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No, Sheev, you're just one man. A Senate is made up of many men.

Sheev McConnell


most senates in the developed world are made up of at least half women

Dr. Pavel I'm CIA

It really seemed like Yoda would've beaten him. Was Sheev really that much more powerful than Mace? Mace seemed to get wrecked pretty decisively

No, the CIA is a large organization made up of many men. You're just one single member of the CIA.

>Be an elected Senator AND officially nominated Chancellor of the republic
>An armed negro with a bunch of freaks show to your office
>They threat you, ranting about how you are some sort of dictator
>Everyone of them is unelected
>They are also followers of a strange religion/cult with their made up internal rules
What the actual fuck?

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You better be ironic faggot.

>Actually created a white only human only empire (canon)
You cannot get more based than Palpatine


Did that force lightning wither his cock as well?

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makes me think

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Shouldn't it be "I'm Senate"?

Reminds of the novelization of RotS where Sheev literally just plays the security tape prior to him drawing his Lightsaber in front of the Senate to convince them the Jedi were evil.

Jedi, I'm Senate.

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One race of one species took over the entire universe?

What kind of surname is Xiv?

life immidiates kino

Based George. Europeans must rule the multiverse.

Cringe and bluepilled.

>at least
i hope you keep believing that

Back when Star Wars was still space opera with pew pews and flying whoosh whoosh and bang bang and kinda goofy and highly memeable but still enjoyable.

Where is that unlimited cum you promised?

If he could be bested by an asthmatic 50 year old cyborg its safe to say Yoda could have taken him had he gone full force.

Yoda is a faggot, jedi in general believe themselves way stronger than they really are.

Women are so competent they need jews to force them into positions of power

This documentary about Lucius Sulla was really good but I question the inclusion of laser swords

What even is a "half woman"? Another one of your porn terms, son?

Honestly this. I highly doubt in 100 BC these showy gladius were avaiable in Italy.


Based. Fuck jediniggers and Tatooine sandniggers

How did these dumn niggers even trust him? He didn't look deformed, he looked fucking evil.

Thread theme. Fuckin' love his theme. Underrated.

>Nah you're a Jewfro Eggstein

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Politicians usually arent the smartest guys around, user.

Somehow his powers of dark side clouded everyone's head around them. Supposedly the same thing was happening every time Anakin talked to him. It wasn't pure out of Anakin being naturally deceived, it was on a higher, supernatural level.

This sounds like Superman/Clark Kent bullshit.

interesting analysis

Idk what that is, but multiple times in the movie Yoda or Obi Wan try to sense shit or see in the future and it's "clouded by the dark side". Since this mostly happens once Palpatine is around and more powerful, it makes sense. I'm not saying it's all mind control either, but it's there.

what was their fucking problem?

He was basically some hippie "woke" nigger in robes with a grape drink colored lightsaber. Based Sheev for killing the only main nigger in the movie.

It's called artistic license you sperg

>One race of one species took over the entire universe?
He had help. His master was from the (((Banking clan))). Plagus saw his psycho-potential and recruited him like they do modern politicians.

Good book bye the way.

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>grape drink colored lightsaber.
Oh no...

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Did they ever explain why Palpatine hated aliens so much? Thrawn and the Chiss were obviously the exception but they're basically just blue-skinned humans so they barely count.

>I don't think a lot of people was educated
Idk why people hold that line against Lebron. He's the son of a crack whore (not an insult to his mom, that is literally what she was) who grew up in the ghetto and went from HS to the pros at the age of 17. You can't expect him to have perfect grammar.

So in this universe, the Jews seem to be helping to make an all white Imperial Empire? Based Lucas showing us the best timeline

Imo is because jedi believe themselves to be more strong and intellectual superior than they are. They're like progressives.
>the choosen one will bring balance to the force
>this must mean sith will be destroyed because fuck everyone who dont see the world exactly like me
>after Anakin, the choosen one, actions two jedi (Obi & Yoda) and two sith (Vader & Palpatine) are left, aka the force is in balance.
Jedi are pretentious faggots.


>not an insult to his mom
Glad you specified that kek

>Did they ever explain why Palpatine hated aliens so much?
Because peace is a lie.

>Idk why people hold that line against Lebron. He's the son of a crack whore
That's why, genius. Stupids need to STFU and dribble.

>So in this universe, the Jews seem to be helping to make an all white Imperial Empire?
Plagus is a sith in secret but they're essentially Jews. He's like the first Rothschild, except he doesn't give a fuck about their tight species loyalty as he was a bastard adopted into a higher Jew clan. His real mother was made to seduce the important father by his old sith Master who wanted to breed a rich sith.

So I guess you could say the Sith infiltrated the Jews.

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It's not simply that his grammar was incorrect. Many of the things he says have poor grammar. It's the fact that the sentence in which he was grammatically incorrect was about him telling people that they weren't educated and putting himself above them in terms of knowledge. It's the irony of that particular sentence. If people are supposed to forgive him for his bad grammar due to his upbringing then people should also not take him as a well educated person due to his upbringing, which shows in that sentence.

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This. The Jedi could tell something was seriously wrong, something was affecting their ability to see the future. Doesn't help of course that their temple is so close to the Senate building. They were able to tell that the dark side surrounded the Senate and the Chancellor, they just couldn't pin down exactly who it was. So that leaves them with two problems:
1. They can't exactly roll up to the entire Senate, lightsabers drawn, and demand that everybody submit themselves for interrogation until they find the Sith Lord.
2. They were so arrogant that they didn't believe for a second that he would be right there in the open.
Also it doesn't help that Anakin, theoretically the strongest Jedi alive, is spending so much time with Palpatine and doesn't notice anything wrong. Honestly this is on him, had he noticed something was up sooner then the Jedi could have had an actual plan rather than "oh fuck Yoda and Obi-Wan aren't here let's just go try to assassinate him with Windu and the JV squad"

Felt like it was necessary, when I've brought it up irl and on other boards people assumed that I was just trying to talk shit about him

>The Jedi could tell something was seriously wrong, something was affecting their ability to see the future. Doesn't help of course that their temple is so close to the Senate building.
They also housed all the darkside holocrons and amulets and shit in the basement.

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Based. Though it hides a bit considering it looks like an ant eaters nose or elephants. Works perfect for those in the know and those who aren't.

>George is Raimi-tier redpilled

>Felt like it was necessary, when I've brought it up irl and on other boards people assumed that I was just trying to talk shit about him
Your fee fees make you stupid, sweetie.

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Yeah that was probably not the smartest decision

Lucas is waycist

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From the Empire's stability and advancement in technology compared to anywherelse in the galaxy, I'm really starting to favor the Empire rather than their weak democracy from before. Fuck lads, never thought I'd reach this conclusion when I was young when I watched these movies. What a twist.

>From the Empire's stability and advancement in technology compared to anywherelse in the galaxy, I'm really starting to favor the Empire rather than their weak democracy from before.

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A lot of the aliens in star wars are unironically subversive and worse than jews and niggers.

Hutts, Rodians, Gamoreans, are always knee deep in crime, murder and shit, Tusken are literally worse sandniggers, Yodas are always against him.
From prequels/clone wars - Mauls's species is another group of literal niggers, Pykes are another crime breed.
Honestly, the only "good" aliens are the ones that have some form of autism like Kaminoans or basically useless for imperial management like Javas and Wookies.

Twileks are the only widespread alien breed that can really be integrated into empire since they are basically just humans.

>They also housed all the darkside holocrons and amulets and shit in the basement.
Imagine if the Vatican housed a shit ton of Luciferean or old ass esoteric occult shit in that mile long library of theirs they let no one in haha. Wouldn't that be WACKY?! Haha, it's not like that could ever happen, haha

formerly republic

> Rodians
Piggie asian food

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So Palpatine was just purely a race realist who was trained by some grey alien lookin' thing? Jesus Christ Lucas


Well Luciferians are pretty new. Starting with Blavasky, essentially feminist-gnostics.

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Ewokes are Jarawa

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Couldn't they just fly to another planet and then see the now unclouded future? They're not fucking bound to their chairs in Jedi Temple.

If you cheers for the empire when you're young you have no heart, but if you cheers for republic when you're an adult then you have no brain.

Imagine if the only copy left of the Necronomicon is in the Vatican library and if you want to access it they put around you an exorcist haha, no way hahaha.

makes sense

Unironically, if I have only a couple weeks to live left, I want to go out by driving a truck or some shit througg the vatican gates armed and ready and storm into the underground library and take pics of every book I can, even if it takes days. I'll do it as long as I can. Some of thw few literature not allowed for the public to see even electronically so fuck them behind their walled in pedo satanist city.

>Did they ever explain why Palpatine hated aliens so much?
Just because the empire didn't feature any aliens doesn't mean that they were racist. The standardized look of the storm troopers served the purpose of illustrating the militant nature of a dictatorship and 'casting' an alien as an officer was probably just disproportionate to the technical effort. In the end Yoda was the only speaking alien of the OT. The character of Darth Maul is a good indicator of what Lucas thought about the concept of a racist emperor.
It's probably just your typical EU bullshit.

They like to follow all the muggles laws and protocols but the first whiff of there ancienct sith enemy and you better get the fuck out of my way muggle bitch im gonna pop a lightsabre in that siths ass.

>Tall grey alien trained the most powerful sith lord
Lucas knew some shit I bet

Why is every democrat candidate (even Bernie) trying to come up with some retarded health insurance scheme. Why are none of them arguing for a pure socialist healthcare system?

They should open a museum.

this thread went down the shitter is there anything we can do to ressurrect it

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>Tall grey alien trained the most powerful sith lord
>Lucas knew some shit I bet
He's not a grey, he's yellow and a banker. The grey's built the clones, which makes sense since the Deep State fakes aliens and experiments with cloning.

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>talk of why palpatine hated aliens
>his influence on Jedi queers
>His based ethnoempire
Looks based to me

When exactly?

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>Just because the empire didn't feature any aliens doesn't mean that they were racist. The standardized look of the storm troopers served the purpose of illustrating the militant nature of a dictatorship
They're Hispanic mutts

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Isn’t the order just empire loyalist remnants?

>He's yellow
I thought in all the original novels with him in it though he's grey skinned right? And all of the original art and the novel civer art, he has grey skinAnd that pic is just the new stuff they changed it right? I just care about his older original vision instead of the animated stuff.

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To add though, yeah the Kaminoans are greys huh. Very neat.

whenever people started floating serious theories about sheev and not just saying retarded funny star wars stuff
last thing i laughed at

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im rebooting this star wars thread

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>Whines about the thread not being whst he wanrs for 3 posts
>finally posts some normie shit meme he found from google images and tries to cut off conversation
Hope you're not an irl banking clanman getting mad at all the nose jokes

>Sheev putting the niggerman and his diverse friends in their place.
What the fuck Lucas?!

>I thought in all the original novels with him in it though he's grey skinned right?
In the book he calls himself yellow when talking about force lightening deforming you. IDK

Yoda's force Push and Kush

choo ta na wa

Oohh. Alright.
Also what ever happened to the Kaminoans after The Attack of the Clones? Do they just fuck off or

>Also what ever happened to the Kaminoans after The Attack of the Clones? Do they just fuck off or
I never read anything after Vader is born because they're already movies.



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Did she and Yoda ever fuck?

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>That quick alt-escape out of tabs
What was he jerking it to lads?

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Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Cunnyposter the Wise?


Heh... it’s not a story the Jani would tell you.

It's a shitposting legend...Darth Cunnyposter was so powerful and so wise.....


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in the old eu they tried to secretly reboot the clone program to fight the empire but where suppressed after the initial fight iirc
disney era probably don't remember that they exist

why the fuck did he let himself get killed by maul?

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Twileks are basically human, they share a common ancestor with humans.

Is this IV real ?

What? The Emperor? No way.

In the film he was looking at the Death Star blueprints, had close that pretty fast.

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To give Obi-Wan the edge he needed to fulfill his destiny.

He'd already been secretly training under space Buddha and became a semi force ghost, he didn't fear death.

Sid's a pretty good actor


I havent laughed this hard all week

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He's a man of the arts, likes opera and theater, collects dark side artifacts and he enjoys spinning.

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