Protagonist goes on a date with a girl

>protagonist goes on a date with a girl
>he doesn't drip with sweat the moment they step into the coffee shop until it drenches through his jumper and trousers

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Reddit anime.

have confidence

You'll get better with practice, user

that's not JJBA though, that's spice & wolf

Have a wank beforehand and you'll be fine

I've been on dates with girls and fucked them, but they always say they're weirded out by me because I chat with them as if we were friends...

Am I supposed to say out-loud in the coffee shop that I'd like to sleep with them?

Comfyshit like Spice and Shit is reddit

Reddit only likes it because muh furry waifu. Real people read the LNs for economics.

>tfw no GF
>Tfw still have thoughts about ex who broke up with me years ago, because she was the only girl to give me the time of day.
>Tfw going through old messages where she was excited to see me, before it all went so wrong
I remember cuddling with her for hours. I miss that warmth. I lack physical contact in my life.

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Battle shounen and the like are the most popular anime there. Most people have nothing good to say about "comfy" anime. Same as Yea Forums.

She isn't a furry character.


You don't know what it's like
Before her. The pain wasn't the same
I became an addict

It's one thing to speculate
>Oh you don't know your life would be better with a GF it wouldn't solve all your problems
I've been on the other side. It gave my life meaning. Everything since then has been a retrogression. She made me a better man

There is literally nothing wrong with comfyshit

reddit brain

you're sneeded faggot
seething holotranny

You still do fuck most of them
So why worrying about it?

>going on dates
fuck of normie



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>coffee shop

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I wasn't talking about r/anime, but even that chart has Endro at #13, and it's the only one of its kind on the chart.

>FOTM romance shit on top
classic reddit

What's with all the obvious weeb reddit trannies on here? They act like being a connoisseur of chink cartoons gives them instant oldfag cred, but half the time they don't even bother to change the reddit filenames of their images.

FOTM doesn't mean anything.

>protagonist goes on a date with a girl
>he doesn't drip precum constantly
>he doesn't accidentally ejaculate when she touch him

>protagonist goes on a date
>despite his awkwardness the girl is actually into him

how am I supposed to relate to that?

meanwhile you don't even bother to pretend you're not a newfriend

you aren't. that shit doesn't happen irl, girls will always pick chad over you. even if by some miracle you manage to get a girl to like she'll still be pining for chad like validation from you, which you can't offer. Leading her to get bored and dump your ass for the first fuccboi that shows any interest
t. personal experience


>protagonist in my own biopic gets a gf
>it isn't Holo the wise wolf

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