did you hear that?

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i fucking love these shows
taps has to be the best one for its utter retardedness

shit dude, i'm feeling so cold all of a sudden

sorry bout that, I had to let er rip boy

Attached: guy in the chair.png (480x360, 217K)

Zack is a weird dude. Very serious and awkward.

negative world chad really

>calls out for a response
>hears the faintest noise and runs out of the room spoopy


i-is that farmer #2?
It can't be!

Bro, something is stomach hurts, and I didn't even eat anything except five Monster Energies. Get the Xbox Kinect. We've got a frickin demon on our hands.

Aaron, go into the basement by yourself with no flashlight and check it out for 30 minutes bro

Aaron, piss on this grave and then crawl into the cremation oven while I shittalk the ghosts

I remember one of these shows going into a ww2 warship and they were all pissing their pants the whole time. You could tell they weren't doing their usual act. Can't really blame them as the lower decks are always fucking creepy.

say what you want but this show is undeniably kino

my name is zaz bacon
and i didnt believe in faggots til I came face to face with OP

Nice ytp

>virgin demon hunter vs chad demon befriender

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Didn't we used to have Ghost Adventure streams? Those were great.

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dude i just got way mad chills bro

did they eat that guy's ass y/n