Is it as satanic as the Christians said?

Is it as satanic as the Christians said?

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werewolves scared the fucking shit out of me when I was a kid

They celebrate Christmas so they believe in Jesus

Christmas is a pagan holiday

No, but it was super dumb and gay.

no but interestingly enough the first Troll film (the film which spawned Troll 2) is about a little lonely glasses wearing boy who discovers a magical world just under his nose.


No but its garbage alright

also his name is also Harry Potter. that's the most essential detail.

the werewolf is one of the scariest werewolves in cinema imo, actually scared me as a kid, it's the one harry potter movie I did not like rewatching

Hijacking this thread: Should I keep watching this series?

Watched 1-5, was only lukewarm towards 1-2 but I was a kid, 3-4 are kino, watched 5 somewhat recently and really didnt like it. Should I keep going at this point?

Rowling is a Christian isn't she?

Those pokies are Satanic.

jk rowling famously said that if you knew the scripture you could easily guess the end of the series

Oh fuck the motherfuck off with your absolute fucking bullshit

There are only 365 days in a year retard. There are no empty time slots for an "original" holiday especially when the astrological events EVERYONE uses as a point of reference happen at the same time.

T. Slaves of the demiurge

prime emma in PoA

t. larping fuck that doesn't even know the so called faith he's pretending to believe in

Yeah you’re right.
Fuck Gnostics and fuck Jewish slave mentality.
Krishna save me from material illusion.

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please watch american werewolf in london

Saint nick, christmas trees, and pretty much everything else are pagan rituals

why do shitskins portray their gods as white?

Luckily Sneedmas is all Christian (Formerly Pagan)

>Is it as satanic as the Christians said?
Not even close. Three quarters of the story revolve around school children up to shenanigans with the other quarter being a modern person's understanding of "magic."


The main villain has a snake motif and can talk to snakes. I guess that's kinda satanic.
They're also degenerates, dress in dark clothing, murder and rape innocents, etc.
The whole story is about a kid named Harry Potter who has a destiny, he must kill said snake man.
He also gained the ability to talk to snakes but doesn't use it, and he gets shamed for using it as it's seen as an evil trait. When he destroys the evil within himself and the evil snakeman (satan figure) at the end of the story, he loses the ability to talk to snake.

>mfw couldn't watch or play pokemon because my grandmother said the little lightning mark on ash was satanic
i will forever have a hole in my heart

Play it now?

Magic itself is intrinsically unChristian because you put your faith and life in lesser gods and demons.

Other than that the plot and story itself doesn't really have satanic themes.

dont have a 3ds or gameboy

There's emulators online, any computer or phone these days can run old Pokemon games.

also the only version i play is a roblox version, because those fucking nips at gamefreak love to be nippon kikes with their games "muh copyright muh copyright!"

gib links
also pls dont tell me to look it up for myself, because i already tried, all have been nipped and the ones that i do find have a bunch of r files

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...and Harry and all his little friends went to hell for practicing witchcraft. The end.

man alright I'll hold your hand :l.
Here's Fire Red, it's the first game (Red) with updated graphics.

Now instead of hitting download, hit "more options" it's right underneath the big download button. Then hit download through browser.
It'll download a 5mb zip file.

Then download this.

After unzipping both files just drag the .gba to the visualboyadvance.exe. (Also configure your controls)

hey, thanks for actually being a cool user and not a faggot

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No they get a lot worse

Not all Christians say it's satanic. Just the Evangelicals (formerly Fundamentalists).

no but it's very dull

You're literally the niggers of religion.
>you made this?
>I made this
Read a fucking book.

fuck off wigger

It would like to be

>Saint nick

Just for the record, that was only a tiny minority set of Christians. And 98% of Christians understand the difference between make-believe and actually practicing witchcraft and are 100% okay with Harry Potter.

Cope. Nobody gives a fuck about christcuckery anymore. Which is good because Islam can finally take over.

I genuinely thought you were kidding

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But funnily enough troll 2 was a completely unrelated movie and the title was only given to it to get it a bit of free publicity as a “sequel”

This shit is basically the ready player one of magic in fantasy, if anything it should have been more satanic instead of LOL MAGIC EVERY. Shit yourself? Magic. Food? Magic. Get shot by a bullet? Hah, magic that shit away.

Harry Potter dullest copypasta user when?

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It is worse, it turns people into weenies

J.K is a hack who got lucky by making it a children’s series and nothing else. Jesus

Imagine being this retarded. History is a continuum baby.

But besides being fantasy and having a same named protagonist what do the two even have in common?
Rowling actually made an engaging (but not very good or complex) story by combining an amiable protagonist with a world that was exotic yet familiar enough to be desirable.
Troll set up some ancient war and made the magic antagonistic. Harry Potter has humans and wizards secretly coexist and creates a warm environment ripe for self-insertion and fantasizing

>98% of Christians understand the difference between make-believe

uhhhhh, not sure about that chief.

This week I also learned that cum tastes like nickels

The critic of Harry Potter from the Church was basically that it mixes enough real and fantasy elements to make it confusing for children and they will end up mixing reality and fantasy in real life. Considering the fans of Harry Potter, they were right.
The second critic was on how Harry Potter isn't a good character. There was a lengthy article on it but I forgot to bookmark it.
Magic isn't that much of a problem considering LoTR is one of the books most Catholic priests suggest to read especially to teenager.

That's because LotR is real, and the Vatican knows.

There’s a small subset that cares about the magic, but I can kind of understand the rest. Power fantasies and the realm of fantasy aren’t always unhealthy, but they can become obsessions

That’s pretty interesting. And it’s true that Harry Potter fans have mental issues.

Maybe satan his dirty ass cursed dis series ta be tha dullest franchise in tha history o' movie franchises? seriously each episode followin' tha pimp wizard n' his muthafuckin' pals from hogwarts academy as they fuck assorted villains has been indistinguishable from tha others. Aside from tha gloomy imagery, tha series’ only consistency has been itz lack o' excitement n' ineffective use o' special effects, all ta make magic unmagical, ta make action seem inert.

perhaps da die was cast When the fuck rowlin' vetoed da idea o' spielberg directin' da series; biatch made shizzle da series would neva be mistaken fo' a work o' art dat meant anythin' ta anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion fo' her asshole books. Tha harry potta series might be anti-christian (or not), N' therez Ain't nuthin' but it’s certainly tha anti-james bond series in itz refusal o' wonder, beauty n' excitement. No one wants ta face dat fact. Naw, thankfully, they no longa have ta.

>a-at least da books were wack though

"no!" da writin' be dreadful; da book was terrible. As i read, i noticed dat every time a characta went fo' a walk, tha author wrote instead dat tha characta "stretched his muthafuckin' legs."

i began markin' on tha back o' an envelope every time dat phrase was repeated. I stopped only afta i had marked da envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowlingz mind be so governed by cliches n' dead metaphors dat biatch has no otha style o' writin'. Lata i read a lavish, lovin' review o' harry potta by da same stephen mackdaddy. Dude wrote somethang ta tha effect o', "if dem kids r' readin' harry potta at 11 or 12, then When the fuck they git olda they gotta git on ta read stephen mackdaddy." n' dude was quite right. Dude was not bein' ironic. When the fuck yo' read "harry potter" yo' r', in fact, trained ta read stephen mackdaddy.

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