/got/ Game of Memes

Aegon Reborn edition

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For me, it's mammoths

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first for salsa

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For me it's Azor Ahai

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Sneak preview of Sansa, Queen in the North from Season 9

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How did this show get so lame bros. Dany was the only cool part by the end

Wow she can warg and rock s&m outfits at the same time
What CAN'T she do?

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nth for my queen

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>Why yes, little Dany is named after Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons

>Regret? Dany was born in June of 2019

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Let /got/ die with some dignity waifutards
This is just sad

lol you fucking idiot

Nothing is worse than this episode

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>First of her name
This will never not make me mad, they literally didn't read the books

What did he mean by this

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Here we fucking go again....

>“I heard a suggestion that it could be called The Longest Night, which is a variant I wouldn’t mind,” he said. “That would be pretty good.”
Oh no no no no no
>“But if you go back further then there are nine kingdoms, and 12 kingdoms, and eventually you get back to where there are a hundred kingdoms — petty kingdoms — and that’s the era we’re talking about here.”
You bet your ass the show will focus on Mary Sue wolf fuckers and evil not-Lannister & Bolton cunts.
>Obviously the White Walkers are here — or as they’re called in my books, The Others — and that will be an aspect of it. There are things like direwolves and mammoths.
Whatever. Night Cuck sucks.
> “The Lannisters aren’t there yet, but Castlery Rock is certainly there; it’s like the Rock of Gibraltar,” said Martin. “It’s actually occupied by the Casterlys — for whom it’s still named after in the time of Game of Thrones.”
To be cucked by Lann the clever who will obviously be a Tyrion/Jaime rip-off.
>Watts is the biggest name currently attached to the prequel, but Martin thinks of the cast as an ensemble. “I hesitate to use the word ‘lead,’” he said. “As you know for Game of Thrones, we never even nominated anybody for lead actress or lead actor [during awards season] until recently; it was always for supporting [categories] because the show is such an ensemble. I think that will be true for this show too. We don’t have leads so much as a large ensemble cast.”

>While Martin has many projects in the works, including the prequel pilot, he notes he’s currently only writing one thing: The sixth Ice and Fire novel The Winds of Winter.
Oh well...

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Kind of like how “Master and Commander” shows a Post-Captain for 2 straight hours. I know that feel

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*goes back to write more of Dany's family history*

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The World of Ice and Fire/Fire & Blood is written AFTER the show is commissioned IIRC. I think she already refer to herself as 'first of her name' in S3 (2013) and a couple of times in the book as well. First of her name points out only for kings and queens I guess. Correct me if I am wrong.

I wouldn't mind that, but I wish he made it as an anthology story instead of long fictional history books. That's what the World of Ice and Fire is about.

>game of thrones
Quit posting this boomer shit

Isn't "first of his/her name" just referring to rulers? As in only kings/queens count - so a random Daenerys a century ago who was just married off somewhere and never ruled anything wouldn't contribute to a "name" on the throne.

>The Longest Night

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Who will win Game of Clones?

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>You are an ill-made, spiteful little season full of plot holes, horrible story lines, and low lighting. Men's laws give you the right to bear the show's title and display it's characters since I cannot prove that you are not canon. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about telling that proud story that was Game of Thrones™ Season 1 until 4 and the novel's before it. But neither gods nor men will ever compel me to watch the prequel show and let you turn Yea Forums into another /got/ general. Go, now. Speak no more of your rights to Yea Forums.

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He was autistic, right?

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a little

>Aaaggghhh...gon Reborn edition

Fixed lad

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>2 Long 2 Night

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Now that the ashes has settled, when will HBO gives pic related a proper adaptation. I am sure GRRM will be more than happy to serve as exec. producer or guest writer.

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Yeah do people think "first of his name" means no one has ever had that name before lmao

>Sneed first of his feed

>Literal hobos from some northern shithole gets mammoth
>Queen of the 7 fucking kingdoms can't secure a single elephant

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Not so long as Stannis lives.

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Yeah, about that...

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>Reeee give me muh throne!!!!

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Renly really was an ass.

Thank the Lord of the Light for Stannis the Kinslayer, Father of shadow and the one true king of Westeros!

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I was actually thinkimg of this scene, and the "war of the 5 kings but with dwarfs" at joffreys wedding

Would the scene have been enhanced if when the "renly" died in it, he dies to an extra who is a regular person, with blonde hair etc, and it the camera cuts to Brienne looking all sad at it, seeing as half the rumors are that she killed Renly


Renly in the play got 'killed' by Stannis. In the show version, most peoples including Loras already know it was Stannis behind the killing (though we do find out later, that Brienne is also a prime suspect as well/viewed as a failure). IIRC in the books Tyrion & Varys both are aware that Stannis has a hand in the assassination, but Tyrion thought Stannis just hire an assassin instead of sorcery.
I agree it will be even more sad. It's bad enough with Loras, but putting Brienne there would just outright being cruel though not out of character from our beloved Joffrey.

That being said, the whole joust is pretty funny in a morbid kind of way.

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The cutest!

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Who's renlys "steed" supposed to be?
Cant exactly be loras, its blonde

Left to right
>Robb with wolf mask
>Renly riding Loras
>Stannis riding Melisandre while his dick is burning with wildfire
>Balon riding a kraken
Also, Ser Dontos the fool with the silly head near the lion head.

Whats the Westeros catholic equivalent?

I kinda wish my idea of the extra coming on and "killing" renly would have happened now

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The Faith of the Seven obviously.

Yes Sam, don't forget the one million, killed after they surrendered of course (bells mean surrender). The population of Kings landing doubled under cersei's benevolent rule. Also don't forget to write my name out of the history books

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>show depicts lands beyond the Wall as literal antarctica
>trees grow in such climate

everything is so wrong with this

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Tyrion getting written out of the in-universe history books feels like an unintentional joke on how D&D themselves writing out important events/key characters & events from the books in the show. The in-universe history books probably makes the Lannisters & Starks look more benevolent while making some other important figure more evil/act as a scapegoat for everything that went bad.

the ending was too shit, we need to cope somehow, leave us alone

>renly riding loras
pretty ballsy move considering the tyrells are the only ones keeping the lannisters on the throne


why is he doing this to us?

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Well i mean the Tyrells literally poisoned him.

Joffrey is kind of an idiot in case you haven't notice. He is the guy that kickstart the war of the five kings after all by executing Ned and in the books actually the guy behind Bran's assassination attempt.
Money & fame. The fat man craves more.
Had he finished this series quicker, we could very well got a proper TV adaptation in spite of Dabid's hackery (see season 1-4).

I like seeing GoT actors in other things (even if its before GoT) and I dont know why

>Jon's expression

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Truly a moral conundrum.

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>Have seat, uncel

How do you react??

I wish we can see more of Nikolaj honestly, really like that dude a lot as Jaime. This is also why I like Wolf Hall from BBC a lot. We get so many former/at that time active cast of GoT in that show (High Sparrow, Jojen, Qyburn, Viserys, and the Iron Bank Representative).
Here's Anton Lesser/Qyburn as Thomas More.

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can anyone link some thread from during the early episodes of season 8 were airing? theses were /got/ at its peak

"Shut the fuck up you bolton whoe"
-everyone at the meeting

>She saw her dragon shit out of the sky, she saw her friend beheaded
>Didn't think to talk to her about that before

>Excuse me, why does this Bolton-Lannister occupy a seat at this great council?

take a seat, obviously

I keep on saying Nikolaj would make a good bond

but lets be honest here, if hes Bond, Gwendoline has to be the Bond Girl

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Wolf Hall was absolute kino


call my bannermen and start another war

>immediately apologizes after Viserion dies
>doesn't even mention Rhaegal, the dragon he was gifted, dying
Totally believable script, D&D.

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I didn't expect to, but I ended up really enjoying FaB. Wouldn't mind getting volume II soon 2bh

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t. George

I wish there can be a continuation. Tell the story until Cromwell got executed.
>Nikolaj (Jaime) as James Bond
>Gwendoline (Brienne) as Bond girl
>Lena (Cersei) as Eve Moneypenny
>Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) as Q
>Michael McElhatton (Roose) or Aidan G. (CIA) as the Bond villains
>with Charles Dance as M
>Jerome (Bronn) & Portman (Podrick) as MI6 agents
There you go, make it happen Hollywood.

Nah you gotta have Qyburn as Q

>Tyrion doesn't talk to her about the dragons even though he bonded with them and was the one that set them free

Ah shit, you are right.

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The final novel is coming out next year

Fuck, Qyburns actor as Q would fucking make the "Qyburn invents shit" meme become reality

HA HA UNLIKE THE FATMANS BOOKS HA HA please just kill me twow never ever

>The final novel is coming out next year

yeah and sneed posting will cease next year

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You got a more than 50% chance of Winds of Winter being finished. Memes aside, most of the writing is most likely done.

But you got less than 50 % chance of A Dream of Spring coming out. Unless we got someone who can write as good, if not better and younger than George R.R. Martin and the fat man chooses to pass the torch (keyboard) to that guy.


Going back and watching this show just pisses me off now. It was all for nothing

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Azor Ahai is Dany, though. Drogo was Nissa Nissa.

Drogon = Lightbringer.

The book describes the dragons as a sword of light and fire in some passage.

They honestly tried to cramp a Mad Queen Dany and King Bran plot into 3 episodes, and most of the finale was filler.

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He wanted to do that based on that extinguished and never ruling again british bloodline of kings. he said he based them on them.

>Memes aside, most of the writing is most likely done.

He has writers bloc because he killed off someone he shouldn't have.

>6 episodes to finish up the show
>First 2 are pure filler

For me?

For me it's Jaehaerys I

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The problem is, he went off on too many tangents that should have been short stories or novellas of their own, and now he has no idea how to wrap everything up with a coherent ending.
The Dark Tower's ending was shit, but it was at least an ending that closed off pretty much everything that needed closing off. Because King didn't pointlessly put the shit from Wind throug the Keyhole and Little Sisters of Illuria into the main body.

It's obvious D&D were bored the last few seasons, but were too addicted to the money to let someone else take over.


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Cat is so hot.


also fertile and loyal
perfect waifu

t. Cat

Imagine being permanently crippled because your stupid wife kidnapped the son of the most powerful man on the continent.

fuck the t*llyshits

I think the difficult part is actually converging the story lines.
Most of the characters are still separated or unconnected with the main story lines. Especially Arya and Bran. Also, he went through rewrite a couple of times I heard since he needs to consider what might happen afterwards. His autistic gardening style made the world interesting, but making the plot advances so slow.

>I think the difficult part is actually converging the story lines.

I agree. Alot of "let me introduce you to x" bullshit.

That and he chronicles their journey from the start to beginning. Not to mention the 'conflict' & obligatory bargaining with each others scene.
But what are you expecting, let's say Tyrion meets Dany, of course you'd need an introduction/first meeting impression scene.
And of course after Dany agree to let Tyrion join her team, George will describe the feast they are having and what the characters think about the food for at least three pages or more.

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>the reach has no army

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Jaime, Randyl, Bronn and Rickon commit all out genocide on the populace of the Reach. The Tyrells kind of forgot how to fight even though they fight side by side with the Lannisters against the Baratheon army in Season 2.

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it wasn't for long

Time and pregnancy is a mistake

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>Tarly army consists of his son

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I think the archers shooting at Drogon are supposed to be Tarly (because huntsman/archer sigil lol). There are a couple of Tarly soldiers & sigils in the background. It's been a while since I watched the episode though.

I'm loathe to defend the show, but you do see Tarly sigils on a few of the shields in a later scene

>the reach has no army, the north/vale army is depleted, a massive army of dothraki and unsullied plus yara could be convinced to join us
>no king bran is fine

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>Prince Gerold of House Dayne. Men call him Darkstar, he is of the night.

>I'm loathe to

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Where does Yara's army come from? Most of them sided with Euron. The ones who didn't sided with her and were killed by Euron. Then, Euron's army was destroyed by Drogon.

They came from offscreen just like euron's fleet

If anyone would support King Bran, it would be Darkstar

>Her cunt was the world

What did George mean by this?


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This is why we needed the Jon/Dany incest baby so the Targaryens are not a complete waste of time

So his son plus 20 good men then

That's SER Twenty Goodmen for you, m'lord.
The legendary warrior who slays Stannis Baratheon's army highhandedly, the mentor of Karl the Fookin Legend, forger of Night King's spear of destiny and builder of Euron's one thousand ship.
Slaughtering a bunch of sissy Reachmen is like eating a breakfast for him.

Where's the baby, George? You fucking old hack.

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Here's your godswood bro. 2 years in the making

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>Aegon Reborn edition
Except Aegon actually got to rule the seven kingdoms and didn't burn half a million civilians

>half a million civilians
She burned over a million Lannishits and Cersei sympathizers. Aegon also didn't have faggot advisors who cried every time he used a dragon.

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He burned lots of shit and wrecked Dorne tho

Aegon did the same shit to dorne for less than what cersei put her through

>Killing his sister-waifu

It was different though Aegon was just like "bend the knee or be destroyed" and dorne fought back, she tried making peace with cersei losing a dragon over it and cersei killed another one of her dragons and her closest friend, after she lost half her followers and closest thing to a father fighting to save them and they betrayed her



pic rel is another Tywin classic

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>the reach is empty

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>Huge population
>Almost all of Westeros depends on their food exports
>Second richest family

Someone explain to me why the Tyrells didn't take the iron throne as soon as the Targs stopped having dragons?

for me? its lannister general

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So where the fuck did he go? Did they just all ditch Jamie?

Pretty much, Jaime knew exactly what was gonna happen after that point he just wanted to go out on his own terms, he was like the only rational character
>When the fighting in the north is over, someone wins, you understand that don't you? If the dead win, they march south and kill us all. If the living win and we've betrayed them, they march south, and kill us all

>general dresses exactly the same as the rest of his men
bravo costume department

For me its the one lannister guard in season 6 who tells cersei she cannot leave the red keep

>In the books
>In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, this character does not appear and has no equivalent.
What a madman.... what the fuck is his endgame?

That's Damon Marbrand

>Aegon Reborn
Aegon actually ruled Westeroes though.

>tfw grey scale exists because someone fucked a dragon

Ignore them, they are probably the same type of people that whined when the show used the words "virgin" and "dick" despite also being used in the books in that context

Her cunt *became the world.

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tbf "butt" is also used in the books and it feels out of place there
same with dick to a slightly lesser extent
virgin sounds fine though

>Lann the Clever is introduced
>he makes a bunch of quips which only serve to foreshadow Tywin, Jamie, Cersei and Tyrion

>gather supplies for the train
Wait, there's trains in Westeros? Did Qyburn actually establish an industrial age?

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>probably one of the more cooler side characters there are
>completely gone next episode

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Tyrells had a very shitty claim to Highgarden to begin with. Mace Tyrell was actually one of the very few Tyrell rulers who had the backing of the entire Reach, mostly due to his marriage to Alerie Hightower, as well as his father's marriage to Olenna Redwyne. Even with that, a decent chunk of the Reach still ditch the Tyrells and side with Stannis instead. And I mean a few houses besides the Florents.

It was only really the smaller houses sworn to the Florents that also sided with Stannis. A majority of the reach were team Renly.

He also has Houses Meadows and Cobb. Both of them coming over from the original Renly faction. Meadows is pretty important in that it controls a lot of farmlands and is related to the more powerful House Fossoway.

The Florents even sided with Renly before getting shadowbabied despite Stannis being married to a Florent

What else would Q stand for?

Qyburn can level mountains in a matter of months, he's way past Industrial.

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Obviously he got rid of the mountains, but what for? What did he need such a large area for? What was he building for Cersei? A rocket ship? Fuck Clegane autism, because of that, we'll have to wait for Season 9 to learn where this plot point was heading.

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>And one more thing, the next Sneed I find in your Feed and Seed I'll Fuck and Suck.

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>Joffrey was poisoned at like 14
>Jaime fought at the Battle of Winterfell.
>Cersei was killed by the mad queen

The Lannisters are going to come across as heroic victims. The only thing I can actually see them being vilified for is Cersei not sending men to Winterfell. But The North isn’t even part of the Kingdom anymore so who cares.

Oh yeah you're right, the Tyrells only suspected that the Florents MIGHT side with Stanns. Also, didn't Stannis literally burn a Florent (his brother in law IIRC) for betraying him?
>House Meadows
Only after Stannis beat them into submission.
>House Cobb
Literally just one knight, not the actual head of the house.

it died inside her womb when jon stab her
she was clearly preganant so it makes it all wayy cooler when you think about it and realize he'd rather kill his unborn child than a world where T*rgshits exist.
Truly /ourhero/ the balls on this man

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They unironically turn Stannis into Hitler, don't they? Him or Bobby B. D&D have a huge hateboner for Baratheon Chads.

>No Baratheons
Cuck-tier show.

That's what I am talking about. Imagine if they write out or not include important stuffs from the books for the TV shows, characters that is actually 'grey' come across as pure evil without the necessary context and more characterization. Flawed characters turn into mary sues or no characters at all. Worse important events that sets up to where we eventually arrive don't get included, making things feel weird & anticlimactic.

The writers will have no other choices but make up their own story even if it's totally nonsensical or dubious at best, which is what GoT S5-8 are all about.

>just re-discovered my collection of horribly drawn dany fanart
having a good old laff

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>Stark king
Nah the Lannisters are gonna get shitted on

Does he plan on killing himself? Either that or fuck some Karstark cousin to ensure his line is 100% Stark.

Baratheons don't exist until the arrival of Aegon Targaryen (the conqueror). Stormlands at the time is being held by House Durrandon, their last king got killed by the ancestor of house Baratheon and said king's daughter end up marrying the Baratheon dude.


The setting go back further than that. Probably further before even the Durrandons conquer the Stormlands.

Where did the Baratheon last name even come from? From the girl Aegon's dad impregnated?

That's what I mean, its a shit ass boring setting. Why not do Robert's Rebellion? Why not Aegon's Conquest? Holy fuck, even a sitcom about Bobby B, Stannis and Renly during Bobby B's kingship (Two and a half Stags) would be better.

Head like a fucking orange

I've always theorized Orys is some sort of Durrandon/Targ bastard himself, because the Baratheon looks come from the line of House Durrandon, but Orys himself is said to look pretty Durrandon aside from purple eyes instead of blue.

The book is most likely written during Tommen/Cersei's reign. It tells all the events from Robert Baratheon's reign onward. So I'd say it will be a mixed bag of things that got rewritten and improved to appease the regime that currently hold the iron throne. At the end of the day it's probably going to be pretty neutral towards both Lannisters & Starks. Stannis, Daenerys, and obvious villains like the Boltons, Greyjoys and Freys will be painted more negatively though, since they are consistently being the enemy of the iron throne, while the last three have bad reputation or exterminated already.

>Why not do Robert's Rebellion? Why not Aegon's Conquest?
Gurm said that he doesn't want to do a tv show about the Bobellion because everyone already knows what happens. Aegon's conquest would have the same issue

No one gives a fuck about shit that happened 10k years ago. It'll be a flop just like that one BSG spinoff.

That's because lots of stuffs that happen during Robert's Rebellion most likely will spoil the main story line. Especially everything about Rhaegar and Lyanna. After eight seasons we still haven't learned what is the reason behind the kidnapping beyond Rhaegar is a love struck moron or a complete psycho. But I believe there is more to the story. If the complete picture of the rebellion is going to be understood you'd have to adapt it all the way from the Tourney of Harrenhal (Rhaegar's scheme to depose his dad) until Tower of Joy (Lyanna's death after giving birth to Jon).

I think George either refuse to give the full story yet or simply hasn't fully committed to the backstory.

Baratheons are supposedly Aegon's bastard brother. At least that's what the rumor in-universe.

He's going to marry Sansa to put an end to the line in s9 like & bookmark this comment

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That's a pretty weak excuse. We already know the first men and the children drive-off the white walkers at great cost after they themselves almost driven to extinction during the Long Night.
Knowing the story is not the same as actually experiencing it (as in reading the dialogues or watching it plays out).

Lannisters are the whole reason he north wanted independence and now bran is king of the rest of the kingdoms, Jaime fucked robert which causes the whole war, tywin did the red wedding, cersei betrayed the north, plus stuff like cersei blowing up he Sept and killing tommen are common knowledge that she didn't even bother denying, bran knows all of that

>breeding out the T*lly redhead genes out of House Stark

Well, who cares. GRRM should just stick it to finish ASOIAF first. I don't want any other TV shows until the main story is properly finished anyway. They have been proven incompetent after the disaster that is season 8.

>D&D writes the episode
>Lann the clever turns out to be not clever at all
>It was all his evil girlfriend's plan to defeat the Casterlys.
>Lann is just a quipster who make dick jokes

Just adapt the Dance of Dragons.
That storyline was a lot better than anything else in Westerosi history anyways...
Dragon v Dragon kino, Starks don’t really matter, and it isn’t a straight up curbstomp like Aegon’s conquest.

The problem is always the budget.
If you want it as another TV show you will probably get an animated version instead of another live action. But it's highly unlikely HBO will ever commission one. No way they will do live action with expensive CGI dragons in all episodes either.

Orys' cuck father. People on Dragonstone worshipped Targaryens as gods, let them fuck their wives and daughters and considered it a blessing if they got pregnant.

That’s what i was thinking since there are multiple dragon vs dragon fights and they are hugely important in the storyline.
It’s also easily the best story though, Seven bless BASED Aegon II and Sunfyre


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This user is right.
Targaryens even to the mainland Westerosi were seen as ubermensch... that’s why when one of them died to disease it was a huge shock

Stark genes yielded to Tully ones 4 out of 5 times. You have shit for brains

There are loads of common soldier battles too on Riverrun. Not to mention the ensemble cast you need to get.
I think some peoples will find the ending a bit too bitter as well, seeing both sides end up being pretty evil and ultimately punished by it.

But you know what, maybe someday we will see pic related adapted in all its fiery glory. A man can dream.

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T*lly genes are strong though, fortunetly they can have tons of children since they're both very young.

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>jumping off your dragon mid flight and thrusting it into your opponent’s ruby eye
You’re right Dance of Dragons is just too KINO for TV

"I don't want it. I never have."

Can you imagine seeing the commoners assault on the Dragonpit?

wow, please don't quit your day job. that's truly horrendous.

seeIt's canon and these are previews from s9
Sorry if this bothers you somehow

All out CHAOSH. Not to mention all the ridiculous petty kings that randomly pops out during the riot and the crazy preacher dude. We probably will get some glimpse of maester conspiracy as well if what Marwyn said in AFFC, about maesters being the true cause of the dragons extinction is real.
>Corpse disappear and never found
>Peoples still thought you are alive and live with your waifu

christ almighty, i can't fathom someone being that bad at drawing.

>Holy fuck, even a sitcom about Bobby B, Stannis and Renly during Bobby B's kingship (Two and a half Stags) would be better.
I want this.
They probably can make some sort of fake documentary styled comedy like The Office but with the small council members. Bring back Ned, Varys, Littlefinger, Cersei and Jaime. Also have Tywin and Tyrion guest starring from time to time. Have them trading banters & insult at each other while desperately trying to keep the kingdom work.

Is she asian? Because she looks like an Asian with downs here.

Time to fight tumblr with tumblr

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You know nothing user
Behold my masterpiece

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this is MS paint. the one I quoted was an actual sketch on paper. it's leagues more embarrassing because there's actual effort put into it.

guys stop fighting about jon and sansa, there is only one man in westeros worthy of sansa's virgin preteen pussy...

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oh i didn't phrase that post very well, they're not mine, I just collect shitty fanart I find over the years

...and his name is Robert Arryn

>Hurr MS paint requires no effort
Away with you peasant

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He should have just fucked Arya or any of the northern slags whoring themselves to him

Good SanSan chad

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contrast and compare

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The defender of the vale!

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That looks too much like the actress, who is objectively ugly since s7.
I'll go with the first drawfag for this one.

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>Harrenhal.exe stops working

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He got the call.


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whoa, ok..

>YoU'Re gOInG tO StARt WeAriNg a CRoWn!?

the actress is Daenerys proper, unless you can prove otherwise.

>You served as a glorified bandwith fot two moots - one a faggot, the other a gook
My fucking sides

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>Dude I almost had you!

>Show Robb and Jon never wore crowns because they'd rather lead by example and authority rather than by dressing up like kings
>first thing Sansa does after gaining independence from her own brother is to order a custom crown made for her

>Carkelfags having a full meltdown
On topic: What would you rate queen Sansa's weirwood motiff dress? It's one of the best pieces of wardrobe in Yea Forums history period NGL

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I wish i could become Sansa's personal breeding slave in order to continue house Stark

Here's your king bro

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seriously though
>arya: dead of scurvy in a matter of weeks
>bran: permanent ED
So salsa is meant to be badass and all because she don't need no man to rule, but who the fuck is going to be her successor?

I mean it's in your face implied all show you just have to pay attention

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nilla wafers are an underrated snack imho

Okay, I'll bite. Is it before or after Sansa lies to Jon, conspires behind his back multiple times and undermines him in front of Northern lords? Or is it implied when she let him live at the Wall for the rest of his life?

Do you have any argument for why Jon would want to have a relationship with Sansa other than allusions to Catelyn and you being a Sansafag?

It's after she saves his ass from his own retardation in BoB, after he saves him from falling headfirst into the trainwreck that is edgy Dany, and after she saves him from execution by sending him to a place he likes and is close to >>>Winterfell

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Does this mean that Robb was fucking Catelyn?

I don't get why people care about Sansa, all I remember her doing is accepting littlefinger's help, when she could have done earlier and avoided the whole battle, which resulted in wun wun the last giant dying. Then she spreads a secret. She's not really interesting at all tons of minor characters accomplished more in the story

She's arguably the worst and most boring character in the show, atleast Arya was ok until the faceless shit plot

>It's after she saves his ass from his own retardation in BoB
And lying to him about possible reinforcements helps save him how?
>after he saves him from falling headfirst into the trainwreck that is edgy Dany
By lying to him and trying to start a second Dance With Dragons solely because she doesn't like Dany?
>and after she saves him from execution
No proof of this whatsoever.
>by sending him to a place he likes and is close to >>>Winterfell

Its all justified to me because Targshittians have no right to rule any of the Seven Kingdoms. Fuck Targshits. Fuck dragons. Fuck magic. Love Baratheons. Love Lannisters. Love Maesters.

Arya actually acco polished stuff even if you think she's a Mary Sue or whatever, she killed the Freys, killed the night king, now she's presumably gonna explore the world or die at sea, but she actually did stuff in the story at least

>In the opinion filed July 5, Judge John B. Owens writes that the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit won't discard a prior legal precedent "the way that Game of Thrones rendered the entire Night King storyline meaningless in its final season."

lel How can someone fuck up a show this badly?

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They're making a long night prequel too fucking kek

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>we all have to work together to stop climate change!
>nevermind, a teleporting assassin can do it singlehandedly

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>Roberts rebellion mini series that would show the beginning of our legendary story and characters = bad
>Boring Ice zombies = good

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>We have to come together to stop climate change
>Actually no since Jon gave the zombies the means to even get past the wall which presumably was keeping them out for thousands of years, so his storyline is pointless
>any faceless man could just kill him

>dany: J-Jon, I had a dream that I lost rhaegal, and then I... I burnt down king's landing!
>jon: rubbish dany, I'll be high up in the air with you, no one can hit us, and the people of king's landing hate cersei for killing margaery so they won't be near the keep when you destroy it
>dany: I also dreamt that you... *begins sobbing*, ...y-you kissed me and then... *sobbing intensifies* ...then you stabbed me!
>jon: now that's horseshit dany, why would I stab you instead of taking care of your mental state after such a tragic ordeal
>jon: you are muh qween, now and always - that means I'll always be on your side and always support you, my love to is my duty
>jon: also, can you get rid of tyrion?, I think he was trying to get me and jorah killed on his crazy wight plan

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>obsessed with prophecies
>abandons his wife to run away with a Stark without telling anyone
>ignites a civil war as a result, causing tens of thousands to die
>dies before his kid is even born
>kid doesn't fulfill prophecy and kills his aunt/your sister
Guess he should just hired a Faceless Man.

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>Rhaegar: Your journey has come to an end, Aegon
>Jon: I shouldn't have tried to push away my Targaryen side. My strength is accepting it, accepting dany, accepting you
>Rhaegar: You honor me. A father's pride cannot be measured in words, but know that I am proud of you, son.
>Jon: You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that.
>Rhaegar: You have been down a long road, Aegon, one paved with difficult trials. Those trials are behind you now. Any father can only hope that he is one day humbled by the feats of his son. But it is your soul, Aegon, of which I am most proud. You and you alone possess the courage, the determination, and the compassion that will be required of you to lift the darkness from Westeros
>*Targaryen armor rises up beneath the throne*
>Rhaegar: I ask you to remember one thing. Your abilities may be of my blood, but it is your time in Winterfell and Castle Black, with Ned and Ghost and all the people there, that made you a hero, Aegon.
Jon turns around and sees Ned holding the armor
>Ned: Always hold on to Winterfell!
Jon puts on the armor, mounts Rhaegal and goes to the fight the Others

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lol he's gonna deny his targshit side in the books too

Jon grew up idolizing Targaryens and isn't an ambitionless fag in the books.

imagine thinking this

Thinking what? What part of my post is untrue?

Not him but its true, his hero is The Dragon Knight and he wants to be Lord of Winterfell and he doesn't even know who he really is

>says Robert's Rebellion series would be pointless because we already know how it ends
>creates series about ice monsters who we already know lose

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"Daeren Targaryen was only fourteen when he conquered Dorne,” Jon said. The Young Dragon was one of his heroes." - AGOT

"He might as well wish for another thousand men, and maybe a dragon or three." -ASOS

She should be on a throne somewhere, under a three headed dragon, with the King in the North beside her and an heir in her belly to unite the realm.

You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she burned down. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and Bloodmoon won’t fill the hole she left behind.

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Choose your destiny

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For me its Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke

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She became the perfect waifu and it was all lost like tears in the rain.

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Those are my only options? Then i choose pic related

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Something wrong with your thread boy?

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No, nothing wrong at all. But i do think there's something wrong with people who like Brie Larsson

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based trips


>sansafag is a larssonfag
That explains alot actually, both are inssuferable cunts

Waifufags are generally insufferable cunts. As are people who like GoT post Season 4.

for me, it's unnamed lord #2

I love you too user, but let's stay on topic this is a /got/ thread after all eh?
Who's your favorite character who's still alive after s8?

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>tries to sacrifice the people of King's Landing to become queen
>fails because sacrifice requires losing something of value

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>As are people who like GoT post Season 4
>posting in /got/ thread 5 years after s4 ended

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Any of you guys heard of Daenerys Targaryen? I think shes great

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What would LF have done with this information?

Drogon. Soon he will back to burn Winterfell

Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow

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No way you unironically likes this annoying whore

>"They say that she is bloodthirsty, that those who speak against her are impaled on spikes to die lingering deaths. They say she is a sorceress who feeds her dragons on the flesh of newborn babes, an oathbreaker who mocks the gods, breaks truces, threatens envoys, and turns on those who have served her loyally. They say her lust cannot be sated, that she mates with men, women, eunuchs, even dogs and children, and woe betide the lover who fails to satisfy her. She gives her body to men to take their souls in thrall.”
She sounds great

>Daenerys Targaryen
>still alive
>Daenerys Targaryen
chadanon i have bad news....

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Daenerys Stormborn of the house Targaryen, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons, and The Princ(ess) who was Promised, Volantis Reborn.

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She looks pretty cute

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George is never releasing A Dream of Spring, so she will always be alive in our hearts and minds.

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nothing a quick trip to kinvara at volantis won't solve
>Rezzed Dany: Hey Jon, look! Matching stab wounds! *giggle*

>still alive
Yes, she got resurrected by the Red Priest Kinvara in Volantis, didn't you know?

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What's she going to do when she finds him fucking Val inside some frozen tent?

Did they do it only so she can be killed again, this time by Stannis? Shit writing. Either way, can't wait for Stannis to take down Bloodraven and take the throne in Season 9.

>In your bed she's like to die that way


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>got resurrected 10 times so he could stand in a doorway

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>Hello, Danyfag. For years you've posted about your love for Emilia Clarke on the internet. Some days you would wake up and the only thing that kept you going was the thought of your dragon queen. This obsession drove you to abandon much of your family, your friends, and all semblance of the life you once had.
>Now you must fight to save that life. In five minutes, the room you are currently in will fill with Wildfire, burning you alive just as your queen burned thousands. In order to prevent this, you must crush your balls with a hydraulic press, the same way Daenarys Stormborn destroyed Jon Snow's manhood. Make your choice Danyfag: live or die. Let the games begin.

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Some might even say shes an extremely cute girl

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Stannis cuts both of the degenerate T*rgshits down in Dream of spring.
Sucks to be a Jon/Dany fag.

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Fire is the purest form of death

fire wights live forever

I see a fellow "george will never release the books and thats a good thing" chad

Season 9 is actually Jon, Dany and Stannis against the drowned god vessel Bran. Stannis becomes king in the end and Jon and Dany runs away to the house with the red door

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>the same way Daenarys Stormborn destroyed Jon Snow's manhood.
Did you even watch the show, Jigcuck?

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Undeniably cute!

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>Stannis theme variant played on my playlist as I read that

>bending the knee
Jon's a cuck my guy, of the highest regard.

>beats Boltons and Freys
>"Oops, I burned your daughter while you were away, Stannis. I also brought Jon Snow back to life and favor him now."
>Stannis kills himself
You better hope The Winds of Winter never comes out, Stannisfag.

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>bends the knee and gets a dragon and a massive fucking army
>also gets a hot aunt/girlfriend who would do anything for him
Jon chose to become a bitch, pure and simple. He could have been king of the entire realm, but I DUN WAN ET.

Death by fire is the purest death

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what do you think that stannis will do when he know that Jon is a targaryen?

He will never know because he's gonna be dead

Fuck the realm. The North will rise again.

Does it matter what Stannis would do? He's never finding out.

>Jon's a cuck

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This so much.

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>"Oops, I burned your daughter while you were away, Stannis.
>Stannis kills Melisandre
>Dies to White Walkers
>Jon gets brought back by Stoneheart
Try harder show retard.

That's all

Norf did nothing wrong. Literally.

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>>Stannis kills himself
he would never

Because Summer > Winter
Hot > Cold

>Jon gets brought back by Stoneheart
If Cat two ropes and had Jon and two Freys captured she would hang Jon twice

And a preteen tree wizard will never be elected king. Never count anything out.

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First of her name means the first Queen with her name.

Join in of course
>Jon - Aegon
>Visenya - Dany
>Rhaenys - Val

The cycle is complete

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Yeah, fuck cold!

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