A-are the z-zoomers going to make fun of us, /-Yea Forums?

a-are the z-zoomers going to make fun of us, /-Yea Forums?

Attached: oh no oh no.jpg (1500x5000, 1.35M)

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largest river? so what river has the largest volume? or largest surface area? largest name?

I got most of these right, I'm based and redpilled

I grab his mic and hit him in the head with it. Next I grab him by the throat and push his head onto the edge of the pavement. I position his jaw carefully and. then slam my foot down hard, shattering his skull and lodging his teeth in the middle of his no longer functioning brain. Then I say sneed.

Julius Caesar
Arctic Antarctic Indian pacific Atlantic
Not sure but someiwthng with space agency, not a burger
No idea
Two same sides
Le wind :^)
Zimbabwe Zambia
Nile by length amassing by volume
Himalayas Nepal
The whites, may they rest in piece

I'm going to do that to Alex Trebek when I get on Jeopardy!

>Julius Caesar
oh no... bro...

1. Depends on who you're asking.
2. Atlantic Fleet, Pacific Fleet, rest are irrelevant
3. Nah, ain't shit asshole
4. That one faggot you really like.
5. It's the cute one's ugly sister.
6. Farts
7. Why you wasting time counting turds?
8. The season they play Rock the Casbah and Mohammad's Radio on repeat.
9. The one with all the ziggurats.
10. The river of dreams
11. Up your ass and around the corner
12. They all got murdered so it's irrelevant. No man, no problem.

Why would a zoomer try to shame older people when this shit was basic education for Gen X and older?

1. augustus
2. pacific, atlantic, indian, arctic, antarctic? (not sure about last one)
3. national air and space agency (lol i’m doubtful about that)
4. not sure
5. two angles of the same size, one different
6. the moon or some shit
7. not sure
8. well in the southern hemisphere it would be winter but egypt is pretty much on the equator so it’s hard to say. i’d guess summer as well but am fully prepared to be wrong here.
9. zambia
10. longest is nile. but largest in terms of basin is amazon
11. nepal
12. white army?

I just yell american crime statistics at him so the footage will be advertiser unfriendly and thus unusable

based and /pol/pilled

indian, pacific, arctic, atlantic, southern
north burger space agency?
quency adams? think he was fifth tho
two same lengthed sides
sun and moon or wind? or both idk
200? idk
zambia, zimbabwe
nile? amazon? depends what you mean by largest
china? tibet maybe? idk
no idea, people with common sense probably

>admitting to not being American
Yikes, why discredit yourself so easily on an anonymous site?

oh egypt is in northern hemisphere as well, I'm retarded, it'll be summer too

I'd just pretend all these questions are about neon genesis evangelion and give him my in-depth take on why gendo resents shinji so much

Guess which one they're airing?
You either get all of them right or you lose.

1. Asterix
2. Caribbean, Baltic, Mediterranean, Yellow and Victorian
3. Niggers and Space Aliens
4. Raging Bull
5. A shape
6. Sound
7. 3
8. Zaire
9. Joan
10. Menchivikellibobsyouruncliks

I can answer most of them but you’re insane if you think I would even stop or acknowledge some retard on the street, I wouldn’t even break my stride because I would assume he just wants money or my signature

Because I'm from Texas and Texas > the USofA. Piss off, yankee.

Attached: 1562555895978.jpg (1386x1533, 206K)

Pretty based


come the fuck on

fuck pol I just want to shout NIGGER at people

Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic, Antartic
National Agency for Space and Aeronautics?
Adams? dunno
Same length on two sides
3 hundred and something?

Oh shit you’re right. Little Octautist was the first

Pacific Atlantic Indian Southern Arctic
National Aeronautics and Space...Association?
Not American so I dunno. Was it the guy with the Dutch name?
Two sides are the same length
2 per state, right?
Summer duh
I think the Nile is the longest but the Amazon has the most discharge per year?
I don't even know what an RDSLP is

Forgot the waves question, it's tides and wind

>AUS: 98
what the FUCK

1. USA
2. USA
3. USA
4. USA.
5. USA
6. USA
7. USA
8. USA
9. USA
10. USA
11. USA
12. USA

Van Buren was the eighth president, Madison fourth

I see, thanks

What a terrible index.

Augustus Kaiser
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Adriatic, Arctic
National Aeronautics Stolenfrom Austria
Shlomo Kikenberg
A three sided object
The sub-continent

Done. I win.

Does NASA stand for North American Space Association? Maybe National American?
If he's talking ocean waves I know the moon is involved
I always thought Mount Everest was just somewhere in America but that's probably wrong
That's all I got