Who’s the cutest girl in all of Star Wars?

Who’s the cutest girl in all of Star Wars?

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That tummy is kino. I miss the early 2000s.

I miss them too but tummies still exist lol

Hermione Corfield

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Qi'ra is qu'test

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I want to lick Natalie's tumy!

Back when your vocabulary wasn't reduced to a few buzzwords?

the twilek

Vimmigoth Wx-lina

>imblying I merely adopted the buzzwords

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Anakin is the prettiest

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Left > Right

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Hershlag peaked in Leon 2bh

Not everywhere

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ep2 padme is top tier but 3 is boring

including the EU? yes, lets include the EU, because then Tahiri Veila is obvious best star wars cutie pie


Veila was born on the planet Tatooine to a pair of moisture farmers, Tryst and Cassa Veila. After the deaths of her parents, an orphaned Veila was adopted by the leader of a Tusken Raider tribe who raised her as one of the Sand People.

>she met the youngest of the Solo children, Anakin, and they quickly became close friends. Around the Academy, Tahiri refused to wear shoes and would go everywhere barefoot because she liked the coolness of the floors, which contrasted pleasantly with Tatooine's hot sands.

>With few exceptions, Veila spent most of her young life without shoes.

>She was also the leader of her own X-wing squadron, the Barefoot Squadron.

>Due to her new role, Lieutenant Tahiri Veila wore a dark blue uniform with black military-issued boots, despite her personal discomfort with footwear.

>However, despite her precarious situation, Veila took comfort in two outcomes of her escape—she was free and barefoot once more, and the realization of both facts brought her some measure of comfort and relief.

>The experiences of her childhood on Tatooine ultimately caused Veila to develop a particular trait that she retained well into adulthood: a phobia for footwear. After spending her first years on a surface covered mostly by hot sand, Veila reveled in her new-found freedom as a Jedi to walk barefoot whenever she pleased.


Attached: Tahiri_veila.jpg (150x265, 9K)

>image is her as a cunny
Based character

Jaina Solo is also a top tier choice but personally, I still go with Tahiri. pic related was my favorite book cover art of Jaina. looks just like my tsundere junkie wife when she was younger.

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Don't google what she looks like now.

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>smell somethin', girl?

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Padmé was shat on in Ep3. She was just a baby vessel.


>>image is her as a cunny
>Based character

protip: her character was introduced during the "Junior Jedi Knights" series of books, written by TWO women who apparently had underage girl foot fetishes and/or wanted young boys to develop foot fetishes. I read these books in first grade.

Tahiri grows up through other book series and ends up being captured by space-muslims and tortured, turned to the dark side, and becoming totally broken/tsundere. absolute kino character. pic related is her post-torture.

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for me, it's Mallatobuck

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>ep2 padme is top tier but 3 is boring

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>OP uses the word "cute" the way shy girls do, to mean "hot" but without wanting to sound like a slut
OP, get a fucking grip. Portman isn't cute. Portman is beautiful, gorgeous, hot, attractive, but cute she is not.

She is way too beautiful to be cute, which implies something subpar in terms of beauty, resembling a child too much, or too ugly to be called beautiful.

Anakin is the cutest girl in all of Star Wars.

>>ep2 padme is top tier but 3 is boring

natalie was hot thru all of the prequels but episode 2 was top tier, that leather, almost bondage outfit she wore was practically fetish gear.

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for me its her slutty backless dress

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>for me its her slutty backless dress

the black leather fetish one was backless too bro, half of her clothing is backslut kino

Yikes what an uggo

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why would u post the absolutely worst book cover image of my waifu and post it? that artist is a mental retard. tahiri true face is BEAUTIFUL!

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Why does wookiepedia say she has a vuvanzella gong personality?

Member when Star Wars had comfy stories about sand, and sexy Mathilda... I mean Padmé dressed in attractive outfits? I miss that sand.

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>Why does wookiepedia say she has a vuvanzella gong personality?

cuz at one point she was captured by the vong, implanted with false vong memories, and tortured while they were trying to study The Force, but she overcame the false personality thru barefoot strength, killed them all and escaped, barefoot.

if you havent read ALL of the star wars expanded universe, you are missing out on top tier waifus.

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>D R O P P E D

>he doesnt want to hatefuck hybrid american jewesses in their angry ashkenazi pusys. yikes and faggot pilled

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Wait, you're telling me there are jews in Hollywood? What?! No way!

Since jews pass lineage matrilineally i think they're technically the ones COLONIZING your line

thats just a cope by kikes so when they got cucked by Europeans they could claim the child is still jewish

based deleted scene chad

>Since jews pass lineage matrilineally i think they're technically the ones COLONIZING your line

fucking them != impregnating them. american jewesses are basically masturbation devices, like sex dolls, not baby factors, most of em are practically infertile anyways. learn2hatefuckjewessesintheirbuttholes.

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the only girl that let me nut in her mouth without objection was a jewess. nice lady


Jews are the best.

>they're subhuman
>they run the world despite being less than 1% of it and having to race Aryans who are a lot more
Pick 1 (one) and only 1 (one).

I don't know but best tits aee pic related.

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seething incel!

Keep entertaining me, incels.

>seething incel!

i've literally fucked dozens of big tittied khazar milker jewesses in their gold plated butts, lmao. go dilate.

Natalie > Carrie >>>>>>>>>> Daisy

>i've literally fucked dozens of big tittied khazar milker jewesses in their gold plated butts, lmao. go dilate.
Guess how I know you're lying...

I would still fuck Natalie so fucking raw. What a goddess

>Guess how I know you're lying...

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People who are not gay virgins would fuck prime Carrie in a heartbeat

Fisher and Jones are both hot, Fisher would probably be better in bed but would be fucking crazy and might boil your rabbit

Most kino Portman tummy cumming through

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That tummy gave me my first crush in a movie.

Footfags get the rope first.

Her schnozzle really grew.

>female pilot
pfffffffft yeah right

>Footfags get the rope first.

imagine being this much of a faggot. if u dont like feet, u like cocks.

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She would've ideal for playing Anne Frank in her state.


Hershlag threads belong to pregnancy fetishists

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>that leather, almost bondage outfit she wore was practically fetish gear
Lucas designed that one himself

Anyone else unironically love Ep 2?

Fuck Rian Jonson for killing her more than anything

>but 3 is boring

Excuse me?

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Just imagine, being the kind of asshole that would pick that insignificant mousey bitch among a group of actual women.

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not prime jewess, yikes and no taste pilled

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Just imagine the ride she can give you.

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>72 replies

no one has posted the best.
i kept scrolling expecting to see it, never came
>literally dont believe the state of /tv

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>dat pouch
>dat slouch
>the flimsy legs again

Does she just lie around eating cheetos?

WTF, I didn't even know it wss Keira until now

>Does she just lie around eating cheetos?

nigga u tryin trigger me but u just ousting yoself as a mega gay.

>no one has posted the best.

this is a best star wars waifu thread, not a furry thread for people with bunny fetishes.

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>WTF, I didn't even know it wss Keira until now

how could you not tell just based off her voice? sure her face was painted, but g'd, her vocal mannersions are so weirdly unique.

user, she dehydrates/diets for roles, but your pic is indicative of her on any given day. Trashy and common. You posted it.

>user, she dehydrates/diets for roles, but your pic is indicative of her on any given day. Trashy and common. You posted it.

ya ya ya okay okay FAGGOT LOL

best emma is best emma and her foot game is unparrelleled, quit being mad + madgay salty

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honestly soo hot.

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Your Emma is the tv tier Emma. The one with no awards, the one who couldn't get a part on springbreakers. The one that can't dance, cant sing and the one Emma that is the product of nepotism.
The other Emmas speak before the UN and win Oscars. They star in blockbuster movies, not schlock on F/X.

Emma Roberts is the shitty Emma. It is known.

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Okay I'm finally interested in watching this girl

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>best Emma
She’s basic and average. Watson is the thinking man’s Emma.

>Your Emma is the tv tier Emma. The one with no awards, the one who couldn't get a part on springbreakers. The one that can't dance, cant sing and the one Emma that is the product of nepotism.
>The other Emmas speak before the UN and win Oscars. They star in blockbuster movies, not schlock on F/X.
>Emma Roberts is the shitty Emma. It is known.

oh now it all makes sense, a worst emma, harry potter cuckboi shitting up a star wars best girl thread and getting salty over qtpie jewesses like natalie and best emma. yikes and homosexual pilled

protip: worst emma literally has the body and facial structure of a young boy, ergo, u r literallllllllllly gay. lol yikes and faggot pilled. go back2redshit

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What did she mean by this?
id rather watch her transgender brother

>Okay I'm finally interested in watching this girl

u r slow fren. missing out on the best emma smol girl big mouthed tsundere abusive gf best waifu dream girl

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Both are inferior to /ourgirl/ Emmas though. Hipfu and Frogfu are better

>She’s basic and average. Watson is the thinking man’s Emma.

please see pic and post related, worst emma fag, just accept your obvious latent homosexuality already, yikes

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>protip: worst emma literally has the body and facial structure of a young boy, ergo, u r literallllllllllly gay. lol yikes and faggot pilled. go back2redshit

My condolences to your father.


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#$2sidebet he's not a true fan

I loved the japanese style it had in phantom menace

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I can’t even imagine having such shit taste. I actually feel bad for you.


>ya ya ya okay okay FAGGOT LOL

Cope, you bitch.

but ani am a senator.

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>tfw everyone knows Watson is the best
>vast majority of people agree, even on this contrarian shithole
>I’ll never ever have to defend myself like this

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I mean, if there were a debate, it would be between Stone and Watson.

Roberts doesn't even qualify.

>Watson is the thinking man’s Emma.
thinking about men
>Hipfu and Frogfu are better
he likes feminist, boy bodied worst emma and frog eye'd emma, yikes and homo pilled
>>tfw everyone knows Watson is the best
by 'everyone' u mean 'faggots' and 'harry potter loving redshit faggots' sure
>it would be between Stone and Watson.
yikes and closet gay/faceblind tier

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Rent free.

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hes saves weirdo charts about dilating but not best emmas. yikes and sad pilled.

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I feel so bad for you that your waifu isnt cast in better productions so that you can have good memes.

She has no boldness in her roles, the ones she does get. She is stuck in network cable. While the others travel the world she is stuck.

And she really does have the worst body of all three.

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based 'tism

YOU FUCKING SUCK! Fuck you, you didn’t win this argument you God damn scrubs I just don’t take you seriously.



Is this her worst song? I miss 1989

No cute A-wing pilot gf tonight

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I’m not doubting your statement, but who did she okay as?

pathetic, you like woman with the bodies of dumpy little boys and the faces of boys and/or frogged eyed grandmas. those emmas are literally disgusting and pathetic. they yearn for legitimacy by shooting twilights and harry pooters whereas best emma was literally born into stardom and has nothing to prove, only taking on projects where she gets to abuse people and be herself. best emma has nothing to prove. shes a goddess. she will never have to larp as a princess in a disney live action film or bother crying in front of the UN about oppression, she IS the oppression, she is a living princess.

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>No cute A-wing pilot gf tonight

to be honest, she is only relatively attractive when compared to the rest of nu-wars females, bunny-fu, barren womb teefus-fu, asian piggu-fu, etc etc. versus natalie, portman, blue twilek girl, and even fatty twilek girl in the bar in episode 2 she is just a 6, maybe 7/10

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>Kills qt bomber
>Kills qt A-wing pilot
>Insists Rose be kitted out in an unflattering jumpsuit to make her look ugly
>Insists Holdo wear a ballgown rather than a uniform to intrinsically we don't take her seriously as a commander
What the FUCK of Rian's problem?

Emma Watson is a terrible actress and ruins virtually every movie she is in.

>What the FUCK of Rian's problem?
he has lots of problems, but mostly hes a manchild who married a literally bugged eye, emma-stone-tiered-ugly she devil. imagine working in hollywood and being married to THIS.

Attached: Rian-Johnson-and-Karina-Longworth.jpg (650x434, 46K)

>Emma Watson is a terrible actress and ruins virtually every movie she is in.

based and emma pilled

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Don't talk about Based George Lucas's daughter that way. Also is that Jar Jar out of costume?

>I can't be happy so I'll make sure no one is

>Don't talk about Based George Lucas's daughter that way

bro i literally said shes cuter than the cute dead asian pilot from nuwars. cool yer jets. wasnt shitting on thicc twileks at all. if i had my way, she'd get her own movie.

she's number 1
then Leia

And Roberts is still worse.

Every time

>she is a goddess
>she is a living princess

Waifufags, nothing to be done but point them out and laugh.

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>And Roberts is still worse.

her range is angry to really angry. thats all she needs. if u want an emma to cry and be pathetic, sure, worst emmas work for that just fine, but patricians know angry best emma is best emma.

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>Every time

bro i literally said i read the book when i was in elementary school. perfectly acceptable to waifu children when i was a child. her character then literally grew up with me and still waifu'd. i bet you're a brainlet mentally ill tranny who chooses his waifu's based off their dick size.

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How can sub races even compete?

Every time

She plays pathetic in AoHS. Not angry. A spoiled, insecure and mediocre girl.

The eternal second fiddle is her typecast, the girl that thought she was something special until someone comes along who clearly and truly is special. Its her entire life experience and the one bit she can play because of that.

>She plays pathetic in AoHS.

AoHS? wtf is that? yikes and made up nonsense pilled. every role she plays is full of anger and power.

versus emma watson always playing a 2smart4ustuckupcunt. yikes and loser pilled.

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Sorry, AHS.
The one job shes had for years.
That one production shes was in, the one where everyone keeps getting nominated for awards except her?

I mean, if you were truly a fan, you'd know, i can hardly give a shit about the bitch, but the show has Taissa Farmiga, that girl is going places. Much better looking than Roberts too.

>Sorry, AHS.
>The one job shes had for years.
>That one production shes was in, the one where everyone keeps getting nominated for awards except her?
>I mean, if you were truly a fan, you'd know, i can hardly give a shit about the bitch, but the show has Taissa Farmiga, that girl is going places. Much better looking than Roberts too.

oh i know what AHS is, just not AoHS, which sint even a thing. not my fault yer retarded bro. her top kino is scream queens, where she is center stage. she was the star on AHS when it was popular and now that its sunk she only shows up as fan service. while cute, Taissa cant act her way out of a paper bag or carry any show.

>scream queens

You mean the thing people who watch riverdale would be embarrased to watch?
I mean, the fact that this is her "best" work, nothing i say can be worse than that.
Taissa has moved on to film, you know, what Roberts failed at, where she is stuck in straight to dvd league. I won't mention her failed music career, dont worry, that would be "unfabulous and more" of me.

Based feetbro

Agira Nyrat, Outlander club patron

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Star Wars first on screen brapper.

Even Obi-Wan must have seen it.

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I dunno I've never seen anything she's in. But the webms in this thread at least show her to be expressive and have personality, which Emma Watson lacks. I'll take a bad actress with personality over a bad actress with no personality. Watson isn't even good wife material because she's too feminist.

you sound like one of those filthy anal addicts, ass is for pooping and anal invaders get the rope first

How come when I make a Padme thread it isn't popular?

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you smell

imagine my smell

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I don't want to


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>You mean the thing people who watch riverdale would be embarrased to watch?

confirmed for not watching scream queens, its the most kino waifu show made in the last 300 years.

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the real curiosity is that the young girl between keira and portman is the best contemporary american director, bar none

damn, malick a cutie


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Mara Jade.

Episode 2 Padme is such a fucking cocktease.
>I'd turn her to the Dark Side.

why do you blacked posters have to ruin everything?


>why do you blacked posters have to ruin everything?
I was referring to BDSM, my dude.


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She killed based Pelleaon. FUCK HER!

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Based and redpilled

Rian Johnson is a silly silly little boy

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based and titpilled


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>they let toecucks write for Star Wars now
fucking yikes on a pike

>>they let toecucks write for Star Wars now


these books came out in 1995-1999 during peak star wars expanded universe kino era, newfag

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why not both

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Reminder that Padme fucked Obi-Wan

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yum. what star wars movie was she in ?

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>yum. what star wars movie was she in ?

all of them, she is The Force they are always going on about.

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it goes
khaleesi from solo
and finally the xenomorph with the big ass

Anakin cucked

Skywalkers are born cucks

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>tfw no good movie webms of your emma since 2013

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karina is pretty busted but you must remember this was podcastkino and i miss it


i dont know what that means and i dont want to know, sounds like the zoomer equivilent of "she has a perfect face for radio"

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it was literally a podcast for boomers about old hollywood
you think zoomers care about rudolph valentino?

>podcast for boomers about old hollywood
>you think zoomers care about rudolph valentino?

you think boomers care about podcasts?

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whatever, dude

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>whatever, dude

ya, im the stupid one, not u, the guy listening to weirdo podcasts and fanboying rian johnsons goblina wife. okay buddyy.

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phat ass twilek girl. love me some PATGs

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This is from Episode II right? I think she was even fatter in Episode III.

ffffuuuckkk I need to do some googling

You don't see much of her, she's basically in a burka talking to George

disappointed. but Lucas looks baller as fuck.

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I want you to know i appreciate this kino gif