Will Mike get cucked by Will next season?

Will Mike get cucked by Will next season?

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No he will fuck will and a new black character will be written in to fuck both Millie and Mike screen cap this

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

Will is actually a future Chad, and now that he's not held back by his friends he's going to claim his birthright.

Next season he's going to invite Mike over to his new place only to do him dirty like Milhouse did with his cool new Capitol city friends. "Hawkins baby in a diaper etc etc"

Screen cap this.


cucked in the gay sense? since millie looks like a 32 year old gay male

Steve rapes Mike out of incel rage

I want Will to awkwardly kiss Mike in the heat of the moment and then apologise profusely afterwards, revealing his sexual orientation and secret crush on Mike.

Will we get this scene season four?

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Who's that?

I can't wait for the scene where Winona-mummy will be training El in sex before she let's her foster daughter to be pounded by chad lucas

Dude Will is gay...

But actor is jewish. These rules are only for goys.

Daily reminder that Will Byers is gay and probably in love with Mike.

>Will Byers, twelve, is a sweet, sensitive kid with sexual identity issues.
From the original pitch for Stranger Things

>Will with the Cute Girl, dancing awkwardly. But his eyes aren't on the cute girl. They are on Mike, who is dancing with Eleven.
From the original script for the Snow Ball

>Lonnie used to say he was queer. Called him a fag.
Joyce to Hopper after Will's original disappearance

>"Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay."
Bully from season one

>"It's not my fault you don't like girls."
Mike destroying Will in season three. The expression on Will's face says it all.


Didn't the writers explicitly have to come out and say that he wasn't gay after Twitter speculation after what Mike said?

watch Boogie Nights pleb

Depends where they've moved. For some reason I can see Joyce buying an isolated farm and going full doomsday prepper.

Next season Mike will fuck Max
Also gay fuck Will
Also fuck Eleven
And Robin too

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Mike telling Lucas "all niggers must all fucking hang" while taking Max to his basement to play ""dungeon and dragon""

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Every character takes their turn on Mike

they look good together. do you have any pic of finn and the ginger girl together?

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