what the fuck did I just watch bros
What the fuck did I just watch bros
the fact that it's constantly memed on here just shows how good it is
>demon needs a young male host
>demon was transferred into daughter at birth
>daughter had to be sacrificed so demon could possess son
>son is illegitimate, product of rape (from one of the cult members)
>son is illegitimate, product of rape (from one of the cult members)
that would also explain her weird, subliminal hate for her son.
if this is a garbage horror movie, there are no good horror movies.
>what the fuck did I just watch
Beat post-credits scene ever.
It wasn't scary at all, in fact I started laughing when the mom was swimming around in the air. On top of that it was completely predictable and the movie itself thinks you are so dumb that it came right out and told you what happened after the fact. There was one part I didn't understand, the mom threw the book in the fire and the dad went up in flames. When I looked up why this happened, the director said he just did it to be sO rAnDuM XD. This movie is trash.
>I'm a big boy and brave and this wasn't scary, and that one scene didn't really make sense so it's complete trash and "reddit", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
Pure dog shit trying to appear better then it is. Plain and fucking simple.
That's funny because that's the only type of people that suck off this movie.
wait what? where was it said the son was from a rape incident?
>NOOOOO i don't look like that it's those other guys who like this movie i told you its totally reddit
>son is illegitimate, product of rape (from one of the cult members)
Wait, when was this implied? I didn't catch that, but it'd make a lot of sense because he looked like he was some Mestizo fuck whereas the dad looked like he came straight from Auschwitz after being gassed 6 billion times.
>wasn't scawy
people actually write shit like this being 100% serious, jesus.
Actually he said there are no rules. Disregarded the rest of your dishonest post.
My issue with the movie was that it feels as though it was forgoing horror in favor of trama porn. The whole film seemed to want to drive home the overbearing dread of more bad shit happening to the family rather than, ya know, actually scare the audience. The ending amped up the horror, but by then the whole affair was so damn depressing that it mitigated the scares.
>Why yes, I'm coward who enjoys boring, predictable shitflicks how could you tell?
holy fuck based and dubpilled
>The whole film seemed to want to drive home the overbearing dread of more bad shit happening to the family rather than, ya know, actually scare the audience.
but that's a good thing. all the greatest horror kinos are like this, are the trash ones are the opposite
Natural birth, scary
>I didn't get scawed guys
based summer
>Why yes, I still get scared by horror movies and sleep with mommy if it's too bad. How could you tell?
Got anything to back up that rape claim?
Yeah, but straight "horror" very rarely works. There has to be something else to move the plot along (unless it's extremely bare-bones simple, IE: The Tunnel). Look at something like The Exorcist - it wasn't even meant to be a "horror" movie because, up until then, that was mostly reserved for cheesy monster flicks or the occasional ghost story (which all usually have underlying themes, too). It worked extremely well because it was written as a suspense movie.
Still, I'd like to see a horror movie that's able to keep a fairly consistent sense of dread without resorting to fake-outs and cliche tension building. Closest thing I can think of is pic related
Not him but I thought it was implied when she said she didn't want to have him, tried to abort him, and his skin tone.
Why do people like this movie so much? It's ending was so fucking shitty and rushed, and ruined a lot of the buildup from earlier in the movie.
umm, no
Lots A24 shill niggers on this board
This guy had back to back images ready to win an argument lol
the fuck is a24?
Tell me why the "dude demonic cult lmao" ending was good and well established.
The company that distributes "horror" movies like this.
it is objectively very well executed? not my fault it hurt your fee fees for some season.
>well established.
re-watch the movie and then spew this again I dare you.
It's a break from
and also because, despite its rushed ending, it's still relatively well written and enjoyable enough.
Actually I had to Google them, this onions stuff is retarded
The idea wasn't bad, but the execution was subpar. It could have been done better, especially since it was basically the same ending as Rosemary's Baby.
>well established.
It was pretty well built up through various implications throughout the movie. Between discoveries of the mom/grandma, the suspiciously helpful lady from therapy, it was pretty obvious there was at least some kind of cult.
Dumb post that misses the point entirely.
>No jumpscare so it must be good
Retard logic.
Yeah, but what the fuck was the point of the movie? What is the takeaway? It would've actually have been interesting if they stuck to the main theme (from what i can tell) of the movie characters, which was self destructive grief. The father isolates himself from the family. The mother tries so hard to cling to the hope of talking with her dead daughter. The son cannot confront what he did. Maybe they could've died due to these flaws, these serious problems that have been building up throughout the movie. But nope, the father randomly burns to death, the mother just gets possessed, and the son gets scared and then also gets possessed. And that's it. That's the ending for these characters who we've seen struggle with mental issued throughout the movie. I thought they were going to cause their own demises with minimal interference from the cult, but the cult does literally all of the work in the end anyways. What the fuck was the point of the daughter dying, the family being isolated from eacother and them growing resentful if they just get possessed and quickly die to random shit anyways?
Garbage ending, through and through.
Name one (1) unpredictable horror movie.
what would you propose as an alternate ending? I'm all ears
Nice try, A24 intern
why would they pay interns to shill old movies?
>No jumpscare so it must be good
That isn't the point, faggot. It's that it's a refreshing take, so it's stuck in people's head a lot longer than Conjursiduous 8: Annabelle's Revenge Part II
>what the fuck was the point of the movie? What is the takeaway?
Usually, asking this of a HORROR movie is pretty retarded, but it actually does have a point. TL;DR it's about grief, dealing with tragedy, and being aware of how fucked up your kids might be even without any direct influence from yourself (and that it's not your fault). The ending was a bit unnecessary toward that end, but I think they didn't know how to end it so they just ripped from Rosemary's Baby. Again, the execution is "meh", but the concept still isn't too bad within the scope of the story itself.
Still, I can see how it somewhat works - it's in the title of the movie itself. Some issues you just can't fucking avoid because they're in your genes, which is a pretty bleak takeaway, but hey.
The mother finds out about the cult and their plans.
Tries to get the rest of the family on board to counteract what the cult is doing, or trying to do.
The father refuses, growing increasingly distant.
The son is too emotionally exhausted to deal with anything, and also cannot help. He feels crippling guilt, yet is unable to be truly honest about his feelings.
The mother begins doing some rituals from that books she found (she was a former member of the cult, right?) and the family slowly gets better
The cult then summons a demon/spirit/some horrible illusion monster or whatever to strike the final blow against the family
The father sits again in the daughters room, silently grieving
Monster confronts him
He tries to get help, but there is no one there for him
The fathers emotional distancing from his family in these hard times causes his demise
Mother finds fathers body
Begins some magical/spiritual (maybe even mental?) battle with this monster/illusion. The monster tries to potray itself as the daughter, causing the mother to hesitate, the monster playing off of the mothers desperate hope to be with her daughter again
Mother starts to lose to the monster because of these, she needs help now
Son shows up
Mother pleads for the help of the son against the monster/illusion, together they can defeat it
Monster/illusion basically calls out the son for what he did
Son can't take it, he can't confront what he did, and the guilt
Son breaks down
Mom all alone, filled with despair
Mother is killed by monster/illusion
Son is completely broken down, mentally as shell of his former self
Gets possessed by the monster
Scene of cult worship or whatever
Something along those lines. Make the characters imperfections contribute to their downfalls.
lmao they don't pay their interns
>That isn't the point, faggot. It's that it's a refreshing take
You know what? I actually agree with this.
>it's about grief, dealing with tragedy, and being aware of how fucked up your kids might be even without any direct influence from yourself (and that it's not your fault).
>Still, I can see how it somewhat works - it's in the title of the movie itself. Some issues you just can't fucking avoid because they're in your genes
I would be fully on board with this, but the problem is, that i felt like the movie was about this for like 4/5's of the way, but then the ending and an (outside) influence ultimately destroying the family just shits all over thus premise. Which sucks since i really liked where the movie was going desu.
Great input, user.
The movie should've ended with the crescendo while it was zoomed in on his face, just cut to black, cut out the whole old lady explaining shit part, really killed the mood.
Yeah, like I said, the ending could have been executed better - but I'll take a solid 4/5ths of a movie than a movie that's only 1/5ths decent.
Honestly, yeah.