Probably the best sci-fi/action movie in the past 20 years

Probably the best sci-fi/action movie in the past 20 years.

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California will sink into the ocean.

Yes, and? Was a thread really necessary?

I just watched it. I assumed it was garbage because of Yea Forums memeing it.

Well now prepare for your opinion to be changed by anonymous posters on a basket weaving forum.

It really isn't.

I too was surprised, the trailers made it look bad and the waifu posting shit was gay as fuck, but it actually was pretty fun.

>her kid dies
>she goes to fuck the top nigger
>top nigger uses her
>he even dissects her and keep the parts alive
Was this movie just how not to be roastie advertisement for female teenagers?

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Basically. Not sure why Yea Forums has a problem with it.

Based KJ is extremely handsome poster.

Discord trannies are at it again.
Spamming multiple threads.
What the fuck is your problem?

I don't like Stranger things either but I'm not sure bringing those spammers up in an Alita film discussion thread is helpful in any way.

In your dreams. The romance falls flat, which wouldn't be that bad if they hadn't built the movie around it. Everyone besides Alita and Col Landa are cardboard cutouts changing sides for plot convenience, Connelly's character is especially bad. The only thing this had going for it were the Weta designs and some decent fight scenes. Shit sucked, waste of good supporting actors, budget, potential and time. Fuck all of you for praising this subpar shit daily.

Unholy get proves you wrong, Satan. Doc Ido is an extremely complex character and shows a surprising amount of depth and growth throughout the story, maybe even more than Alita.

Stranger things and GoT are still discussed here though. Daily

It's such a dull movie though.
Do you guys really just love it because of the cgi girl? It's poorly acted, filled with plotholes and inconsistencies, cliches and the VA for Alita was also pretty shit if you're truly honest. The animation is good but far from flawless.

People love it because of Alita. Not because they love her (the cuteness factor doesn't hurt, I'll admit) but because they connect with her story.

Attached: Alita Battle Angel [03.30-03.40].webm (1920x804, 2.9M)

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Attached: Alita Battle Angel [05.02-05.07].webm (900x804, 2.22M)

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Attached: Alita Battle Angel [13.47-13.58].webm (1920x804, 2.93M)


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Attached: Alita Battle Angel [21.17-21.22].webm (1700x1608, 2.98M)

Attached: Alita Battle Angel [21.45-21.49].webm (1700x1400, 2.78M)

The way she says crap is adorable.

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Attached: Alita Battle Angel [37.59-38.04].webm (1608x1608, 2.83M)

Attached: Alita Battle Angel [43.07-43.09].webm (2048x1608, 2.97M)

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that's not blade runner 2049 you retarded waifufaggot subhuman waste of tissue. kys

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The movie was alright but lacks some of the subtle charm of the manga that seems to be only captured by the Yamato spirit

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You can’t settle for pretty good? Because that’s the most praise it deserves.

It's a high budget B-movie, but I don't see it.
The city felt like a set. A SET.

>I do not stand by, in the presence of nigger's

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(Formerly Chuck's)
(Formerly Chuck's)

(Formerly Chuck's)
(Formerly Chuck's)
(Formerly Chuck's)

did you forget that its actually 2019? sneed is very much Reddit.

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If you watched it, can you tell me what did I think about it?

its a cringe fest par excellence. and it doesnt make sense if you dont know the manga its based on.

she somehow is a ancient battle automaton from mars but she is also the daughter of humans from the enemy faction of the martian faction that built her?? didnt make any sense to me. and if shes a battle robot with full AI, then why does she act like a 14 year old girl??

capt marvel made more sense.

This isn't Tron Legacy 2049, whats are you smoking faggot?

This movie is redpilled as fuck.

Probably the worst.
A cgi shitfest where every other element of the movie was clearly neglected in favour of boosting the special effects budget.
The Alita VA is bad, so many better options out there surely.

> but she is also the daughter of humans from the enemy faction of the martian faction that built her?
I don't remember the movie ever saying that.
>full AI
But she has a human brain, she's never stated to have an AI. What the fuck.
Are you the criminal genius Zapan?

They're going all out to try and discredit the movie as they do in every thread, new friend. I mean, it has it's problems but the exaggeration on Yea Forums is mental.

>she has a human brain, she's never stated to have an AI. What the fuck.
we never see a brain, it is never stated she has a brain, how would a robot have a human brain?

>I don't remember the movie ever saying that.
then why does that christoph waltz guy and his wife act like shes their daughter

why does she know about martian technology? why can she control it?

why does she act like a teenage girl?

if you put it all together it suddenly doesnt make any sense.

in what way?

It's literally stated in the movie that she has a "human" brain.

Jesus Christ this is cringe

Female lead but without the SJW bullshit.

The doctor chick getting BTFO because she was whore and a user.

Im too lazy to explain more.

Perhaps actually watching the movie instead of watching it passively, you might actually find your plot holes aren’t actually plot holes

Are you experiencing difficulties posting on Yea Forums? I can help.

>It's literally stated in the movie that she has a "human" brain.
then why is she also a battle automaton from mars that has memories of fighting the city in the sky and why is christophj waltz her father somehow.

sry but the movie didnt explain that very good and demands you believe surreal shit like a robot with no fleshy parts somehow be able to contain, connect to and nourish a human brain. also the amount of damage, g-forces and manhandling she receives should crush an organic brain. you totally need to shut down your suspension of disbelief to not be totally confused by the movie. it assumes far too much of the viewer.

Don't reply to it

>Female lead but without the SJW bullshit.
she is a 14 year old girl with a body that looks like it, she saves her bf and can totally stand up to dudes 10 times her size and age and shes also ubersmart and ethically superior and innocent and holy and all.

its literally feminist propaganda in your face dude!

He watched it so he can be called based by other anons when he points out "plot holes". Yes, he watched a movie passively so he could get internet meme points. Tragic.

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>exclamation mark
This poster is female. Ask for feet pics

Is this true?

have any feet pics ma'am?

Only according to the tvpol hive mind. Stars, you people are the NPC meme irl.

No what you are seeing is that now the movie is available as a decent quality torrent, more people have been able to watch it and make the assessment as to it's lack of quality.
The motivations of the /alita/ general discord trannies has been laid bare. They never truly liked the movie on it's own merit, what they like is that their cutie anime waifu has come to life in a live action movie.
I saw the movie two nights ago on that 1080 webrip, which looks fine. The cgi is outstanding but also not flawless, many scenes of her speaking and eating look weird, I remember the bit where shes walking through the city with the Dr at the start and there's very noticeable issues, such as her movements looking unnatural especially the mismatch between her voice and lip movements.
And the problem is that the cgi is all this film has going for it, the acting, story and pacing are woeful.
It's not very good, it has a hardcore following of dumb weebs, thats it.

Why would trannies have waifus?

Too long winded and brimming with buzzwords.
I only read half of that lmao.

i watched it with my little brother because he wanted to see it and i had nothing else to do in the meantime. didnt no a thing about the alita universe and got massively confused by what i saw.

im not trolling, the movie is shit at explaining stuff, especially the explaining magic stuff so you can suspend your disbelief.

so tell me how does the brain of a 14 year old girl end up in a martian cyborg power armour attackign a n earth city in the clouds where her parents live and why is she christoph waltz daughter? why does he find her but not know her? why does he put her in anothe cyborg body?

and if shes a battle cyborg from mars and also the daughter of some tech adept from the mysterious city above why does noone care and act as is shes a totally normal human 14 year old?

Is this bait.

Feels like a movie that was made to sell action figures. But I don't think it even did that.
It's just dull.

It is and you keep falling for it like a retard, for the love of god stop replying to it

if its so obvious then surely you can explain.

She's 300+ years old and a Martian killing machine. The 14 year old part is probably mental damage from being on bare minimum life support for 300 years. Does stupidity run in your family because nobody else (not even people who didn't enjoy the movie) had an issue with the things you mentioned so there must be something wrong on your end.

Why do you reply to trolls? You're encouraging them to shitpost even more.

all your reactions to my critique of the movie are "is this bait" "show feet"

you cant even answer my questions since you cannot explain the movie either, you just ignored all the bullshit the movie thorws at the viewer because you liked the animated pictures of a 14 year olds body and cgi and thats all you care about.

probably the same fanbase as the transformers movies.

>The 14 year old part is probably mental damage from being on bare minimum life support for 300 years.
then why is a battle cyborg from mars held for 300 years in the enemy city he was supposed to destroy and then suddenly released with the mind of a 14 year old girl?

how can a human brain survive for 300 years and why did it turn into a 14 year old girl who has a crush for teenage boys on bikes??

and then you still didnt answer why christoph waltz acts like she is his daughter?

the fuck,a re you blind? why cant you see the massive issues the movie has?

The dumbest part was when they visit the crashed spaceship and she finds her new robot suit.
>this has been here for 300+ years but no one has bothered looting that highly sought after technology because its underwater
Laughed my ass off.

It was my last reply to him. Trust me.


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They explain why, so you were probably on your phone the whole movie.

The movie was good but I fucking hate when full length movies end with “to be continued”.

I just watched and paid for a whole fucking movie for there to be no closure or ending. How long do we have to wait for part 2, 3 or 4, will there even be a conclusion?

If a movie ends so abruptly and without a proper conclusion to the story it should have to state so before hand.

For all we know this movie might not meet box office numbers and so may never be completed, fucking bull shit.

Yes they did explain. It was a piss poor laughable explanation that made no sense, as I already said.

Agreed I didnt like how it ended like that. But there is a lot of content so I just look forward to the next movies. It will be made trust me.

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

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>20 years
nigga what
bladerunner just came out a couple years ago

>Imagine hating a movie as much as this guy
Jesus Christ user

Judging by James Cameron's Avatar I'm guessing 20 years and we will see the sequel

No it came out in 1987

to be fair it is a really bad movie

What didn't make sense?

that in the span of 3 whole centuries no one from this scavenger society had recovered the valuable technology from within the ship.

What’s wrong Disney baby, not enough sjw pandering for you

>scavenger society
They're a farming community though. Ido was in the garbage-heap looking for high-quality spare-parts that the rich fucks up top discarded but that's not how Iron City sustains itself.

how would we know?

the movie has plenty of sjw pandering

By watching the movie and seeing the farms?

a farm doesnt make a farmin society. iron city is clearly industrial.

Well it was URM tech that nobody knew how to use. Plus the force field.

I see, so they make their food in factories.

As far as it's portrayed in the movie, the whole city center is a scrapheap. The boy who escorts alita around describes that many people make their living off the disposal form the city above.
No one ever mentions farms, nor are farms ever shown in the movie. The closest depiction would be the eating of an orange.

why did the urm use 14 year old girl brains for their battle cyborgs? and why is christoph waltz, an exile from the sky city the father of a 300 year old battley cyborg from mars that attacked his city`?

wh ymake battle cyborgs that look like 14 year old girls and have the brains of 14 year old girls?

so many questions, so few answers...

america has farms, this means america is a farming society. this is the logic of alita fans.

But it is. You eat food that is farmed. You're not a hunter-gatherer or a scavenger.

Have you ever watched anime in your life? Also do you not know what a cyborg is?

i still think her face looks creepy and dumb

>i eat food, my country has farms
>this means nobody can use technology and doesnt want to understand it either.

again, the logic of alita fans.

>Have you ever watched anime in your life?
i have, but alita is not an anime, its live action. so live action rules apply which are: add realism or explain your space magic.

alita doesnt do that.

>this means nobody can use technology and doesnt want to understand it either.
Nigga what? What was this retarded non-sequitur?

bluray is out

>Acting of the charts
>Amazing cgi fight scenes where the computer makes such amazing combat
>Enemies so well designed. Especially near the end where everyone has some chain weapon and is a face plastered on a cgi body.
>Such an oRiginal story where the hero has to fight in the arena to earn freedom, never seen before

Man this overhyped crap was boring as shit.

it is an industrial society and an example of a future we must avoid

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> where the hero has to fight in the arena to earn freedom
What? She went there for fun, not to earn freedom.

>Also do you not know what a cyborg is?
if you told me about a battle cyborg from a martian society that has access to far future technology i would imagine pic related but certainly not the flimsy body of a 14 year old girl with the mind of a 14 year old girl.

wtf were the urm thinking? AND WHY IS CHRISTOPH WALTZ HER FATHER FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I finally watched it yesterday thinking it was some underrated fun masterpiece and was thoroughly disappointed and annoyed. It was a shit film and everyone who has been making a billion threads about this is clearly a shit-taste incel. And that's just on its own merits. If I judged it as an adaptation, I'd say it's the most expensive irredeemable garbage I've seen.

I finally took the plunge to watch it because of this thread, was reluctant cause of the bug eyes. It wasn't bad, and one of the better sci-fi's that's been released as OP claimed. I was hoping Ghost in the Shell would've been the best anime adaptation when it released but we all know how that turned out. I gotta say that Alita was pretty good though, probably the best adaptation in recent times. Looking forward to the next one lads.

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You are the only person I’ve seen on this board unable to process information without being told on a molecular level how things work, go back to school user

is there a version without cgi anime eyes

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Yea not like she did it to get to the ever so 'original' sky city where the rich ppl live with her long ass sidestory boyfriend who ended as a torso and she let get stabbed first.

And the acting holy shit seen better acting in thunderbirds from the 60's.

No, in this movie she did it because she thought it would be fun. The "getting up to Zalem" is all sequel stuff.

Cyborgs are biological beings with cybernetic parts user, I bet you also think gundams are stupid and pointless too right?

No she did it so her boyfriend can go to the rich ppl city. It was said many times.

>romance subplot
what fucking garbage. I'm just gonna watch GITS 95 again

I'm sick of GITS 95, can't we watch Ghost in the Shell 2 for once?

because you live in a bubble of delusions and other delusional people who enforce and amplify your delusions even further. alita has severe flaws. you may not like to it, but thats just how it is.

>I bet you also think gundams are stupid and pointless too right?
das rite

Get thee forthwith from hence and never return again to darken mine halls with the shadow of thine countenance.

The irony of this post

>Cyborgs are biological beings with cybernetic parts user
but a battle cyborg should have a battle mindset and a battle body. but alita has the body of a 14 year old girl and the mind too.
she wants to fuck teeange boys for fucks sake. what kind of battle cyborg does that? and how is a teenage boy alright with a battle cyborg (that is more machine than the other cyborgs you see in the movie) from mars with memory issues wanting to fuck him? how is it that noone around cares?


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>Probably the best sci-fi/action movie in the past 20 years.
I've heard some pretty egregious claims regarding this film, but this takes the cake. I mean, really the only way you could say this in earnest is if you haven't seen any other sci-fi film that's been made in the last two decades. I'll name a few off the top of my head that are better.
>Ex Machina
>District 9
Oh yeah, and the Matrix if you really want to be technical about movies made in the last twenty years. Once again, OP reveals himself to be a fag shilling this movie for no other reason than it just happened to come out at the same time as Captain Marvel and was marginally better.

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That’s what all the martians looked like, it’s already a fact of the universe, you are arguing aesthetics, which is just what your preferences are and from what I can tell you’re a wh40k fan so yeah
Ido found her and repaired her, he’s not her father


>That’s what all the martians looked like, it’s already a fact of the universe
and how would we know that, how would the other characters know? the movie tells us its more of a legend and myth to them.

>you are arguing aesthetics
im talking realism. she doesnt have the mass or the armour to pull of the fights and stunts she does. the g-forces alone should be enough to crush her organic parts. also how does she move so fast that even hypersonic bullets cant hit her? its impossible!!!!

>Ido found her and repaired her, he’s not her father
then why does he and his wife act as if she is his daughter, they are making a big deal of it and treat her like shes a 14 year odl girl and not a fucking battle robot from mars that they have been at war with and that attacked their city.

Leaving things a mystery is good story writing
wanting to know more about united republic of mars and zalem should draw you in and hopefully get you to want to see a sequel
do all films need to be self contained and tell you everything explicitly? especially this one which sets up for at least a sequel

Did you pick apart lord of the rings when you watched it? did you annoy the shit out of everyone then with your moronic takes and questions?

also people who lose a child might see that child in someone it’s nothing new

>what is symbolism
You can’t process basic shit in your head you are beyond retarded
It’s fucking sci fi, you know what the fi part of that means? Her body is enhanced by her heart if you actually fucking listened you would know this

>complaining about her being 14 years old when you have the comprehension of a 12 year old
Now fuck up

>>what is symbolism
it doesnt make things any clearer if you take the movie symbollically. the teenage love and lost daughter plot just conflicts with the battle cyborg plot too much and they fucked up the transformation from anime style storytelling and world building to live action too, so being confused as fuck is a natural reaction to the movie.

hey should have decided if they want it to be an anime for teenage weebs or live action sci fi for a mature western oriented audience.

they didnt and so we ended up with the clusterfuck that is battle angel alita.

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if shes able to dodge those bullets at point blank range and manoeuver around the centurions like that she must have enough kinetic energy and inertial dampeners to simply just ignore gravity and fly up to sky city.

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Why is everyone talking about this flop again?

Ido has a rocket hammer
do you really think realism is what they were going for?
it’s a movie
why do people watch things they don’t like just to complain about them

Anyone else shipping these two?

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>be OP
>state that alita is the best sci fi moive in the last 20 years
>discussion happens
>"dude lmao why is there a discussion?"
>"why are people having different opinions lol?"

>why do people watch things they don’t like
i thought id like alita because Yea Forums shilled it. turned out Yea Forums was wrong. who would have known?

I’m sure OP didn’t start the thread to shit on alita
if you have any genuine faults other than MuH rEaLiSm to an otherwise good film please share them in this ‘discussion’

>i thought id like alita because Yea Forums shilled it
>turned out Yea Forums was wrong
Are you saying tv was wrong about you liking it? Are you schizophrenic?

i already shared them here. the movie should have showed or explained more about the setting and the character of alita had to fulfill to many roles to make them all credible (teenage love thing, coming of age, lost daughter thing, battle robot from mars, hero of the people against tyranny etc.). they just crammed it all into one movie and everything had to be established in just 1 or 2 scenes, it felt rushed and left me confused.

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We dont care about your special occxasion. You have legit problems with thinking. Dont care i write bad you made me mad. FUCKINGASSHOLES
I dont extrapolate its litteraly what you wrote when discussing about your ban, thats why i made the screenshots because i lurked there maybe too long but i saw you faggot talk on discord and act on Yea Forums like you were innocent little virgin who didnt want to hurt anybody, who only came tyo bring happiness to this board and wanted to heal the soul or whatever the fucking shit you delusionlas morons came up with to mistify your love of a fictional characters, all you lonely losers for the first time in your life found somebody else who didnt rejected your stupid thoughts. I dont know man, what the fuck happened but this shit movie brought all you sad bipolar alcoholics fragile minds to bond over a shit movie on one of the worse board of this site and then you started to do meating and thought you made your place on Yea Forums like a true haxxer orr i dont know what kind of old memes you learned on facebook where you first discovered Yea Forums in 2009. You could have made it really nice and comfy on /soc/, a relatively new board made for people like you. But you decide to stay believing no one will notice your timewasting circlejerking because you got noone else to talk to but a few others trannies on Yea Forums or maybe it was the "girl" you all tried to impress i dont know. Your shit is just too retarded it really pissed me off, all of it.

user are u ok?

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>Probably the best sci-fi/action movie in the past 20 years.
a movie base on manga
really makes you think

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I watched this in the theatre with an old friend of mine. Real nice guy, wouldn't hurt a fly.
Afterwards I didn't have the heart to tell him what I thought so I just said 'yea user it was awesome, absolutely 9/10'
So I get the kind of crowd this stuff is made for and even though you take it a bit too far, you guys are alright and probably not many of you are transgenders as they are saying.
It's just guys who didn't really grow into men, I think kind of like Michael Jackson, he would've loved this for sure.

>ditch the hardbody, meatboy, and let me buy you a drink

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have sex

I thought pacing and character evolution was fine
nowhere did I see alita standing up against tyranny and becoming a hero of the people, she seemed to just be fighting guys who were evil
sorry you felt confused maybe you should watch it again so you understand it

Why is that retarded rollerblade game such a big story point in this movie?
>bad guy kills Alita's boyfriend
>she decided to rollerblade for the rest of her life for a chance to get to the upper city instead of exploring other possible options
you can tell this was written by some autistic nip faggot

>pedo anime
uhhhhmmm like.. NO!

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She wants nova
Nova is in the upper city
why must you be retarded

why doesn't she just fly there?

>Probably the best sci-fi/action movie in the past 20 years.

It certainly isn´t. What this movie is, however, is a decent cyberpunk with a better female lead than anything Disney or capeshit in general have produced. The movie itself is pretty average but at the very least it understands the basics of narrative, story telling and character progression. This alone makes it better than Rey, captain Marvel or Wonder Woman for example. Alita character is revealed through her actions and is changed by the events of the story, while say, Rey actions and skills are all forced by the needs of the plot. Alita is also as overpowered as Captain Marvel but while Captain Marvel starts strong and end strong Alita strenght proves not enough to protect the people she cares for, which means there is still room for her character to grow.

That´s it. Alita is a decent flick that feels better than it actually is because for the last few years the standards have been just too fucking low (with a few exceptions). On it´s own it certainly isn´t a great sci fi movie, let alone the best.

Because machines that can fly are b& in Iron City precisely so plebs couldn't just nigger rig a helicopter and fly there.

>all those fresh webms
Thank you for your efforts user.

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I think I would rather keep the russian web-dl version from about two weeks ago, because it was full 16:9 ratio and uncropped.
The itunes and amazon versions are cropped, and I think the bluray as well. I have no idea why the 16:9 version is uncropped but thats just how it is.

You should discard them in the wheere yoi belong too

The only thing that belongs in the trash is (you) and your spam autist.

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So how are those discs selling my fellow non-shill?

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It's never gonna get a sequel, isn't it?

It is.

Why wouldn't it? It didn't flop, contrary to popular belief.

>how to spot the corporate marketing nigger

Disney bought fox media rights, so don’t get your hopes completely up

>still waiting for 4k Bluray

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Disney hates money?

if you are 13 or an incel sure

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Cameron owns the rights, not Fox or Disney.

Its as awfull soulless teenygarbage as Twilight

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>muh cgi pg13 shlock
just becuse everything else is shit this decade, it doesn't mean it's good.

There is a spanish 16:9 version with better bitrate than the russian one, but with some audio issues.

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong and wrong.
Dumb waifuing faggot.

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the issue here is internal consistency. the movie doesn't have any.

You missed the part where I said
>rocket hammer

all you did was just give away the fact you have no idea what "internal consistency" means.

Didn't some guy on jewtube actually make one and find out it worked pretty well?

Alita is internally consistent. She's fast, she's not laws-of-physics-breaking fast.

she's pretty flippant with the laws of physics in that centurion rageout-scene, just like all her other scenes.

It was mediocre. 6.5/10
Nothing new really. Don't understand why this gets shilled but the ghost in the shell movie doesn't when they're pretty much on even odds.


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No it isn't. It's typical SJW shit.

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Captain Marvel was better

It's political but it isn't preachy, which is why it's not SJW shit.

>I'm ok eating shit as long as it doesn't stink

> Incel Robot Waifu: The Motion Picture

>[equivocation intensifies]

I dunno, I'd try it.

Attached: eat shit.png (501x502, 379K)

>politics I disagree with in art is bad and I'm unable to look past it no matter how subtle it is
Hitler loved Chaplin's The Great Dictator, a film that makes fun of him. If he could do it, so can you.

I like how you realized how stupid you sounded halfway through that post, but kept trying anyway because you have to defend alita.

>user is literally worse than Hitler

A retard wrote that.

I don't see anything physics breaking here, just some decent acrobatics and poor aiming by the centurions, which makes sense since they're trained to fight regular criminals, not highly advanced cyborg weapons.

Attached: alita centurion fight.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Teen romance dram with some robots. If you like it you are a woman or a faggot or both

I guess your periods of self-awareness are rare and fleeting.

>they're trained to fight regular criminals, not highly advanced cyborg weapons.

movie establishes they don't fight "regular criminals" either. So all you did was prove they're not good for much of anything.

and we all know you actively ignore any flaw with the movie. No need to post as much.

They're good for intimidation.

my takeaway from that is soý-burgers are literally shit.

an intimidating appearance only works for as long as it takes people to figure out its just an appearance.

And intimidating enough appearance ensures no one will ever figure out it's just an appearance.

300 years, bro. someone would've figured it out.

so alita is on the same literary level as one punch man. except taking itself completely seriously.

For crying out loud they have fucking autocannons mounted on them while firearms of any type are forbidden to own for civilians. Alita has a military grade body which is the only reason she's able to stand up to them.

the movie established they aren't good at fighting literally the only thing they could even potentially exist to be a threat to them and they don't fight what isn't a threat to them at all. So they're literally good for absolutely nothing. but whoa people are scared of them because of how they look.

also, as far as "omg guns banned" goes, that dude didn't seem to have a problem shooting his makeshift jet engine gun in front of thousands of people.

>that dude didn't seem to have a problem shooting his makeshift jet engine gun in front of thousands of people.
That dude was backed by Vector, same as Grewishka.

The novelization states she's more like 18, she only seems 14 at the beginning which is partly because the body Ido put her in was made for a 14 year old

who are irrelevant as far as factory/salem law is concerned.

>The novelization
jesus christ you people are literally autistic

new favorite copypasta

Best CGI by far no question.

Vector literally runs one of the factories and has connections to Nova. Did you miss that blatant bitr of corruption?

The novelisation is tumblr tier fan fiction that includes details like the berserker body having a fully functional vagina.

Ok well there's nothing in the movie to suggest that she's only 14, especially because Nurse Gerhad says "I guess she's older than you thought" when Alita gets put in the berserker body

I'm aware that it's garbage but it's a source that indicates that she's a fair bit older than 18 and there's nothing anywhere that says she's just 14

vector is a glorified manager afforded luxury and power because salem doesn't care as long as the factory keeps producing. Flagrant disregard for factory/salem law is not something he could manage.

*fair bit older than 14

novelizations aren't sources. they're glorified fanfiction. They're generated practically by algorithm from script pages.

He literally controls the Factory

yes, he's a manager. but hey, we're clearly going into your headcanon now. So I guess this is over.

Ok so find me something that says she's 14

Was there a tacked on love story in the manga as well? Cause that was honestly the worst thing about the movie

The fact that he controls the Factory is not my headcanon, calling him a "manager" is yours

Yeah but it didn't feel so out of place because they fleshed out the dude's back story.

It's not a tacked on love story, it's an essential part of the movie and the manga. Alita is an action-filled romantic tragedy, not an action movie with a romance sub plot.

Yes there's an awkward love story in the manga but it's important because it's her first real experience with love and loss which is important to her development and helps drive the rest of her story

a manager technically has control over whatever he manages. But if he does anything that negatively impacts smooth operation, he doesn't remain manager for long.

But hey, now we're explaining basic facts of adult life to a clearly autistic child.

>literally just borned
>immediately wants cock

Figured, movie did feel a bit rushed

it is most definitely tacked on in the movie. As there is literally nothing to it and the scenes surrounding it are completely devoid of any emotion or justification.

The entire climax of the movie wouldn't have happened without the romance.

Nova told him to get her heart by any means necessary, Vector controls both motorball and the Factory so it makes sense that he would use that to bend the rules to help bring her down.

Pro tip: insults indicate that you're upset because you're losing the argument so maybe try to avoid that in the future if you want anyone to take you seriously

which is yet another reason that scene did not feel like a climax to anyone.

Is it though, don't see any romance tag in there

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Man, are you socially retarded or something?

>the scenes surrounding it are completely devoid of any emotion
uh... no

Attached: tearcut.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

>user-added tags
How unusual.

How is some database entry supppsed to disprove the argument?

Having and using what is clearly a gun is not "bending" anything. Its completely breaking a law in a format that is heavily monitored in front of thousands of witnesses.

Yikes. Terrible tastes user.

Vector clearly thought he could get away with it and he had to do something because Grewishka is unreliable and "Nova is not a man who tolerates failure"

Wait, is that actually how it ends? The nigger chimps out and dissects his white woman like irl?

I suggest you watch the movie. It's pretty good.

We don't need to keep diving deeper into your headcanon. Your headcanon won't convince me of anything. As I'm looking at what the movie establishes. You're making up shit.

me. I'm looking for more zapanlita porn

Like what?

am I supposed to feel anything other than embarrassment?

Maybe you should go over your flash cards again

>copy scene from manga
>completely change meaning to something that doesn't work at all

the scene was built around the idea she was angry at herself for having emotions/attachment and all she wanted to do blank out her mind with adrenaline.

I can't even begin to guess what it was supposed to mean in the movie.

This shot is actually copied from the CG motorball short that was released back in the '90s and if you can't figure out what it means then you're an idiot

again, the meaning from that shitty short and manga is completely different from what its supposed to mean in the movie.

Isn't this such a great movie? Even now, people are passionately discussing what every little detail and scene actually meant. I bet people are gonna write theses about the complex themes and nuances of Alita Battle Angel.

So you're telling me that she's not upset because her boyfriend died? Ok then why don't you enlighten us as to what it actually means.

nah. its just waifuists autistically quibbling in order to exhaust opposition.

name better movies than alita (more fun and hotter women):

1- the mummy

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You realize that Chiren is a OVA-only character who never appeared in the original manga, right? Also, compared to the movie, Vector actually survives in the manga.

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These are basically the same thing

I'm telling you the scene is devoid of meaning. As they failed to really establish any sort of real connection between the characters. Also the whole bit about cutting the signifier of her emotion (the tear) in half kinda contradicts your "turn your brain off" level interpretation.

In the manga she's so upset about hugo dying, she ghosts ido, moves to a different part of the city, and signs up for bloodsports to try to forget everything. In the movie, she... stays with ido? keeps doing the bloodsport her bf introduced her to? with renewed passion? All in all, in the movie, it seems she isn't really affected by hugo's death. Just as it didn't really seem like they had much of a connection. But the movie is very weak on basically every theme it tries to establish.

You realize we're talking about the movie, not weebshit?

mangaupdates usually have pretty accurate tags. Speaking from my 200+ manga read experience. So yeah, if a romance tag isn't in there, even minor, then romance isn't even remotely a huge part of it. Suck it faggot

>In the manga she's so upset about hugo dying, she ghosts ido, moves to a different part of the city, and signs up for bloodsports to try to forget everything. In the movie, she... stays with ido? keeps doing the bloodsport her bf introduced her to? with renewed passion?
We don't know why she goes back to motorball, it will presumably be explained in the sequel.

After Hugo dies there's a time skip to several months later where she's about to enter the Champions' League in motorball, we don't know whether or not she's still living with Ido or not, and it's well established in the movie that she has a natural talent for motorball and that becoming Final Champion is a ticket to Zalem which she probably sees as a way for her to get closer to Nova in order to kill him

you waifufags are retarded

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again, the point you missed was, in the manga, she ditches everything that reminds her of hugo. in the movie she's shown to do the opposite. the only implied reason would be to get the "final champion" ticket to salem. Which is also contradicted by how vector says the only way up is as dissected corpses.

>the sequel
Just because you're deluded doesn't mean that James Cameron is stupid and would make a sequel for a flop.

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If it can't be an actual city, I'd rather a city feel like a set than a green screen.

the only movies that made more money than Alita this year:
- three Marvel movies
- Aladdin remake
- Pixar sequel
- Dreamworks sequel
- a Pokemon movie
- the biggest movie ever made in China

yes, its been a bad year for movies. that doesn't mean alita is going to get a sequel.

Hopefully not

Wow, you're so dumb.

>and it doesnt make sense if you dont know the manga its based on.
Horseshit. I went in blind, had no knowledge of the manga or OVA or anything at all, and I (24) understood in perfectly well and enjoyed it, as did my actual (Baby) Boomer parents (55 and 66), and so did my two Zoomer younger brothers (21 and 17), none of us ever being aware of any source material.
>she somehow is a ancient battle automaton
Not automaton (or android), she's a cyborg. Her brain is completely organic, and she was born a fleshy human.
>but she is also the daughter of humans from the enemy faction of the martian faction that built her?
No, dingus. She's adopted by Ido, who basically acts as legal guardian/step father, but he and Chiren were NOT here parents, ever. Doc Ido had a girl who was named Alita. Our Alita, the protagonist of the film, can't remember her own actual name, so Ido suggested "Alita" (his deceased daughter's name) as a placeholder.
>didnt make any sense to me
Because you're dumb and you don't pay close enough attention, so you go on to blame the movie instead.
>and if shes a battle robot with full AI,
She's not a robot, she's a "full body replacement cyborg", meaning everything but her fleshy brain is synthetic, but she still has the mind and soul of a young person. Imagine an 18-year-old going into a coma for 300 years and then waking up. Imagine her brain and body could live that long, she'd act and think exactly as she did before going to sleep, minus some amnesia.
>capt marvel made more sense.
I didn't see this movie, but I assume it "made more sense" because it was a bland, basic, recycled plot with would without subtly spoonfeed information to morons like you.

I'm not even saying that any of this means you have to like it or it was undeniably amazing or it was without flaws, but all of your points for not liking it are retarded.

it's not

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I've already debunked this too many times over, so I'll just copypasta my response to this:

>supports feminism
Yes, the 1970s-1990s style "girls can kick butt too" brand of feminism, not the "ALL MEN ARE EVIL, MUH VICTIMHOOD" radical feminism of today
>supports environmentalism
sure, I guess, in a subtle way. Nothing outright.
>illegal immigration
not at all. there's no immigration of any kind in this movie, legal or otherwise, and they definitely don't imply anything political in terms of IRL outside the scope of the film. Blatant LIE
If anything, it's pro-capitalist. Iron City is based on a planned economy from what the higher-ups at Zalem want. It's like an authoritarian communist system with very limited free market exchange, most of the suppliers and producers owned or heavily regulated and monitored by the higher-ups, anyway. So, another blatant LIE
>villains of the film are depicted as wealthy slavers who live above the poor ghettos
This person obviously didn't actually see the movie or chose to be stupid about it and make shit up. In terms of villains, only ONE of them lives up in Zalem: Nova. Every other villain in the movie lives down below, in Iron City. Blatant LIE.
>whereas the heroes are violent street thugs
None of the heroes are as violent as the villains; none of them started shit, only did stuff in defense. Exception is Hugo, who doesn't kill anyone but jacks their cyber parts for money. So, yet another blatant LIE.
>who hate money
this is probably the most laughable of them all. There's definitely no 'anti-money' agenda or theme anywhere in the film, by the villains or the heroes. Everyone either accepts or really likes money. Another blatant LIE.

She wasn't "just born". Her teenager/young adult brain has been asleep for 300 years. She used to be a fully functioning cyborg, but before that she was born a human.

>94% audience score, 61% critics score
>5 stars on IMDB
>Cameron wrote script outlines for two sequels
>hiring Jai Courtney and Edward Norton in cameos for characters that would be important in the sequels
>built 90,000 square feet of permanent set that can last for at least a decade
>rights to Alita owned by Cameron who can do whatever he wants with it
>Fox bought by Disney who is already a huge fan of Cameron
all signs point to a sequel

Imagine drinking this much soi

oh I also forgot the INSANE amount of fan support

>when your daughter dies so you dig up a random cyborg girl's remains from the trash, hook her up in the body you built for your daughter, give her your dead daughter's name and start treating her like she actually is your daughter and continue playing house even while your ex-wife is understandably creeped out and disgusted by the whole situation
Ido logic.

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>Doc Ido had a girl who was named Alita.
It was a fucking cat, everything in this adaptation is terrible and fuck you and y"our" alita

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imagine being BTFO'd so hard you don't even have a response

I love Alita: Battle Angel, but I must admit that in terms of hard science-fiction, movies like Ex Machina and Blade Runner 2049 better fit the "genre proper" and have done more to advance the genre for science fiction forward than Alita: Battle Angel.

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In the movie he had a daughter named Alita who died before he could connect her to the cyber body he built for her
Did you even watch it

the baseline story still is great, even if twisted and unnecessary fanservice scenes. making it also closer to the OVA rather than the gritty grimdarkpunk manga is the only problem. they kinda went the capeshit route, which makes me a bit sad and if it was brutal, that maybe could've been a selling point, since there isn't too much brutal stuff in action fantasy anymore, especially big budget

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Alita is far from hard sci-fi, what's your point

Imagine defending females
Hopefully you suicide before turning yourself into one

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Can you read motherfucker ?
Are you blinded by your shit taste, can't understant context ?
I watched this terrible piece of shit and even last order is better written than this

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My point is the OP is saying this is "probably the best" sci-fi movie of the past 20 years, and I disagree with that. I'd say it's a great movie overall, one of the best action movies in the past 20 years, and definitely the best live-action Hollywood adaptation of a manga/anime of the past 20 years, if not ever, but I wouldn't call it one of the greatest sci-fi movies of the past 20 years, exactly because of what you said, that it isn't exactly hard sci-fi and it's not doing anything new in terms of technology or philosophical concepts for the genre.

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>I watched this terrible piece of shit and even last order is better written than this

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but the creator of Gunnm himself said that the screenplay for this movie is better written than anything he's ever done, including plot pacing and character development, and that he loved the finished product of the film and thought it worthy of his IP.

Probably the best sci-fi/action movie, nothing indicates that it even intended to be a vehicle for philosophical concepts

>movie isn't verbatim like the manga, including every trivial and minute detail
>therefore it's SHIT!

unironically off yourself

>sci-fi/action movie

yeah, I'd agree with this label

He's right though. Bbut obviously hollywood has to dumb down the story to appeal to the broader audience

Imagine being such a seething basement dweller you go from MGTOW-esque keeping women accountable, calling them out on their bullshit, and disarming certain women's radical ideology and toxic behavior, to going full blown bitter incel where you just hate women, all women (including those who hate radical feminism and SJWism and actively fight against it because, hurr durr, they're a girl), and anyone who supports anything they do or has any nice word to say about a woman or women in general

have sex

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>changing Alita's name coming from a cat to a deceased daughter
>dumbing down

You're even dumber that he is.

>off by one
>off by one

>philosophical concepts
there is much of it in the manga that isn't included in the movie at all, only hinted once or twice i think. what makes us human, is it only our flesh, our brain or our thoughts, our memories even? what makes me me? even in concepts of evil and good explored in the beginning with makaku and why he is such a vile brain eating endorphine-junkie maggot and having empathy for those that stray from the right way and forgive them. and i agree with . Blade Runner the old and new one and also Ex Machina explore similar themes of humanity through their story and in the Alita movie that falls short, whereas in the manga it's a main theme.

Attached: BAA01_238_Makaku.jpg (338x209, 27K)

>Alita wasn't brutal
It's not as brutal as the manga but it's one of the most brutal PG-13 movies ever made.

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Masamune Shirow had "no problems" too with Ghost in the shell 2017, that's a terrible argument, find something better

Huge pile of shit

But he didn't say "no problems", he said it was better than what he had done and that he loved the movie. Much higher praise than "no problems".

still not getting a sequel. 200m dollar movies don't get sequels for niche audiences.

t. never seen the movie

"What is Edge of Tomorrow and Pacific Rim?"

>polygon punching another polygon

wow so brutal

Peak NPC.

cost less than alita and outperformed it. not to mention pacific rim is a treatise on exactly why you shouldn't make slash-budget sequels.

How is it better to have the fucking archetype of the dad who sees his daughter everywhere than Ido in the manga who learn all the emotions related to fatherhood troughout the story

I don't see any blood, gore, or even evidence of significant trauma. I just see two arrangements of polygons. The "dead" one not looking much different than it did when it was "alive."

motherfucker, Alita's character was all mo-cap, and much of the effects of the film were practical. Someone on the set of the film said it was 50/50 in terms of CGI vs physical practical effects. Most modern films it's 80/20 CGI v practical, if not more.

Attached: ABA14.png (980x649, 1.13M)

>Alita's character was all mo-cap
still polygons

Cyborg blood is blue.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-07-11-21h42m07s721.png (1920x1080, 1.28M)

Maybe but each of Alita's irises had more polygons than Gollum's entire body

you're reaching,you don't know what Kishiro really thinks and neither I am but I know that polite people praise shit publicly because that's what you're expected to do

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read: not blood. also looks like more damage was done to the wall than to the head

blue blood turns me off in a way you wouldn't imagine. even the synthetic white blood in the alien movies don't makes me feel anything. maybe thats also why the rating was that low in alita. it shoud've gone full mature route with brain eating villains an horrific scientific failures or maybe a human being reproduced entirely from their bones to tissue in a re-creation chamber. or the brain chip reveal

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so? She looks worse than gollum. gollum was supposed to look like a horrid little mutant. Alita wasn't, but still did.

How more NPC can you get?

>cost less

Pacific Rim: $190mill
Edge of Tomorrow: $178mill
Alita: Battle Angel: $170mill


Pacific Rim: $411mill
Edge of Tomorrow: $370mill
Alita: Battle Angel: $404mill

So, wrong about everything, except Pacific Rim made $7million more at the global box office. Big whoop. Edge of Tomorrow cost more and made less and it's greenlit for a sequel. If you subtract costs, Alita: Battle Angel still made $13mill more than Pacific Rim, so where's your argument?

tl;dr Alita: Battle Angel sequel confirmed.

Attached: ba09-036.jpg (783x1203, 348K)

>brain chip reveal
>before the Joshugan arc
Nigger that won't come until Alita 3 at the earliest.

adjust for inflation, my dimwitted friend.

>Alita looks worse than Gollum

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everything that made the manga good is stuff that has been dumbed down and changed in this horrid live-action

scientology foots a huge part of the bill for tom cruise movies. also don't forget to adjust for inflation. I've also already covered why the pacific rim sequel is just proof alita won't get a sequel.

no, just in terms of gore that wouldn't be in pg13, there is much more of that throughout the series, i just picked some of the most memorable examples from the top of my head.

There's no reason for him to say "it's better than what I have done" He could've just said he had "no problems" or "it looks good", like so many others do and call it a day, but he went out of his way to praise it. That speaks volumes.

it won't come at all. they showed chiren's brain. also they don't make sequels for flops

is this person actually arguing in a manner that implies he wants a PG-13 sequel?

dude. kishiro hates gunnm. he was also clearly just happy as fuck to finally be making some real money.

>gollum: supposed to look like a horrid pathetic mutant; succeeds
>alita: supposed to look like a cute young girl, fails, looks like a horrid mutant

gollum > alita

numbers of polygons doesn't change this.

Inflation Adjusted:

>cost less

Pacific Rim: $210mill
Edge of Tomorrow: $193mill
Alita: Battle Angel: $170mill


Pacific Rim: $454mill
Edge of Tomorrow: $402mill
Alita: Battle Angel: $404mill

>total global box office subtract budget

Pacific Rim: $244mill
Edge of Tomorrow: $209mill
Alita: Battle Angel: $234mill

Looking a little better for Pacific Rim, but sits comfortably within the range. $10mill difference does not make or break, and it still outdoes Edge of Tomorrow.

so, again,

tl;dr Alita: Battle Angel sequel confirmed

and Cameron was inspired by the OVA, which is actually as bad as the movie so good job I guess ?

actually was a nice thread and the right amount of images and not actual spam. thank god the facebook autists moved to /trash/. you're not that shit Yea Forums

Go look up how much the pacific rim sequel cost/made.

It doesn't matter how much you autsiticly screech. There won't be a sequel.

>this stretching
>this moving the goalposts
>this reading someone's mind

Besides, Kishiro doesn't hate Gunnm outright, he hates how he's been pigeonholed into doing nothing but it for what he fears is the rest of his life.

All these excuses are bullshit. Whether or not you like it, or whether or not you think others should or shouldn't like it, the creator of the source material has repeatedly said he loves it. The end.