What movie will make me feel like this?

what movie will make me feel like this?

Attached: 10-08-pm-9390-monday-at-3-44-am-32048768.png (500x955, 559K)

Other urls found in this thread:


imagine the smell.

kill me

I would feel sorry for him, but he has complete control over that situation and that's what he's willing to live with. Instead of doing something about it, he does what a stupid fucking retard does and posts about it on facebook because that's what he really wants, just to complain about it.

Why is the house such a mess? Let's not pretend they actually own a home, we'll say apartment. Why is the apartment a mess? You think they could devote a little time to cleaning up the place.

Wagies wagie, get a job
Wagie wagie, marry a slob

You work so hard and then you die meanwhile neets get a free ride.

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>black boy on the wall

>marriages in a nutshell
>if I convince myself everyone has it this bad and that my situation isn't a product of me making shitty decisions and riding them out expecting the universe to fix my life for me but that 'that's just the way it is' I'll allow myself to feel better about it
Imagine being this pathetic

>marrying a fat cow

look at those photos shitily hung up on the wall. looks like how mexicans live

based spics living rent free in your head (and your country)

I've been in apartments like those.
Laundry everywhere, sink filled with 3 day old dish water, all the furniture is creaky and loose and slightly damp feeling. Its the middle of summer and its so cold it feels like a fucking freezer in there because they always keep the place 20 degrees colder than outside, just to complain about how high thier electric bill is every month.
Kitchen table is perpetually covered in this thin layer of grease. Old, crusty aluminum foil lines the bottom of the stovetop burners.
The closer you get to the laundry room/washer-dryer, the mildew smell gets stronger and stronger from the clothes that've been in the washing machine for a week, which are now starting to turn black from the mold

I know this place all too well.

Attached: 1310411782978s.jpg (251x247, 6K)

>imagine being this pathetic
Would be a breath of fresh air to have a job, wife, and my own house.

>rent free

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>he has complete control over that situation and that's what he's willing to live with.
Yea he should beat her, right?
Posting it on fb is doing something, he's trying to shame her into action.

The original story is that that is his mother and she is controling and manipulative but owns the house and everything is in her name

How many of you incels could actually stop being bitches and walk out on your boomer moms? Still at home? Fucking sad


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what an incel response.

But yeah, beating her is an option, a bad one though. But he could leave her, like any reasonable person would.

It doesn't bother them? What else could it possibly be.
My home isn't 100% clean either because I can tolerate having some dirty dishes, dust etc...

that marie kondo netflix kino

Attached: file.png (739x1117, 1.41M)

& my parents yell at me if i leave a crumb on the fucking floor

Why would anyone marry a woman like this?

>the only options are posting on fb or beating her

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negative reinforcement really worked out for you huh? lmfao dumb child of a single mother

Sorry about your lack of father figure

He should do what? divorce? and lose everything he owns and half of his future salaries?

oh fuck

they're talking about murdering her, user. come on. read between the lines.

that's native art, that bitch is 100% indian

>He should do what? divorce?
yes. At the very least threaten to with the actual intent to follow through

>and lose everything he owns and half of his future salaries?
doesn't really work that way. Annulments are also a thing. But even if it did work that way, consider the alternative. This for the rest of his life. Like I said, he's in complete control and this is what he chooses. If he didn't like, literally anything is better.

just sacrifice half your assets and pay a stipend to her and her nigger baby, goy

>house is messy? Divorce your wife and let her raise your children!

Absolute retard stop posting immediately.

just live in squalor and misery and eventually kill her and yourself faggot

uh... cope

I like how you reduced it to just that. Keep on posting, you're doing really well.

>clothes that've been in the washing machine for a week, which are now starting to turn black from the mold
What the fuck is it with poor people and this shit
>let's dry all our clothes on racks indoors with all the windows closed
>breh why are my three infant children's lungs full to the brim with black mold xD

you say that as if al*mony wont lead to the same result

wait wtf

I see you are stupid

I used to work as an exterminator.

This is a very accurate description, but you forgot the roaches and bed bugs.

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it's a ghost dog, I can see the nose, ears, and eyes

yo who that lil nigga

>yes. At the very least threaten to with the actual intent to follow through
>under the Duluth model

Seems that production of morons in this society really picks up speed.

>people are actually defending staying with this piece of shit
not surprised considering where we are.

the guy is just as bad, people tend to gravitate towards their equal in terms of personality and wealth

just don't get married lol how hard is that

>not hiring an illegal brazilian maid to clean the house and suck your dick on the side

All women need to be killed

Most poor people are poor because they're stupid. Relatively speaking.

you really have few options when you put a ring on a hog like this. my money's on that this guy is a massive betamale or fatass to do something that desperate and stupid

not much difference, desu

imagine having to fuck/be civil everyday with this

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>getting married
o i am laffin!

Well, he married her, he can only blame himself. A spouse is not like family, it's your choice

>people tend to gravitate towards their equal in terms of personality and wealth
not true my exgf lasted a year because i have a big penis and know how to have sex

>marrying a fat spic
Why would you do that?

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Is it weird I wanna torture it?

but you have options. Leaving her ass is at the very least and improvement.

You should not marry in the first place but the roastie and media shaming machine will convince people to do otherwise, and the naive morons will think to themselves that they won't be the ones with alimonies and misery on their shoulders. Not them, just everybody else.

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looks like a dog in a bowler cap and suit

>bringing TWO lazy fatasses into your home
Excellent strategy.

Fucking pathetic faggot of a man


>naive morons will think to themselves that they won't be the ones with alimonies and misery on their shoulders
You underestimate how stupid these people are. That shit literally doesn't even enter into their heads at any point during the process. They just do whatever pops into their head at any given moment and the consequences be damned.
thus, pic related

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This but incels instead of women

nice fuckin rhymes, puppet of kikes

imo 4/5ths of the male population should be culled during early adulthood once it's clear who among them is worthy and who isn't

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Ayo hold up

Reminder that fat people are not only physically repulsive, they are morally bankrupt and mentally weak.

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someone fell for the latina meme, and like all of them, once they've lured a white man with stable income into their trap, they balloon up and become fat goblins

is this the Australian guy who married the chink?

Whats his link, i saw it once on /trv and was never able to find it again...help link if can

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that whole fucking episode was infuriating

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Imo 5/5 of millenial and zoomer population of both genders should be culled because none of them are worth a shit.


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probably true but that bitch is indian, I'd recognize the features of a fat drunken lazy chug face anywhere


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Based woman so fat she actually resembles a pig

>calories in calories out meme
top kek to anyone retarded enough to believe this

I see a mini stay puft marshmallow man

Attached: video-how-many-calories-is-stay-puft-marshmallow-man-from-1984s-ghostbusters.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Can you explain me that picture ?

t. fatty

My dad beat me, my mom and brothers all the time and our house NEVER looked like that. Even after a birthday party where 20 kids trashed the place

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i-is this the comfy off-topic thread?



Idiocracy. Only retards are having children.

I bet his heart rate hasn't been that high even during his heaviest training sessions.

import blacks and spics and IQ goes down, imagine my shock

Yea I get that but can you explain the number of children and negative correlation part, the first sentence.


Why do wagies get so mad when other people don't wagecuck as hard as they do?

Means more intelligent people have fewer children ("negative correlation between intelligence and number children").

Friendly reminder that women should be beat, they will never willingly leave you if you do this

Looks like a ghost Funko Pop! toy. Target exclusive of course ;)

Attached: lil ghost dood.png (808x549, 13K)

Looks like an Asian boy in a tuxedo

how fat are you exactly?

why did this gave me a boner?

sometimes you must remind the water buffalo that its not a fatted calf

If you eat less you will lose weight, sorry!

It literally is.

t. lost 35 pounds by eating less after remaining stagnant for over 2 years

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me

Attached: 1546195823906.png (593x451, 505K)

>feed a bunch of people 1,000 calories over their maintenance
>they all gain different amounts of weight
>but 1 calorie in equals 1 calories out !!!!!
lol fucking retards

Attached: CICO is a meme.jpg (632x282, 47K)

you're right, its even easier.
just eat less fatty

And a gold mine of reaction shots.

see you're retarded, stay mad

Define "calorie" without googling it.


Am I shadow banned again?

What the fuck does dilate mean in this context?
Someone please explain, I get that it has to do with someone being angry but I don\t understand how

Ok fatass. Can't wait for the day of your heart attack.

>b-b-but...muh geneeeeticccsssss

look up "transgender dilation" and then reel in horror

I’ve known too many people who live like this and it scares me. Every time I see this kind of shit I get an urge to clean everything around me.

>be me
>skinnyfat manlet
>start lifting
>gain 15kg
>strongfat manlet
>sick of being fat
>online calories calculator
>calculate 500 daily caloric deficit
>count calories
>lose 20kg
>look like normal, healthy man
was hard to sleep for that first week from being used to never going to sleep even slightly hungry, but after that it's just taking a bit of effort to make sure you get less calories in than out. really is that easy my man.

Implying the poster is a tranny

The tranny fake pussy needs to be pried open regularly so it doesn't heal itself shut.
because it's not a pussy- it's an open wound

>people still falling for this rancid bait
well played user

Maybe some exercised. Alternatively some them are eldritch being beyond our understanding that create mass out of nothing.

Average IQ can't decline, retard. It's specifically modeled so the distribution is always the same.

>When he said I work 12 hours a day and come home to this shit he was actually talking about the ghost

Holy fuck

So their self-reporting was inaccurate. Big surprise, all diet & weight-related research is garbage because to do it stringently enough. You'd literally have to keep people locked up in an enclosed space where you constantly observe them for all their activities and food consumed for the several months of the entire duration of the experiment.


At this point its just cuck shit for men that like the idea of mental and physical castration.

>self reported
nice cope post without reading the study, too many big words for you retard? lmfao

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>be me
Why do redditors start greentext with this

>get married, have to live like that
>get devorced, lose half of everything
>dont get married, die horny and alone

Being a man is suffering

don't need to read the study because they're all that way. feel free to prove me wrong. of course you can't, you can just handwave in the direction of the study and assert it's totally in there somewhere you just can't specify exactly where because, uh, it's totally too much effort

It's not like he's complaining about a lazy neighbor, he's complaining about the domestic responsibility within a relationship.

This picture makes me feel better about my life every time I see it.

You don't need to create mass "out of nothing". You just need your hormones to prioritze fat storage over immediate energy expenditure.

>You have a marry a woman in order to fuck her
Nigga you dumb

Fuck you. You’re everything wrong with modern society.

Do americans really do this?

On average people with lower IQs (i.e. poor people) are having far more children than ones higher IQs (i.e. rich people)

So, in other words... some exercised more than others.


lol nice argument bro, you're a real high IQ winner lmfao so thankful I wasn't raised by a single mother like you

Do redditors still believe in the iq myth? How stupid do you need to be to believe in psychology in 2019

Yeah I'm sure telling dumb people that they are dumb on a taiwanese tapestry board will be the downfall of society.

There's no such thing as shadow bans retard


very informative

posting this on reddit, knowyourmeme and funnyjunk

correlation doesn't imply causation

I know it's hard for your small leddit brain to comprehend, but some websites don't silently ban you for having the wrong opinion too many times.

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>I don't like this fact or statistic
fixed for you

It would take like a day to clean that shit up but years to get rid of the girl if you let shit drag on
Don't fall for the marriage meme, or get a prenup

all studies, ALL of them, where people have to say what they eat and add up the calories is self reported so it is all bullshit.
fat people lie. they lie to themselves, to their family, to their doctor. they dont want to see the truth, they want to eat it to get rid of it

looks like an asian boy in a tuxedo

you've never had first hand experience with the joke that is family law. That shit gets thrown out if the judge feels like it, and he will throw it out.

>on average
what you said may sound cool in a movie, but next time google the line and understand it before you try to use it

found the redditor

>he's so fat and lazy and retarded that he can't even read the study to realize it's not self reported

it's mac from always sunny

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>taiwanese tapestry board
Le epic maymay dude XDDD


>The white woman, black guy and fitness trainer all collectively expressing the same sentiment to this bullshit

My life?

She's a disgusting native, just dissappear her and get another one.

did some remodeling in a black families house. the sink was filled with dishes, so instead of washing them, they just used more dishes and started staking used dishes in the cupboards. after they ran out of dishes, they used paper plates, and they put those used in the cupboards too. roaches everywhere

Attached: 1548887697900.jpg (1024x756, 238K)

I see Shrek with a bowler hat and a soul patch

The implication being that discord trannies are brigading the board trying to shit it up.

they were feed over 8 weeks.
where does it say they were watched like hawks the whole time and never had a snack?
you cant trust studies where people are not in controlled environments.

iirc the black guy loves fat women

>Why would anyone marry

Doesn't his own happiness count for anything? Should he suffer in perpetual agony and frustration just because he made the mistake of procreating with that creature?


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You believed your mother when she said he beat her?
Oh sweaty, that was just her little white lie to make you hate your father.

He's in a relationship with a fat woman and this is supposed to be surprising to him? Fat women are fucking lazy

Same, Fuck if my Father came home to our house looking like that, even when I was as young as 6 my hide would have been tanned so red people would think my parent's adopted a Native American Indian child.

>come home from a long day at work and see this
>wat do?

Attached: 442.jpg (1073x604, 116K)

fugg :DDDD


it's your wife and that is your kitchen

Attached: 414.jpg (1074x604, 93K)

Someone post the /ck/ pasta about a guy laying hands on his wife.

based alice poster

guy fawks mask

He's black. Of course he likes them swollen muthafuckas. But even he looks like he has reached his breaking point.

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Who tf implied causation here?

>house is so fucking dirty a ghost moves in

Currently living worse than this, lads.
23, oldest sibling of 5, mum and dad slob on the sofa all day while the kids run insane and do whatever they like.
They piss and shit over the bathroom floor and toilet seat.
They take their dinner up to their rooms, leaving old rotting food everywhere for days. As they are carrying it, they drop food and crumbs and spilt drink all the way through the house. Dirty plates and cups are also left everywhere, outside their room in the hallway, not washed up for days.
There's dirty clothes all over the house and bathroom, including period pants.
The cat's litter tray is never cleaned, it builds up for days and days. House smells like shit and piss.
I clean and tidy after myself, and I try and help out, but they do fucking nothing. No one is taught to look after themselves or clean up. No one is taught manners or basic household etiquette.
Might be moving out within a month or two, luckily. Living here depresses me.

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As someone that lives around 100 degree heat, the air conditioner set 20 below the outside temperature during summer is not a sign of trashiness.

idk about the rest of you, but I enjoy not having a heat stroke when I'm sitting at my desk.

Save yourself. Remember that you don’t owe them shit and you can’t fix people who don’t want to change.

t. One who stayed

Nobody is denying that people have different metabolisms, retard. Hell, nobody is even implying it’s not harder for some people to lose weight than others. The simple point, and see if you can follow my logic here, the point is that if you eat less daily than you personally burn by living, you WILL eventually lose weight. Everyone has different caloric requirements, and some people are genetically predisposed to fat accumulation when they eat EXCESS. You still can’t deny that they are overeating.

t. Steve Assanti

looks like a tranny, so barf
also apparently I'm poor now based on the decor and furniture

>living at home at 23
>isn't a single mother's child
how is it possible to be this much of a failure

>my argument against his impossible to disprove assertion is a frog cartoon
>that’ll show him I’m smart!

I bet she was attractive when they married. Why do women get fat as shit after marriage?

post your penthouse

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They don't have to try anymore. For some reason most women love being fat disgusting tubs of shit. I don't know how they can even bear to look at themselves in the mirror.

>looks like a tranny
This is your brain on Yea Forums. Let me guess, you got fooled by a trap one too many times on here, and now you’re super paranoid? For the record, it’s almost impossible for actual trannies to achieve that female musculature/bone structure in their legs. That’s why so many do the bow legged anime girly thing and try to stay super skinny, because if they gain muscle they’ll just look like men.

He's just mad she's taking it easy. Houses don't go to shit this bad in one day. No way her being a slob should be anything new.

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black guy looks like a bog

>Oh, Husband! I didn't heal you come in.

Attached: Superior Asian Wife.png (408x501, 351K)

its easy to lose weight when you're a manlet

Dunno mate, it's really common in Britbong Land.



>tfw down 50 lbs in 6 months
Working on the building muscle part but it’s slowly happening

Why is the naked apron / naked cooking thing such a common trope?

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>cat walks in
you just know

might as well cut your lossesf, things are only going to get worse

sauce right now before the virgin mods get ahold of this

>pink nipples


Literally kill yourself and your whole family

you just meow