise it's a 2006 video
>over 10 years old
Guess poker is pretty timeless.

Mr. Kotter was great back in his day but the game changes.

I watched some Negrenau clips not too long ago and boy has his time gone by. He seems like such an asshole and has none of his childish charm. He's a guy in his 50's trying to stay hip and it's pathetic. Also heard some rumours he's a giant douchebag and a scammer but forgot why exactly.

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Do you retards even play cards?

>get good flop
>"oh yeah that's good i bet large"
>everybody folds
>you win nothing but the blinds
>or slow play it
>hope some faggot thinks they have something and bets
You can still end up winning fuck all though if no one bets any way

>more rake is better XD

You probably don't know what slow rolling means, but I forgive you

i do but not this shitty baby game

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ah, a fellow whist gentlemen I take it

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The real dummy move was checking on the river

You're all right in my book.

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how can men even compete?


Why is Uno so fun?

based hellmuth was always my favorite
never got the hate

How about dem apples

Unironically most based guy in Poker literally makes everyone seethe.

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What about the 9 of hearts?


it was a triple double reverse bluff, it almost worked

Shit didn't notice it would be a flush

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>it is fair game, but it isnt good etiquette.
I check-raised frequently in college, it is how I won several games in a row. No one thought I was being a douche, they just realized I was playing on a different level than them. They learned from me, adapted, and I stopped winning all the time.

Caveat: we were always playing flat $20 buy ins for equal chips and a seat at the table, play off until someone took all chips. I can see how my behavior would have been poor etiquette if people were throwing in money on each hand.

>I check-raised
That's not what slow rolling is. It's not even close to that you utter retard. Check-raising or otherwise trying to lure and trap others is just fine and dandy. Slow rolling is when you reveal your cards in an unnecessarily slow fashion, or act as if you were thinking whether to call his all-in bet even though you pretty much have a 100% chance of winning.

>Seidel 1%

how could he possibly win?

he believes in the heart of the cards

>its a tony g vs hellmuth episode

why was this era of poker so comfy bros?

Don't call me bro. I have standards.

didnt know phil browsed Yea Forums

Why are these threads so fucking comfy

Two kings would give him a King over tens full house that would beat Damon's Tens over Kings full house.

Card games in general are comfy, especially with mates.

builds churches in his free time

and doesn't attend cuck EP meetings

A most daring shitposting synthesis

>makes baby noises so your breasts swell with milk and you have to quit the game

Attached: George-Tries-To-Be-Cool.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>be an asshole in a game where players are literally trying to steal each other's money
>this is a bad thing

There's nothing you can do. The rest of the players got absolutely nothing off the flop and would need both the turn and river to make a hand, and they still wouldn't beat three of a kind with most cards available.

Every bet Damon would've made would've resulted in Folds. Checking was the only way he could've got any chips.


i wish poker after dark was still on, we could have generals for it. are there any other good tournament shows that we can follow and discuss on here?

god that's hot

Fuck off with your god damn motherfucking generals. You are the biggest cancer on the site.

>biggest cancer on the site
better than the constant spam post. fuck off dipshit

go make a general about you being a faggot

why are you so upset? what's wrong with having a general? this thread already gets posted everyday, might as well make it official

you're a faggot every day might as well make it official

you're pathetic

he's hitting on you ya dummy

how could i have been so blind

The problem is, Damon doesn't know their hands and in general, limping is a bad strategy. I would say he should've made a value bet on that principle alone.
Honestly, betting when you make your hand is the heart of the game. Heck, betting when you've got good odds to draw your hand is even better. The meta of poker is to bet when you've got something, not playing checking mind games for 30 minutes and hoping that your opponent falls into your 2smart2win 4d chess routine.

The first guy that got out is a faggot.

this. the times i do best are the times where i am consistently betting and just going for it. i don't know exactly why it works, but the results don't lie.

>This guy can't even spell poker, Honey. This is what I have to deal with!!!

The only reason to check here is if the other players are super tight and would fold to anything.

Ben Affleck won a shitload of money at blackjack by counting cards, which is based af imho.

Most likely because you're pushing money on the table and increasing your odds of receiving a good payout. Many new players think that the key to success is either to check and call every bet or to bluff their hands until they run out of money. The real key to success is being able to consistently get money into the pot when either a.) your hand is strong or can become strong or b.) the pot is cheap and 8 players are all continually calling and putting money on the table.
Poker is really that simple of a game. Nobody would lose Ms. Finland super model bluffer if they just stuck to the fundamentals of "unga bunga me hand strong me hand win me bet money."

for me, it's forsen

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shut up maldy


She's a gold digger and he knows it

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I wish I had a 10/10 gold digger wife