Steven Universe is getting a movie

Steven Universe is getting a movie

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Great. Love that show

Let's put unironically

Will be forgotten the day after


So Steven is older now? He still looks very gay.

I've always wondered, does a boy raided pretty much exclusively by lesbian women end up liking women more or does he turn gay?

It'll just be three or four episodes mashed together and you know it.

You and i both know this show is a favorite of discord trannies

With gems like these, what do you think?

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Nah. They have done that before and never claimed it was a movie. Just a "special".

The fact that they are fully advertising this as a film, and even have Chance the Rapper on board means they are going all out

>even have Chance the Rapper on board

oh jesus fucking christ

I'll spoil it for you all now. The villain gets redeemed by a song and a bit of crying.

No shit

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>The fact that they are fully advertising this as a film, and even have Chance the Rapper on board means they are going all out
i'm convinced that Chance is a full on fag now

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Why not, his brother is already a fag and he's fucking the most mannish bitch in Chicago.

>Steven Universe is getting a movie
and apparently XJ-9 is the villain?

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>he's fucking the most mannish bitch
looks like a man because it is a man bro

It literally looks exactly the same

Literally who cares?

He's based cheerio man


Sneeven Chuckiverse

It will be kino

LGBT agenda pushing the movie version

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>Don't forget to dilate, kids!



woah... so that's what they meant by 'steven universe is actually deep'...

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No it's Jenny, the Teenage Fucking-Robot