In the film The 40 Year Old Virgin, this scene confuses me. Why is it that after she goes down on him he begins to scream in agony? Do braces somehow cause pain during a blowjob?
In the film The 40 Year Old Virgin, this scene confuses me...
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Was she supposed to be a teenager?
Seriously? Toothy blowjobs hurt. It's like someone dragging jagged little rocks over your dick. Got to learn to cover those teeth.
What are you talking about? Some light scraping from the teeth feels great
My dick is too big and I've never been able to get my dick sucked comfortably
metal rubbing your dick would hurt
>40 year virgin
>got very very close to having sex with girls a few times
I'm not a virgin but didn't lose mine until I was 21. But that shit annoyed me
Pubes stuck in the braces. Steve is one hairy bastard.
But the braces are on the front of the teeth? Why and how would they be in contact with your cock?
She looks like Stella Liberty
found the cutfags who cant feel a damn thing on their dicks because 20,000 nerve endings have been sacrificed to the God of Israel
>tfw kissless touchless 29yo virgin
I'd say pusy is overrated but it totally fucking rocks.
I guess circumcision is the one thing jews got right.
>40 year old virgin
>shows multiple times that he almost had sex
Will they ever go kissless doomer territory or would normies have a heart attack at the thought?
You seen your mom's.. unless.. you were born cuck-section?
I'm uncut and I love the feel of teeth on my penis. Then again I also enjoy having my junk slapped. When I jack off on my own I put rubber bands on my dick and balls and I submerge my nuts in a bowl filled with ice cubes. Have you tried that?
>foreskin has 20,000 fine nerve endings, same or very similar as are found in the finger tips
>clitoris only has 8,000
And to think there is even a debate about wether or not sexual pleasure is decreased in circumcised men
>Do braces somehow cause pain during a blowjob?
Makes even less sense since americans are cut
I'm cut and teeth are fucking torture.
Maybe it was caught on his pubes or dick.
Because she is a teen girl who dosn't know how to suck a dick and probably dragged the sharp parts all over the head of his dick.
Like 90% of women suck at... sucking dick. Best BJ I ever got was from a tranny
>Best BJ I ever got was from a tranny
lmao at your life
b.. based?
if you want good head go find a chubby girl they let you do anything dont be a queer
I've had braces, it's because the backside of your teeth have the metal brace n wire that applies tension and it's notoriously sharp. The doctor gives you wax because it's easy to cut your tongue on it. It's like your whole mouth is filled with those things ninjas drop on the ground that people step on.. so a blowjob would be really really difficult and painful.
Absolutely based
Okay? But why would Braces change that? Toothy is toothy regardless
See for actual answer
Not all braces have that wire.
Those are called caltrops you fucking zoomer
Naw I'm circumcised and teeth on the dick is exactly like the other user described.
Jagged rocks.
Even light scrapping is like a fucking knife scrapping on your dick.
Fuck teeth
>live action ariel audition video
I always though he screamed in pain because his pubes got caught in her braces not because the braces would somehow hurt his dick
All the molars do, so exactly where you want to put your dick is covered in spikes.
I'm the guy you replied to and I'm uncut. Stop being retarded.
>All these virgins that never got a blowjob from their highschool gf who had braces
It doesn't feel good senpai trust me it's sharp and pokey inside there.
Huh. There was this porn girl a couple of years ago who had braces. She gave head like a champ... The dudes seemed to enjoy it... I think her name was Liza Rowe.
I didn't date girls with braces in highschool because I had standards
how the hell can anyone leave middle school a virgin in the current era?
Reminder if you circumcise your kids you are coping them into a damaged penis.
You mean the fake braces that adult porn stars have put on for porn? Stop watching porn dude it's not a reflection of reality.
This. Go a week without and all kinds of confusion involving sexuality clear up. Cured my ED and premature ejaculation. Also lifted a cloud of weird sexual energy and distance I felt around women.
Dude, calm down. I've been with women. I was just making an observation about this particular girl. Also, her braces weren't fake. You could see that her teeth were sort of fucked. Cute just the same though.
My ex-girlfriend had braces when we dated in high school and she never scraped my dick during head
Easy; you just be ugly and don't approach women
Because the braces got caught up in his pubes.
This would rip them out, hurting like hell.
Spot the people who never got a blowjob as a teen.
what am i looking at here
a tranny
Liked her better as a porker. Between the two would be perfect.
Wouldn’t fuck either of those
In the movie Pi they already did. And it's a cult classic.
Oh look that dumb leftist woman is still here
I only ever experienced onaholes, thats the closest I came to the pussy feeling (at least I assume they are similar)
maybe I did but I was a baby and I dont remember anything about my birth.
back when I was in school we only had like 4 girls in class and all of them got boyfriends really quick.
didn't know where to get a gf, how any of this flirting shit works
so school ended, I couldnt get a job and ended up as NEET, 10+ years later I'm still a virgin sitting in the same basement
>I couldnt get a job and ended up as NEET, 10+ years later I'm still a virgin sitting in the same basement
I hate the world for the sole reason that people are allowed to do this and get away with it.
what do you mean?
my sister has braces, feels really weird kissing them lol
If you finish school and you don't get a job and you stay at home, you should either starve to death or get evicted at least.
My gf in high school had braces and she was great at blow jobs for the most part, didn’t even notice the braces. Until one day she got my fore skin stuck in them really bad. So bad we had to have her mom come help get it out. Wasn’t allowed at her house after that. Also I still have a scar. Long story short braces are dangerous to your penis, you’ve been warned.
27 and probably in my most pathetic state, since last month, ive been fantasizing that i have a gf. i dont play videogames or watch anything. i lay on my bed and daydream for hours. it makes me feel good, but when i really think about what im doing it makes me cry.
why? not my fault this retarded society doesn't want to give me a job or education.
its only the right thing that they pay me neetbucks.
This is as hot as fake.
>give me
Go clean your room and wash your penis.
Actually cringed
my room is clean and my penis is always clean.
but I am still a NEET who never worked a day in his Life.
and I have a reason for it.
they didnt want to employ me now they can pay for me.
Her mom wasn’t all that hot or maybe it would have been. Also I was very aware of the potential consequences including her dad finding out and shooting me in the face, and don’t forget the pain.
teenagers give good blowjobs though
I could probably handle it but you'd have to face fuck mostly
sharp parts are at 90 degrees to the penis how does she manage to pull that off?
It's later established that he's hairy as fuck
>Dating girls with braces
Spotted the desparate loser who couldn't land a girl with straight teeth
Ill explain.
With braces, moving your lips over your teeth hurts and scrapes. Thats why you see kids with braces show so much gum, they're avoiding tearing their lips up, this is famously illustrated with Butthead from Beavis and Butthead.
Now imagine receiving a blow job from someone who has trouble pulling their lips over their feel or just moving them around over their teeth. It bears pointing out that with braces, the distance that your lips have to cover to go completely over your teeth increases with the added surface area.
In conclusion, someone with braces isnt as adept at moving their lips over their teeth due to the addition of the braces and the discomfort they cause.
Not him but employers are faggots when it comes to determining your employability. They refuse to give local hires a chance if they're fresh out of school, and bitch when they find a local guy with a wealth of experience but wants an appropriate salary for his experience.
So now you end up with industries full of indians that work for half the pay and usually are working remote from india and us locals are forced to find work outside our area of study because no one will hire.
I graduated electrical engineering in '15 and only did I land an engineering job last year in mechanical because the employer was stupidly desperate to take anyone with an inkling of engineering background. Even at where I work, half the company operates on poo in loo engineering, which I'm stuck with correcting half the time because they are genuinely retarded. I don't even enjoy mechanical nor do I even have a background in it but I'm stuck now because I have no work experience in electrical. My side projects also mean fuck all.
Calm down there Chuck, focus on taking down Bobby rather than shitposting.
Based and trannypilled
The truth is, Trannies have stronger jaws, larger mouths and bigger tongues. They're also complete degenerate trash. These factors produce a proper blowjob machine.
Fat girls also share some of these traits. It's science.
>cheese heads fuming ITT
A gf isnt going to just fly through your window user.
there is nothing much we can do anyway. even if you go outside you wont get a gf anyway.
only thing left for mid 20s virgins is trying to survive as long as possible before suicide is inevitable.
Keep licking porkies boots like that and who knows he might let you suck his dick.
No shit, trannies are men
It must suck being cut
Almost 31 here.
I feel you bro.
I actually want to read this thread to see the OP's massive cope over her husband banging the freshest traps in town.
>Tfw have to clean my cock from dick cheese every night and every morning
Wish the jews snipped my dick tbqh
how you doing bro? still hanging in there?
why you didnt suicide?
Polygamy is cancer FACT
>thinks its easy in the current era
first indicator your not from the current era
>still a NEET who never worked a day in his Life
then make a job. literally children used to make lemonade and sell it on the front yard for small change.
>then make a job.
I dont know how any of that works
if only there was some sort of repository of information you could use. millions, if not billions of hours of video, billions of libraries of books worth of text and almost as many photos as there are molecules in your body, that you could access easily. from the comfort of your home, at your own pace, about any subject of your desire. right now. this very minute. second, even. or a box that you could type any question, and get answers.
but there isnt, so lets not think about this.
I bet you're a trump voter and have no problem with him and other nepotismlords like his children who literally only have anything because of who their parents are. It's only socially unacceptable to be a NEET if you're not a rich NEET. Also being a wagie is suffering.
They should cut off clitorises too
ya seethe wagie?
its always a giggle when you point out if you were to ask a woman to get the same procedure, they would laugh in your face
reading random shit on wikipedia won't make you magically get a job that earns you a living.
I rather stay NEET and collect welfare from wagecucks.
You know how tiring it is to try and improve yourself while realizing that no one likes you any better than before?
>put in shitloads of effort
>only get a 4/10 anyway at best
why even bother?
its how i got my first job. i literally googled "how to replace iphone screen" back in the day, and viola. hilariously, i dont work in the shop any more. i hired a few people who actually have backgrounds in electronics to do my job for me, and are vastly more qualified then me in running a business. the difference is they didnt try to make work, they expected someone to give them work
Shut up, Louis.
too much work
why do that when I can just sit around and get free money from the government?
also dont want to deal with people
fuck that shit
because now i do what you do
but with a lot more money then you do
I have enough money
>MFW Had Sex
>Didn't feel a fucking thing
We fucked like rabbits for a week straight and I didn't cum once, pretty depressing ngl.
and yet, this all started with complaining that no one would give you a job. lmao
later skater, enjoy "having enough money". see ya another thread
a job isnt just about the money, its also about being part of society.
I tried getting hired but it doesnt work so only option I have left is living off neetbucks