Ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

>Ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

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>doughy to the point of tasting raw
>cheese and toppings slides off before it even gets to your face
>marinara is probably overly sour

I guess it’d be a more satisfying meal then the TV dinners the average incel subsists on



don't call it that please

>rips slice out, not cutting it
>holds it upside down and shakes cheese off
>starts dissecting the crust with fork

Wow, fuck me. Look at this mess how am I supposed to eat this? Horrible.

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I went to this pizza place once and the pizza didn't look like that, it was pretty good. Also the owner came out and chatted, he claimed he told Gordon to fuck off after he was asked for his dough recipe

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Get 'za'd on kid

Are people still trying to get 'Za going? Never gonna happen. You are just embarrassing yourself


One time he orders mac n cheese and they serve him Kraft Dinner and he's totally confused by it.

And the owner’s name? Albert Einstein.

thicc greasy pizza is best

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It was some Greek guy, nice reddit meme though

have sex

Ok should I bring a condom?

nah, simple clean thin pizza is goat

Back to plebbit, your epic memes should go over better there zoomzoom

The owner also claimed that was thin crust yet the dough was thick and raw. Face it, that pizza was disgusting.

Yeah, raw pizza is 98% bread dough the only acceptable pizza.

Well good thing I didn't eat the pizza in Gordon's picture. It was a different pizza, baked that day. Imagine that?

neither do you

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For me, it's Giordano's. The best 'go 'za.

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Why do American's cal quiches pizzas?l

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What about York 'zas?

>sausage on pizza

>eggless quiche

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chewy acts like shes a homemaker but she cant cook for shit. she would have poisoned all the members if jeongers didn't step in

ny pizzas are a meme desu

they seriously don't know what real food is, they don't know how to cook. i hope they die ces enculés

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disgusting, amazes me how urbanites eat monstrosities like this

have heart attack

>that restaurant that had a mouse at the entrance
>the first thing they ask is if he planted it
Those fucken people

stay poor

>not calling your pizza a "pie"


he reprimands his pupils for sweating into the food but during the thailand series and other occasion he flat out does the same. quite hilarious.

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poo pee in ur bum bum

there's a place near me that has a really great sweet marinara sauce. occasionally you get a bad batch that's too sweet, but when it's done right it's fucking addictive

If I got that at a pizzeria I’d take it back and ask for a refund that shit looks like one of those shitty Bobili pizzas you make yourself from the supermarket

Imagine being pathetic and autistic enough to know who these slant eyes are

Chicago was a mistake. And american cuisine altogether.
Besides Burgers and the New York slice.

im gonna put my dick in that pizza

Best US Kitchen Nightmares episodes, guys?

Feeling like watching an ep or two.

Wrong, thin and dry.

twice is life you cuck

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What did Keanu think of it?

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He's right. Now THIS is a good pizza.

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Swedish 'za is literally the best 'za I've ever tried.

Now that's a 'za
'za not pizza

This word doesn't exist in any other context than this forced meme.

He thought it's breathtaking.

incorrect, I have used the word za and heard people use the word za way before soi was even a meme.
although it was often said ironically


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>dough is eggless

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>all these retards ITT that keep cockblocking 'za from being the standard name for it instead of pizza

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>chicago style

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Based Chicago deep dish poster. jew yorkers on suicide watch
If you're gonna be a pizza snob then go to Naples

I bet you're also the kind of fag that uses the word 'comfy'. kys

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He wasn't talking about the crust you absolute moron, he was talking about the filling. You know exactly what he means and you're being intentionally obtuse, which I don't understand because it just makes you look stupid

Only thing more annoying that saying ZA is people who call mozzarella MOOTZ some guy trying extra hard to sound like a Brooklyn accent Italian “heyyyyy deer chief, lemme get my za wit extra mootz but hold da gabbagool ooooooh fuhgettaboudit!”

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He literally said "eggless quiche" you absolute mongoloid. Stop spazing out.

I think someone getting a little hungry. Have a slice of 'za, sweetie.

Because the Chicago pizza didn't have an egg filling but was called a quiche. Hence the stupidity of calling it a quiche. Nobody fucking cares about the egg content of the dough itself and it makes no sense to bring it up. Are you seriously this retarded?

Ramsay is a legend because he is insatiably curious about cooking and is always learning. Even though he's already one of the best chefs in the world he keeps teaching himself. Whereas the dickheads on kitchen nightmares have found their own little niche to stagnate in, and they're arrogant about it. That's why it's so satisfying to watch him expose all their bullshit in front of their staff. It's like Yeshua dabbing on the moneylenders or something.

Forget NYC and Chicago, new haven is the only city that knows how to make decent pizza, lookit that char, baby! If ct wasn’t so damn expensive I’d move back there just for the pizza

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Are you autistic? The idiot tried to make a point and failed. He should have picked another attribute other than egg, seeing as egg is used in both pizzas and quiches.

t. non-comfortable nigger
I hope you never ever find a chair to sit on when in public places, non-comfy nig nog.

Why are you cucklords so obsessed with eating literal coal? It tastes disgusting.

>New Haven pizza
>no clams
Who are you kidding?

Here's your pizza, bro.

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>Hurr durr there's an egg in the dough!
You obviously missed what I said in the first place about that being a retarded formality that is completely irrelevant. I know you aren't very smart and probably forgot how to scroll up, but if you were competent in the English language you would clearly know he was talking about the filling of the pizza, not the fucking dough. Your little gotcha wasn't smart

Pic related is a quiche. Do you know what a quiche is? It's a pie with an egg filling. That yellow stuff in the middle, believe it or not but that's egg! When someone talks about an eggless quiche, they're clearly talking about the filling. Not the dough. I'll say it again because apparently you need it, but the egg content of the dough is irrelevant when he said "eggless quiche." Do you need me to explain it again, or should I give you the proper time to read out words?

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Frank Pepe’s has started expanding on the east coast there’s even a few in NY an MA now. It’s pretty good are they any diff than the original in new haven or does that one taste the best I see ppl claim the original tastes better because it’s got years of flavor from using the same brick ovens all these years but that sounds like a load of crap to me

>all this platinum mad text
Loving Every Laugh

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goatse style pizza

thin crust 'go style 'za>deep dish

>Elephant's Foot, Chernobyl (Colorized)

>Nothing but cheese
That's literally a terrible 'za, and who ever made it should leave the industry forever.

im not american so no