>I saved Hollywood from bankruptcy
>I gave you Jaws
>I gave you Raiders of the Lost Ark
>I gave you Medal of Honor and then Call of Duty
>I tried to spread the love of humanity in my films, but they would not hear my message
>I fought against Netflix to preserve the history and integrity of our own wonderful art form, but the people rejected me
>They said I was only concerned with money
>They spat in my face, and replaced me with Disney
>What has your new messiah given you?
>Sticking IPs where they don't belong
>The destruction of the meticulously created cinematic icons
>Soulless movie after soulless movie
>But yeah, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull sure did suck, huh?
I saved Hollywood from bankruptcy
Other urls found in this thread:
That's nice and all but didn't he rape kids?
When will jews understand their eternal peace can't be bought?
All of his films are souless nu male trash.
Nu male opinion
He also elevated Shia LaBeouff and named JJ Abrams his successor for no other reason than they are Jewish.
I used to respect this guy. His stories about being a kid sneaking on a lot till they gave him a job was endearing. The reality is that story is bullshit and he got a job due to his religion. Look at how he talks about Kathleen Kennedy who has been with him for years. He always harps on her being Catholic. He is hyper aware of it. Like he is basically saying "Look Goyim I gave one of you a job see"
Don't forget Alden Ehrenreich ( Han Solo 2018)
>The reality is that story is bullshit
>They spat in my face, and replaced me with Disney
and now hes working with disney
Reminder that he is also right about Netflix and their shilling and accolades during award season
The proof is how he makes sure mostly only Jews succeed. You can attempt semantics all yo want, this guy sees JJ as his successor that alone tells you this is all nepotism bullshit. As this user pointed out he "discovered" Ehrenreich at a Bar Mitzvah
You both saved Hollywood and destroyed Hollywood with your style of films. Amazing how that's possible.
we don't need any. We're schizoid incels with chips on our shoulders. He got everything because of jewery. None of his achievements matter. If it wasn't for jews I would have made Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones and everything else.
According to Yea Forums, but as we know, Yea Forums is always wrong.
>All of his films are souless nu male trash.
All of his films are boomers jerking off to their so called "golden age".
>He got everything because of jewery.
Correct and now he is passing it on.
All he did was direct the first summer blockbuster, which changed Hollywood economics forever. His "style" existed since the 1910s.
based failure with no self awareness
munich is embarrassing, schizophrenic, revisionist nonsense
Sure it was
>so heres that family about to divorce...
based user for understanding jewery
>war propaganda
Never forget, never forgive.
He abused millions...
no he didnt
According to most movie insiders
To save trillions
I hate zoomer millennials
Yeah that was like the worst one, glorifying Mossad assassinations
Yeah, but he didn't give us pregnant Anne Frank
did you watch the movie? It ends with a revenge just makes you more miserable kind of moral.
>filthy kiddy diddling yid
>Munich glorified the assassins
lmao the absolute state of incel brainlets if they think this.