Have you ever felt so mocked and belittled by people over your taste in movies that you almost felt like it's not worth...

Have you ever felt so mocked and belittled by people over your taste in movies that you almost felt like it's not worth discussing them anymore?

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No because caring what people think is the trait of a low IQ nimrod

I don't take any one else's opinion into consideration when i like things. I enjoy things because they make me happy. If you can't enjoy things without having the stink of others thoughts in your head you're probably retarded and a coward.

No. I like Star Wars Last Jedi, I like Batman v Superman, I like Michael Bay movies and I don't care what anyone says.

But how do you explain that to someone without sounding sounding mad, when they say you have shit taste in movies?

movies is just a form of art... like music, painting, dancing... you can be a rock fan, and love Spongebob theme song... you can love cubism and at the same time be like some instagram cartoon artist... good art, bad art... whatever dude, just think by yoursel and develop you own taste...

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Yeah thats why you should make the general on

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Not mocked, just the people around me are unable to engage in critical thinking or meaningful discussion about any topic, whether it's movies, literature, current events, anything.

A reminder that your fucking general got banned! I've seen generals come and naturally go but never have I seen one get banned and never have I seen such long winded semantics using faggots for one on here. Christ and even after having your general on /trash/ and a board on infinity chan, you still try every once in a while even though everyone hates you and your cringe cheap CGI bug eyes horse teethed chink haired abomination of a thing/

I get made fun of here every single time I mention that I liked Interstellar.

If I share something I like with my friends and they give me shit for it I simply stop sharing things with them because I'm not going to waste my time trying to justify myself to them

disgusting even by the standards of generalposters

Strange, I think hating Interstellas is impossible, you would honestly have to be eitjer brainded or soulless to dislike Interstellar.

Buy the Alita bluray user and watch it first, you obviously haven't seen the movie so your opinion has no value

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I took an absolutely stunning pixie cut redhead on a first date to that movie and nothing happened with her and I still get mad every time I see that movie mentioned.

I'm the guy that posted a shit ton of animal gore on the server to disturb the tranny user who asked for cute animal webms and then I got banned. It was beautiful I hope I disturbed at least one of you server faggots, AMA

Discord trannies ruined Alita for me, I still like it, but fuck discussing it here, it's a lost cause.

One of my friends refused to watch Interstellar even though he liked all of Nolan's other films, because he thinks its propaganda. I showed him Alita and now I am pretty sure he's never going to watch a movie I recommend again.

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Fuck you

It was nice seeing a space movie not about aliens and action but about exploration instead.

>the church is right next to Ido's clinic
Then why did she take so long to get home?

I've seen enough and how cringey the main character looks and opinions from friends I trust to know it's dogshit. ALso why the fuck would I pay to watch some random movie I'm not looking forward too and is supported by the most autistic toxic low test people when most Torrent everything? You dumb fucking shill.

>being this much of a sheep

Torrent it and watch it with an open mind. Best case scenario you'll like it, worst case you won't and you'll have more ammo to shit on us. You have literally nothing to lose.

This is why i hate alitafags!
They turn this board into sales board

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Is it hated because it might be the best film of the year?

We dont care about your special occxasion. You have legit problems with thinking. Dont care i write bad you made me mad. FUCKINGASSHOLES
I dont extrapolate its litteraly what you wrote when discussing about your ban, thats why i made the screenshots because i lurked there maybe too long but i saw you faggot talk on discord and act on Yea Forums like you were innocent little virgin who didnt want to hurt anybody, who only came tyo bring happiness to this board and wanted to heal the soul or whatever the fucking shit you delusionlas morons came up with to mistify your love of a fictional characters, all you lonely losers for the first time in your life found somebody else who didnt rejected your stupid thoughts. I dont know man, what the fuck happened but this shit movie brought all you sad bipolar alcoholics fragile minds to bond over a shit movie on one of the worse board of this site and then you started to do meating and thought you made your place on Yea Forums like a true haxxer orr i dont know what kind of old memes you learned on facebook where you first discovered Yea Forums in 2009. You could have made it really nice and comfy on /soc/, a relatively new board made for people like you. But you decide to stay believing no one will notice your timewasting circlejerking because you got noone else to talk to but a few others trannies on Yea Forums or maybe it was the "girl" you all tried to impress i dont know. Your shit is just too retarded it really pissed me off, all of it.

It's the only blockbuster this year that isn't a sequel or a reboot/remake. Hollywood is seething because they bet everything on sequels and remakes this year and it hasn't paid off the way it was supposed to.

>or maybe it was the "girl" you all tried to impress i dont know.
Oh geez... i think "he's" onto us!!!

I actually just saw it. I thought it was very boring and mediocre. The only set piece I enjoyed was the one where Alita is on roller skates on the roof.

Usually I insult these people much better than they do me.
I fucked their opinion.

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I watched this in the theatre with an old friend of mine. Real nice guy, wouldn't hurt a fly.
Afterwards I didn't have the heart to tell him what I thought so I just said 'yea user it was awesome, absolutely 9/10'
So I get the kind of crowd this stuff is made for and even though you take it a bit too far, you guys are alright and probably not many of you are transgenders as they are saying.
It's just guys who didn't really grow into men, I think kind of like Michael Jackson, he would've loved this for sure.

Awwwwww I’m a nimrod, sucks brah.

I'm about to watch it today for the first time, mostly out of sympathy for what happened to you Alita goyims. I have no idea what pisses off other anons so much.
Is this some kind of pasta? I saw both of these yesterday.

>I will not stand by in the face of evil
I will not stand by in the face of evil


it was necessary

It's a very ordinary movie with some very high production cgi, that is all.

The lore seemed kinda ok, but we had to see more of interracial sexual tension than the Mars and Moon wars