User: Alfonso Cuaron has demanded your services as a screenwriter for his next movie and he wants you to write whatever...

user: Alfonso Cuaron has demanded your services as a screenwriter for his next movie and he wants you to write whatever you want. The catch: Peter Dinklage is attached in a starring role.

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What's with this midget obsession lately?

Personally I'd treat Peter Dinklage. It should not take much food to satisfy him and make his belly full him given his size. I would delight at the prospect of treating him and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that lovely man a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing can't be any better, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu mediocre pork but... char siu kobe beef. Yes, I will have ensured Peter Dinklage greedily gobbled up the flesh of the best meat on the market after lowering his expectations initially. As the tears of joy well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe I went all out, I shall let out a truly merry, comforting laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; packacing and recipts of the kobe beef I purchased. Though the packaging and recipts will be scrunched up, faded, and a little dirty, it will be evidence of how much I wanted to give Dinklage a good meal. That is what I would do to that little gentleman. The louder he laughs and more thanks me in pure euphoria, the louder and more merry my laughter of appreciation will become. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing and thanking him so hard. I will then show the 24 minute 7 seconds footage of me purchasing the kobe beef and having a funny encounter with the butcher, which we will laugh over. This is the fate that awaits you, you wonderful, beautiful little man. Also... FUCK Warwick Davis. I'd starve him instead and feed him char siu Harrison Davis instead.

it'll be a snuff film where dinklage tortures and kills warwick davis and uses his bones to increase the length of his limbs and ascend out of midgedom

Dinklage is a legitimate actor though.It works with Davis because he's just a dwarf, a plaything for screenwriters.

What the fuck

manlets bullying the only people they can


Buddy cop comedy movie with his former dad.

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>a plaything for screenwriters
If he didn't make his identity his height he wouldn't be treated this way. He brings this on himself.