Are there any feel good kino movies or tv shows that feature a donkey?

Are there any feel good kino movies or tv shows that feature a donkey?

Need some cheering up after reading this article.

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I'll bet it was a Muslim.

It 10000000000000000000% was. Not even shocked at this point. Just numb.

This is why I am coming here less and less, because of racist posts like these.

better hurry up and cancel brexit you filthy racist goy

Do us a favour and don't come here at all, faggot.

The donkey survived if that makes you feel better

Fuck off Ahmed


It does, thank you user.

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London needs to be glassed, it’s mega city 1 without the judges.
I.e worse than shithole tier

His wound got infected and he's contracted laminitis. At 28 he'll probably have to be put down.

Those falafels tho

Watch tots TV. It's wholesome and has their friend donkey in it.

Okay norfie subhuman

animal abusers deserve the death penalty and shall be punished in hell

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suck my nuts muslim

Nah probably black christian

>Oy mate, fancy a proper donkey stabbing?
if they could just brexit a little faster, that'd be great.

I'm not even from the UK and still think it's a shithole, most huge cities are. An urbanite bugman wouldn't know, though.

why are muslims so fucking subhuman?

>Stabbing a donkey
Did he have a license for that?

Urbanite isn’t an insult, commie.

now why would you stab a donkey?

>opposed to urbanisation
retarded urbanite detected

Thank God its working

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Muslim is not a race.

Nice race bait thread.

They think it was a gang initiation by a group of youths according to the article

>thread about cheerful donkey movies, pic from a real article about a donkey

How is it race baiting? Nothing about race is mentioned in the OP.

You just know it was a “youth” that did it

Im from Birmingham, UK.

I saw OPs post and ive sat here for 5 minutes staring into space. Why. Why has my politicians sold our country so cheaply? We've imported the third world, and its destroyed everything that is good.

We have old people being attacked in the street, children being raped, our sections of England have become no-go zones. The reason the Donkey was stabbed was because it represented happiness.

The elites wont stop until we are enslaved cattle

OP also posted the first reply, setting the tone of this thread. learn24chan.

More like Birmingham Alabama.

greek commedies, but I dont know any. pretty sure there's also loads cartoons
and there's always shrek you could watch

go back to tumblr, we never wanted you here

Because they are demons.
The only solution is death for them and any sympathiser.

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>Why has my politicians sold our country so cheaply? We've imported the third world, and its destroyed everything that is good.

Leftist Whites literally hate White people. They are ethno-masochists. It's a pathology.

remember the British Empire? yeah? it's payback time, bitch

not all demons are evil

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winnie the pooh features donkey.
also shrek movies has donkey.
can't really think of else from top of my head.

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Au hasard Balthazar

Muh dick, is there an Illusion card of her?

Abusing animals is forbidden according to Islam.

>Im from Birmingham

Judging by your spelling and grammar, you're probably an illiterate immigrant or a run of the mill thick middle Englander with no hope in life.

>remember the British Empire? yeah? it's payback time, bitch

You're making a great case for the idea that all non-Whites are savages and the only way for a White person to deal with them to crush and annihilate them without a shred of mercy.

The same could be said about reddit faggots like you invading Yea Forums.

Kek this is a nice bait I'll use it on /pol/ thanks for the idea


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It’s a false flagging mutt guaranteed.

you mean the thing that increased your living standards, population, literacy rates, average wealth, and life expectancy? i don't think you can pay them back for all that

Remember 911?

RIP Eddie Murphy

Yes. It's pathologic at this point. Something sad happens: I bet it's the fault of someone I arbitrarily hate. Something good happens: People I arbitrarily hate btfo. There's literally nothing that can be discussed here anymore without having it somehow related to Jews, blacks, Muslims, transgenders or leftists. It's taking all the fun out of discussing media.

keep larping, little mayo, it's goin to be fun watching you go extinct as my brothas fill your sisters womb with their African seed

Islam is not a race, nice try.
Do us a favour and stay away next time.

Kys you soulless bugman.

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Leave, Muhammad

do you parents know you pretend to be black on the internet?

no, I'm talking bout the colonization, the slavery, the oppression, the racism, the genocides

Carries the penalty of eternal damnation.

found the onions guzzling tranny

No he didn't, I did.

Nah. It's true. There is an islamic story about a pious woman who starved a cat to death. She ended up in hell for that.

And there is another story about a man who went out of his way to bring water to a thirsty dog from a well. This kindness led him to heaven.


Enjoying animal abuse is absolutely nigger-tier behavior. Fuck off Jamal.

Learn twenty four chan?

aka increasing living standards, population, literacy rates, average wealth, and life expectancy, among others
that was started by indigenous populations and is still practiced by them today
meaningless term
racism is a good thing and the reason why you're alive
like the bantu expansion and rwanda genocides?

animal rights are a spook

We are we going to wise up and nuken the entire Middle East?

>learn 24 chan
Dude what

Yes they do, white liberals actually view their own race negatively compared to every other group that view themselves favourably.

But not people.

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>Based - Based - Cringe

why not just ban knives?

>Remarkably, white liberals were the only subgroup exhibiting a pro-outgroup bias—meaning white liberals were more favorable toward nonwhites and are the only group to show this preference for group other than their own. Indeed, on average, white liberals rated ethnic and racial minority groups 13 points (or half a standard deviation) warmer than whites. As is depicted in the graph below, this disparity in feelings of warmth toward ingroup vs. outgroup is even more pronounced among whites who consider themselves “very liberal” where it widens to just under 20 points. Notably, while white liberals have consistently evinced weaker pro-ingroup biases than conservatives across time, the emergence and growth of a pro-outgroup bias is actually a very recent, and unprecedented, phenomenon.
holy shit

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Here is a donkey for you

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The donkey was stabbed, not raped.

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imagine this in nature. imagine caterpillars liking spiders more than other caterpillars

go fuck yourself you duplicitous, bigoted piece of shit.

part and parcel of being a donkey in London

More likely to be a nigger

leftism is a mental disorder. if not a bioweapon

they were

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perfectly crafted bait

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yet they keep fucking donkeys

When the time comes, remember what they took from you user.

and then there's this redditnigger

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And their cousins

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>fun out of discussing media.
Holy shit get a life beyond consumerist media you fucking soulles redditdrone.