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have sex


Jews want to destroy this

Fuck, I really hope they destroy Australians.

Is being a poltard literally just a symptom of schizophrenia? You sound mentally ill

Damn what a man-jaw. Sorry, but no amount of HRT will change your bone structure.

And you are in denial about how much of a Jew slave you are.

Whats Hollywoods deal with Sharon Tate? She was a b rated actress caught up in some occult shit. It seems like it was wrong place wrong time.

I think women with strong jaws like her are really hot. She is really hot.

She's wearing a miniskirt and was a massive slut. If you're worried about muh Jews corrupting Western morals, it was already underway at that point

she'll never top the wolf of wall street

Thanks for acknowledging pointing out Jewish subversion isn't schizophrenia.

Yeah probably a result of depression/anger/Schizophrenia/teen edginess.
I'd say the left rn is more a symptom of autism.

The subversion isn't Jewish, it's the result of material conditions. Capitalism promotes over-sexualization as a tool to sell people stuff

Wtf do Jews have against slutty girls in skirts? That's what happens when orthodoxy is strong I guess.

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I think you mean "Jews promote over-sexualization" since they own all the media, finance, government, etc.

blonde girls in turtlenecks and miniskirts are my fetish

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Jews are overrepresented in most high-position fields due to their high verbal IQ. Non-Jews in those fields were doing the same shit.

She was really hot

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They could try, but our inherent racist tendencies combined with our nature of giving someone a fair go basically means we bully every new arrival into being as bellicose and sports mad as we are.

Even the Jews enclaves in Melbourne are being wiped out by the Australian mental virus and having their culture eroded.

>high verbal IQ.
More like nepotism and in-group preference. And while there are tons of white people exploiting people too, like Freemasons, they ultimately serve a Jewish agenda.

>high verbal IQ

I'll you cunts credit for making one of the decent Jews

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54% of chess world champions

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The heat of this land remakes all who come here. Turns the Irish into productive members of society, Jews into nationalists and Anglo's into the broad chested forebears of yesteryear.

lmao this is so full of logical leaps and weird suppositions. Jews perform better even in fields where nepotism can't possibly be a factor, like international chess and math competitions.


>jews are supposedly masterminding all geopolitical events
>somehow they aren’t smart
Fucking hell at least stay consistent with your delusions.
>muh nepotism
You know not all Jewish people are related right?

can someone who knows a bit about Sharon Tate tell me the likelihood of a nude scene with Margot Robbie happening?

a lot of jewish girls look like that, so there's nothing to be afraid of cletus

>stay consistent with your delusions.
being underhanded =/= smart, goy

Thanks for the input, nobody

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>187 IQ
>100% Jew
really crunched my kippah

No one ever said there aren't Jewish geniuses, but read his quotes.

I know this is going to blow your tiny little pee goy brain, but the Jews at the top enslave the jews at the bottom, just like everyone else. Nobody persecutes jews more than jews themselves. In fact Christianity is a result of jews infighting and killing eachother because of Jesus, who was Jewish.

Why would I believe a Jew lol

Because he was extremely intelligent, constantly surrounded by Jews, and perhaps the greatest chess player to ever live.

>actually believing a Jew

No, Christianity is a Jewish cult created to destroy Europe, specifically the Roman Empire

It's too late, kike. The cat's out of the bag.

the whole world owes its advancement to Christianity


Go worship another Jew lmao

He denounced his Jewish heritage, didn't consider himself Jewish, and wrote to have his name taken out of the Encyclopedia Judaica.

Call me when we find out he had his Jewish DNA removed rofl


I bet you wouldn't have hesitated in fellating his circumcised cock

Do you not comprehend what he was quoted as saying?

She cute.

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Do you like sucking Jewish peen?

Capitalism and Judaism are one and the same, friend. Take the final pill.

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how to blankpost?

This has nothing to do with the point. Bobby Fischer hating Jews says nothing regarding whether or not Jews have a higher average IQ. Him having an insanely high IQ does, though.

I want to see her destroyed by a black guy if you know what I mean

>This has nothing to do with the point. Bobby Fischer hating Jews says nothing regarding whether or not Jews have a higher average IQ.
It wasn't posted in regard to that point. But what really sets Jews apart is their lack of scruples and high ethnic nepotism. You really think they're this much smarter than East Asians?
>Him having an insanely high IQ does, though.
That's not how it works, brainlet.

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That's not the final pill, retard.

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This is.

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jaime pressley was better

To quote Nassim Taleb
>IQ testing is like making cars compete in a racetrack and using it to make claims about their ability to cross a dense forest (with unpaved roads) such as the Amazon.
You're entirely ignoring the evolutionary group dynamics of the situation. In-group preference (aka identity politics) is a prisoners' dilemma, if nobody has group preference and everyone acts as solitary individuals then we all have equal opportunity, but if just one group acts collectively in its own interests while everyone else acts as individuals, that group will have an evolutionary advantage. And it is a dilemma where Jews had and still do have a leg up in over whites due to the combination of their ethno-religion acting as an in-group/out-group test and the fact that they can generally pass as white gentiles. The former goes without saying, but the latter is something that you can find very easily on social media, where you'll have "progressive" Jews identify as white when they want to deride whites as a group with "self"-deprecation and as Jewish when other nonwhites target them individually as whites. It's a slight of hand trick, I'm white when I need to tut-tut whites for having in-group preference and I'm Jewish when nonwhites otherize me for assumedly being white.

*record scratch*
Yep that's me. I bet you're wondering how I ended up like this.

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So what the movie even gonna be about, like is it some elseworld movie where DiCaprio and pitts character stop Charles manson or get caught up in some crazy occult conspiracy?

Yes, which is why Jews will probably have to share power with the Chinese. They can't infiltrate their societies anywhere near as easily. Although, Christianity is growing rapidly in China. Of course, the Chinese are basically just Asian Jews anyway.


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Whoever wins in America, the Chinese lose. For awhile the profit motive of working with China for private American power-brokers pushed them to force the US government establishment to work with China, but this started to change under Obama with his Asian Pivot and came full swing under Trump when he got the neocons in the White House. Now the American establishment is full swing behind fucking with China and it's not a partisan issue. It was inevitable desu. The Chinese economy is more dependent on the US than vice versa; Chinese labor is replaceable (increasingly so since labor costs are rising there) but the US consumer market is not. Trade talks with China will never resolve anything because they're not meant to resolve anything, the US government will continue to slowly clamp down on China for as long as it has the power to.

Now if you're talking about within the US specifically, I think you're mistaken there as well. I don't think it's unrealistic to say that things will get violent here eventually, and when they do whoever wins, Asian-Americans lose. The chiefs of the Asian-American "tribe" know this too, you can go lookup Yang talking about it as his primary motivation for running. You'll increasingly see Asian/Indian-American candidates running on both sides with this sort of moderate please-both-sides attempt at politics that will obviously never go anywhere because they know their future is only safe if things deescalate, which they won't.

Good points.

>Yang talking about it as his primary motivation for running
link it

>Capitalism and Judaism are one and the same

judaism and communism more like. capitalism was alive and well before jews

So basically they're gamers. What an accolade.

>capitalism was alive and well
fuck off kike, Mercantilism made American number one and the capitalist criticisms of Mercantilism have proven themselves to be objectively false.
America solidified its spot as number 1 because Europe was in ruins after WW2 which is an example of Mercantilism being wrong and capitalist theory being wrong.
The USA exporting industry to China exported wealth and power lowering wages and tax revenue in the US and allowing China to build up their military which can now literally kill me and every other American, recent simulations show China would "obliterate" the US in a war, all because Capitalism says it is alright to export industry
A Mercantilist USA would have never let China grow past being rice farmers. Capitalism gave China the means to compete with and literally destroy the US.
Capitalists sure do love the two main negative aspects of mercantilism - wage suppression and subsidies

i wanna cum on her face lads.

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near perfect, i mean wow shes pretty

the spoilers already leaked from cannes premiere

basically it's inglorious basterds 2.0....sharon tate lives and kicks charles manson ass using the techniques she learned from bruce lee (he helps them too). there's also big reveal that polanski hired manson to murder tate after he learned the child of sharon was not his, but in fact bruce lee...the movie ends with sharon and bruce lee getting married, showing that neither of them die and they live happily ever after. polanski is arrested.

as for pitt and leo they don't do much, they just witness the events and help defeat the manson girls. brad eats and leo yells at stuff. brad dies at the end.

she already got fucked by will smith in Focus.

Wait what, but there was already a B movie released this year with the exact same premise.


there are THREE manson movie this year. the bitch who made american psycho made one. it's not that original.

>margot robbie thread
>no feet pics
we truly live in the worst timeline

American Psycho is a kino film. Seethe more, incel.

American Psycho is a kino film. Keep seething, incel.

what are you even talking about? never said it wasn't. but the bitch who made american psycho made a fucking manson film. a third manson film. same year.

>female. udity
pick one

Keep seething, you incel.


She will keep making more movies. So you can cope by seething more, you incel.

oh god yes

This thread took a turn.

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He wasn't. Threatened to sue the Kikes for saying he was one of them because it was a lie.

extremely bluepilled

>a lot of jewish girls look like that,
yeah they wish

I prefer Pressly

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He doesn't know what ethnic nepotism is

>He doesn't know
wtf is wrong with your life if your still using a old as meme a 14 year old would have used in fucking 2004. your life is fucked. TOP KEK