
>Evangelion... now THAT was an anime...

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It was back then because there were hardly any animes out. Now there are better ones.

Such as?

>there were hardly any animes out
>in the 90s
I mean yeah there were fewer but you have no idea what you're talking about

Ghost in the shell, death note, psycho pass. All much deeper and more entertaining nowadays than neon. Even cowboy bebop and full metal are deeper.

That were for an american audience. You cannot possibly think it comes even close now compared to then. Dragonball z and sailor moon were what everyone watched. Basically what was on cartoon network.


>Psycho Pass
Basic pseud shit just like everything Gen Urobuchi makes.

Ok that makes more sense. Still it was immensely popular in Japan before it landed in America.

Fuck off zoomer retard

Evangelion was not for an American audience. It was a response to literally every anime trope of the 90s and it totally vivisected anime in general.

>There were hardly any animes
They were churning out almost as many as there are now. That mid-2000s boom was only fir a few years. Go look at the chartfag blog.

>Now there are better ones
I haven't watched any anime in the last 6 or 7 years except JoJo and Fate Zero.

Almost completely unrelated but I recommend the first season of One Punch Mann if you really haven't watched any new anime. I know people meme it as peak r*ddit but I personally hate anime and that show was an extremely well done twist on the usual DBZ-esque power creep bullshit.

NGE was an intervention aimed at otakus, which are negligible in the US but a genuine menace to Japan’s population. It’s obvious why most Americans, me included, won’t get everything out of this show that a nip would

>NGE was an intervention
I hate this mentality, mostly because I'm so intrigued by how the show was written. It wasn't created as a deconstruction of the anime/mecha genre, it was originally supposed to stick pretty safely to the books. As the show was being produced, though, Anno got more and more depressed and disillusioned with the Otaku lifestyle and more intrigued with psychoanalysis and decided to completely abandon the plot set up in the first 4 episodes and basically just make a story about himself contemplating suicide and brushing over biblical imagery.

We are talking about posters on here who thing its the deepest best anime ever. Idk why they think this. Its nostalgia I think.
There wasn't a lot of anime available to them back then. You couldn't go online and stream a sub that came out an hour ago. It was a specialty kind of thing.

People have done robots, mecha and psycological animes better now. It was nice back then and cutting edge or whatever but so was the original nintendo. It was good for its time, it has some fun games, but it doesn't compare to things from now.

If he had, it would be just another teen mecha show, though

Should I watch this

Japan may or may not have been churning them out but people didn't have access to anime like they do now.

Not even a very good mecha show.

Answer is always yes.

I read OPM back when Murata started drawing the manga version. It's a good comedy until it starts taking itself seriously and all you have left are King memes. Also, ONE is lazy.

Tons of pretentious deep shit came out in the late 90s. Utena and Lain come to mind.

Yeah i heard about those too and was excited to watch but then I did and it just wasn't as great as people made it out to be.
A lot of animes from nowadays got their inspiration from animes back then and built upon them. I think they improved things and made some better animes.

Utena still holds up well despite most tumblristas unfortunately being aware of it, and so does a lot of Lain's subtext on technology. The point is that deepfaggotry was not pioneered by Eva.

We have rick and morty now, no anime can even fathom being as deep. In one episode they can do what it takes a whole anime season to do.

my hero academia

I almost lost literally all of my shit because I thought you said RANGE Murata was responsible for OPM.

>tfw I tried to watch utena back in the 90s and just couldn’t fathom any respect for the series what so ever

Strong female who don’t need no man never did anything for me

Oh. I just read people asking what are some thought provoking and deep and philosophical anime and everyone is like eva is the best you must watch it, it's so profound. Stuff like that. Its on the top of the list for a lot of sites.
So i watch it and I get a stupid congratulations ending! And a stupid I want to be an individual! I just felt like it's been done before.

It's arthouse shoujoshit.
For 1997, it was excellent.

There are few good anime series today.
Only one I can name is jojo

All anime are the same if you think about it