Brie Larson ready to join Star Wars

After Captain Marvel was such a smash hit, Disney would be suicidal to say no.

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Get ready for Brie Skywalker

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oh, sure, everyone was just waiting for her to be ready

>Star Wars fans: "Disney couldn't possibly ruin Star Wars anymore..."
>Nu Lucasfilm: "Hold my beer."

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Based Brie would save Star Wars

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She's an academy award winning actress coming fresh off a billion dollar movie. Seems like a good choice for Star Wars.

Have sex.


Save it from being good, perhaps.

Disneymom: captain Marvel wasn't that awful

Actually she isn't getting cast in anything. She just went to a special screening of Return of the Jedi with a couple of friends.
OP is a baiting nigger.

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do you guys actually like this basic bitch or are you just shitposting? because its contrarian to like her

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Funny thing is tha5 most of these women are no longer with star wars

OP never said that she’s getting cast, just that she’s ready to join

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The damage has been done.

I was stating actual facts, incel. You are just spewing baby man rage.

Uh user, not sure if you noticed, but most of Yea Forums loves her.

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I like her, but I've never/would never make a thread about it. OP's shitposting, as you guessed.

she could play a robot well enough.

>he comes to Yea Forums to defend sjw and mega corporations
I mean unironically why dont you just post on reddit with all your friends

she's an insufferable cunt who's not even that hot
Why? also I think that the people who say have sex or go dilate are the same cancerous twats who like brie

>she's an insufferable cunt who's not even that hot

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Being a pure Briefag is the worst position to be in, since you have to juggle between people who hate her for superficial reasons, or people who make things seem worse BY defending said mega-corporations.
Because she's alright. Unironically, she's fine. But there's a lot of misunderstanding regarding the whole situation.
>I think that the people who say have sex or go dilate are the same cancerous twats who like brie
Some people who like her post "have sex", yes. Dilate is an anti-have sex. Get with the program, are you new?

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I hope she will be some sith mommy with dominant tendencies haha

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Oh shit, the rumors of her being cast as live action Ahsoka are true?

Nothing is true. Just clickbait as per usual.

haha wouldn’t it be funny is she used the force to make you her sex slave haha

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t, incel tranny homo

bahahahaha disneyfags worship this

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That's a misconception. I don't like Disney at all. Only Brie.

t. MKULTRA-bred Disney basement shill

Pump my flat ass full of your cum, user.

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Yep, this is going in my Brie compilation

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When people buy jewellery, or get tats bearing the name of a positive character trait you can guarantee they lack it. No one who is BRAVE, BOLD or FEARLESS needs a necklace to constantly remind them.

Hey guys, can I get an invite to the brie discord?

That's some broscience you pulled outta your ass.

nigger:fuck your stupid meme

>*tears streaming down his fat face as he typed this after I destroyed his entire reality with a quick meme post*
Says a lot about you really.

Who still cares about Star Wars since the sequel trilogy?
Can you give me one example of meme Yea Forums created on those last movies? No, because nobody cares about them.

>"What's your tat, FOURTH SQUAD DIVISION huh? Guarantee you never served."

So she's not your typical Hollywood plastic barbie doll. She's homely and cute as fuck. Would kiss and play Nintendo with.

samefag and cringepilled
Suck her toes, user.

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Let me guess. I just described you.

No. It's literally a broscience-tier statement ala "people who drive jeeps must have small dicks" or "people who act nice always have an agenda".

No, your pseudo-psychology is just stupid.