Desert animals must be Africans because the desert is in Africa

>desert animals must be Africans because the desert is in Africa
>century-old Danish mermaid story doesn't have to have a Danish actress, because like, how does that affect the story?!?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>has a Caribbean wise cracking sidekick
>all the aquatic life are tropical
seethe more clown boy

Look it up

>They were 6 lovely children, but the youngest was the prettiest of them all, her skin was so clear and white as rose petals, her eyes as blue as the deapest lake
The only thing tropical in that story was the coral reef

>has a Caribbean wise cracking sidekick
Flounder wasn't even in the original story by Hans Christian Andersen
>all the aquatic life are tropical
Scuttle is a seagull and seagulls live everywhere, but not very much in tropical places:
Also, does pic related look like African ship design to you?
Denmark is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean. It's very obvious they just chose some tropical animals because they look nice and, well, because that's what an American would know from where he lives in Hollywood. The architecture and vegetation is also in no way African or anything.

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"Ariel" is a character completely made up by Disney. In the Hans Christian Anderson book she didn't even have a name and the story is completely different.

All this racebait bullshit is just to hide the fact that they are remaking everything because they are creatively bankrupt. And they are using us for free marketing.

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Crying about this casting has the same effect as praising it: giving Disney's attention. If you want to defeat the Mouse, IGNORE the Mouse.

Some say they are doing it to be woke, and come off as progressive. Some say Disney is doing it for the free press like this thread. Some say Disney is trying to make up for The Princess Frog since the black princess spent half the movie as a bloody frog, and not as a human. Some say Hollywood jews hates gingers with a passion because they are the whitest white people on earth, and because redheads used to be royalty throughout the ancient world including ancient egypt. Some say the new future middle class will be black people and Disney is attempting to keep their characters relevant in the future?

Some wanna argue that Disney's 1989 version of Hans Christian Andersen's story took place in the Caribbean, it has a bunch of Caribbean songs so therefore the characters should be black?? Some say mermaids aren't real so they can be whatever race Disney wants them to be, HOWEVER in reality if mermaids were real it would be impossible for them to be black because mermaids live deep under the sea where it's very dark, and therefore their skin wouldn't get much sunlight which would make their skin color borderline albino white.

Me personally I just wanted to see a high budget live action movie of the Little Mermaid with a girl that looked like the cartoon. We've all been cheated.
>image very relate.

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Its a children's movie. Who cares

Never cared either way about the other remakes, but I just wanted to see a decent portrayal of my original childhood waifu.

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If it's your favorite movie, and the the soundtrack is the reason you wake up every morning , than yes it matters.

Of course I wouldn't expect Yea Forums to understand that. Enjoy your 30,000 "adult" capeshit threads.

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>>all the aquatic life are tropical

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>all the aquatic life are tropical

So Disney should have met us half way, and cast a spicy Latina. SJW woke autists would have been happy because its progressive and it wouldn't have been such a strong culture shock to normie Disney fans.

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Did you also complain when the cartoon didn't have any Danish actors?

>and cast a spicy Latina
nigga I want to fucking die existing in this timeline

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Based wormwood

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people should care because:
these cgi remakes are soulless cash grabbing garbage
ariels design is iconic and the movie wouldnt be as loved if it wasnt so colorful
all the white animators are rolling in their graves because their legacy isnt being respected
this is another sad attempt by self flagellating libtard elites to change public perception of blacks
niggers are ugly and cant swim

>it wouldn't have been such a strong culture shock to normie Disney fans.
Normal people don't give a shit, it's literally just you autists.

>all this muh legacy muh icons muh respect

fuck off incel don't you have a synagogue to try and burn down

>Only posting five examples
I'm afraid it's a lot worse than that, user.

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>look I don't care how many white characters get blackwashed by Hollywood jews I am the normal one, you are autist because you care

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can I have that image in higher res?

makes no sense.

All those things are true. It's a crying shame that Hollywood is out of ideas and timeless classics are being shat on left right and center with shitty soulless remakes, reboots and sequels.

What matters significantly less is the actress in a particular film having brown skin. This literally only matters to racists. Aside from a few basic descriptions which were more to do with beauty than anything else, her skin color is completely irrelevant.

so what you're saying is the original adaptation was already faulty.


literally an autist response

only mental illness can explain having that image on your computer
fuck off you lonely sad cunt

>>desert animals must be Africans because the desert is in Africa
makes sense
>>century-old Danish mermaid
Danish mermaid? She literally lives underwater, not in Denmark

>literally an autist response

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sperging about race keeps us from actually thinking about quality story telling


what is your major mental malfunction

I think it's a stupid trend and a little pathetic that they're making a deliberate effort. Collectively, yeah it's fucking dumb,

But a lot of you faggots are taking each example as some huge slight against your person. It shouldn't matter what color an actors skin is any more than their height or eye color, unless it's relevant to the story, which it isn't in this case.

>Blacking out the name of a verified, prominent figure in the RPG community.

Everyone knows who Adam is, and he's a gigantic tool. Honestly, it's people like him that drove me away and are why I probably will never return to working in the RPG industry. The dude literally berated me personally in an interview I did about using "gypsy" cultures in games even though I wasn't actually doing anything of the sort, and literally got fucking roasted by viewers because he was doing the exact same thing in his show on ItmeJP's channel.

>It shouldn't matter what color an actors skin is any more than their height or eye color, unless it's relevant to the story
Tell this to people who deliberately casted a black girl in that role

>over a week
>they're STILL seething
white fragility is a helluva thing

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>Lion King takes place is Africa, lions are all black, comic relief characters are jews and a bong
>Aladdin takes place in Middle East, characters are Arab
>Mulan takes place in China, characters are Asian
>Little Mermaid written by Danish author, so of course he was talking about a strong, independent black woman.

ESL motherfucker

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>Normal people don't give a shit
Yeah, nah, everyone is pissed, friend. Including normie white girsl, and yes, she got got her whole account suspended for saying she didn't support the new live action Disney cash grab remake. You don't even have to say the N-word or something hateful. Anyone who doesn't support the new film on twitter gets their account deleted.
>image very related.

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Racebaiting bullshit to cause outrage to gain free advertising and push the 'if you dont see it you're racist' narrative. Stop falling for kikes and their kikery. They done it with black panther too.

If they can change things around that much, why not go all the way black? Are you afraid it will never go back?

>takes place
>takes place
>takes place

fucking inconsistent brainlet

muh iconic Ariel will still more loved than another cookie cutter YAS KWEEN flick
nah just nah
blacks are just ugly. youll feel better if you just tell people that instead of using scientific semantics for why they cant be mermaids.

>Caribbean in the tropics
>not black
do you read with your ass?

>unless it's relevant to the story
bullshit dishonest argument
Why did they cast black voice actors for Lion King? It doesn't matter to the story in the least.

> Dont mention when white people are removed from beloved media, dont mention it or you are fragile, but watch as black people chimp out and demand white people stay away from movies like black panther, because thats allowed



>y-you can't complain about things I don't like Y-you are the fragile one

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Imagine being this delusional. Get out of your bubble of manufactured rage.

Blacks are animals?
That’s a racist thing to do, Disney.

>Little Mermaid takes places in the ocean, when niggers traditionally cannot swim and rarely even go to the beach.

because it's a musical? So they get actors that can actually sing? Animated Disney had black voice actors in Hercules and Emperors New Groove and Eldorado for characters that were white or racially ambiguous because they could sing.

Why don't jannies enforce their rules?

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>there are no good white singers
okay then

Hollywood only needs to blackwash this to make Japan truly understand the current trend of desecrating white culture and possible trigger ww3.

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Over a week, and you are still popping into each and every one of these threads to spamming your butthurt meme. You best be getting payed by Disney because if you're not .... Talk about living rent free in someones head.

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