Why didn't they give her a second chance? She was extremely loyle to Christopher and was just caught in a bad situation.
Why didn't they give her a second chance? She was extremely loyle to Christopher and was just caught in a bad situation
IBS is gross, and the only cure is euthanasia.
they should have kept her in a dungeon for paulies pleasure
I’ve been told it also cures loneliness in incels and neets
nothing wrong with Inspiring Based Sneedposts
reminder there's no way that she's finished wiping
This, why not pimp her out. Bitch could of been making them bank.
Are you implying she was a hoooah?
Checkers... the thinking man's game.
>get questioned by the cops
>agree to become a rat almost instantly without even bothering to talk to a lawyer even though there's a 99% chance Chrissy told her to never tell the cops anything no matter what
she was too dumb to live
she was too stupid to live
>she was too dumb to live
>she was too stupid to live
Just like christopher
This. All she had to do was call a lawyer and instead of becoming a mole, she should have just called Chris and reveal him they tried to use her as a rat.
Tony should have fucked up her face before he had her killed
the entire point was that they had her cornered so well that a lawyer couldn't have saved them
Would they have whacked her if Richie was still alive?
Would he have done it himself?
They used her because she was weak.
He prob would have insisted, to make sure she went fast
This. Plus she couldn't have gone to Chris or Tony out of fear of retribution for letting Danielle get so far into their circle that she was standing in Tony's house.
She should've married Chrissy on the spot to get those spousal anti testimony rights
Do you think Sil had his way with her?
Did you not actually watch the episode?
bout 15 years ago, yeah
That doesn't mean shit.
Never ever ever fucking talk to the police without a lawyer present if they even remotely suspect you of a crime.
it wasn't about Adriana
it was about Christopher. she died because he's an unreliable piece of shit
Tony eventually realized this in S9
You can't take risks in a situation like this. If Adrianne had told the cops anything it could mean any or all of them going down for-certain-no-hope-of-a-trial-and-getting-off-with-it. They couldn't leave a witness.