ITT: (secretly) good movies

I’ll start with Toys, the film you’ve never seen.

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I have seen it and I know that you are lying. That film is a confused shitty mess.


Danish/German animated movie about a priest going hotline miami on the porn industry after his sister, who was a porn star, died of an overdose and he took her daughter in.
It's a bit low budget, but a pretty good character drama.

That movie was retarded garbage and I'm GLAD Gonaddin killed it at the box office.

I made my parents rent this and Apollo 13 on VHS at least once a month when I was a kid. It’s strange, and a mess, but I loved it.

One of the weirdest pieces of kino I've ever seen.

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Happy workers

Happy workers

Death to Smoochy

Is shit, but dayum is it unique pseudokino.
It has such a strange dark feel

I can't think of a good movie that includes Robin Williams. I don't think it possible.

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I don't know which was shittier. The movie Toys or the SNES game


Good Will Hunting is def a good movie how do you like them apples lol southie guy

Shit movie, i know you are lying

Maybe this is more your speed.

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Because Robin Williams was overrated as fuck. he wasn't funny or a good actor, he just yelled at the camera which doesn't equate humor or talent.
people have rose tinted goggles for genie and jumanji, both movies are shit.

This. I think I watched it a few dozen times as a kid, knew it wasn't good, but I was still fascinated by how utterly bizarre and dream-like it was.


Look at this guy. Look at him and laugh. Here's your (you) based user.

Matt HOLLYWOOD Damon is not from boston. He is a cambridge sodomite and probably roots for the lakers as well.

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Praise Wahlberg.

The DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet movie was pretty good

One hour photo

>the toy battle scene when they start getting wrekt

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my nigga

I've seen it TWICE.

Not insulting Robin here, but I recently rewatched Jumanji and it aged like milk, and watched Aladdin for the first time too and found the genie to be more annoying than funny or likeable, and the movie itself to be rather generic and cookie cutter with unimpressive animation and pacing issues in the third act, and it left such little impact on me that I still feel like I didn't watch it, especially after years of hearing people praising it and it failing to meet that standard on a personal level after all the good word of mouth I heard. Also, Jasmine was a bitch.

I thought I was reading one of these memes for a second

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All I remember is lou diamond phillips stealing every single scene.

yeah I’m a Disney head (not nu Disney) but I’ve always found Aladdin the weakest from that era.
Peak Robin Williams is One Hour Photo

You can tell it was a passion project because any studio in its right mind would have made the story more streamlined. Robin went all in on the crazy shit though, and while it didn't work as intended it's still a fascinating movie.

The World According to Garp

All I can remember from that film was the bra covering one of the toys.

This was one of the early “Pulp Fiction was a hit, just do that” studio copies.

>that banger music video
This is also where my crush on Joan Cusack began.
Hey John I want to sex your sister and voted for Trump!

What was even the plot of this movie? I saw it as a child in theaters and never saw it since. All I remember was toys fighting eachother. Or was that small soldiers?

It was just a silly action comedy. Don't see any inspiration from pulp fiction

All of the quippy non-sequiter dialogue

Is that all it takes to be a pulp fiction knock off?

I also saw it in theaters as a kid and could not make heads or tails of what the fuck was going on. Never seen it since.

>Jamie fox was in it

I like the description. Does it include actual action or does it happen off screen for the sake of focusing on drama? Not a deal-breaker, am just curious about it now

so uderrated

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Greatest jungian film ever made. Why Jordan Peterson doesn’t talk about it idk

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