He doesn’t watch A Handmaids Tale because he thinks it’s about how shitty living in a conservative run America would be

>he doesn’t watch A Handmaids Tale because he thinks it’s about how shitty living in a conservative run America would be.

Oh I am laffin

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this is a show for 40 year old women who eat lean cuisine at 4 am with their cat

I can't afford Netflix. I own a tv for my super nintendo (super metroid and Super Mario Bros and Yoshis Island) and use my phone for literally everything. I do watch clips online of popular shows and thats it.

The book was great. I imagine the show is too.

Is this show notable for anyone other than the politics in it? The world sounds interesting to me. A United States in an ongoing civil war sounds cool, and even like the patriarchal state sounds interesting, but I've just assumed it doesn't develop that stuff and harps on the politics.

then why does my girlfriend watch it?

I don’t watch it because I have no interest and Elizabeth Moss is ugly

How can a cat type? They don't even have fingers!

spoiler (not really) - first season first episode first scene -- she is blacked (of course).

mouth like a haddock

maybe, but the 1st episode is really boring, I lost interesting of what's going to happen next.

Cause that is who your girlfriend is gonna be when she is 40

nah I don't watch it because it's oppression porn for middle-aged housewives too young to be around for the sexual revolution the first time around and too young for #metoo.

*too old for #metoo

what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

I'd just prefer not having a gf to one that watches this garbage. The only thing worse than a gash like that is the fag that dates her.

Elisabeth Moss is disgusting and the most unbelievable thing about Mad Men is that anyone would want to be with her

i want to watch this for the keks but the bullshit propaganda is to much ill just look up the memes on youtube

she's a library tech who reads atwood. sorry for having sex.

>she's a library tech who reads atwood

There ya go. She sounds like every other retarded hole who watches this shit.

I should note that the current season is getting shitted on HARD.

They've made June an unlikable cunt and more to the point, actively causing innocent people to be murdered because of her arrogance and stupidity and showing ZERO remorse for it, since the character has become self-aware of her plot armor and that the show can't kill her off.

Fuck, the most recent episode had her proudly proclaim that she doesn't give a fuck that her actions have caused the murders of a pregnant woman and several members of the servant class and pretty much gloated that Aunt Lydia or anyone else in Gilhead can't punish her for it.

The show sucks. I'm pretty sure the producer is fucking the chick who played Emily hence why they keep her alive/didn't kill her off like they do in the book, and the only redeeming thing is that they made the Waterfords alt-lite types who's origin is that antifas shot Serena and rendered her barren as a result, causing them to vow revenge on society and creating a rape-centric society to punish the libs who wouldn't just let Serena express her cuckservative views.

Imagine not only watching this show. But watching it, hating it, then continuing to watch it. Then, to top off, complaining about it here and no one knows or cares what you are talking about. Yikes.

I don't watch the show because it's a bunch of women being catty weirdos and I don't find that entertaining

I don't watch it because Dystopian films, books, games, what have you, are generally shit.

Its an over used genre and boring as hell. I can only see "WOAH ITS LIKE OUR SOCIETY BUT WORSE!!!" a couple hundred times before hating it.

By that logic anything belonging to a genre is shit because its been done before, lame-brain

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Key word "Over used" you stupid fucking waste of your dad's cum.

>watching anything by Margaret Crapwood
Oh my sweet, summer child.


Here comes another literal incel from out of the woodwork.

Yeah you could call anything over-used. There's too many romantic comedies they all suck. Too many war movies they all suck. Too many sci fi movies they all suck. To much detective movies it all sucks. Too many Bond movies they all suck. They all suck. They all suck. They all suck.

It's unrealistic and an extremely misogynist take on the future

If the future was decided by low fertility, then the few fertile women left would be able to ensnare the most powerful men on Earth. Even the strongest, hardest fighters would be at the mercy of something as precious as a fertile woman. The author clearly is a woman-hating woman, probably a 2nd wave feminist who is ashamed of her vagina and extraordinary gift of bearing life. To think that Handmaidens would be locked away instead of making every decision in society is laughable and extraordinarily ignorant to the male/female dynamic

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Why is that chick so hideous?

>at last i get a child so i am definitely not a slut teehee

Call me an incel all you want, queer. You and your shit-for-taste, pretend smart gf deserve nothing but contempt for watching and condoning the watching of this show.

Address the content, femcel. Else you're no less barren than Margaret Atwood

I only need to watch the news to know how shitty living in a conservative run America would be.

i hate latinas but damn id fuck her pussi then cummie on her tummi

I used to watch movies to escape the ugliness of the real world and look at beautiful things. Why must they force ugly actors and black people? Atrocious....

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>Even the strongest, hardest fighters would be at the mercy of something as precious as a fertile woman

Yes, because men obviously never use force to get what they want and it's not possible to oppress and abuse without permanent harm to the subject.

I automatically boycott anything involving scientologists.

No, I don't watch it because American media is all propaganda.

>A United States in an ongoing civil war sounds cool, and even like the patriarchal state sounds interesting, but I've just assumed it doesn't develop that stuff and harps on the politics.
It doesn't develop anything, and all of the major characters should have died several times over by now.
>Treat it as a dark comedy.

Because she’s a figment of your fucking imagination.

I genuinely think the writing is improving but I'm the same, the lore of how the world is functioning with a split US is interesting

i dont watch it because the main character is hideous and the writing is bad

>The author clearly is a woman-hating woman, probably a 2nd wave feminist who is ashamed of her vagina and extraordinary gift of bearing life

Err....Margaret Atwood? Legendary old guard feminist?

Have kids.

its also for ugly bluehaired fat brainwashed college girls that want to think not having children is their choise

to think women would be left to make decisions in trying times is whats truly laughable

Right, cause in this magical land rape doesn't exist.

holy fuck, that is accurate. You just described my mum, and she has been trying to get me to watch this movie.

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to be fair a lot of women enjoy this show without thinking it's literally an allegory for modern western society

women crave to be oppressed by the patriarchy

she looks a bit like irma grese

The book was awful when you compare it to other dystopian books written by Orwell of Huxley. Hell even PKD puts Margaret Atwood to shame.

> dystopian

Right, because in this magical land white knighting doesn't exist. Are you really that sex starved?

peak western female delusion

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> The fat bitch on the right

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Could you pathetic virgins please go back to /pol/? Kinda ruins the vibe to have your negativity here.

You mean >she
Men don’t watch this show.

rent free

Dilate and have sex with a nigger you AIDS ridden freak.

>Women having to invent oppressive systems because the system in which they live is so liberal


The problem with estrogen dystopia and onions dystopias in general is that fags and lesbians are so used to living in victimization that they can't establish any other feeling, their mind is an one note song. The world of a purple haired whore is gray and that's all, so it gets boring pretty quickly.

Even worse, since they are so one directional, plot rationale crumbles quickly. Without good plots, soys rely heavily on hype and photography to attract attention.

Think about this scene, does this orphanage even makes sense? What's the point of this?

Even dark and political dystopias of the past had interesting technological and social ideas, like 1984, from 1949 introducing the concept of the big brother state of technology decades before CCTVs were a thing, yet estrogen dystopias have to make plot based on magic and shallow concepts.

it's honestly hilarious that they are forcing her to have a mixed baby, and she has to deliver it herself. some writer was probably jerking off to this while writing it.