the trifecta of truly awful films
The trifecta of truly awful films
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nice bait faggot
it's good except for the neon demon
It's good except for Drive
all style no substance the movies
This but OGF is average
What the fuck happened to the guy who made Pusher, Valhalla Rising and Bronson? This can't be the same Nicholas Winding Refn.
Neon Demon > Only God Forgives > Drive
>dude beauty is in the eye of the beholder lmao
Yes Refn anyone with half a brain got it halfway through the film you didn't need to include a literal fucking eye to get the message across
He discovered colored lighting
Unironically this
OGF was pure kino
Based “I don’t like it because it’s good” poster
>no love for bleeder/fear x
it hurts, i really like those ones
Switch the arrows and you're right
Get a load of this retard
His only good film was Bronson
undisputed classic
>Neon Demon
Pretty good, a lot of style over substance but in a good way
I have not seen one of those Movies. Should i ?
Only God Forgives
Yes, it's the autism trilogy
can we all agree that neon demon is kino?
Want to watch only god forgives, is it worth it?
It's unfortunate they had to cut the 60 minute unsimulated lesbian rape scene between donnie darko's gf and neckfu.
lol i really want that
boring, staticly shot pabulum
stylish, provocative but formless
>The Neon Demon
an obscurity not worth the time of critics (haven't seen it)
>only god forgives
the longer that shit went on the less I understood what it was about
OGF is kino.
The Neon Demon is actually one of his best
More like the pleb filter box set
Bronson is full of colored lighting though.
Especially his inner monologues.
Fuck I love this movie so much.
Pretty much.
Bleeder was juvenile af. A really awful film. The Pusher Trilogy was fucking awesome, though. Fear X is a good flick, too.
pure pulp entertainment with no pretense or artistic delusions
crap but had a good trailer
>Neon Demon
a fever dream
Where can I buy this it's not on Amazon.
Yes I pay authors for their art they deserve it, especially a genius like Refn.
>the money will go the director
6 hours of pure shit
I'm in the middle of too old to die Young. It makes up for the garbage if neon demon.
We all know drive and bronny are kino and it took me more than one viewing to fall in love with ogf but I'll never watch the neon demon again.
I love this movie and I'm not even into movies with barely any plot or character development.
Ryan Gosling Looks like the biggest fag.He simply cant play a tough guy .
huh?! huh?!
For me, its yes.
Neon Demon was great, this thread is full of retards
You need to be on various levels of delusion to thing OGF was great but Neon Demon was bad.
everything but Drive sucks