What did they mean by this...
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
the top one is a visualization of the force while the bottom is literally just a house of mirrors
What PS2 game is that at the bottom?
that looks like a Spider-Man Friend or Foe cinematic
The bottom one is a good scene.
Is it really cheaper to do Spiderman as CGI rather than just film the actor in costume?
why was the big black seaweed hole just this?
was there anything else visually interesting about that scene?
There are 3 types of people in this thread
>people that will find peace and happiness
>people that will die alone and never grow above 5'7
and finally
>people that will unironically argue which Disney capeshit is better than the other Disney capeshit
Jokes on you, I'm 5'8!
>Marvel's most creative scene yet is not creative at all
what a surprise
spider-man (PS2)
one requires a monkey at a computer while the other requires an actor and a whole crew you do the math
>people that will die alone and never grow above 5'7
*raises hand*
Yup thats me
me on the left
Can you explain your question without spouting random memes?
but the real reason they do it is "to blend better" and if he's CGI most of the time you won't notice anything jarring
The problem is that it's jarring 100% of the time
>the top one is a visualization of the force
The top one means nothing.
It represents the fragmented identity of the characters or some gay ass bullshit.
Always forgot how much of a beef cake Daisy was in episode 8
that's what it is
>the top one is a visualization of the force
Bottom one actually comes from an enjoyable movie (which could have been improved further if Marisa Tomei and Angourie Rice wore less clothing).
that scene in Spider-Man reminded me of the mirror room in the PS2 game
How did you feel about Angry Rice getting RICED by a bald fatty?
Nah, it's a visualization of the Mary Sue trope.
>tlj version
>spiderman version
Why is this?
It's dishonest filmmaking.
they put Tomei in some pretty nice hot mom outfits in these movies I could definitely beat off to any of the scenes where it's just her and Holland
She realises her mistake by the end and I doubt he could find his penis under all that blubber so I'm not too angourie
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
>THIS is a 10/10 Superhero specimen according to white people
Yeah Tom Holland is a cute little white boy. Have you seen his ass?
Rey is quite possibly the most heroic character in the Star Wars universe, that is correct.
turns out if you make it really hard for your hero to win, the struggle is more engaging
you know, basic "I read joseph campbell" stuff that the star wars people completely ignore
how so?
all she needs is herself?
But Rey is a woman why would she have to earn anything that's sexist
It wasn't hard for Spider-Man to win. All he had to do was not give his tech shades to a guy he met the previous day. The movie pointing out that he made a retarded mistake that is completely out of character for him at this point doesn't make it better.
Sorry for replying to everyone, but I need to get your attention because this is important.
The top image with Rey means nothing. There is no explanation about where she is or what she is learning. As far as we are concerned she is making choices in the present that don't effect the future. She looks back at herself and doesn't care about the person she has become.
For Spiderman, he is trapped in an illusion. We can easily tell what is happening because we know he's in a virtual space and is questioning his sanity.
Again, Rey has no fucking back story. There is no build up. There is no clear explanation. It's supposed to be an existential scene, but that isn't clear.
Girls don't usually realize what a bad idea it was until their horniness fades and they realized they just sucked off a 2 inch pencildick.
what the fuck does that even mean
Why the fuck did you reply to me over 30 times you fucking psycho? Get outta my thread!
>this is important
attention seeking reddit fag
>The top image with Rey means nothing.
It's a reflexion of this new trilogy: style over substance.
>style over substance.
le mirrors
# Filter posts with 6 or more quote links:
Bruce lee rip off to establish multiple ident i mean universes
>admitting to replying 30+ times
yea thats a yoikes from me fampai
Incredibly cringe. Have sex, make sure to dilate first though.
I assume the spider-sense doesn't exist in MCU? I don't watch many MCU movies since Ultron
they're playing some funny games where some times he has it and some times he doesn't. They haven't defined it yet. You could argue that he's still developing his powers. They make a gag out of it though, pretty funny.
What? I'm not that guy I swear, and I think he's right. Why are you giving me that face?
It does they make a big deal about it in the new one. He's finally learned how to hone it. He successfully lets it guide him while he has is eyes closed I hope they remember that they did this in his future appearances; if he gets hit by one more "surprise attack" that he could've easily avoided, I'll be mad.
OP has a very important and good statement. Thread turned to shit.
it wasn't easy for him to win either. He still had to struggle.
>if he gets hit by one more "surprise attack" that he could've easily avoided, I'll be mad.
but that happens to spiderman all the time
It doesnt? I mean, I dunno what comics do you read, but suprise attacks rarely hit him, now if you oversaturate him with danger from different directions he can't focus and literally is like he had no spider-sense at all (which many of his foes do).
He also can disregard it if the situation needs it, for example if he has to take the hit to save someone.
Unless you talk about the time he lost his spider-sense I dunno why do you mean by that.
It does but good writers give a reason for it happening.
>enemy is immune to the sense like Venom
>the attacker is someone he doesn't deem to be dangerous
>he's extremely preoccupied with something else
Anything as long as there's a reason. The writers for this movie have handled it the best. He gets hit by a banana because he knows May doesn't mean any harm. In the first illusion, he is panicking and doesn't know what's a threat and what isn't. I'm mostly just worried of how other writers will handle it. In Civil War and the first movie, he gets fucked up in combat by people way weaker than him and is just overall clumsy, slamming into walls in shit. It was embarrasing, I just don't wanna see shit like that again now that they've shown him being competent for the last 3 films.
What I assumed, you don't read comics
>you don't read comics
yeah, this isn't Yea Forums. Fuck off faggot.
Only incels read comics.
So if opinating about a matter I read off makes me an incel, what makes you if you opinate about a matter you don't know any about?
>actually reading the comics
Fucking OMEGALUL'd.
>he thinks he's some kind of expert because he reads comics
pretty fucking sad and pathetic.
>style over substance
gtfo zoomer faggot
style IS substance, the Disney Wars trilogy happens to have neither
The top one is the Force telling Rey she is one of many identical clones. She didn't understand, and neither did most of the people who watched it.
look, just because you read the comics doesn't mean shit. These movies have veered so far off course that you just come off as some pretentious faggot when you flex that you've read some comics. No one gives a shit. Comics are stupid. Spiderman is an established character beyond comics. Fuck off retard.
>he thinks he's some kind of expert
No, you're the only one who thinks that, but taking into account I read comics and you say you didn't, that makes me more of an expert than you in this matter.
Fuck, even Agrees with me.
His Peter-tingle isn't working real well after "the blip". Don't worry, his Spidey-sense is what saves the day in the end.
>"You may not like Star Wars and Capeshit, but we're going to keep spoon feeding you these movies" -Disney
do reys clones and luuuuke team up?
>His Peter-tingle isn't working real well after "the blip"
His Spider-sense didn't work at all before the snap though
Yes it did, his hairs all stood on end when New York was getting fucked in Infinity War.
This is gold experience requiem.
>It wasn't hard for Spider-Man to win. All he had to do was not give his tech shades to a guy he met the previous day.
yeah Spider-Man fucks up a lot that's sort of a theme with his character
in case you don't know this they establish it in the first movie when he loses his suit, his mentor, his girlfriend, and there's tension with his best (only?) friend and one living relative because he keeps fucking things up.
he's a young hero, he'll fuck up, part of the appeal of the character is you groan at Peter Parker being a permanent loser then cheer when he heroes up to save the day in the end
Which MCU film is this from?
and he got suprised and hit literally by absolutely anything he couldn't see, and most of the shit he was actually seeing
>his one living relative
I just want to point out that May and Peter aren't blood-related. She married his dad's brother.
I also assume no mention of uncle Ben nor how he got his powers? I got this mostly out of friends who wanted all MCU movies
she's still his relative.
well, there's also this thing called Parker's luck
>has a feeling something bad about to happen
>something bad happens
He knows something is coming, he just doesn't always take the correct action.
>I also assume no mention of uncle Ben nor how he got his powers?
just implied. There's no need for spiderman to have an origin story. We all know it and get it. Smartest thing MCU could have done.
that's relative
But I wanted to point that out.
>It does but good writers give a reason for it happening.
>he's extremely preoccupied with something else
this is the easiest one because properly written spidey *always* has problems going on at home
it's as much a soap opera as it is a superhero book
It's only implied, because they know we already know.
for what reason? It doesn't change or add anything.
lizardwoman 2
That isn't the theme of his character and it shouldn't ever be. He doesn't deliberately fuck things up out of stupidity. He fucks things up as a product of trying to be heroic. Even in the first movie, his mistakes are a lot more realistic. He saw something explode and rushed into action without thinking. He thought no one understood the gravity of the situation and that he had to act on his own. He didn't just hand over a super weapon to a guy he has had 2 conversations with. He'd never do something like that and even if they were trying to push that he's a failure or whatever in the first movie, it would be more infuriating. Like I said, he grew more competent in the Avengers movies and has hone his skills and thinks more critically. For him to make such a retarded mistake for the sole purpose of pushing conflict into a conflictless film is hack writing simple as that.
yeah, no shit, that's what I literally said. Thanks for repeating it.
yeah this isn't reddit you can skip the "here's a friendly fact, friendo" posts
he couldn't help his autism. Plus he wanted to pat himself on his back.
>That isn't the theme of his character and it shouldn't ever be. He doesn't deliberately fuck things up out of stupidity. He fucks things up as a product of trying to be heroic.
he literally gave the shades to Mysterio because he thought Mysterio was a way better hero who could handle the responsibility of having the tech better than he ever could
he thought he was doing the best thing he could do AS A HERO
it was a HEROIC action
(that he fucked up, hence Spidey always fucking things up)
staple of Mcdonald´s Arthouse cinema
Not really, we know May is single because no man around her. Perio. We know he got his powers because he has powers. Period. Nothing else was mentioned, not even a flashback or a phrase.
>smartest thing
Not making a movie, again, about his origin and Ben's death was nice, but dude, at least say something like "I already lost someone important, not again", or "I went to this science fair and some weird shit happened". But not even that. Even Hulk had some mentions to his origin in MCU.
>Vulture has a grudge against Stark and steals Stark's tech
>Mysterio has a grudge against Stark and steals Stark's tech
When is Iron-boy to get a movie focused on him?
narrow, useless and internally small
It's not heroic and it's not something that this Peter would reasonably think is heroic. It's literally just skirting responsibility, the exact opposite of what any Spider-Man should do. Even the film tells you this, he's just doing whatever he can to get out of the situation. It goes against the fundamentals of Spider-Man, especially this Spider-Man who has gone out of his way multiple times to get involved and stay involved in things that involve saving the world. The problem is just that the writers can't decide what they want this character to do and won't even attempt to let him do anything on his own without being persuaded by another character. They're putting themselves in a box for no reason.
wew lad....
>suitcase with uncle ben's initials - not implying
>he keeps mentioning he got his powers a few months back - not implying
>Not making a movie, again, about his origin and Ben's death was nice, but dude, at least say something like "I already lost someone important, not again", or "I went to this science fair and some weird shit happened". But not even that. Even Hulk had some mentions to his origin in MCU.
they literally did that in homecoming and civil war
>aunt may has been through enough
>I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for six months.
again, implied
And hulk is literally the worst example you could use because that was as shit movie because of how it handled shit like that.
>It's literally just skirting responsibility, the exact opposite of what any Spider-Man should do
he's just a kid learning. Before he wanted to swim in the deep end like the big boys, now he's realized he's not ready for it.
the guys at disney are putting pieces of rian's movie in other movies to make it seem like rian is some sort of genius or to make that shitty movie less awful by bring everything on that level. the game of thrones guy put the night king kill scene from the rey throne fight.
Didnt read lol