Look cool Yea Forums, a lady reporter is investigating us

Look cool Yea Forums, a lady reporter is investigating us.

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psyduck looks like shit. This movie deserved to fail

I'd put a bag over her head then rape

id like to investigate her pusy

But Pikachu was cute!

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based pusy investigator

what are some pusy-investigating movies?

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all women deserve extreme abuse and rape

This is a genuinely hilarious post

already deserved the fail for casting a nigger as lead and a emasculated mutt nigger on top of that

The Pink Panther.

I meant that as a joke because pussy = cat but that actually sounds like a pornagraphic title.

Shes cute but is obsessed with golf. Big turn off

I don't see how that would really be a factor either way.

the new dora movie coming out soon


I liked the lead.

me too

lol, found the mutts, refugees from /pol/?

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I'm white as the bread, so I guess that makes me a cuck.

Can you imagine actually talking like this in real life?

nope, spainbro here

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Good thing I'm posting on Yea Forums and not talking like this in real life. Who knows though, asking girls if I can investigate their pusy might actually work

That's no reporter, it's Warwick Davies' attorney!

This slut is never going to be lewd

>/pol/ likes nigger replacements in mainstream movies
Since fucking when?!


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Try it; report back.

Update: tried it on my sister and now my mom says I have to move out by the end of the week

End of the week as in Saturday or do you have a week from today?