Why didn't they go with the "Humans killed Space Jesus and that's why they're pissed" plot?

Why didn't they go with the "Humans killed Space Jesus and that's why they're pissed" plot?

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Because that's pants on head retarded


Literally everything happened because of a malfunctioning robot.

It was too retarded, even for senile Ripley.

What the fuck did they actually go with in the end? or is it still "big white people want to kill humans for no explained reason and robot wants to make xenos so he kills both to do it"?

They did

he's angry he's bald

All of it was fucking dumb no matter which way they went. If they wanted to do it right they should have made the space jockey bigger, and just had it ignore them like they were squirrels in a tree, and go about it's business.

But he obviously knows what they are because the movie is about the Engineers trying to kill us.

i tend towards the idea that the Engineers were conducting illegal experiments in forced evolution. they didn't expect humanity to develop intelligence, and once they realised that humans were loose, they had to make the xenos as a form of pest control. and here they are on the Engineer's ship, begging for longer life. the Engineer was probably thinking "If i can kill them, maybe i won't get into trouble from the Engineer Invasive Species Advisory Council".

why did they change the original script so much?

why didn't they translate what that asshole was saying?

why did the engineers want to come to earth to kill us...when they created us?

Should have went full Anunaki with the Prometheus movie i tell you what

It's like you really didn't watch the movie at all.

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Where have I seen this movie before?

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they were using us as incubators for xenomorphs. either for experimentation, weapons or some shit like that

what was that black goo?

i figured the intention was to convey the super race as not having one singular vision or mission, just like the 7 billion humans on earth. maybe the ones in the beginning were heretics long since disavowed. who fucking knows or cares

Imagine you're some clone drone in hibernation for eons then some guy with bad old man makeup and the Fas wakes you up demanding you make them immortal.

the catalyst. some kinda shit that mutates life into something of a similar species to a xenomorph. the characters thought it was a weapon, but who knows. might just be experimentation

Prometheus was retarded and the sequel, having utter shit to build upon, was shit as well. There's just no way to save this franchise after the piece of shit that Lindelof pulled out of his ass.

maybe they were afraid we would go fucking loco like david went loco on humans
he thinks we're far inferior to him yet he's treated like subhuman

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>be ancient alien
>your ship crashes on planet, you are forced to go into hybernation
>you wake up, god knows how much time has passed
>you were woken by a lower life-form you developed
>you just start beating the shit out of them
this movie was written by a retard

Because that would have meant that the Engineers showed up billions of years ago, created life on Earth, then left us without guidance for billions of years for no reason, only to return in our relatively recent past to provide us with a great teacher who’s a hybrid, but has no protection from their technology, then got all butt-mad because the Jews killed him, had their own civil war over it, apparently, then promptly forgot all about us for two thousand more years.

The phony Starbeast script was better than this ever could be.

Looks too much like buff Squidward.

Same actor

Why did one of them just drink some weird tea, start decomposing and falls into a waterfall?

what an idiotic plot

Did he know he wasn't human?


what's the status of the bonus sutuation at this point?