When the fuck does this get good?

When the fuck does this get good?

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S01E01 00:00:01 mark

It's not for you, pleb. Go back to your Stranger Things.

This was good for the first few eps, then from ep4 or 5 it started to be really angsty "I am a magical saint lol" zoomer narcissistic storyline that involved little of good writing and you might as well drop this shitty show.

good answers
bad answer

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Based. I'll trust you instead of these clowns.

Retards. Back to GoT.

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I actually liked the good Lenny episodes more than the first half of the show.

Season 2 when

wasn't it due to come out this fall/winter? or was it next year?

Episode 1, season 1


just read some articles, an extra said it's coming out in december 2 2019, even though 4/5 months seem to me quite a short time for all the post production work

When you're mature enough to appreciate true kino.

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>Pope's Rope and Scope
>Formerly Pape's

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The irony is that people don't realize this is what a true pseud line looks like and that it perfectly summarises the shows angsty attitude.

>n-n-no u....

this show always seemed like a self insert for a narcissistic writer. The pope is a mary sue

Does any show divide Yea Forums more than this one?

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Never. Yea Forums plebs only latch onto this show because it's not that well known and appears to have substance from stills and promos when anyone who's actually watched it knows that it doesn't and Sorrentino is a no-talent with counterfeit Fellini affectations.

I've always seen autists compare Sorrentino to Fellini but never explain how

This doesn't divide Yea Forums. The ones that don't like this show. Literally all me.

Too Old To Die Young. It just doesn't have as established of a fanbase as TYP yet so it's hard to see just how stark the division is.



It's just Americans and retards who dislike it.
Sorrentino and Fellini don't have that much in common. B-but muh La Grande Bellezza and La Dolce Vita. Even those films are different.

It looks like Endgame won't beat Avatar bro, you should make a thread about that instead of posting here

Don't you have a cow to praise, ahmed?

Protniggers have more in common with ahmed since you fags have no culture

Plebs who hate this show haven't watched anything from Fellini, imagine my shock

shut up OP you fucking faggot. this show is a poetic master piece start to finish

these two replies are on the exact same level

never, its all style no substance jerking off for people who are not religious but consider themselves “spiritual”, general theme is “conservatism bad”.

>falling for the culture meme
You know you're getting brainwashed into slaving away for your landmass of shit where your parents just happened to sin in, right? You know this show is about this right?

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There isn't even a mosque in my country you dumb nigger.

explain this, does pious have any character development throughout?

it might be the character with the best character arc in the past 20 years
it's really slow but it definitely shows, and at the end it feels so fulfilling

When you get good

I don't believe you. i watched the first 3rd and there were no signs of him doing anything other than acting as the antagonist to everyone around him like a tyrannical narcissist.

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Kino scene
Greenland PM cute! a cute!