This Shit Was Fucking Terrible. Fuck You, REFN!!

This Shit Was Fucking Terrible. Fuck You, REFN!!

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The music, some visuals, and Martin were the only good things about this shit show. Only about 3-4 episodes are worth watching until they decided to meme Martin

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow

You could've posted this shit in any thread but you picked this one. Fuck you. Don't ever post in my thread again

I liked it.


Could probably cut 75% of it without any impact on the plot

Really? I think only ep1 and 4-8 are worth watching. The rest are fucking terrible and I hate how they decided to meme Martin off. Oh, and Refn is as subtle as a bag of bricks hitting you over the head, when it comes to politics.

This thread is sacred ground to me now.

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He’s posting it in every thread

It's straight, unfiltered kino

I downloaded the first few episodes but I've been reading and being told that I you start from episode 4 you literally miss nothing, which is ,really odd to me.

Is the show that much filler? I know Refn loves long fucking takes and character taking for ever to have a 20 second conversation but damn. Is this worth a watch though?

TDS hit these hacks hard
From mother! to this and so many examples between these frauds are just going to shit down your throat now

Yes, I actually came to terms with the fact that it's an ensemble show and Martin isn't technically the only protagonist by the second episode. I agree that the political commentary was blunt but the entire show was, behind its cerebral tone, kind of pulpy. It obviously wasn't going for subtlety.

Overall I liked the show a lot. Might have enjoyed it more if it was a bit less slow but even at its worst I still found it enjoyable

Jesus Christ. Another squat brown man seeking vengeance and wielding a machete? Seriously?
Fucking autistic retard.
>inb4 motifs

You didn't rike it?
Shamefur dispray.
Give finger nao!

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Dumb fucking show made by a dumb fucking hack and his dumb fucking fans eat his dumb fucking shit right the fuck up

>Guy is supposedly Korean
>Goes to a yakuza hideout to ask for money
>Guy doing kyudo (archery) in a poorly lit place, at night, with no fucking target, shooting at a wall from 10 meters
>Red, purple and blue lightning everywhere
Pretentious inconsistent bullshit.

Watch the pilot and then 4-8. Episodes 2 & 3 are filler and garbage and the last 2 episodes don't wrap anything up. It's so fucking bad. It's just masturbation scenes, Nazi flags, people staring etc.

TDS? Sorry, I don't know who or what that is

I know Martin isn't the only one but imo he was the most compelling, behind Viggo (but he is soooo underused) so it hurt the show for me when he died

>and the last 2 episodes don't wrap anything up. It's so fucking bad
Well that sounds disappointing

The pilot gives you some context and 4-8 are very good. 5 is absolute kino from beginning to end and it's a shame Refn didn't just build a film around it. Miles Teller is surprisingly great and Viggo is always good