The Rise of Skywalker


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Other urls found in this thread:

Shite trooper

Snoke wasn't even a sith and never was Kylo. This is even said in Disneu material. Why do they have sith troopers?

It would look good if it weren't red

Thats jus a stormtrooper painted red

nice power ranger

*blocks your lazy, uninspired path*

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Should have been more of a combination of Imperial Guards and Stormtroopers than literally just being red Stormtroopers.
Needs some robes or something over it.

Kylo took over, is looking for Sith bullshit left over from Grampa and Sidious.

>we'll never get anything new
>just variations of things made 50 years ago

Ask Disney. This is an official toy they just "unveiled" today. It was on that leaked poster from months ago Mark Hamill said was fake.

>Armor suit
>kneepad lol
>elbow pad lol
>red storm trooper but shittier
Bravo Disney. This is the ep 9 we dreamed of as children.

Fuck off is that a real trooper


IM SITH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Heh. It's kind of ugly and not very aesthetic like TLJ posters.

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Because Palpatine is back brainlet

Soviet Trooper

These movies are like expensive fanfiction. But the fans are retards now so.

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No one's ever REALLY gone

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It's probably a poster for sale, or a coloring book cover, not a theater poster.

>Every star wars movie is getting it's own special snowflake elite stormtrooper armor to sell toys and appeal to autists
>As if they will ever compete with clone armor

make it stahp

What the fuck is going on in this world.
This is some level of irony like "look a new barbie with a hat" shit right here.

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What a stupid concept
One of the big themes in Star Wars is that the Sith work with the empire and storm troopers but the storm troopers themselves are never Jedi nor Sith, they're simply soldiers who follow orders.
A lot of the Empire commanders didn't even believe that Vader had real power until he set them straight.

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Who gives a shit at this point?

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Oh wow it's red and angular now

It's like fucking videogame cosmetics mentality in real life

is that Deadpool?

>kill jedi
>kill sith
>kill skywalkers
>kill lightsaber fights
>call majority of fanbase racist incel faggots
>kill star wars

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Disney amaze me to go lower and lower even when you didn't expect you can go lower, boom, they do it.

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Can't wait to unlock this bad ass in Star Wars (tm) Battlefront (tm) III (Pre-order TODAY for the Deluxe Sith Commander Edition)

Based bro calling out dumb bitch.

What did they mean by this?

Sad thing is it's a rip off of an old DOS game

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They did that already and it was equally dumb.

Based hot toys leaking movie details as always. I bet this piece of shit is guarding sheev's ghost on the death star

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And that's just a red boba fett ripoff anyway

I'm smarter than all of you

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Yeah I rembembered, but I was considering them more of a re-imagining of the Imperial Guard. Sith Troopers are some other shit that has been in the star wars app videogame for a while.

>implying that isn't a Boba Fett ripoff

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That Hot Toys pic is from

Looks like something from Tron.

I wish they didn't cut the Death Trooper voices, they sounded like the Zombie Combine from Half Life 2.

If it's a "Sith" trooper does that mean it's a sith, which is to say a user of the dark side of the force, or is it just a trooper loyal to the sith (and possibly even the sith cause, whatever that even is)?

It might be cool if they were force sensitives with limited force using capabilities and their armor was somehow relevant to that (I dunno how though)


cis Trooper

They don't. That's a what-if figure.

He's about to lay down some suppressing beats with his ghetto blaster.

No, nigger, it's a Rise of Skywalker figure.
That's too creative for Disney.

The Sith Troopers in the app videogame kind of looked like their helmets were solid and they would see with the force instead.
Though I don't know if there is lore behind them yet so I was just interpreting how their weird triangle helmets looked.
We are clearly getting different looking Sith Troopers.

Attached: sith trooper.png (128x128, 14K)

>Jar Jar Abrams: Kylo and Snoke aren't Sith
>5 minutes later: lol jk
The fucking state of disney wars.

Maybe they can use the force to actually aim straight.

Well shit consider me corrected.

Hasbro is selling theirs at SDCC next week.

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These are the sith empire troopers from TOR

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>Praetorian Guards
The fact that these guards aren't the Knights of Ren is completely autistic. Fuck Ruin Johnson!

>thing from the ot but a different color

>The black series
>box is red

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AIDS Trooper

They're literally the army of the Knights of Ren. Knights of Ren are super sith fanboys and they trained a group of force sensitive stromtroopers int he darkside thus they became sith troopers because PLEASE GIVE US MONEY AND BUY OUR TOYS AGAIN!!!

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Just once I'd like to see something new in Star Wars that isn't just a basic re-design of the Storm Trooper armor, or a discount Darth Vader.

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I like how the Knights of Ren are the most interesting thing in the new series because they have absolutely nothing written about them in the actual films.

Everyone get in the whip. Our homeboys can't repel fire of that magnitude.

>black people
>they're actually brown

Wow that really works, they should cast him
Quentin would make an awesome riddler

>Riddle me there, What's going on here?

bringing back jar jar would be fucking based honestly

Nu-Wars is boring and unimaginative.

Importantly, in the original movie, Vader is not actually part of the Empire's military heirarchy, but is in fact a regional warlord who has been very supportive and has acquired significant influence in the political structure (hence LORD Vader). The vast majority of the Imperial apparatus seems to have very little understanding of how Vader entered the picture, or why exactly he's there beyond a merely advisory role. This is why the military commanders are initially so dismissive of him. He is like a Daimyo in post-shogunite Japan, being mocked for holing onto the old-fashioned traditions. It is a lot like most people's perception of the British Royal family today. A lot of this gets missed, because Lucas often overpacks his films with ideas, which develop too slowly, and the intensive editing it takes to make the movie watchable to mass audiences ends up leaving most of this material so far in the background it can't be seen. In Empire, this story was essentially dropped in its entirety, since none of the prime viewing audience had realized it was there at all. Strangely, understanding this helps explain why the first movie is as compelling as it is. Many people have recognized that the Star Wars galaxy feels huge; in large part, this is because the story of the first movie focuses on what is, in that universe, a relatively small story. The small and regional focus of this helps give proper scale to the Rebel//Empire conflict--the rebels are barely present in the movie, and yet the empire is shown to reach across the entire galaxy. The victory feels enormous. Almost every movie since has tried to increase the scale, to deserve bearing the name Star Wars. Empire focuses so tightly on the 4 primary characters, the conflict still feels larger than life. TPM and Clone Wars however create too large a setting, which makes the characters and their actions feel small and meaningless. New Wars are worse. The characters are large, and the universe is small.

This dude is already dead.

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>Jar Jar is the key of all of this
>He's the final boss in last movie
legit kino

Before it was just red stripes and red limbs, now it's ALL RED. HOLY SHIT

stop shilling your products here hot toys internee.

Jajar is a street performar in nucanon. He gets pelted with rotten food by kids in one of the books as he remembers his adventures with the jedi.
Darth JarJar deserved better.

Nice pasta. Pre-ESB we knew Vader is a Dark Lord of the Sith (we didn't know what a Sith was), and a former Jedi apprentice of Obi-Wan. Nothing in the film or any of the promotional material says anything about him being a regional warlord who has gained influence with the Emperor. GTFO

SITH is an anagram for SHIT. Put H between S and I and you get SHIT. Lucas trolled us all.

Well even in the prequels it was all very separate.
Star Wars carries a motif of Technology vs. Belief
Both are taken to their extremes, the technology has advanced to the point that you can easily travel between galaxies and star systems and you have robots that can act and think autonomously, meanwhile the belief has advanced to the point that you can move objects with your mind and perform supernatural feats before everyone's eyes.
Star Wars tells how these things interact and work together and clash but they aren't and should never be fully mixed.

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They already tried a chrome trooper. Now they are going with Red? SJW's are fucking retarded and should never be in charge of a franchise like Star Wars. They are running it into the ground

So confirms Palps is coming back, with his own faction, for only one movie? what a waste.

More like complete SHIT trooper.


Kylo will never be a sith

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As much as i bash nuwars, it's fantastic to see fresh ideas come about when they do occur, i think this is honestly just amazing, bravo abrams

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They're gonna be Palpatine's troops that take over the First Order. Makes sense as the Resistance was whittled down to like 10 people from TLJ. Won't have much on screen action unless the bad guys are fighting amongst themselves.

bitch please

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I dont get why Commander Pyre wears gold

Phasma at least has the in-lore reason oufit being made out of Naboo Starship hull
But Pyre?

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>nickas be lookin

>imagine buying toys past the age of 13 instead of avoiding all human contact and jerking off all day
Manchildren these days, sheesh.

>Period Trooper

Palpatine was always sneaky, he never advertised himself as a Sith/force user to anyone. Why the hell would he call his troops Sith Troopers?

>OMG a red stormtrooper!
>this instantly makes up for the very limited grievances a small minority of the fanbase had after the incredibly well-received The Last Jedi
>I'm gonna book a trip to Galaxy's Edge right now to celebrate in the best place on earth

Another OC from JJ/Bad Robot.
At least this time it's not 3P0 with a red arm.

>Sith Trooper
I thought the Sith were dead?

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They're going to be Force-sensitve clones grown in the same secret lab on Jakku that Rey was grown in.

It's fucked up how you guys are all shitty manchildren. Years ago, TFA threads were started about the toys. Then TLJ. Now in 2019, more crying about toys. What the fuck's wrong with you all?

His armor was made out of C-3PO's shin.

Looks even dumber. But simps will still buy it

>the incredibly well-received The Last Jedi
What was the box office gross of that again?

So everyone can use the force now.

Maybe only the toys are called that. They never say "snowtrooper" or "shoretrooper", etc. in any movies.

Fuck you, you little shit.

A few billion dollars. Pretty decent

this is the only thing that could redeem nuwars for me

Toys represent the childhoods we never had

sadly yes they kind of established that in the Last Jedi
YAY nobody's special anymore! Everybody's the same!
To quote Syndrome from the Incredibles:
>"...And when everybody's super... NO ONE WILL BE!!"

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and that design even looks better

Jar Jar died in some NuWars book. He become a street entertainer because he was upset that he gave Palpatine power. A few pages later he was found dead in the street.

kek seriously? that's really dark.

Everything about kotor is better than this new trash, makes me sad

Is it me or they look feminine? Something is off

From the official Star Wars YouTube account

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>more like purple

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>I dunno how though
they're all clones of rey dipshit

Real talk, how long before we get an alternative sequel trilogy?
With Terminator and several franchises before it showing that producers can just ignore sequels, when will it happen to star wars?


Grow up.

>rise of skywalker
More like rise of skinwalker, the way they treated the franchise.

True, but what if a powerful dark Jedi (Kylo?) brainwashed them using force perception which made them obedient and battle-hardened? Not unthinkable, stupid, but plausible.

>kylo is a major sith/Darth Vader fanboy
This is the laziest shit

Naaah, that shit's Royal Guard in Stormtrooper armour
can't even get their own canon right.

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lol it's over

>few billion
it was 1.3 billion

>they're all clones of rey dipshit
lol please let this be true
it will be the fucking end of nu-wars
I can already hear the cries of millions, a great disturbance in the force, all crying out at once
THE SALT! oh, the salt!!

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You guys know they just reused cardinals design from the captain phasma book...right?
Fucking jj that hack motherfucker.
This is literally TFA part 2.

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Was the makeup artist on strike?

>This is literally TFA part 2.
YOu say that like it's a bad thing

And also 300 millions below their worst case estimate



/x/ and /k/ skinwalker stories are better than this shit, someone post them.

Won't happen. Carrie is dead, Ford only came back to force them to do Indy 5 (which he's getting), and Hamill got burned hard by how they treated a character he's very attached to. We're stuck with this dumpster fire.

It's going to wind up like the prequels where they try and salvage the it with shows, books, and maybe eventually anthology movies, while shifting focus back to OT-era or a further off time period (100+ years in the past or future).


>nerds are gonna discuss the lore and canon of this without realizing it's Disney just recycling and combining familiar ideas without any pretense of logic to lore

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Rey's clonesisters.

> Only one kneepad


No, Rey and the sithtroopers are clones of someone. Sheev's wife who died before he became a senator.

what a pathetic end

I assume it’s like the motor sith troopers, i.e. foot soldiers of the sith empire


Place your bet, will the red-ball destroyer show up?

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What a small and pathetic number

Knights of ren control sith troopers. This has been common knowledge from leaks for months now.

Close, Daughter

There are red star destroyers now but they don't have a ball.

A squad of elite storm troopers that don't miss is actually pretty neat idea desu.

It shouldn’t be just the elites that are a threat

Not a big sw fan, but does that even make sense? Feels odd to me

I've met that guy at dragoncon. He's this Aussie BLK guy or samoin something. Anyway he's pretty cool but he's a little full of himself. He sells like pins of himself and thinks he's a big deal but in reality it's just kinda the first five years but kind of the same old shit.

Hey fuck YOU buddy, why don't you strip out of those leathers and I'll show you who's boss

OMG it's red instead of white. Must give the mouse more of my waggie scraps.


It is mathematically impossible to make that retarded Appletrooper redesign look intimidating in any way. Captain Action Figure comes close because chrome is basically liquid cool, but then you look at that fugly ass helmet and it all goes to shit.

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Weren't the Sith destroyed?

>but red
>and wrinkly

somehow even less inspired than the last redesign.

I get it man but there are better toys. Electronics, firearms, cars, whatever you want. If you're too broke, hobbies. Anything's better.



J.J. kinda forgot about it

>There are red star destroyers now
You what?

hey look its Sektor from Mortal Kombat

>sith trooper
>sheev is back
are they planning on making dark empire but as a single movie?

If Yea Forums were stormtroopers all you faggots would miss so I don't see the problem.

> The Stormtroopers have Zimmerit.

>missing the point THIS hard
lmao'ing at you

Are they just lazy or actually run by incompetent retards?

It is bad, you fucking pleb that movie is as shit as the last Jedi.

Bit of both

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends.

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>They're literally the army of the Knights of Ren. Knights of Ren are super sith fanboys and they trained a group of force sensitive stromtroopers int he darkside thus they became sith troopers
this would have been unironically awesome if they had set it up in TFA and then followed through with it.
this is true, it's just such a great concept that i was really excited about. i mean you've basically got a whole squad of boba fetts to do anything with, and they did nothing.
these movies don't even feel like they're about anything.

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Do the Bartman.

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Hol up.

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The nostalgia I was just hit with



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They're got about 2 1/2 hours to tie up 9 movies, and I think the word "sith" was maybe said 2 times during 7 and 8. Whatever they do, its going to be rushed.

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>Fucking jj that hack motherfucker.
Friendly reminder that JJ created the C3P0 with a red arm in TFA so that only his company (Bad Robot) would get the money from the merchandising.
He's doing the same thing with those red troopers.

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Pussy Magnet.

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>Take an old design
>Recolor it and add some tiny, useless module
>It's now a new design
Bravo JJ, having exhausted opportunities to bastardize the designs from the OT, enough time has now passed for you to be allowed to cannibalize your own work from TFA. I can't wait for Star Wars Episode XV for the unveiling of blue Darth Troopers fighting yellow Revolution soldiers.

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I mean, at that point isn't it like a "hold my beer" challenge? like "how much those stupid goys will pay for that shit"?

Post qt Imperial officers.

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Is there a source for that claim, how does this even work? If that's true this jew is worse than I ever imagined, running after every shekel

This but unironically, not in a "Darth Jar Jar" sense, but in a "fuck what people say they want, we're going to make something faithful to George's vision but with actual screenwriters" sense. Ignoring the prequels was a soulless financial decision by people who care too much about public opinion to create anything really meaningful.

More toys!

The Imperial guard were so menacing because we never got to see them fight. They just stood there in their incredibly elegant armor, leaving the audience to wonder what they were capable of. Meanwhile Snoke’s “Praetorian Guard” all got their asses kicked by Kyle and Rey within 5 minutes of their introduction. They came across as ridiculously dressed, over-posturing pussies.

Like Disney would allow that deal. You and the knob you replied to are stupid.

>OT troops
>stormtroopers, rebels, ewoks
>PT troops
>battle droids, clones, bugs, wookies
>ST troops
>slightly different stormtroopers, diverse rebels
it's just lacking creativity. i don't even know what the good guys side consists of anymore, all their planets were fucking blown up instantly. who will their troops be in Rise? children? ghosts? Return of the King style ghosts?

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Not sure about the Bad Robot shit but I can definitely see them giving C3PO a red arm so they can make a new toy and people have to buy it to add to their collection

I bet they just had a shitload of merchandise siting around and decided to just paint it red and try to resell it.

His company was co-producing TFA. He tried the pull the same thing before, when he was rebooting Star Trek in 2009. He wanted Paramount and CBS to stop selling DVDs and merch based on the "old" Star Trek but they told him no so he made his two Trek movies and later got to direct TFA.

Canceling the EU was a mistake

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Does disney just hate visual aesthetic or something?


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If it works...

>When you said you wanted a "cute, Twilek girlfriend", you were just joking, right?

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Imagine her being assigned to your Stormtrooper squad stationed on some outer rim planet

Golly, it looks even better in real life!

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In TLJ, not only did they prove that they are complete shit but the fight made no sense at all. Why even bother fight when you failed in protecting the emeror? Imagine they had killed Kylo and Rey. What would they be doing next?? It's so dumb

Who the fuck would want to buy that

Why is every Disney design just taking what already exists and throwing a new coat of paint on it?

>visual aesthetic
What's this? Can it be sold?

When the sith have an army and have outed themselves they tend to call their troopers sith troopers

If I don't have this on my shelf, how are people supposed to know I'm excited for Episode 9? Reddit gold doesn't farm itself.

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Already preordered :)

Sith trooper you say...

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> The Sith have a logo now

Because when you're a secretive group that operates in the shadows, branding is important.

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>Simple geometric shape with angry eyebrows
You can tell they spent the big bucks on this one.

This is completely different. That guy is dark red.

It's not a pasta. And I didn't say he had influence with the Emperor, just the Empire. If you follow the dialogue closely between him, Leia, and the other Empire officials, it starts to become clear that he is not a part of the military system, but the political system. When he captures Leia, she recognizes him immediately, and says that the senate will not sit still when His dialogue also implies that this is not the beginning of their personal conflict, especially the way he says "mercy mission", as though he has always been suspicious (which of course he has). Pairing this with Grand Moff Tarkin's dialogue as He and Vader enter together in the war room, Vader's position gets a little clearer. It's at this point that Tarkin announces the Senate has been dissolved, replaced by the Regional Governors who now have direct control. And again, in the Alderaan demonstration, Leia comments that she knew it would be Tarkin holding Vader's leash. When you start putting all the Vader scenes together, it begins to look as though he was a political figure who was allowed to direct certain "black book" military affairs, and given his official status outside the military, could perform illicit actions and hold prisoners through a separate system. Again, much like a member of the nobility who has limited official presence in the government or military, but has extensive influence in both matters. It seems to only be Obi Wan who knows of the dark and depraved nature of his religious practices.

Disney is so deep

God, JJ has no eye for concept art. This looks like a knockoff not Star Wars toy

Looks like a ripoff of the armor in Coppola Dracula.

I'm surprised they didn't straight up use a swastica

Say what you mean the first time then. Goddamn, you use a lot of words to say essentially nothing.

it's a better a new hope

>imperial officer

women ruin everything they join


>check your funko pop collection and you'll see there is no red stormtrooper, so buy a new toy
>make sure to tweet about it too
>#starwars #rey4lyfe #galaxyedge #fortherealfans #jjabrams #rlm #fuckluke

and hear I thought only 80s action figure companies would be that lacy

when it's good it will sell itself in perpetuity

lmao he made sense the first time, brainlet

I still don't understand how they could fuck up that trilogy so bad. I mean, yeah retarded fanboys would've probably cried no matter what but come on, one of the biggest sci-fi universe with hundreds of stuff you could build lore thanks to it and yet they're playing safe with a soft remake of ANH and stormtroopers variations that are miles under clone troopers designs

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>Phasma at least has the in-lore reason oufit being made out of Naboo Starship hull
That's beyond retarded

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or Trumps Maga Lion.....

Attached: Maga logo.png (400x384, 72K)

You wut?

In the past they would make a decent film and sell merch with the theme, now they make the merch and care about the movie latter.

why those nu wars feel so small?
were are the twilek and toguras?
why was george lucas obsess with chewbaccas race?
and what the fuck is the new order?

Guess who's back, back again
Sheev is back, a good friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?

Attached: peaking sheev.png (256x256, 144K)

It's awful, even the Jedi order symbol is better
Why not recycle the Sith Empire emblem ffs

Kylo is obviously going to start going around calling himself a Sith and whatnot

any guesses as to what his Darth name is going to be?

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Darth Icky

Darth Sneed

...I am forgotten

>Movie is called Rise of Skywalker because he's going to call himself Darth Skywalker and he's the ruler of the galaxy.
Screencap this and know I thought of this first

Darth Kleinzoon

>why those nu wars feel so small?

because they're selling a feeling of heroic fantasy that the viewer is supposed to self-insert themselves into to fulfill their ego gratifying need to believe in a world that revolves around them. all capeshit does this. GOT became what it became when hbo realized the profit was in a YASSSSSS KWEEN SLAY-insert in daenarys.

>were are the twilek and toguras?

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh are you sexualizing female-identifying men in the [CURRENT YEAR] shitlord? women are NOT your eyecandy, incel

It's not my fault you never learned how to read.

sounds menacing desu

If you want a quick run down on what happened its basically this
>First Order loots the Empire's resources and machinery before they take off into the Unknown Regions
>one of these machines was Palpatine's personal jet which is coated in an extremely rare metal that can withstand massive heat
>Hux takes it for a joyride but crashes it onto a planet
>several pieces of the ship fall off but nothing major
>planet is basically Chernobyl but planetwide
>Phasma is a tribal that helps Hux and the other Storm troopers get off the planet
>they get off the planet
>years later she goes back to her home planet to collect the scrap metal that was left after the ship crashed

Darth Vocal
aka darth volcel

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This is the latest sign that the trilogy has gone to shit
One of the main themes of Star Wars as a franchise is the difference between belief and technology, the grounded Storm Troopers contrasting with the Sith and Jedi and their supernatural powers and beliefs
Way to miss the fucking point.

This looks like a fucking unlockable fortnite skin style

to be clear, it's Hux's father who took that same ship from Jakku to the Unknown Regions, then crashed it on phasma's planet after getting shot down in orbit by planetary defenses.
hux from the ST was elsewhere in the FO not caring where his father was, since he eventually joins hands with phasma to kill his father anyway.

absolute garbage

Wait, yeah, how did she know that? She didn't even know Luke was a real person the day

I start to think that albeit Rian is a retard, TLJ was meant to be different, probably more like some mediocrity like TFA, but Carrie kicked the bucket WAY before everything was actually finished, regardless of what they say.

>Rey: Sees Kylo Ren kill his father, Han Solo, after Han pleaded for Kylo to come back
>Also Rey, two days later: "I can totally redeem Kylo"

This kills the reboot

Darth Caedus.


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nu wars needed a padme

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>he's going to call himself Darth Skywalker

He's the sort of faggot that takes his mother's maiden name. Checks out.

Yes actually it can. If you made blockbusters that had good stories and were visual eye candy, you could make so many more shekels.

Just like you hollywood jews used to be able to do before you became lazy cunts.


No One's Ever Really Gone

>>Destroys your balls

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>takes his mother's maiden name
Darth Organa?

>takes his mother's maiden name

>Darth Organa?

Son, do you even Star Wars?

>all the drone faggots being excited for this

They must have some sort of mind virus, this is fucking insanity. It's literally a recolored Stormtrooper. I didn't even watch the gayass Nu Wars movies and I'm still annoyed by this.

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>Phasma is a tribal

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Sheev posting is a pathway to many threads some consider to be unnatural...

Although, since I haven't actually watched the new movies as such, is she still calling herself Organa, or did she out herself as a Skywalker?

maiden name noun
Definition of maiden name
: the surname of a woman before she marries

The joke is that Disney doesn't even know or care that this game exists. They probably thought they were really clever coming up with the idea when it was already done before.

There was an interview before TFA with Daisy and general ginger. The interviewer asked something to the effect of "how widespread do you think the force is?" Daisy replies, without hesitation "I think everyone has the force". GG just looks confused, frowning his brows at her and says "no, I don't think that's how the force works". She just stared, exposed in her lack of SW knowledge and says "oh, I thought it worked like that". GG just looks resignly and says "no, no it doesn't". It was pretty hilarious

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The new movies don't care for details like that. They leave it for the books where you find out a political opponent outed her as a Skywalker and Vader's daughter which led to her leaving politics and having to go back to being a military general. That's also where Kylo found out for the first time he's Vader's grandson.
That shit should have been in the first movie of the trilogy but you get the bare minimum of details like "Kylo got turned bad" and "Leia is leading a Resistance"

Are they afraid to change the actual appearance of anything in fears that bugmen won't buy their shit? The prequels were fucking masterpieces compared to this, as flawed as they were.

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They know they have a billion dollars of money backing them up for each main saga film they put out so don't feel the need to change. We'll see what happens if 9 pulls a Solo.

Sheev always did have a thing for red guys

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>does that mean it's a sith...or is it just a trooper loyal to the sith

They don't fucking know, user. Haven't you been around for the last two movies?

looks completely different

Disney doesn’t care anymore.
They are desperate for Nostalgia points to draw in the Nostalgia eating masses.

>I dont get why Commander Pyre wears gold

THEY DON'T KNOW EITHER. They think kids will buy a gold stormtrooper. There is no reason. There is no story.

They literally did that with the Ep 9 title. Kathleen even admitted that Rise of the Skywalker name has nothing to do with the movie and is just there to “get people interested in the name”. Aka, it is just Clickbait.

I've been watching Yugioh animes, a show about a childrens card game. It's a million times more coherent and creative than anything Disney has shat out with these fucking Star Wars sequels.

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No no user it's SITH COLORED trooper



Star wars fans are toxic cunts

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At least they tried to make some military marking on their armor instead of just plunging them into a bucket of red paint

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>>The Aznable trooper is 3x more likely to bang his head on doors

>copying the phase 2 clone helmet to bait the prequel tards into watching it

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Holdo's mom?

This is really the best thing they could come up with

why didn't the first order use those torpedoes that Jango uses in AoTC against Obi-Wan?

trade fed star destroyer

Jedi aren't common enough to justify having it
also flamethrowers or slugthrowers(guns) are much more effective

Shitlord Kys

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Since when do the Sith have troops? Honestly did I miss something? I thought the Sith were leet and exclusive and didn't just make any gay nigger Sith

That's not Dave Filoni, tho

So I'm guessing they are Palpatine's goons and Kylo and his crew are going to take them out and be the real heroes while the Resistlets are busy being irrelevant in the background. Sounds good.

I think he meant why not use them against the Rebsistance, to which the answer is "because nuWars is all written by uncreative hacks with no regard for lore."

It's the Porgs all over again.

>they kept the shit new packaging.


Based Punished Kylo saving the ST as usual!

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Its miniature death star tech


lmao the drawing is better than the toy

Dude it's just a toy ad for children, turn off your brain

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>Inb4 Vader Troopers become a thing
Screencap this too. I'm on a roll today

That was partly the point of yoda training luke, you baboon.

>he doesn't know about Ligth Vader, the opposite side of Darth Vader

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Wait a few months and you'll only like animes, old films, shows that no one knows and books.
Speaking from experience.

Knights of Ren should have been constant antagonists throughout the movies so far. Like they are the shadowy agents of Kylo Ren who are constantly dogging the heroes and show up at the worst times as mini-bosses.

Like instead of Rose and Finn getting busted for ILLEGAL PARKING, maybe their visit to the casino is cut short by one of the Knights of Ren having tracked them there.

now they're all just going to be dumped into Episode 9 and feel like an afterthought

Wow so creative JJ
Imagine not having the balls to drop a nuke on a franchise and still getting a trilogy promised to him
Next time leave the prom queen fucking to real chads

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I'd like to do things to her outer rim

could have had their backstories covered in all the random prequel shit movies too

>here bro
>you've earned this

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>The Empire doesn't let aliens join! How xenophobic!
it was probably just a matter of logistics
if you're equipping an army of literally billions of people, you're going with standardized equipment
you're not going to make custom stormtrooper helmets and uniforms for every freakish blob and tentacle-headed species out there
everybody has to speak galactic basic
everybody has to eat the same food
the cockpits have to be one size fits all

it was just practical

Holy shit, he's going to do it, the absolute madman.
NuWars takes place inside a VR simulation. It explains everything; Rey's familiarity with "legends" of the past, her nonsensical force awareness and proficiency, how the entire universe seems to revolve around her.

She thought he was a myth or a legend
part of that legend probably includes that he turned Vader good and defeated the empire

I love how Rian destroyed SW so hard that everyone was in awe.
I bet some producers were reading the script or watching the train-wreck and got numb in the head.

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?? It's always been like that, what, did you believe in midichlorians?
>The force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.
>Life creates it. Makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us. And binds us.
The force is an omnipresent energy that 99.99% of people will never be able to comprehend or manipulate. A Jedi knight is someone who has trained in the use of the force and can manipulate it.
Now what is retarded is some stable boy with zero jedi training being able to force pull a broom to himself. But Daisy is right here, as long as you received training from a master, you can become a Luke Skywalker. It wasn't his relation to Vader that made him a powerful jedi or something.


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>Gisnep really thought that everybody would just instantly love their cute little retarded penguin rat things and they would sell like hotcakes
I would rather have a fucking mynock plush

Punished Luke isn't bad in concept but you need a better reason for him being that way

Should have had it like this
>Ben turns on Luke and burns down his academy
>Luke feels like he failed because he didn't fully understand how to teach others the ways of the force
>Goes on a journey to find the first Jedi Temple, leaves map behind in case he doesn't return within a set amount of years
>Crash-lands on Ach-To, so he finds the first jedi temple but now has no way to leave the planet or signal for help
>"That's OK, I did leave a map, I'm sure any day now somebody will come"
>can barely reach out with the force enough to tell Leia "look for the fucking map"
>nobody comes
>Luke has only these old texts and his isolation for several years
>this is how Rey finds him, mentally clouded and unsure of his ability to truly change anything

I could buy a Luke broken by isolation and helplessness a lot more than one who just gave up because he had a moment of weakness

I don't understand why everyone has a constant hate boner for Fox. The Muslim droids he let into the generator gave proper paperwork so it was a mistake anyone could have made and he only shot Fives because he was about to shoot him.

they were only supposed to be a solution for CGI'ing over the native puffins on the island originally
You better believe somebody with pull saw them and said "put them in everything, they're so cute, make them little mascots of the movie"

It was weird to find out that the people who were the most enthusiast about the Porgs based on one trailer on social media (Twitter and Facebook groups) were in fact Disney LF employees.
It reminded me of the "Down with Disney" Facebook page that was alledgedly created by "toxic SW fans" was in fact made by another Disney LF employee.

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what are the odds those aren't even real tattoos

Me in the back

>moment of weakness
But it wasn't even that. Jedi canonically see the future, and not the stupid closed-loop "seeing the future cause that exact outcome to occur" bullshit that is so popular nowadays. In ESB Luke saw his friends in trouble, and when Yoda tells him he sees the future, he sets out to change it. That dictates his actions and leads to the events of the film but it's not like he saw himself acting out the exact way he would later act or some stupid shit.
So Luke can see the future, probably even better later in life, and HE WAS RIGHT. You can pull some shit out of your ass and say that Luke betraying him is what LED Kylo down the dark side, but Luke was fucking right. Kylo was set to become Snoke's apprentice and rule the galaxy with the First Order and he should have gutted the little emo prick in his tent that night.

>Damn baby, your ass pulling me in like a tractor beam

Yeah I think they're temporary tatoos.

Yeah, probably. The moment of weakness was him not having the guts to end Kylo right there.

If he was SO certain about the suffering he would cause. literally billions dead, entire planets exploded, he should have killed Kylo right then and there

I'd say its 50-50
on one hand Disney might have put a gun in their mouth and told them to get the tattoo so they can show their dedication to Disney
on the other they could have just put on a fake tattoo to say "hey guys I love porgs so much" and then remove it right after because people will be too lazy to check up on their legs

Only 39.99 galactic credits at Galaxy's Edge!

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>You can pull some shit out of your ass and say that Luke betraying him is what LED Kylo down the dark side
nah I would challenge that too, the kid was already way too far gone
I mean the first thing he does after taking out Luke is MURDER EVERYBODY ELSE except a handful
clearly already a bad apple

Sith Moby

TFA was not as bad as TLJ but it was still trash.


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david lunch lol

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Its literally just salty fivesfags