Wow, this is gaahbage
The girl was only dreaming and creating everything with her childish mind? What kind of plot twist is this?
Wow, this is gaahbage
The girl was only dreaming and creating everything with her childish mind? What kind of plot twist is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
everything from ghibli is crap
>Le universally acclaimed film is shit!
Have sex
>only dreaming
No. When they get back to the car it's covered with leaves and the parents remark "is this some kind of prank?" which means it's been there for a long time.
Japan hasn't made a good movie in years.
>only dreaming
yep, definitely have sex
maybe it was a prank?
Universal acclaim only means its very basic for the pretentious to harp on about
That's not even the twist you faggot
She still had the hair tie at the end of the movie, stupid. None of it was a dream.
Also this.
when was it ever implied that it was a dream?
At the end when she wakes up and nothing that happened was real
I actually think a lot of Ghibli stuff is overrated. It hits whimsy overload levels for about half his movies, but I still like Spirited Away. I think Porco Rosso or The Wind Rises is my favorite, but Spirited Away is still up there.
Whisper of the Heart for sleeper favorite.
>Porco Rosso or The Wind Rise
those are the worst ghibli movies tho
your taste is pretty bad
If you legitimately think that when When Marnie was There and fucking Tales from Earthsea exist, then you're either retarded or an obstinate contrarian. Which is also retarded.
Mononoke-hime and Nausicaa are both excellent. Spirited Away is okay
For me it's the Tale of the Princess Kaguya
If you want to troll on ghibli, at least use a truly bad one.
Like Kiki, that way it won't be as obvious.
wanna know how I know you are a weeb?
oh no, I called it by it's actual name, i've been found out
Whisper is amazing
then why did you say Nausicaa instead of its actual name, Kaze no Tani no Naushika? and why did you say spirited away instead of Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi?
to avoid the weeb haters ( who are also weeb, but lacks confidence so much they have to shitpost)
Fucking based
those are really long. Mononoke-hime is shorter than Princess Mononoke. I was saving keystrokes. Same reason I said Nausicaa instead of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. But now you've made me type them both out and I hate you for it
thanks for the spoilers dipshit.
I don't speak Japanese, does anyone here know what this means?
Porco is actual kino.
Yes it means もののけ姫
I am ever vigilant and you will never avoid my weeb detection.
if you used shorthand for nausicaa why not do the same and just say mononoke
Anime is gay
reddit loves anime
see I can't believe 4 letters triggered you
fair point, I suppose I could have
Oh you mean that movie that is known in the English world for its name in English? You should have referred to it as this in the first place to avoid confusion. In the future, be aware that not everyone knows Japanese and understands these references.
Non-weeb alpha male chad here.
Spirited Away is a masterpiece, one of the best films I've seen. The only people that don't like it are the ones that have good reason and respect other for liking it, and the contrarian faggots that dislike it because of their immature perception on something being popular cannot be liked aka most of Yea Forums.
you're on Yea Forums, retard. Everyone here knows what hime means and if you don't then you should fucking go back
Do people really still think that most people go on Yea Forums to talk about anime?
Do you even know where you are, or did you stumble here with the last batch of newfags ?
You must be a newfag if you don't know people have been making fun of weebs on here for as long as there's been weebs on here
with the number of anime related boards, and anime threads on non anime centered boards, do i really have to spell it out for you ?
Yea Forums was the first board, and the hate really begun with the newfags and contrarians.
Nowadays, it's not a stigma anymore to like anime (almost a normie thing).
Also, shitting the bed may be a Yea Forums thing, but that doesn't mean i can't call you out on the bullshit.
Well to be fair, anyone with a functional brain that knows Princess Mononoke by its English name will be able to work out what Mononoke-hime means.
Whole thing falls apart maybe 2/3rds of the way through, just like Kiki's Delivery Service. Both are pure kino up until that point though. Princess Mononoke is trash.
>liking Kiki delivery unironically
>hating on monster princess
dude, try to be more subtle about your trolling.
howls moving castle is the worse offender of this.
Yeah I bet he's so new he doesn't even own a Guy Fawks mask. We are Legion! Never forget! Anime for the win!
Anime is gay and YOU are gay for liking it
>Nowadays, it's not a stigma anymore to like anime
Weebs and furries will never be normal
>posting on a copypaste of a japanese forum
Yeah, anime suck, amirite fellow user ?
what does furry has to do with anime ?
>Expecting English speaking ubermensch to understand ching ching bing bong gobbledygook language
The weird thing about this movie is how it feels like a tv series. There’s sections of this movie that felt like they should be entire season arcs of a TV show.
>only dreaming
are you fucking retarded? it's basically an isekai
You are gay if you haven't seen berserk, does it cancels out ? or makes everybody gay ?
They are exactly the same thing, if you admit to liking anime it's the same as admitting being a furry
Not all of us a faggot weebs like you though. I scrolled past and had no idea what that shit meant.
You should be embarrassed for using such language in the first place.
>opinion discarded
Unironic Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki Power Rankings:
(ranked from best in the tier to worst in the tier)
>Elder God Tier; legitimate achievements in the arts:
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
>God Tier:
Naussicaa and the Valley of the Wind
Castle in the Sky
The Wind Rises
>Great Tier:
Porco Rosso
Lupin the Third
Grave of the Fireflies
From Up On Poppy Hill
Howls Moving Castle
My Neighbor Totoro
Whisper of the Heart
>Good Tier:
When Marnie Was There
The Secret World of Arrietty
Kiki's Delivery Service
Only Yesterday
>Meh Tier:
My Neighbors the Yamadas
The Cat Returns
Pom Poko
Ocean Waves
>What the fuck is this tier
Tales from Earthsea
>TBD Tier:
How Do You Live?
I said they would be able to work it out not intrinsically know it. What kind of übermensch cant translate a single word?
The nineties called, they want their opinions back.
You're the one who said anime is becoming more normal like it's a good thing
I'd switch kiki with the cat returns, otherwise you're completely correct.
You can't expect burgers to learn a second language, they already have troubles handling one.
Anime was big/normal in the 90s, Zoomer. Stop acting like it isn't incredibly lame and mainstream, It's like thinking watching capeshit makes you part of some subculture
Nah, i said it was'nt stigmatised like it used to.
Wich means nowadays, you won't get any funny looks for liking it because people are used to it.
it's not normal, it's just nobody cares.
It's confusing because there might be some other gook cartoon with the same name since all the words sound like the same gobbledygook "language"
Nausicaä predates the existence of Ghibli, genius.
Which is why Nausicaä and Castle of Cagliostro are Miyazaki's masterpieces.
Yeah dude I bet everyone thinks your ahegao hoody and anime profile pic look really cool
>Monoke better than naussicaa
anime, like any medium is 90% crap and 9 percent decent, and on rare occasion you see the 1% masterpieces.
saying you hate anime is as retarded as saying "i hate [type of music]".
Anime fans need to be more stigmatized imo.
>calling the movie Lupin the Third and not The Castle of Cagliostro
Liking anime doesn't mean you are a weeb you fucking retard
time to go back
On the good side, if we had only afficionados, all the isekai crap would die, and that's a good thing.
No, you were wrong. Admit it you fucking faggot.
Yes, it does. It also means you're a furry, 100 percent of the time
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I'm comfortable with who I am. Can you say the same?
>all of the same people worked on the movie but they didn't call themselves Ghibli so it's totally different!
based pedantic retard
Done, now you can be on your way to reddit.
You are wrong, objectively and factually. Admit it or die like the dog you are.
pretty based, the wind rises is underrated
>time to go back
Absolutely seething
>implying non-weeb autists are "reddit"
Absolutely embarrassing
based. i cryed.
>posting on Yea Forums
>hating anime
I bet you go to NRA meetings to hate on guns.
Alright, this list and Satan have convinced me to start a collection of Ghibli films.
you're just on the wrong fucking website if you hate anime and a 4 letter japanese word triggers you to this degree
Watch or rewatch all the satoshi kon movies while you're at it.
Tokyo Godfathers is my favorite.
>Nobody makes fun of anime on Yea Forums!
i herd u liek mudkipz
I like Mudkipz
Pokemon is the only good anime, if you furries shilled that instead of that cringy Eva crap people would like you more
Agreed. It is an all time great holiday movie and a fantastic piece of character writing. Paprika is probably still his best however, the plot, the characters, and the animation culminate together in something really quite special.
Bible Black is better
My favorite is Spirited Away.
I agree with Whisper of the Heart.
Princess Mononoke is just okay.
it's like going in a church to tell everyone you hate god, don't be surprised when everybody thinks you're retarded.
I thought it was boku no pico.
Ponyo is comfy kino that should be at least Good tier
It is art of the highest caliber.
>Anime is kind of a big deal on Yea Forums. It's like our bible.
Hackers on steroids
DESU appart from earthsea none of the ghiblis are trash.
but i still snored when watching kiki.
Kiki is top-tier comfy.
are Studio Ghibli's movies the only animated works that Yea Forums is able to discuss in a (moderately) civilized way?
As said earlier, it's kind of why Yea Forums was created, i don't know what you'd expect exactly.
Fuck off back to plebbit
so far, we have only one assblasted troll, so i guess yes.
And satoshi kon.
What about the pasta about Perfect Blue being animated being a gimmick?
Pico to Chico >>> Boku no Pico >>>>>>>>>> Pico x Coco x Chico
And Chico is best boy.
well, it's still kinda hard to hate on tokyo godfathers or paprika.
I'd add redline too, but it's more hit & miss.
Treasure Planet had better characters and a much better plot than Spirited Away.
Change my mind.
Redline being hand-drawn is proof that there is still SOUL in this world.
This movie has no plot.
it also had way less characters, and felt way shorter than spirited away.
redline is a fucking masterpiece and everyone should bask in its glory.
Ben Gunn exists, ergo Treasure Planet is irredeemable.
yes it does
>it also had way less characters
Eh, not really.
The individual characters were still a lot more interesting than the ones in Spirited Away.
Maybe the writing was just better.
Start basking everyone!
>there will never be an uncensored version
Fucking japan and their backwards ass laws.
>people on 4chink actually hate on ghibli now
What a time to be alive.
>blocked in Canuckistan
Sorry user, but I cannot start basking now.
I'm sorry user.
Go buy a Bluray
>being this bad at simple arithmetics.
try princess monoke OP its vastly superior
>it's another 'x character is super annoying' criticism that is exaggerated
I bet you also enjoy Jar Jar's HILARIOUS exploits.
even his autocorrect thinks he's full of shit.
No. One annoying character doesn't kill a movie for me.
For instance, I thought the character of Ruby Rhod was annoying and kind of unfunny in Fifth Element, but the character did not really hurt my enjoyment of the movie and I still liked it anyways despite the character's presence.
In an interview Miyazaki said that everything was real but when she turned around for the last time she had forgotten everything
Marnie was amazing and is the one and only movie which makes me weep as an adult.
I highly recommend that everyone here read the Nausicaa manga, Miayazki continued it for like 10 years after the movie got made
I own the hardcover box-set. Wonderful books.
Also cried when watching the Wind Rises come to think of it
The Cat Returns is the best Ghibli film which is funny because Miyazaki had nothing to do with it.
Only Yesterday is the best Ghibli film because it's the only one not aimed at children. AND Miyazaki had nothing to do with it.
What about Ocean Waves?